по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
по специальности 19.02.10 Технология продукции общественного питания
базовый уровень
Фонд оценочных средствпо дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык»разработан на основе государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образованияпо специальности 19.02.10 «Технология продукции общественного питания», утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки ДНРот 17.09.2015г. № 527
ГПОУ «Горловский техникум пищевых технологий и торговли»
Сердюченко В.С., преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории
1. Минака А.С., председатель цикловой комиссии общеобразовательных дисциплин, специалист высшей категории, преподаватель-методист.
2. Жихарева Н.А., декан филологического факультета ООВПО «ГИИЯ», доцент кафедры второго иностранного языка, кандидат филологических наук, доцент по специальности «Германские языки».
2.1.1. Контрольная точка 1
2.1.2. Контрольная точка 2
2.1.3. Контрольная точка 3
2.1.4. Контрольная точка 4
2.1.5. Контрольная точка 5
2.1.6. Контрольная точка 6
2.1.7. Контрольная точка 7
2.2.1 Область применения контрольно-измерительных материалов
2.2.2 Контроль и оценка результатов освоения дисциплины
2.2.3. Формы промежуточной аттестации
2.2.4 Описание процедуры дифференцированного зачета и критерии оценки.
2.2.5. Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов для дифференцированного зачета
Контрольная точка 1
Вариант 1
1. Переведите на русский язык:
1. Iam a student of the Technical School of food technology and commerce.
2. The Olympic Games and other multinational sports events cannot do without English.
3. We have to pay attention to latest articles on food technology and economics. It means that we must study not only textbooks, but read many special articles in Russian and foreign languages.
2. Переведите на английскийязык:
Семья, родители, сестра, дочь, бабушка, международное общение, родной язык, студент.
3. Образуйтемножественное число именсуществительных:
A woman, abox, a boy, a factory, a wolf, a chief, a room, a class, a road, a play.
4. Перефразируйте, употребивпритяжательныйпадеж:
The ball of the dog, the dinner of the children, the knives of the cooks, the rights of the child.
5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения имен прилагательных: Big, delicious, easy, good, smart.
1. Переведите на русскийязык:
1. My family consists of my mother, my father, my sister and me.
2. I like to cook and to eat delicious food, to decorate dishes and to lay the table that is why I chose Technology of catering products as a future profession.
3. English is the national language in such countries as Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
2. Переведите на английскийязык:
Родственники, дядя, сын, двоюродная сестра, язык, средство, техникум пищевых технологий и торговли.
3. Образуйтемножественное число именсуществительных:
Alady, a cat, an inch, a cherry, a loaf, a roof, a mouse, a foot, a bench, a day.
4. Перефразируйте, употребив притяжательный падеж:
The question of my friend, the breakfast of those men, the copybooks of the students, a friend of my cousins.
5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень имен прилагательных:
Happy, modern, bad, hot, interesting.
Контрольная точка 2
Вариант 1
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. kingdom a) туман
2. nature b) площадь
3. mountain c) гражданин
4. fog d)законодательный
5. population e) предприятие
6. area f) шахта
7. government g) промышленность
8. legislative h) деятельность
9. developmenti) королевство
10. district j) правительство
11. mine k) исполнительный
12. equipment l) оборудование
13. industry m) гора
14. enterprise n) пшеница
15. agriculture o) население
16. activity p) отрасль
17. wheat q)район
18. executive r) природа
19. branch s) сельскоехозяйство
20. citizen t) развитие
II. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. Canada is lying south-east of Asia, between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
2. Great Britain is situated on the British Isles.
3. The USA consists of three separate parts.
4. New Zealand is situated in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
5. The climate of Australia is generally warm and dry.
6. Most of northern Canada has subtopic or tropic climate.
7. The Constitution of the USA was adopted on September 17, 1787.
8. The Australian federation was formed on January 1, 1901.
9. Canada has a free-enterprise economy.
10. The Australian federation was formed from six former French colonies.
11. The USA is the world's largest wool producer.
12. Great Britain is divided into 55 administrative counties.
13. The capital of Australian is Wellington.
14. The Parliament of the United Kingdom composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
15. The highest mountain in the USA is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
16. Canada is a world leader in the production of forestry products and minerals.
17. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
18. English and French are the official languages of Great Britain.
19. Canada is among the world's leading wheat producers and is second in the export of wheat.
20. The United States of America is a parliamentary republic.
III. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. … is divided into 55 administrative counties.
a) Great Britain
b) The United States of America
c) Canada
2. Great Britain is known for its …climate.
a) warm and dry
b) maritime
c) subarctic
3. Great Britain is a ….
a) parliamentary republic
b) parliamentary monarchy
c) absolute monarchy
4. Parliament in Great Britain is the supreme … body.
a) legislative
b) executive
c) judicial
5. … is the main source for the development of British industry.
a) nickel
b) wool
c) coal
6. The new industries are…
a) automobile, aviation and electronics
b) metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding
c) sheep-, cattle-, and dairy farming
7. … are the biggest English ports.
a) Middleborough, Newcastle, Cardiff
b) Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles
c) London, Liverpool and Glasgow
8. The Romans founded a settlement on the river Thames
a) 1000 years ago.
b) 2000 years ago.
c) 3000 years ago.
