Teacher: Elyubayeva B.E.

Date: 12.01.2018

Teacher: Elyubayeva B.E.

Form: 4th class

The theme of the lesson: « Taraz and Silk road »

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To enlarge pupils knowledge, to introduce pupils about Adjectives, Degrees of comparison.

Development: To develop pupils speech in speaking.
Upbringing: To bring them up to respect own country, where they study, live and to get education.
The type of the lesson: mixed
The methods of the lesson: ask-answer questions, explanation method, vocabulary, discussion method, association method.
Visual aids: an interesting cards and pictures on the theme, crossword, textbook.

The stages of the lesson Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity Resource Module
I. Organization moment -Good morning, children. -Sit down, please. -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent? -What date is it today? Write down on the blackboard. Stand up. -Good morning teacher! - I am on duty today. -The 15th of December      
II. Checking up the home task and pupils’ knowledge -Ok, and now let’s check your home work. What was your home task? And now check up your knowledge of the previous lesson. Answer the questions on last theme. Answer the questions Cards  
III. Explanation of the new material. Vocabulary     Reading   Today our lesson is “Taraz and Silk road”. We will tell about interesting historical stories.   · Modern-современный · Ancient-древний · Road-дорога · Silk-шелк · Merchants-купцы · Way-путь · Flat land-равнина · War-война   To understand pupils the main ideas of the text. P 32, ex 2 To ask the question on the theme.     To work with vocabulary. Write down new words on the note-book.   Read and translate the text Answer the question       Cards     Textbook    
V. Continue lesson So, let’s complete the sentences. Look at the p 33, ex 3a. P 30, Ex 1. Read and match the texts and the pictures. Draw the monsters Complete the sentences. Textbook  
VI. Consolidation. Let’s talk about today’s theme. To use frontal poll on the theme. Answer the question    
VII. Home task. -ok, and now open your diaries and write down your homework. Your homework is: p 24, Ex 3. Write down homework    
VIII. Commenting marks. How do you think who worked actively at the lesson today?   To bring diaries Estimation  
IX. Ending. I thank everybody. You were very disciplined. The lesson is over. Good bye!      

Date: 15.01.2018

Teacher: Elyubayeva B.E.

Form: 10th class

The theme of the lesson: « Call for the dad »

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To enlarge pupils scope, to introduce pupils with 2nd and 3rd Conditional sentences. Repeat modal verbs.

Development: To develop pupils speech in speaking.
Upbringing: To bring them up to respect each other.
The type of the lesson: mixed
The methods of the lesson: ask-answer questions, explanation method, vocabulary, discussion method, association method.
Visual aids: an interesting cards and pictures on the theme, crossword, textbook.

The stages of the lesson Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity Resource Module
I. Organization moment -Good morning, children. -Sit down, please. -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent? -What date is it today? Write down on the blackboard. Stand up. -Good morning teacher! - I am on duty today. -The 15th of January      
II. Checking up the home task and pupils’ knowledge -Ok, and now let’s check your home work. What was your home task? And now check up your knowledge of the previous lesson. Answer the questions on last theme. Answer the questions Cards  
III. Explanation of the new material.   -So, today our lesson is “Call for the dad”. We will read interesting stories and discuss them. English noun suffixes Суффиксы существительных в английском языке широко используются для образования новых слов. С помощью суффиксов существительные могут образовываться от глаголов, прилагательных и других существительных. Ниже представлены часто употребимые суффиксы существительных в английском языке.   Суффиксы существительных 1. -er, -or, -ant, -ent 2. -ese, -ian, -ist 3. -dom, -hood, -ism, -ship 4. -tion, -ion, -ation, -sion 5. -ing, -ity, -ness, -th 6. -age, -ance, -ence, -ment, -ure   1. Суффиксы -er, -or, -ant, -ent. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают того, кто производит действие. Примеры:
to account [əˈkaʊnt] - считать accountant [əˈkaʊntənt] - бухгалтер
to compete [kəmˈpiːt] - конкурировать competitor [kəmˈpɛtɪtə] - конкурент
to read [riːd] - читать reader [ˈriːdə] - читатель
to activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] - активировать activator [ˈæktɪveɪtə] - активатор


2. Суффиксы -ese, -ian, -ist. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают профессию, национальность и т.п.


Japan [dʒəˈpæn] - Япония Japanese [ˌdʒæp(ə)ˈniːz] - японец
sociologie [sɔsjɔlɔʒi] - социология sociologist [ˌsəʊʃɪˈɒlədʒɪst] - социолог
academic [ˌækəˈdɛmɪk] - академический academician [əˌkædəˈmɪʃ(ə)n] - академик
Russia [ˈrʌʃə] - Россия Russian [ˈrʌʃ(ə)n] - русский


3. Суффиксы -dom, -hood, -ism, -ship. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают общие понятия.


tsar [zɑː] - царь tsardom [ˈzɑːdəm] - царство
child [tʃaɪld] - ребенок childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] - детство
capital [ˈkæpɪtəl] - капитал capitalism [ˈkæpɪtəlɪz(ə)m] - капитализм
member [ˈmɛmbə] - участник membership [ˈmɛmbəʃɪp] - членство


4. Суффиксы -tion, -ion, -ation, -sion. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают общие понятия.


to affirm [əˈfɜːm] - утверждать affirmation [ˌæfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] - утверждение
to arbitrate [ˈɑːbɪtreɪt] - рассудить arbitration [ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃ(ə)n] - арбитраж
to produce [prəˈdjuːs] - производить production [prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n] - производство
to convert [kənˈvɜːt] - превращать conversion [kənˈvɜːʃ(ə)n] - превращение



5. Суффиксы -ing, -ity, -ness, -th. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают общие понятия.


to hike [haɪk] - гулять hiking [ˈhaɪkɪŋ] - туризм
directive [dɪˈrɛktɪv] - направляющий directivity [ˌdɪrɛkˈtɪvɪtɪ] - направленность
kind [kaɪnd] - добрый kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] - доброта
wide [waɪd] - широкий width [wɪdθ] - ширина


6. Суффиксы -age, ance, -ence, -ment, -ure. Существительные с этими суффиксами обозначают общие понятия.


volt [vəʊlt] - вольт voltage [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ] - вольтаж
to acquit [əˈkwɪt] - платить acquittance [əˈkwɪt(ə)ns] - уплата
to insist [ɪnˈsɪst] - настаивать insistence [ɪnˈsɪst(ə)ns] - настойчивость
to adorn [əˈdɔːn] -украшать adornment [əˈdɔːnmənt] - украшение
prefect [ˈpriːfɛkt] - префект prefecture [ˈpriːfɛktʃə] - префектура



V. Continue lesson Look at the text on page 74.Mark the statements. P 75, ex 2d. Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences. Textbook  
VI. Consolidation. Let’s talk about today’s theme. To use frontal poll on the theme. Answer the question    
VII. Home task. -ok, and now open your diaries and write down your homework. Your homework is: p 75, ex 2b. Write down homework    
VIII. Commenting marks. How do you think who worked actively at the lesson today?     To bring diaries Estimation  
IX. Ending. I thank everybody. You were very disciplined. The lesson is over. Good bye!      


Date: 15.01.2018


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