по английскому языку для студентов специальности 160100 (самолёто - вертолётостроение) заочного отделения

Контрольная работа № 6





Новосибирск 2015

Контрольная работа № 6

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).

Flight engineers work in multiple types of aircraft: fixed-wing (airplanes), rotary wing (helicopters), Tiltrotor, and space flight.

As airplanes became even larger requiring more engines and complex systems to operate, the workload on the two pilots became excessive during certain critical parts of the flight regime, notably takeoffs and landings. Piston engines on airplanes required a great deal of attention throughout the flight with their multitude of gauges and indicators. Inattention or a missed indication could result in engine or propeller failure, and quite possibly cause loss of the airplane if prompt corrective action was not taken. In order to dedicate a person to monitoring the engines and other critical flight systems, the position of Flight Engineer (FE) was created. The Flight Engineer (FE) did not actually fly the airplane; instead, the Flight Engineer (FE) had his/her own specialized control panel allowing the FE to monitor and control the various aircraft systems. The Flight Engineer is therefore an integrated member of the flight deck crew who works in close coordination with the two pilots during all phases of flight. The Flight Engineer position was usually placed on the main flight deck just aft of the pilot and copilot. Earlier referred to as the flight mechanic on the four engine commercial seaplanes like the Sikorsky S-42, Martin M-130 and the Boeing 314, the Flight Engineer role was referred to as the Engineer (much like a ship's engineer) on the first very large flying boat, the Dornier Do-X where he/she operated a large and complex side facing engineering station similar to later large transport aircraft. The first commercial land airplane to include a flight engineering station was the Boeing 307 but only ten were built before the onset of World War II; during the war the Avro Lancaster bomber and Handley Page Halifax required a Flight Engineer as these large bombers had only one pilot. The first military operation involving Flight Engineers was in February 1941 on a Short Stirling, and was the first four-engined bomber raid of the war by the Royal Air Force (aerial warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces).

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.

1. What types of aircraft flight engineers work in?

c) fixed-wing (airplanes), rotary wing (helicopters) and others.

2. What do large airplanes require?

a) more engines;

3. Define the workload on the two pilots during certain critical parts of the flight regime.

c) excessive.

III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.

4. Flight engineers work in …types of aircraft.

b)… multiple ….

5. Piston engines on airplanes required a great deal of attention throughout the flight with their….

a) … multitude of gauges and indicators;

6. In order to dedicate a person to monitoring the engines and other critical flight systems, the position of… was created.

b) … flight engineer …;

IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию.

7. многочисленность, многообразие

c) multitude

8. датчик,указатель,замер

b) gauge    
9. экипаж a) crew  

10. помощник командира корабля,второй пилот

a) copilot

11. начало

b) onset    

12. военный

c) military

13. грузоподъёмность

a) workload

V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным словам из текста.

a) rear end; b) gauge; c) to deal with; d) combined; e) alike; f) to destine; g) defection; h) dangerous.


14. to operate b) gauge;

15. critical h) dangerous

16. failure g) defection;

17. indicator c) to deal with

18. integrated d) combined

19. aft a) rear end;

20. to dedicate f) to destine;

21. similar e) alike;

VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если не соответствует то F-false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ примером из текста.

22. The Flight Engineer actually flies the airplane. F-false


23. The Flight Engineer had his/her own specialized control panel allowing the FE to design the various aircraft systems. T- true

24. The first military operation involving Flight Engineers was in February 1944 on a Short Stirling. T- true

VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

25. Airplanes ________even larger requiring more engines and complex systems to operate.

b) became


26. Inattention or a missed indication could ______ in engine or propeller failure.

a) result    

27. To dedicate a person to monitoring the engines and other critical flight systems, the position of Flight Engineer__________.

c) was created

28. The Flight Engineer ______ an integrated member of the flight deck crew.

a) is

29. The first commercial land airplane to include a flight engineering station_______ the Boeing 307.

b) was    

30. They _________in close coordination with the two pilots during all phases of flight.

c) isworking

VIII. Переведите текст письменно.

Operations Inspectors

As an air carrier or general aviation operations inspector, you will evaluate airmen, their training programs, equipment and facilities; and investigate incidents/accidents involving both general and air carrier industries which violate Federal Aviation Regulations. Knowledge and skills typically acquired as airmen (pilots, navigators, flight instructors, etc.) are used to develop and administer regulations and safety standards pertaining to the operation of aircraft. Your primary responsibilities will include:

  • Examining airmen for initial certification and continuing competence.
  • Evaluating airmen training programs, equipment and facilities.
  • Evaluating the operational aspect of safety programs for air carriers and similar commercial and general aviation operations with regard to adequacy of facilities, equipment, procedures and overall management.

Various other inspections, investigations and advisory duties.

Инспекторы работ

Как грузовой самолет или инспектор работ гражданской авиации, Вы оцените авиаторов, их программы обучения, оборудование и технические средства; и исследуйте инциденты/несчастные случаи, вовлекающие и общие отрасли промышленности и отрасли промышленности грузового самолета, которые нарушают федеральные Инструкции Авиации. Знание и навыки, как правило приобретаемые как авиаторы (пилоты, навигаторы, преподаватели полета, и т.д.), используются, чтобы развить и управлять инструкциями и правилами техники безопасности, имеющими отношение к работе самолета. Ваша основная ответственность будет включать:

Исследование авиаторов для начального свидетельства и продолжения компетентности.

Оценивая программы обучения авиаторов, оборудование и технические средства.

Оценка эксплуатационного аспекта программ безопасности для грузовых самолетов и подобной гражданской авиации и работ гражданской авиации относительно соответствия средств, оборудования, процедур и полного управления.

Различные другие осмотры, исследования и консультативные обязанности.




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