Translate the following passage

Match the words with their definitions

  Agent /ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nt/ a) Arrange or direct the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously.
  Pathogen /ˈpaθədʒ(ə)n/ b) an autoimmune inflammatory disease causing scaly red patches on the skin, especially on the face, and sometimes affecting connective tissue in the internal organs.
  Sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkət/ c) a substance that brings about a chemical or physical effect or causes a chemical reaction.
  Encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntə/ d) Inflammation of the thyroid.
  Lupus erythematosus /ˈluːpəs/ /ˌɛrɪθiːməˈtəʊsəs/ e) The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
  Thyroiditis /ˈθʌɪrɔɪdʌɪtɪs / f) a confrontation or an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something
  Orchestrate /ˈɔːkɪstreɪt/ g) complicated or complex
  Ratio /ˈreɪʃɪəʊ/ h) a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

Sound bank

Put the words in the correct columns according to the sound

Deal with C (We can read letter C like: K, S or SH)

[K] [S] [sh]

mec h anism process specific speCies

vaccination specialist acquire phagocytic efficiently

Reading comprehension

Give the derivatives of the words given in the table

For example: to form –formation

Verb Noun
  to expose  
  to evaluate  
  to orchestrate  

Fill in the gaps with the words from the previous table (choose verb or noun)

1) She declined …………….. for hepatitis B.

2) Generally only ……………… to the same antigen will illicit this memory response.

3) Antibodies coat extracellular pathogens and ……………. them by blocking key sites on the pathogen.

4) Parents can ……………….. their children against contagious diseases at the hospital.

5) The laboratory ………………. of the immune system begins with screening tests and progresses through the indications for more advanced immunologic testing.

6) The plasmacytoid dendritic cells play an important role in the ……………….. of in vivo immune responses.
3.3 Make up word combinations and translate them

  defense A immunity  
  immunological B functional activity
  innate C memory
  humoral D defense system
  life- E an immune response
  host F mechanisms
  orchestrate G threatening
  assess H immune system

Make up sentences and translate them.

1) body / The / mechanisms/ from/several / pathogens/ has/ prevent /defense /to / the/ body /entering.

2) Immunological /the/ adaptive/ remembering /immune/ of /property/ memory/ is /specific/ responses.

3) innate/ The / system/ of/ is /our / first / immune/ organisms /line/ against/ defense /invading.

4) immunity /refers /antibody-mediated/ to / Humoral / responses/ immune.

5) infectious /diseases /Acute /are/by /characterized /the/ that /take/ they/ fact /can/ a course /within/ a /lethal/ few / lifethreatening / hours or a couple of days.

6) host/ mediated/ mechanisms / The/ are/ immune / defense /the/ by /system.

7) the/ response /orchestrate / cell/ tumor/ immune / Macrophages/ to/ death.

8) Functional/ tests / These/ different/a/ assess /activity.

Answer the questions

1) What is the function of the immune system?

2) What “immunity” subsystems can you name?

3) Why do we need an adaptive immunity?

4) What kind of immune system disorders a person can have?

5) What is the difference between passive and active immunization?

6) What does immunogram show?

6) Immunogram allows specialist to assess the functional activity of each type of protective structures, doesn’t it?

Translate the following passage

Иммунная система контролирует работу всех органов тела человека. Иммунная система необходима человеку, чтобы защитить организм от внешних чужеродных вторжений, контролировать физиологические реакции организма и обеспечить нормальное функционирование кровеносной системы.

Чужеродные элементы имеют название «антигены», и по своей природе они могут иметь самое различное происхождение и строение: вирусы, грибы, бактерии, пыльца растений, домашняя пыль, химические вещества, трансплантированные ткани и органы – этот перечень очень велик. Если иммунная система работает с нарушениями, то антигены могут спровоцировать серьезные заболевания человека и будут угрожать его жизни.

Чтобы сформировать адекватный иммунный ответ на вторжение антигенов иммунная (лимфатическая) система включает в действие многие органы и специфические клетки, входящие в ее состав и расположенные по всему телу.



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