9. The very center of London is …
a) Trafalgar Square
b) Parliament Square
c) Westminster Abbey
10. the Poet’s Corner is situated in …
a) Trafalgar Square
b) Parliament Square
c) Westminster Abbey
11. All the principal streets of London lead to …
a) Westminster
b) City
c) Whitehall
12. The USA consists of …
a) three separate parts
b) four separate parts
c) 10 provinces and 2 northern territories
13. The US President and his Administration is a … branch of government
a) legislative
b) executive
c) judicial
14. The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses…
a) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
b) the House of Commons and the Senate
c) the Senate and the House of Representatives
15. There are two main political parties in the USA: …
a) the Conservative and the Labour party
b) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
c) the Democratic and the Republican
16. The US President is elected …
a) for a four-year term.
b) for a five-year term
c) for life
17. Canada is a federation of
a) 10 provinces and 2 northern territories
b) 55 administrative counties
c) 50 states
18. Australia is lying south-east of Asia, between …
a) the Pacific and Indian oceans
b) the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
c) the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian ocean
19. The federal Parliament of Canada is made up of …
a) a the House of Commons and the House of Lords
b) the House of Commons and the Senate
c) the Senate and the House of Representatives
20. The capital of New Zealand is …
a) Wellington
b) Canberra
c) Washington
Вариант 2
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. raw a) шахта
2. wheat b) площадь
3. mountain c) сырой
4. wind d)законодательный
5. executive e) предприятие
6. area f) ветер
7. representative g) обеспечивать
8. population h) столица
9. development i) королевство
10. capital j) представитель
11. mine k) исполнительный
12. equipment l) оборудование
13. provide m) гора
14. enterprise n) пшеница
15. legislative o) население
16. district p) отрасль
17. agriculture q)район
18. nature r) природа
19. branchs)сельскоехозяйство
20. kingdom t) развитие
II. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. Great Britain is situated on the British Isles.
2. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
3. The Constitution of the UK was adopted on September 17, 1787.
4. The climate of Australia is generally warm and dry.
5. Canada has a free-enterprise economy.
6. The Australian federation was formed from six former British colonies.
7. The USA is the world's largest wool producer.
8. Canada is lying south-east of Asia, between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
9. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
10. New Zealand is situated in the southwest Atlantic Ocean.
11. The Parliament of the USA composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
12. Great Britain is a world leader in the production of forestry products and minerals.
13. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
14. English and French are the official languages of Great Britain.
15. The Australian federation was formed on January 1, 2001.
16. Canada is among the world's leading wheat producers and is second in the export of wheat.
17. The United States of America is a parliamentary republic.
18. New Zealand is divided into 55 administrative counties.
19. Most of northern Canada has subarctic or arctic climate.
20. The USA consists of four separate parts.
III. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. … is divided into 55 administrative counties.
a) Canada
b) Great Britain
c) The United States of America
2. Great Britain is known for its …climate.
a) warm and dry
b) subarctic
c) maritime
3. Great Britain is a ….
a) parliamentary monarchy
b) absolute monarchy
c) parliamentary republic
4. Parliament in Great Britain is the supreme … body.
a) judicial
b) legislative
c) executive
5. … is the main source for the development of British industry.
a) coal
b) nickel
c) wool
6. The new industries are…
a) metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding
b) automobile, aviation and electronics
c) sheep-, cattle-, and dairy farming
7. … are the biggest English ports.
a) Middleborough, Newcastle, Cardiff
b) Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles
c) London, Liverpool and Glasgow
8. The Romans founded a settlement on the river Thames
a) 1000 years ago.
b) 2000 years ago.
c) 3000 years ago.
9. The very center of London is …
a) Westminster Abbey
b) Trafalgar Square
c) Parliament Square
10. the Poet’s Corner is situated in …
a) Trafalgar Square
b) Parliament Square
c) Westminster Abbey
11. All the principal streets of London lead to …
a) City
b) Westminster
c) Whitehall
12. The USA consists of …
a) 10 provinces and 2 northern territories
b) three separate parts
c) four separate parts
13. The US President and his Administration is a … branch of government
a) legislative
b) executive
c) judicial
14. The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses…
a) the Senate and the House of Representatives
b) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
c) the House of Commons and the Senate
15. There are two main political parties in the USA: …
a) the Conservative and the Labour party
b) the Democratic and the Republican
c) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
16. The US President is elected …
a) for a four-year term.
b) for a five-year term
c) for life
17. The USA consists of
a) 10 provinces and 2 northern territories
b) 55 administrative counties
c) 50 states
18. Australia is lying south-east of Asia, between …
a) the Pacific and Indian oceans
b) the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
c) the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian ocean
19. The federal Parliament of Canada is made up of …
a) a the House of Commons and the House of Lords
b) the House of Commons and the Senate
c) the Senate and the House of Representatives
20. The capital of Australia is …
a) Wellington
b) Canberra
c) Washington
Контрольная точка 3
Вариант 1.
