From the history of the university

Vitebsk Medical Institute was organized in 1934 on the basis of a regional hospital. At that time it had no building of its own and the departments were situated in different parts of the town. There was not a permanent teaching staff and the students were trained only at one medical faculty. The scientists from Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Minsk started teaching students. The first director of Vitebsk Medical Institute was the graduate of Bern medical faculty professor Khazanov M.A.

Before the Great Patriotic War 808 graduates got their diplomas. During the war period the institute didn’t function and professors, assistants and students worked in hospitals helping the front and the population. It was only in 1943 in a Russian city of Yaroslavl that the Belarusian Medical Institute was restored with the joined teaching staff of Minsk and Vitebsk.

In 1946 the Institute resumed its work in Vitebsk. It expanded during the post war period, its clinical and scientific base having considerably improved. The student enrolment plan was increased, there appeared new specialities, faculties and departments. Now more than 530 teachers share their knowledge with the students. The pharmaceutical faculty was founded in 1959. At present it is a center of Belarusian pharmaceutical education.

In 1981 by the decision of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health Services of the USSR Vitebsk Medical Institute was the first in the republic to receive the right of training medical staff for foreign countries. Over this period more than 1370 physicians and pharmacists have been trained at the Overseas Students Training Faculty. They work successfully in 110 countries of the world.

In 1999 in view of the important achievements and of the great potential of the institution, its status was changed into that of a University. During the period of its existence VSMU has trained several thousands of specialists. Among them there are academicians, heads of the clinics and clinical departments, district doctors, pharmacists. The Pharmaceutical faculty’s graduates work in pharmacies, scientific laboratories, they hold executive positions in the enterprises of chemical, pharmaceutical and medical industry.



Exercise 1. Find in the text:

1. the sentence beginning with “ It was only in … “, and try to find the connection between such a word-order and the translation;

2. the sentences with Perfect Tenses predicates, translate them and explain their usage.

Exercise 2. Find in the text the information about:

1. the first years of the Institute;

2. Its further development;

3. the training of foreign students;

4. the spheres of graduates activity.

Exercise 3. Compare the information about the first years of the Institute with the present state of things.


Use: “At first, at that time … and now … “.


1. At first our educational establishment was called Vitebsk Medical Institute …

2. … there was only one medical faculty …

3. … it had no any buildings of its own …

4. … there was not a permanent teaching staff …

5. … there was one hostel for the students …

6. … the clinical and scientific base was rather modest ….

Exercise 4. Insert the words of your active vocabulary and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. In 1934 Vitebsk Medical Institute had no buildings….

2. The first director of the Institute was … professor Khazanov M.

3. In 1943 the Belarusian Medical Institute … with … of Minsk and Vitebsk.

4. Now … is a center of Belarusian pharmaceutical education.

5. VSMU was the first … the right of training foreign students.

6. In 1999 in view of …, the status of the Institute was changed into that of ….

7. Among the graduates of the University there are ….

8. The pharmaceutical specialists hold … in the enterprises of medical industry.

9. In the course of time the University increased the student … plan.

Exercise 5. Put questions to the following statements:

1. Our Institute was organized on the basis of a regional hospital in 1934. (On what basis…? When…?)

2. Before the War 808 graduates got their diplomas. (When …? How many …?)

3. During the War period the Institute didn’t function and professors and students helped the front. (What …? Who …? When …?)

4. The Institute expanded during the post-war period. (What …? When…?)

5. More than 1370 specialists work successfully in 110 countries of the world. (How many …? How …? Where …?)

6. The University has trained several thousands of specialists. (What …? How many …?)

7. The Pharmaceutical faculty’s graduates work in pharmacies and scientific laboratory. (Where …? In what …? Who …?)

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the vocabulary of the text:

1. ВГМУ был основан в 1934 году на базе региональной больницы.

2. Помощь вузу оказывали ученые из Ленинграда, Москвы, Смоленска, Минска. Они приезжали обучать студентов.

3. Во время войны профессора, преподаватели и студенты работали в госпиталях.

4. Только в 1943 году, в Ярославле институт был восстановлен объединенными силами преподавателей Минска и Витебска.

5. В институте был только один – лечебный факультет.

6. С течением времени план приема студентов увеличился.

7. В институте появились новые специальности, факультеты и кафедры.

8. Фармацевтический факультет был создан в 1959 году.

