Remember the following words and expressions:
Chloroform [ˈklɒrəfɔːm] хлороформ To operate on [ˈɒpəreɪt ɒn] оперировать To suffer [ˈsʌfə] испытывать (боль) | To overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] преодолевать Pain [peɪn] боль Unpleasant [ʌnˈplɛznt ] неприятный Smell [smɛl] запах | To breathe in [briːð ɪn] вдыхать To become sleepy [bɪˈkʌm ˈsliːpi] становиться сонливым To fall into sleep [fɔːl ˈɪntuː sliːp] засыпать | To hurt [hɜːt] вредить, зд.: приносить боль A surgeon [ˈsɜːʤən] хирург Easy [ˈiːzi] легко Calm [kɑːm] спокойный |
Упр. 1 Переведите на русский.
1. Оперировать пациента 2. Испытывать боль (прям.доп.) | 3. Вдыхать хлороформ 4. Приносить боль пациенту | 5. Преодолевать боль 6. Неприятный запах | 7. Быть спокойным |
Many years ago nobody knew about chloroform. And when the doctor operated on a patient, the patient suffered great pain. A young doctor in Edinburgh could not see how patients suffered during operations and he tried to find some medicine to help the patient to overcome the pain. The doctor's name was James Simpson.
Once he came home from the hospital with two other doctors. When he was looking for some papers on his desk he saw a little bottle. He remembered that one of his friends had sent him a bottle with chloroform. At that time people knew very little about chloroform.
James Simpson opened the bottle. Chloroform had a strong but not an unpleasant smell. He decided to breathe chloroform in and see a result. The two doctors who were in the room decided to do the same. And so they did. As they breathed in the chloroform they became sleepy and soon they fell into a deep sleep.
After the experiment Dr. Simpson began to use chloroform during his operations. It was a very important discovery. Doctors could operate on the people without hurting them and it was easier for the surgeon to operate because the patients were calm and did not move during the operation.
Упр. 2 Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What was the doctor's name who discovered chloroform? 2. Who sent him a bottle with chloroform? 3. Had chloroform strong and unpleasant smell? | 4. What's happened with the doctors who decided to breathe in chloroform? 5. Was chloroform a great discovery? Why? |
Упр 3 а) найдите в тексте прилагательные; б) составьте с ними словосочетания, напр.: a deep thought, an important job/task.
Упр. 4 По описанию определите что это, или кто это.
1. A young doctor in Edinburgh who tried to find some medicine to help the patient to overcome the pain. 2. Earlier people knew very little about it. 3. It has a strong but not an unpleasant smell. | 4. It was a very important discovery. 5. They could operate on the people without hurting them. 6. They were calm and did not move during the operation. |
Упр. 5Подберите заголовок к каждому абзацу.
A) Chloroform Production in Homes and Industry
B) Chloroform in Queen Victoria’s Life
C) Properties of the Chemical
D) An Environmental and Health Problem
1. Chloroform is an interesting chemical. It's famous for its ability to act as an anesthetic and is useful in industry and science laboratories. It's a toxic substance, however, and can cause serious health problems when it's sufficiently concentrated. These problems include organ damage and heartbeat irregularities.
2. Chloroform is also called trichloromethane and has the formula CHCl3. At room temperature, it's a clear, colorless, and dense liquid that has a pleasant odor and is nonflammable.
3. Chloroform gained prominence when it was administered to Queen Victoria in 1853 during the birth of Prince Leopold, her eighth child. She also inhaled the chemical in 1857 during the birth of Princess Beatrice, her ninth and final child. The administrator of the drug was Dr. John Snow. He used enough chloroform to relax his patients during childbirth but not enough to render them unconscious.
4. Scientists have found that chlorinated water in homes produces vapor containing chloroform, especially if the water is hot. The hotter the water, the higher the concentration of the chemical in the air. Hot shower or bathwater, hot cooking water, and hot laundry or dish washing water can all increase the concentration of chloroform in a home. Chlorine used to clean toilets or to bleach clothes can have the same effect.
Certain industries release chloroform into the atmosphere. Chloroform is used in some countries to produce a refrigerant known as R-22.
Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке
Сравнительная степень английских прилагательных используется для сравнения двух объектов по какому-либо признаку, а превосходная степень — для сравнения трех и более объектов. А основная форма прилагательных, как она дается в словаре, называется положительной степенью.
Степени сравнения образуются с помощью суффиксов -er и -est, или дополнительных слов more (less) и the most (the least).