1. Match the Ukrainian words with their English equivalents:
1. digestion а) хлебные злаки
2. taste b) потребность
3. nutrient c) питательное вещество
4. diet d) питание
5. demand e) крахмал
6. malnutrition f) недоедание
7. obesity g) мед
8. food h) источник
9. cereal i) свойство
10. majority j) тепло
11. sugar k) сахар
12. value l) ценность
13. heat m) сельдь
14. cell n) ожирение
15. unit o) соединение
16. source p) вкус
17. starch q) большинство
18. honey r) пищеварение
19. herring s) клетка
20. property t) пища
1. simple a) подобный
2. common b) прогорклый
3. pure c) сладкий
4.indigestible d)неудобоваримый
5. saturated e) простой
6. sweet f) здоровый
7. like g) чистый
8. palatable h) вкусный
9. rancid i) насыщенный
10. sound j) общий
11. produce k) терять
12. absorb l) поглощать
13. lose m) выпекать
14. regulate n) твердеть
15. contain o) улучшать
16. affect p) влиять
17. harden q) готовить
18. prepare r) производить
19. improve s) регулировать
20. bake t) содержатьвсебе
2. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. It is not important to know the principles of the science of nutrition.
2. The diet consists of the food which we eat every day.
3. Physical activity increases the demand for energy and foods.
4. The body can adapt to little dietary intakes.
5. Anemia results from too little intake of fats.
6. Adults can live for many weeks without water.
7. Great losses of water can be dangerous.
8. The mixture of indigestible materials is absorbed into the body very well.
9. The recommended intakes of protein are 50 per cent of the energy requirement.
10. Great intakes of minerals and vitamins can be dangerous.
11. Carbohydrates all are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
12. During digestion most carbohydrates in food convert to water.
13. Lactose occurs only in milk.
14. All sugars do not dissolve in water.
15. Starches are insoluble in water.
16. Oils are liquid at room temperature.
17. Oils and fats dissolve in water.
18. Vegetable fats contain cholesterol.
19. In poor countries diets are often low in energy.
20. Obesity may be defined as an extra weight.
3. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. The components of food are called …
a) mixtures
b) nutrients
c) sugars
2. …provide amino acids for growth and repair.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
3. From …we get most of the energy that we need.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
4. The …regulate the balance of water in the body.
a) stomach
b) intestine
c) kidneys
5. An adult person must drink at least one litre of … every day.
a) Juice
b) water
c) milk
6. Some foods, particularly … contain large amounts of "dietary fibre".
a) fruit and vegetables
b) meat and fish
c) cakes and sweets
7. The recommended intakes of protein are … of the energy requirement.
a) 10 per cent
b) 30 per cent
c) 50 per cent
8. During digestion most carbohydrates in food convert to….
a) lactose
b) glucose
c) cellulose
9. … occurs only in milk.
a) lactose
b) glucose
c) cellulose
10. The main sources of … in the diet are sugar, sweets and chocolates, milk, fruit, biscuits and cakes.
a) fats
b) amino acids
c) sugars
11. All …dissolve in water.
a) Sugars
b) Oils
c) Proteins
12. And foods such as …are indigestible when eaten raw.
a) fruit and vegetables
b) cakes and sweets
c) flour and potatoes
13. Animal fats contain vitamins …
a) B and C
b) A and D
c) E and P
14. Vegetable fats contain…
a) starch
b) carotene
c) cholesterol
15. High concentrations of …in the blood are associated with a greater risk of heart disease.
a) starch
b) carotene
c) cholesterol
16. Vitamin ….is present in different fish liver oils.
a) A
b) C
c) D
17. Proteins consist of chains of hundreds or even thousands of …units
a) amino acid
b) fatty acid
c) starchy acids
18. Physical activity increases the demand for...
a) Salt and water
b) energy and foods
c) bread and butter
19. Too little or too much of nutrients over some months lead to….
a) ill health
b) good health
c) better future
20. As for intakes of many minerals and vitamins, their great intakes can be….
a) funny
b) useful
c) dangerous
Вариант 2.
1. Match the Ukrainian words with their English equivalents
1. fibre a) выпечка
2. nutrition b) кислотa
3. juice c) сок
4. butter d) сливочное масло
5. loss e) раствор
6. sunflower f) отходы
7. manufacture g) соединение
8. deposit h) запас
9. starvation i) голодание
10. vitamin g) клетчатка
11. growth k) питание
12. salmon l) белок
13. bond m) смесь
14. acid n) вес
15. baking o) потеря
16. protein p) витамин
17. waste q) производство
18. mixture r) рост
19. solvent s) подсолнечник
20. weight t) лосось
1. different a) зерновой
2. dangerous b) невозможный
3. important c) простой
4. cereal d) прогорклый
5. impossible e) общий
6. digestible f) опасный
7. simple g) разное
8. common h) важный
9. pure i) чистый
10. rancid j) удобоваримый
11. estimate k) зависеть
12. provide l) происходить
13. grow m) соединять
14. depend n) превращать
15. supply o) оценивать
16. digest p) переваривать
17. link q) состоять
18. occur r) расти
19. convert s) обеспечивать
20. consist t) поставлять
2. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. The foods that people eat in other countries are very different from our own.
