Places of interest in Ekaterinburg

Правила чтения английских гласных букв

I тип Открытый слог (заканчивается на гласную; гласная читается так, как называется в алфавите)

Note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, lay, say, he, hay, name, same, nine, nice, game, came, make, Kate, Pete, five, tie, life, eve, me, size, no, cope, smoke, rose, nose, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, home, tube, made, fume, cube, pace, lace, sky, hale, spine.

II тип Закрытый слог (заканчивается на согласную; гласная читается кратко)

Cap, pen, bed, ten, not, spot, lot, bad, rat, sit, send, test, pit, in, send, spell, tin, less, ban, mad, fat, Sam, land, did, fit, sat, pet, tin, slip, sad, glad, bag, jam, gap, lag, can, kin, Jim, Jack, yes, ink, cup, run, cod, spin, not, doll, hop, hot, bank, rank, spin, up, us, bus, bun, cut, fun, vet, well, but, nut.

III тип Гласная + r

Stern, far, curt, hard, hart, car, card, cart, fork, cork, work, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, her, curb, turn, girl, sir, burn, turn, word, born, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.

IV тип Гласная + r + гласная

Fare, here, pure, rare, cure, during, mare, fire, bare, mire, stare,tire, sere, mere, store, core, more, care.



  one hundred
  one thousand
  one million


What? Что? Какой?
Who? Кто?
Whom? Кого? Кому?
Whose? Чей?
Which? Который?
Where? Где? Куда?
When? Когда?
Why? Почему? Зачем?
How? Как?
How many? Сколько? (с исчисляемыми сущ.)
How much? Сколько? (с неисчисляемыми сущ.)




dark blue
rose, pink



on Sunday воскресенье
Monday понедельник
Tuesday вторник
Wednesday среда
Thursday четверг
Friday пятница
Saturday суббота


in January январь
February февраль
March март
April апрель
May май
June июнь
July июль
August август
September сентябрь
October октябрь
November ноябрь
December декабрь


in winter зима
spring весна
summer лето
autumn осень



Глагол to be

I am Я есть we are Мы есть
you are Ты есть they are Они есть
he\she\ it is Он\она\оно есть  


+ - ?
I am a student.   I am not a student. Am I a student?
You are a teacher.   You are not a teacher. Are you a teacher?
He is a doctor.   He is not a doctor. Is he a doctor?
She is smart.   She is not smart. Is she smart?
It is nice.   It is not nice. Is it nice?
We are happy.   We are not happy. Are we happy?
They are in the city.   They are not in the city. Are they in the city?


Глагол to have

I have У меня есть we have У нас есть
you have У тебя есть they have У них есть
he\she\ it has У него\нее есть  
+ - ?
I have got a cat.   I haven’t got a cat Have I got a cat?
You have got a dog.   You haven’t got a dog Have you got a dog?
He has got a passport.   He hasn’t got a passport Has he got a passport?
She has got a pen.   She hasn’t got a pen Has she got a pen?
We have got a book.   We haven’t got a book Have we got a book?
They have got a car.   They haven’t got a car Have they got a car?



My Family

My family is not large. I have my father, my mother, my brother and me. Our family lives in Moscow. We have a nice flat. My name is Helen. I am twenty years old. I am a student. I study at a college. My brother is fourteen. He goes to school.

My mother is 40 years old. She works in a large company. She is a manager.

My father is an engineer in computers. He is a busy man.

We have a summer house and a nice garden not far from Moscow. The nature is very beautiful there. My grandparents like to live there in summer. They don't work now. They are on pension. Our family is friendly. I like them all.

My city

airport аэропорт
railway station ж\д вокзал
bus station автовокзал
post office почта
square сквер, площадь
dam плотина
bridge мост
supermarket супермаркет
grocery store продуктовый магазин
chemists = drug store = pharmacy аптека
circus цирк
zoo зоопарк
church церковь
library библиотека
bus автобус
trolley bus троллейбус
tram трамвай
sights достопримечательности

Places of interest in Ekaterinburg

Europe-Asia monument

Church on the Blood, Ganina Pit,

Dam and Historical Square

Opera and Ballet House

Academic Drama Theater\Academic Musical Comedy Theatre\Young Audience Theater\Puppet Theater

Church on the Blood

In 1917, the history of the Russian monarchy came to its end in Yekaterinburg — it was here that Emperor Nicholas II and his family were executed. It happened in the basement of the engineer Ipatiev's house. This building was demolished in the 90's. However, at the exact location of the Ipatiev's House a majestic temple was erected, which is open for everyone.

In front of the Temple-on-the-Blood there are sculptures of the royal family. At any time of the year, especially in spring and summer, numerous newlywed couples come to the church. Even if the newlyweds do not come for a blessing, they are always photographed against the temple and the view that opens from its top. Below by the river you can see the bronze figures of Peter and Fevronia — the patron saints of family.


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