9. За послевоенный период институт очень разросся, при этом значительно улучшилась его научная база.

10. Наш институт первым получил право на подготовку иностранных студентов.

11. За важные достижения и огромный потенциал институту был присвоен статус университета в 1999 году.

12. Среди выпускников университета есть академики, главные врачи, заведующие отделениями, провизоры, участковые врачи, стоматологи.

13. Выпускники фармфакультета работают в аптеках, в химических лабораториях, занимают ведущие позиции на предприятиях фармацевтической и медицинской промышленности.

Exercise 7. Read the interview with the rector of VSMU Deikalo V.P. Roleplay this interview in English. Use the vocabulary of the lesson.

За три четверти века Витебский ордена Дружбы народов государственный медицинский университет подготовил свыше 15 тысяч врачей, около 7 тысяч провизоров и более 200 стоматологов. В рейтинге медвузов СССР он занимал 3 место после 1-го Московского и Ленинградского институтов. Сегодня университет возглавляет доктор медицинских наук, профессор Валерий Дейкало.

- Валерий Петрович, вуз бережно хранит традиции. В его музее портреты всех руководителей - начиная с первого директора, профессора Моисея Анисимовича Хазанова, выпускника медфакультета Бернского университета (Швейцария). Кто принял решение об открытии мединститута в Витебске?

- Постановление Совнаркома БССР от 11 октября 1934 года N208 ликвидировало заочный мединститут с опорными пунктами в Бобруйске, Витебске, Гомеле и Могилеве, который просуществовал 2 года. 1 ноября 1934 года была образована больница – медвуз с очным стационарным обучением. Специальных помещений не было. Часть кафедр рассредоточилась по городу, а для клинических кафедр через год построили здание ОКБ.

Помощь новому вузу оказывали ученые Ленинграда, Москвы, Минска, Смоленска, Ростова-на-Дону. Профессора и доценты приезжали на время, некоторые оставались на постоянную работу. Преподавали и сотрудники местного ветеринарного института. До войны дипломированными специалистами стали 808 человек. С начала войны вуз эвакуировали на восток. Сотрудники института работали в лечебных учреждениях, сражались в рядах Красной Армии. В мае 1943 в Ярославле восстановили Белорусский медицинский институт, объединив преподавательские силы Минска и Витебска. Витебский мединститут восстановили в 1946 году. Его возглавил Анисим Иванович Савченко.

- Помните всех руководителей мединститута?

- Директоров и проректоров до меня было 7. Кроме уже названных, с 1951 по 1961 годы вуз возглавлял Иван Илларионович Богданович. В коллективе тогда работали 2 тысячи человек, в 1959 году открыли единственный в Беларуси фармацевтический факультет, ввели в строй главный корпус института на проспекте Фрунзе.

С 1961 по 1965 годы, когда ректором стала Глафира Антоновна Медведева, резко возрос научный потенциал. С 1965 по 1979 ректором был Евгений Никандрович Медведский. За этот период было открыто подготовительное отделение, начато строительство лабораторно-теоретического корпуса. Михаил Григорьевич Сачек возглавлял институт 17 последующих лет. Появилось 6 новых кафедр, заочное отделение фармфакультета, факультет усовершенствования врачей, начали обучать иностранных студентов. В 1984 году вуз наградили орденом Дружбы народов. Александр Николаевич Косинец пришел к нам ректором в 1997 году. ВГМИ при нем стал профильным университетом. Вуз пережил глубокие преобразования, фактически стал учебным заведением нового типа.

- Чем университет может похвалиться сегодня?

- У нас 7 факультетов, 60 кафедр, обучаем свыше 7 тысяч студентов. Свои знания молодым людям отдают 538 преподавателей, из них 60 докторов и 205 кандидатов наук, в т.ч. 41 профессор и 151 доцент. За четверть века подготовлено 1370 врачей и провизоров для зарубежных стран. Они успешно трудятся в 110 странах мира.

- Валерий Петрович, а что нового в учебном процессе? Есть ли у студентов время на отдых?

- На всех кафедрах введена рейтинговая и трехэтапная система оценки знаний студентов (компьютерное тестирование, практические навыки, устное собеседование). Используются современные образовательные технологии. Студенты готовятся к занятиям, экзаменам с помощью тестов на компьютере. Организован и досуг. В университете действуют 14 кружков по интересам и 15 спортивных секций. Ежегодный международный фестиваль «Студенческая осень» выявляет таланты. Университет верен традициям в деле подготовки высококвалифицированных врачей и провизоров.