2. Carbohydrates provide amino acids for growth and repair.
3. Water supplies energy to the body.
4. Too little or too much of nutrients over some months lead to malnutrition.
5. The result of too low intake of food is obesity.
6. Without water life is impossible.
7. The kidneys regulate the balance of water in the body.
8. Some foods, particularly fruit and vegetables, contain large amounts of fat.
9. The amounts of the nutrients that each person needs are the same.
10. From carbohydrates we get most of the energy that we need.
11. All sugars are differently sweet in taste.
12. Fish and meat are a major source of man’s food energy all over the world.
13. Galactose forms part of lactose.
14. The main sources of proteins in the diet are sugar, sweets and chocolates, biscuits and cakes.
15. Fats are sources of energy and sweetness.
16. And foods such as milk and cheese are indigestible when eaten raw.
17. Fats are solid at low temperatures and become liquid when they are heated.
18. Vegetable fats contain carotene.
19. Animal fats contain vitamins B and C.
20. Fish liver is a rich source of vitamins A and D.
3. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. The components of food are called …
a) mixtures
b) nutrients
c) sugars
2. …provide amino acids for growth and repair.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
3. From …we get most of the energy that we need.
a) Proteins
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
4. The …regulate the balance of water in the body.
a) stomach
b) intestine
c) kidneys
5. An adult person must drink at least one litre of … every day.
a) Juice
b) water
c) milk
6. Some foods, particularly … contain large amounts of "dietary fibre".
a) fruit and vegetables
b) meat and fish
c) cakes and sweets
7. The recommended intakes of protein are … of the energy requirement.
a) 10 per cent
b) 30 per cent
c) 50 per cent
8. During digestion most carbohydrates in food convert to….
a) lactose
b) glucose
c) cellulose
9. … occurs only in milk.
a) lactose
b) glucose
c) cellulose
10. The main sources of … in the diet are sugar, sweets and chocolates, milk, fruit, biscuits and cakes.
a) fats
b) amino acids
c) sugars
11. All …dissolve in water.
a) Sugars
b) Oils
c) Proteins
12. And foods such as …are indigestible when eaten raw.
a) fruit and vegetables
b) cakes and sweets
c) flour and potatoes
13. Animal fats contain vitamins …
a) B and C
b) A and D
c) E and P
14. Vegetable fats contain…
a) starch
b) carotene
c) cholesterol
15. High concentrations of …in the blood are associated with a greater risk of heart disease.
a) starch
b) carotene
c) cholesterol
16. Vitamin ….is present in different fish liver oils.
a) A
b) C
c) D
17. Proteins consist of chains of hundreds or even thousands of …units
a) amino acid
b) fatty acid
c) starchy acids
18. Physical activity increases the demand for...
a) Salt and water
b) energy and foods
c) bread and butter
19. Too little or too much of nutrients over some months lead to….
a) ill health
b) good health
c) better future
20. As for intakes of many minerals and vitamins, their great intakes can be….
a) funny
b) useful
c) dangerous
Контрольная точка 4
Вариант 1.
1. Match the Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. digestion а) жидкость
2. bile b)магний
3. stomach c) кровь
4. fluid d) ядовитый
5. yolk e) отсутствующий
6. copper f) потроха
7. leaf g) медь
8. release h) желчь
9. blood i) чистый
10. cabbage j) мышца
11. offal k) разложение
12. magnesium l) выделение
13. poisonous m) желудок
14. spinach n) капуста
15. absent o) дрожжи
16. pure p) лист
17. muscle q) голодный
18. yeast r) пищеварение
19. hungry s) шпинат
20. breakdown t) желток (яйца)
1. chew a) поставлять
2. moisten b) лить
3. pass c) зависеть
4. estimate d) верить
5. replace e) соединять
6. heal f) проходить
7. grow g) состоять
8. pour h) обеспечивать
9. occur i) влиять
10. believe j) жевать
11. provide k) превращать
12. link l) подготавливать
13. consist m) заживать
14. depend n) расти
15. change o) оценивать
16. affect p) иметь место
17. convert q) распределять
18. prepare r) замещать
19. distribute s) менять
20. supply t) увлажнять
2. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. Saliva helps the food to be swallowed.
2. The process of digestion begins in the stomach.
3. In the stomach the food is mixed with bile.
4. For food to be eaten, we must be hungry.
5. Bile is produced in the mouth.
6. Minerals are organic elements.
7. Minerals help to control the composition of body fluids and cells.
8. Cobalt, copper, iodine and zinc are needed in small quantities.
9. Trace elements are necessary to a man in large quantities.
10. Copper is associated with a number of enzymes.
11. Chromium is involved in the utilization of glucose and widely distributed in foods.
12. Calcium is an essential constituent of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
13. Calcium, phosphorus and iron are known as major minerals.
14. The exact amounts of iron are increased by the tannins in tea.
15. Iodine gives strength to the bones and teeth.
16. Sodium chloride provides the strength of the bones and teeth.
17. Too little calcium in the body causes different diseases of bones and teeth.
18. Phosphates play an important role in the liberation and utilization of energy from food.
19. Potassium is an essential constituent of chlorophyll.
20. Sodium chloride is involved in maintaining the water balance of the body.
3. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. Man cannot form his own …, and must therefore obtain it from food.
a) vitamin B
b) vitamin C
c) vitamin D
2. …is the richest source of vitamin B12
a) Kidney
b) Liver
c) Heart
3. Sunlight is the most important source of …for most people.
a) vitamin B
b) vitamin C
c) vitamin D
4. Too high an intake of vitamin D causes more …to be absorbed than it is needed.
a) calcium
b) copper
c) iron
5. …are classified on the basis of their solubility.
a) Minerals
b) Trace elements
c) Vitamins
6. The richest sources of vitamin E are….
a) vegetable oils
b) animal fats
c) dripping
7. … is necessary for vision.
a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B
c) vitamin C
8. The chemical name of vitamin A is.
a) riboflavin
b) retinol
c) thiamin
9. Vitamin D is very necessary for maintaining the level of … in the blood.
a) calcium and phosphorus
b) fluorine and iodine
c) manganese and zinc
10. Excessive intakes of fat-soluble vitamins, accumulating in the…, can be poisonous.
a) kidney
b) liver
c) heart
11. Deficiency of … results in bleeding.
a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B
c) vitamin C
12. A lack of some vitamins of the … complex may result in skin diseases.
a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B
c) vitamin C
13. …is essential for muscle and nerve activity.
a) chromium
b) potassium
c) sodium
14. Fat-soluble vitamins are associated with….
a) fatty foods
b) salty foods
c) starchy foods
15. All body fluids contain ….
a) fat
b) salt
c) starch
16. Inorganic … are major constituents of all cells.
a) chlorides
b) nitrates
c) phosphates
17. …is the second wide-spread mineral in the body.
a) Calcium
b) Phosphorus
c) Iron
18. … is essential for the contraction of muscles including the heart muscle.
a) Calcium
b) Phosphorus
c) Sodium
19. Healthy people contain about 3 to 4 g of …, more than half of which is in the form of hemoglobin.
a) Calcium
b) Phosphorus
c) Iron
20. The most important source of …is sea-food.
a) iodine
b) cobalt
c) fluorine
Вариант 2
1. Match the Ukrainian words with their English equivalents
1. enzyme a) кишечник
2. hunger b) сырой
3. sodium c) слюна
4. liver d) рана
5. moist e) растворимый
6. yeast f) дополнение
7. potassium g) жевание
8. raw h) сокращение
9. saliva i) раствор
10. composition j) нерв
11. soluble k) дрожжи
12. wound l) печень
13. poison m) калий
14. intestine n) осадок
15. adjunct o) яд
16. nerve p) голод
17. faeces q) состав
18. contraction r) фермент
19. solvent s) натрий
20. chewing t) влажный
1. produce a) сопротивляться
2. smell b) производить
3. absorb c) вести
4. lose d) освобождать
5. affect e) выпекать
6. regulate f) твердеть
7. contain g) получать
8. swallow h) содержатьвсебе
9. split i) влиять
10. harden j) менять
11. obtain k) превращать
12. release l)улучшать
13. prepare m) пахнуть
14. improve n) считать
15. change o)расщеплять
16. consider p) готовить
17. convert q) терять
18. resist r) регулировать
19. bake s) глотать
20. lead t) поглощать
2. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. The food is mixed and moistened with saliva.
2. When food particles swallowed, they pass down the gullet into the intestine.
3. Normally, about six litres of gastric juice are produced every day.
4. The gullet is the longest part of the digestive tract.
5. The process of absorption begins in the stomach.
6. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are constituents of the bones and teeth.
7. Sodium can be used by man only in the form of vitamin В12.
8. The main sources of copper are meat, bread and other cereal products, and vegetables.
9. Fluorine increases the resistance of bones and teeth to decay.
10. The most important source of iodine is sugar and starch.
11. Hemoglobin is the red pigment of blood.
12. Chromium is the most widely distributed mineral in the body.
13. Fluorine is essential for the contraction of muscles including the heart muscle, for nerve function.
14. Phosphorus is the second wide-spread mineral in the body.
15. Inorganic phosphates are major constituents of all cells.
16. Sugar is one of the most common minerals used in everyday life
17. All body fluids contain starch.
18. Sodium is essential for muscle and nerve activity.
19. Vitamin С and B-vitamins occur in the same foods.
20. The vitamin В complex and vitamin С relate to fat-soluble vitamins.
3. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. … is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.
a) Vitamin B2
b) Vitamin B6
c) Vitamin B12
2. …does not occur only in animal products and in microorganismsincluding yeast.
a) Vitamin B2
b) Vitamin B6
c) Vitamin B12
3. … are considered to be water-soluble.
a) Vitamins A and D
b) Vitamins В and С
c) Vitamins E and K
4. People who absorb too little … from the diet may suffer from bone softening.
a) calcium and vitamin D
b) iron and vitamin C
c) sodium and vitamin B
5. …is essential for the normal clotting of blood.
a) vitamin A
b) vitamin E
c) vitaminК
6. …can be found only in animal foods.