Read text 3 and be ready for a comprehension check-up.


Text 3

English Universities


All English universities except Oxford and Cambridge are fairly new. London University is the biggest of the modern universities and has many colleges and schools. Oxford has 32 colleges. A large college has about 5000 students, about a hundred students study at a small college. The college is an educational institution giving special instruction in certain subjects. There are many types of colleges in England. There are colleges within universities. There are also technical colleges of various types, colleges of arts and commerce. Medical colleges are among them. The college may be independent in its own affairs but is a part of the university in some matters. The university gives the highest type of education. It comprises a number of colleges and provides programmes for study and research beyond the college level. The university is an administrative center which arranges lectures for all the students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees. University teaching combines lectures, practical classes and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials*, the last being a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. A university usually has both faculties and departments. The faculties are arts, law, medicine, science. The departments include engineering, economics, commerce, agriculture, music and technology. At the head of each faculty there is a professor. A staff of teachers called lecturers helps him. Professors and lecturers deliver lectures to large numbers of students or study with small groups. All universities admit men and women, but within some universities there are colleges specially for one sex. Most of the universities provide hostels for their students.

All the universities and colleges are independent, self-governing institutions, although they receive substantial aid* from the state through the University Grants Committee. The local education authorities have no responsibility for universities. English universities greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, history, traditions, general organization, internal government, methods of teaching, ways of student life, size etc. On the whole, British universities are comparatively small. The approximate number is 7000-8000 students, most universities having under 3000, some even less than 1500 students.

The most ancient English universities are: Cambridge and Oxford. They are dating back to the 12-13th centuries and have always been universities for gentlemen. Other universities are called modern or provincial. They are located in large centers of industry. There are no tutorial systems there. These universities rely on lectures. All universities charge fees* which are rather high.


* aid = assistance, help;

* tutorials = the system of individual training;

* charge fees = to get money for education.

Exercise 1. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Fairly new, science faculty, at the head of, a staff of teachers, to admit men and women, within some universities, to provide hostels, an independent college, self-governing institution, substantial aid, the local education authorities, internal government, tutorial system, to charge fees.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Are all English universities new?

2. What is London University composed of?

3. Does university have faculties or departments?

4. What are faculties in English universities?

5. What do the departments include?

6. Who is at the head of the University?

7. Who helps professors?

8. To whom do professors and lecturers deliver lectures?

9. What do most universities provide for their students?

10. Are there many types of colleges in England?

11. What kinds of colleges are there in England?

12. Do British Universities differ?

13. What is the number of students at British Universities?

14. How are other universities called?

15. What does university teaching combine?

16. Who has responsibility for universities in Great Britain?

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Все английские университеты, за исключением Оксфордского и Кембриджского, - новые университеты. 2. Лондонский университет состоит из ряда колледжей и других учебных учреждений. 3. Университет обычно имеет факультеты и отделения. 4. В английских университетах имеются гуманитарные и естественные факультеты. 5. Факультеты возглавляются профессорами. 6. Профессора и преподаватели читают лекции студентам. 7. Университеты предоставляют студентам общежития. 8. В Англии много различных колледжей. 9. Колледжи есть внутри университетов. 10. Имеются также технические и медицинские колледжи. 11. В Оксфордском университете 32 колледжа. 12. В большом колледже обучается 5000 студентов, в маленьком – 100. 13. Английские университеты – относительно небольшие, но очень отличаются друг от друга своими традициями, организацией, методами преподавания и т.д. 14. Современные английские университеты расположены в промышленных центрах Англии и преподавание в них ведется на основе лекций.

Exercise 4. Read Text 3 once again and choose sentences characterizing:

1) the difference between British universities; 2) the tendencies which are common to all of them; 3) the number of students at British universities; 4) the colleges; 5) the modern British universities.



Part IV


Reading and discussing

Read the following text and say a few words about the organization of English Universities. Discuss it with your group mates using as much information from the texts as you can.


The oldest and most famous universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford University was established in 1249. The choice of the small rural village of Oxford as a seat of learning was significant. Far removed (неподверженный) from foreign influence, Oxford was within comparatively easy reach of all parts of England. Like London it is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at one of the twenty seven men’s colleges or at one of the five women’s colleges that are the university. They join the university “family” that has more than 9000 members. The present facilities at Oxford include theology, law, English language and literature, history, human letters (гуманитарные дисциплины), social studies, medicine, physical and chemical science, biological science.