a) vitamin A
b) Vitamin E
c) Vitamin К
7. Man is unable to form his own…, and must therefore get it from food.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D
8. Excessive intakes of fat-soluble vitamins, accumulating in the liver, can be….
a) helpful
b) poisonous
c) useful
9. … is necessary for the maintenance of healthy connective tissue.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D
10. Deficiency of … leads to eye lesions and even to complete blindness.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D
11. … are comparatively low in all not-processed foods.
a) sodium and chlorine
b) calcium and fluorine
c) magnesium and iodine
12. Magnesium is wide-spread in foods of …origin.
a) vegetable
b) animal
c) inorganic
13. Too little … in the body causes different diseases of bones and teeth.
a) sodium
b) calcium
c) magnesium
14. The exact amounts of iron is increased by ….
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D
15. … is an essential constituent of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
a) chlorine
b) fluorine
c) iodine
16. The process of digestion begins in the ….
a) mouth
b) stomach
c) small intestine
17. … helps the food to be swallowed.
a) bile
b) gastric juice
c) saliva
18. In the … the food is mixed with gastric juice.
a) mouth
b) stomach
c) small intestine
19. For food to be eaten, we must be ….
a) angry
b) hungry
c) thirsty
20. … is produced in the liver
a) bile
b) gastric juice
c) saliva
Контрольная точка 5
Вариант 1.
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. fresh
2. raw
3. rotten
4. delicious
5. canning
6. spoilage
7. storage
8. drying
9. can
10. harmful
11. poison
12. germ
13. contaminate
14. carve
15. diet
16. dish
17. barley
18. onion
19. slim
20. serve
a) свежий
b) сушка
c) обслуживать
d) вкусный
e) яд
f) нарезать
g) блюдо
h) лук
i) сырой
j) вредный
k) консервная банка
l) худеть
m) заражать
n) порча
o) ячмень
p) консервирование
q) питание
r) микроб
s) хранение
t) гнилой
II. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. We may boil food in different liquids and mixtures.
2. Roasting is cooking meat which is placed in an oven and cooked by dry heat.
3. Steaming is a method of cooking by heat, the source of which may be gas, electricity, or charcoal.
4. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamin A, folic acid, iron, riboflavin and B-vitamins.
5. Cabbage is a good source of high quality protein.
6. Besides dairy-produce stock-breeding provides us with meat,
7. Eggs are a basic product for preparation of butter, cheese, cakes and sweets.
8. Most yogurts are based either on whole milk or skimmed milk.
9. Milk and other milk products will go sour in a few minutes.
10. Drying, salting and smoking are very old methods of preserving food.
III. Put all possible questions to the statements:
1. In 1834 Peter Durand invented the process of canning.
2. Each main meal should contain a lot of fruit and vegetables.
Вариант 2
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. to go off
2. stale
3. tin
4. spoil
5. freezing
6. dry
7. harm
8. poisoning
9. breed
10. bone
11. perishable
12. variety
13. garlic
14. consume
15. liver
16. ripe
17. sweet
18. obesity
19. starch
20. nourishing
a) портиться
b) разнообразие
c) крахмал
d) кость
e) консервная банка
f) спелий
g) замораживание
h) отравление
i) питательный
j) сладкий
k) портить
l) черствый
m) печень
n) ожирение
o) чеснок
p) сушить
q) размножаться
r) потреблять
s) вред
t) скоропортящейся
II. Which of the statements are true and which are false?
1. Deep-frying is immersion of food in hot water.
2. Baking is dry cooking inside an oven.
3. Milk is a basic product for preparation of butter, cheese, cakes and sweets.
4. Grilling is cooking food slowly in liquid
5. Meat is a good source of high quality protein/
6. Most juices are based either on whole milk or skimmed milk.
7. Liver and kidneys are also rich in vitamin A, folic acid, iron, riboflavin and B-vitamins.
8. Besides dairy-produce stock-breeding provides us with cereals.
9. Milk and other milk products will go sour in a few hours.
10. Freezing and ionizing radiation are very old methods of preserving food.
III. Put all possible questions to the statements:
1. In1881 John Gorric invented the refrigerator.
2. Each meal should contain foods rich in protein.
Контрольная точка 6
Вариант 1
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. waiter a) напиток
2. dish b) салфетка
3. cuisine c) расширение, рост
4. profit d) метрдотель
5. todust e) чаевые
6. table-cloth f) кухня
7. napkin g) качество
8. cover h) блюдо
9. spoon i) официант
10. headwaiter j) вытирать пыль
11. customer k) наличные
12. cash l) посетитель
13. reason m) скатерть
14. quality n) вежливый
15. blade o) лезвие
16. ashtray p) столовый прибор
17. beverage q) причина
18. expansion r) пепельница
19. tips s) ложка
20. courteous t) прибыль
1. todetermine a) вытирать
2. tocut b) обслуживать
3. tocater c) делить
4. todivide d) оставлять
5. topolish e) определять
6. towipe f) кормить
7. to decide g) готовить(ся)
8. toleave h) резать, рубить
9. toprepare i) полировать
10. toserve j)решать
11. luxurious k) запасной
12. courteous l) занятый
13. busy m) блестящий
14. famous n) роскошный
15. spare o) вежливый
16. neat p) легкий
17. sparkling q) чистый
18. kind r) известный
19. clean s) опрятный
20. light t) добрый
II. Fit the meaning and the word:
1. knife A a flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve food from
2. fork B a small round plate that curves up at the edges, that you put a cup on
3. plate C a deep metal round container with a handle that is used for cooking on top the stove
4. spoon D a tool used for cutting or as a weapon consisting of a metal blade attached to a handle
5. glass E a container without a handle that you use for drinking liquids and that is usually made out of glass
6. cup F a tool used for picking up and eating food, with a handle and three or four points
7. frying pan G knives, forks, spoons, and other tools used for eating with
8. saucer H a small round container with a handle, that you use to drink coffee, tea etc.