The first college at Cambridge, Peterhouse, was founded in 1284 and now there are twenty-four. A number of well-known scientists and writers, among them Newton, Darwin and Byron, were educated in Cambridge.

The organization system of the two universities differs from that of all other universities and colleges.

The teachers are commonly called “dons”. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the university. Apart from lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system, for which these two universities have always been famous. This is a system of individual tuition (обучение) organized by the colleges. Each student goes to his tutor’s room once every week to read and discuss an essay which the student has prepared.

Oxford and Cambridge are rather far from London and other large cities. Therefore, the students have to live in the university hostel or in a private room and the rent is very high. Besides, special fees are taken for books, for laboratory work, teaching aids, etc. Some students get scholarship but the number of these students is comparatively small.

So it is not easy to get a higher education in Great Britain if one does not choose his parents carefully.


Part V


Exercise 1. Read and role play the dialogues. Pay attention to the expression of introduction.


- May I introduce myself? I’m Victor Panov.

- And I’m Ann Petrova. Are you from this university?

- Yes, I study at Stomatological faculty. And you?

- I’m at the Pharmaceutical faculty. Do you find it difficult to study anatomy?

- Not very much, I think. Of course, it takes time to learn definite things, but then everything goes all right.


- Oh, Nick, where are you hurrying? Meet my friend Alec.

- Hello, Alec.

- Hello, Nick.

- Pete, I’d like to be introduced to the girl who is near you.

- With pleasure. This is Ann. And these are Nick and Alec.

- Hello, boys.

- Hello, Ann.

- Going to the lecture, I suppose? Are you from our faculty too?

- Not quite so. Alec and I study at the Preparatory department. We hope to become students of your faculty next year.

- Good luck then.

- Thanks.


- Alice, is the name of William Porter familiar to you?

- I don’t think so.

- I want to introduce him to you. He is very clever, well educated and has good manners. William, this is my sister Alice. Alice, meet William.

- Hi, Alice!

- Hi, William! How are you?

- Never felt better in my life. Thanks. How are you?

- Fine, thank you.


- Kate, this is Vlad.

- We’ve met before, haven’t we?

- Sure. We played a game of tennis the other day.

- And you won the game.

- That’s right.

Exercise 2. Look through the dialogues and say:

a) how many persons take part in the conversation; b) what questions they discuss; c) what expressions of introduction they use; d) write out these expressions and memorize them.

Exercise 3. Make up your own dialogues on the suggested situations. Use the phrases of introduction from the dialogues given above.

1. You meet your school friend with her new University friend. Have a talk with them. 2. You get acquainted with your friend’s brother. 3. You meet a third-year student of your faculty and ask him to introduce you to his friends. Ask them about the University and their faculty.

Exercise 4. Discuss the following talking-points using the key words and expressions.

1. The organization of the University (on the basis of; medical faculty; permanent teaching staff; the scientists from; the first director.)

2. The Institute during the War (didn’t function; the front; to be restored; joined teaching staff; to resume the work.)

3. The present day situation of the University (has expanded; clinical and scientific base; the center of pharmaceutical education; the training of foreign students; the change of status.)

4. The faculties of the University (7 faculties; pharmacists, stomatologists, physicians; the head of the faculty.)

5. The administrative staff (rector; vice-rectors; the head of the department; dean.)

6. Facilities for studies.

7. Every-day problems (hostel accommodations, recreational activities, to master the subjects.)

Exercise 5. Compare the organization of VSMU and English Universities indicating the main differences and similarities in their structural units and organization of educational process. (Use the information of text3).

Exercise 6. Compose a dialogue in which one is a freshman (первокурсник) wishing to know everything about the University and the other a graduate saying all he (she) knows about the University.

Exercise 7. Suppose your group invited a veteran-professor of our University who witnessed (был свидетелем) the organization of it in 1934.

Compose a role play: you are asking him about the history of our University and its present scientific work and hi is answering your questions.

Exercise 8. Arrange a meeting at which the students of your group will speak about your University to a group of English-speaking students. (Distribute the roles).



Exercise 9. Get ready to tell on the topic “Vitebsk Medical University” using ex.4 as an outline.



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