9. saucepan I a tool used for eating, cooking, or serving food, consisting of a small bowl- shaped part and a long handle
10. cutlery J a round flat pan with a long handle, used for frying food
III. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. A drink popular in hot weather, non-alcoholic drink is…
a) FortifiedWine
b) IcedTea
c) Beer
2. A before-dinnerdrink.
a) Aperitif
b) Wine
c) Cocktail
3. A non-alcoholic beverage such as the cola drinks/
a) SoftDrink
b) FortifiedWine
c) Cocktail
4. … service is often called the "Swedish Board".
a) Cafeteria service
b) Plate service
c) Buffet service
5. The menu of the restaurant is called
a) à lacartemenu;
b) tabled'hôtemenu;
c) cyclemenu.
6. A term used in England for a place whose principal business is serving alcoholic beverages.
a) canteen
b) pub
c) restaurant
7. In … service there is often a final preparation — flaming a dish or serving a sauce — that takes place in the dining room, frequently with great show.
a) French
b) Russian
c) American.
8. Themaincourseis…
a) the most substantial course of the meal.
b) served at the beginning of the meal.
c) the sweet course at the end of a meal or before coffee.
9. A lacartemeans…
a) dishes «accordingtothecard
b) «host'stable».
c) cardoftheday
10. What should you say toask what the problem is?
a) I’ll ask the manager to come.
b) Whatistheproblem?
c) We’ll pay for it to be cleaned.
IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
1. A well-balanced meal includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water.
2. Variety in a menu can be achieved either by offering a large number of different dishes over a long period of time or by changing the dishes every day.
3. Since all foods have the same properties it is not necessary for a menu planner to have any knowledge of nutrition.
4. After a restaurant opens, no additional decisions about its daily operations need to be made.
5. Restaurants have other costs, both direct and indirect, in addition to the cost of food.
6. Customers at a restaurant can tell a great deal about the place simply from its appearance.
7. Guests in a restaurant or hotel see the front but not the back of the house.
8. The size and arrangement of tables have little bearing on the income that the dining room will yield.
9. Waiters and waitresses are important in restaurant merchandising because they have more contact with the guest than any of the other employees.
10. The headwaiter has no responsibility for the work of the other dining room employees.
В ариант 2
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. variety a) украшения
2. market b) счет
3. supplier c) горячая закуска
4. account d) поднос
5. success e) предмет
6. experience f) прилавок, стойка
7. apprentice g) разнообразие
8. garnish h) заказ
9. decoration i) успех
10. horsd'oeuvre j) жидкийсуп
11. counter k) сменаблюд
12. beverage l) ученик
13. canteen m) закуска
14. course n) суп-пюре
15. entrée o) рынок
16. potage p) столовая
17. consommé q) гарнир
18. order r) опыт
19. tray s) напиток
20. item t) поставщик
1. tocater a) чистить
2. tomanage b) получить
3. tocheck c) проверять
4. toearn d) требовать
5. toslice e) позволять
6. topeel f) располагать
7. toreceiveg) нарезатьломтиками
8. toallow h) управлять
9. todemand i) обслуживать
10. toarrange j) зарабатывать
11. sparkling k) удобный
12. capable l) легкий
13. luxurious m) добрый
14. light n) чистый
15. common o) блестящие
16. convenient p) роскошный
17. separate q) отдельный
18. clean r) опрятный
19. kind s) способный
20. neat t) обычный
II. Fit the meaning and the word
1. bread A a mixture of meat that has been cut up very small and spices, usually made into a tub form
2. cereals B liquid cooked often containing small pieces of meat, fish or vegetables
3. cheese C a long type of sausage, cooked or eaten in a long bun
4. cottage cheese D a solid food made from milk which is usually yellow or white and can be soft or hard
5. soup E a type of soft wet white cheese made from milk that has little fat in it
6. sausage F eggs mixed together and cooked in a pan, and then folded over cheese, vegetables, etc.
7. porridge G a common food made from flour, water, and yeast
8. hot dog H a breakfast food made from grain and usually eaten with milk
9. omelette I soft cereal that is cooked with milk or water
10. caviar J the salted eggs of various types of large fish, considered a special food that is usually very expensive
III.Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants:
1. A mixed drink containing an alcoholic beverage and other ingredients.
a) Aperitif
b) Wine
c) Cocktail
2. An alcoholic beverage made from grapes
a) Wine
b) Beer
c) Yeast
3. An alcoholic beverage made of grain by a process of fermentation.
a) Liqueur
b) Wine
c) Beer
4. The simplest form of table service in the restaurants. All the food is put on the plates in the kitchen.
a) Cafeteriaservice
b) Plateservice
c) Buffetservice
5. To control and to coordinate the work of the staff in the dining room is the main part of the job of
a) themaitred’hotel;
b) themanager;
c) theheadchef.
6. An establishment that offers entertainment as well as food and drinks.
b) pub
c) Night Club
7. Appetizersare …
a) the most substantial course of the meal.
b) served at the beginning of the meal.
c) the sweet course at the end of a meal or before coffee.
8. The dishes in … menu are served on this day only.
a) A lacartemenu
b) Cartedujour.
c) Cyclemenu.
9. In … service there is often a final preparation — flaming a dish or serving a sauce — that takes place in the dining room, frequently with great show.
a) French
b) Russian
c) American.
10. What should you say offer a solution orcompensation
a) I’ll What is the problem?
b) We’ll pay for it to be cleaned.
c) There aren’t any more tables available.
IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
1. The headwaiter has no responsibility for the work of the other dining room employees.
2.A waitress is never expected to explain or recommend any particular dish on the menu.
3. Many students take jobs as bussers on a part-time basis.
4. The food in a restaurant is always a much more important factor than the service in making a customer want to come back.
5. Despite the low wages, a job of a busser is very attractive.
6. A change in the price of a popular dish in a restaurant may meet with customer resistance that results in waste and loss of profits.
7. Word-of-mouth recommendation plays very little part in the success of a restaurant.
8. Merchandising a restaurant includes such factors as appearance, location, cuisine, and a menu that pleases the customers.
9. Many people today watch the number of calories they eat because they have become aware of the relationship between beauty, health and weight.
10. The appeal that food makes to the eye and the nose is not an important consideration in menu planning.
Контрольная точка 7
Вариант 1.
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. abroad a) отъезд
2. payment b) безопасность
3. fair c) за границей
4. plane d)назначенная встреча
5. arrival e) билет
6. exhibition f) доставка
7. departure g)багаж
8. flight h)самолет
9. offer i) ярмарка
10. ticket j) таможня
11. agreement k) преимущество
12. luggage l) филиал
13. customs m)отдел
14. security n) предложение
15. nationality o) выставка
16. advantage p) оплата
17. delivery q)полет
18. appointment r) прибытие
19. department s) соглашение
20. brunch t) гражданство
1. to confirm a)выставлять
2. totravel b) улучшать
3. tomanage c) привлекать
4. toexpand d) удовлетворять
5. toconclude e) рекламировать
6. toparticipate f) подтверждать
7. toattract g) установить
8. todevote h) жертвовать
9. toimprove i) посвящать
10. toestablish j) производить
11. tosatisfy k) заключать
12. toprovide l) участвовать
13. toemploy m) расширять
14. tomanufacturen)создавать
15. to sacrifice o) получать
16. toadvertise p) ограничивать
17. toreceive q) нанимать
18. toexhibit r) путешествие
19. tocreate s) управлять
20. to limit t) обеспечивать
II. Read the text and answer the questions:
A Partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit. When the owners of the Partnership have unlimited liability they are called general partners. If partners have limited liability they are limited partners. There may be a silent partner as well-a person who is known to the public as a member of the firm but without authority in management. The reverse of the silent partner is the secret partner – a person who takes part in management but who is not known to the public.
Any business may have the form of the partnership, for example, in such professional fields as medicine, law, accounting, insurance and stockbrokerage. Limited partnerships are a common form of ownership in real estate, oil prospecting, quarrying industries, etc.
Partnerships have more advantages than sole proprietorships if one needs a big capital or diversified management. Like sole proprietorships they are easy to form and often get tax benefits from the government.
1. What is the difference between a general partnership and a limited partnership?
2.Is there any difference between a silent partner and a secret partner? What is this difference?
3. In what professional fields are the partnerships found?
4. In what businesses is the partnership a common form?
5. What are the advantages of a partnership?
III. Select the necessary word in the sentence.
1. partnership very often receive …. from the government. a. secret partner
2. limited partnership is a common form of ownership in …b. unlimited liability
3. partnerships have many …, one is that they receive tax c. real estate
benefits from the government.
4. … are the partners with unlimited liability. d. general partner
5. … has the authority in management but he is not known to e. advantage
6. a secret partner takes part in …. f. tax benefits
7. general partners have …. g. management
Вариант 2.
I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. success а) выставка
2. service b)качество
3. seller c) развитие
4. buyer d) отдел
5. delivery e) ярмарка
6. departure lounge f) услуга
7. announcement g) продавец
8. turnover h) билет
9. security i)оборот
10. department j)успех
11. nationality k) отъезд
12. subsidiary l) поставка
13. exhibition m) объявление
14. offer n) оборудование
15. ticket o) безопасность
16. fair p) гражданство
17. quality q) заложидания
18. departure r) предложение
19. development s)покупатель
20. equipment t) дочерняякомпания
1. to own a) подтверждать
2. to refuse b) расширять
3. tosign c)посвящать
4. toconfirm d)заключать
5. to travel e)жертвовать
6. to manage f) обеспечивать
7. to expand g) получать