Практическое задание № 4. Small Talk

Working life.

1. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job?

appearance hobbies experience sex

intelligence marital status personality qualifications

references age astrological sign handwriting

blood group sickness record family background

contacts and connections


2. Discuss the statements.

a) At work appearance is more important than performance.

b) Everybody should retire at 50.

c) It is best to work for as many companies as possible.

d) You should keep your private life totally separate from your work.

e) People don’t change much during their working lives.


3. Complete the sentences using the words bellow.

commute, overtime, qualifications, freelance, salary, skills


1. His academic _____________ are good for this job.

2. Employers are interested in practical __________ like word-processing and fluency in languages.

3. The job offers a _____________ of 25000 pounds a year.

4. Officially, she works 35 hours a week but sometimes with __________ she does as many as fifty.

5. Nowadays many designers or information technology workers are ____________; in other words they sell their work or services to different organizations.

6. Now she works from home, she doesn’t have to ____________ by train to and from London every day.


4. Which of these words would you use to describe people in a work; which of them describe jobs; which words can describe both?

ambitious reliable creative

challenging dynamic worthwhile

stressful patient enthusiastic

secure confident boring

trustworthy flexible conscientious


Divide the words into 3 columns. Two have been done as examples.


Jobs challenging People ambitious both

5. Read the text about a woman and her attitude to work and answer the questions.


1. What does she do?

2. How does she feel about working hard?

3. Is work getting easier or more difficult?

4. What kind of sacrifices has she made?

5. How common are the people like Trish in your country?

6. How easy is it for young professionals to have lives which are a healthy balance between work and personal life?


Twenty-six year old Trish Crofts, a media buyer with an advertising agency, is typical of the young professionals who feel that their work is depriving them of a real life. She starts work at 9 a.m. but often doesn’t leave her office until 8 p.m. Occasionally she is at work until 10 p.m.

“In my company when people leave they are not replaced and everybody is expected to work extra hard”, she said. Ms Crofts enjoys her work but feels stressed all the time. She said: “My hair is already going grey”. As her partner, Graham Dodridge, frequently does not arrive home until late either, the couple often do not have their meal until after 10 p.m.

Ms Crofts would be prepared to accept a cut in pay if it would guarantee a genuine reduction in her workload, but she believes her promotion prospects would suffer. “You have to sacrifice your personal life if you want career advancement.”


6. Read the interview of an Industry Correspondent about young people’s attitude towards work nowadays and discuss with your partner how the attitude to work has changed.


Interviewer A new survey out today shows how young people’s attitudes towards work have changed. Can you tell me want it all means?

Industry Correspondent Well, essentially the report shows that the young are turning their backs on traditional employment, you know, working for a wage, and becoming self-employed or going freelance.

Interviewer And what’s made them do that?

Industry Correspondent Basically, seeing their parents’ generation struggle with unemployment and job insecurity. They’ve seen established firms lay off employees who’ve worked for them for years. Also, they’ve understood that benefits like cars, pensions, and so on, not to mention a fairly secure job in the longer term, are all disappearing fast. In their place you’ve got insecurity, part-time work, and short-term contracts. An ordinary job simply isn’t attractive any more.

12. Ethics in business.


1. Discuss these questions.

a) What is the purpose of the business? Is it just to make money?

b) How do you understand the phrase “business ethics”?

c) Should mission statements of any business include statements about ethics? Why? Why not?


2. The sets of words and phrases below are related either to honesty or to dishonesty. Which word is different from the others in each set? Use a dictionary to help you.

1. trustworthy law-abiding corrupt

2. a slush fund a sweetener compensation

3. insider trading industrial espionage disclosure

4. a whistleblower a fraudster a con artist

5. a bribe a bonus a commission

6. fraud secrecy integrity

7. a confidentiality agreement a cover up a whitewash


3. Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the sets above. Choose from the first set to complete sentence 1, from the second set to complete sentence 2, and so on.

1. Our company does nothing illegal. We are very law-abiding.

2. We’ve got ____________ which is used in countries where it is difficult to do business without offering bribes.

3. Their car looked so much like our new model. We suspect __________.

4. They fired him because he was ____________. He informed the press that the company was using under-age workers in the factory.

5. He denied accepting ___________ when he gave the contract to the most expensive supplier.

6. I admire our chairman. He’s a man of his word and is greatly respected for his ___________.

7. Many companies ask new employees to sign _______________ to avoid future litigation problems.


4. Complete the text about a pharmaceutical company with the correct tenses (past simple, past continuous, past perfect, present perfect).

We like to think we are an ethical company, but we _________ (have) a problem last year when we _________ (launch) our new product.

The new product _________ (sell) very well and we __________ (get) good feedback, and sales __________ (increase) month by month. Everyone was happy.

Then it all ___________ (go) wrong. In August we _________ (start) to get complaints from some doctors about one of our salesmen. They _________ (complain) about the methods that the salesman _________ (use) to persuade them to endorse the product. He _________ (offer) them expensive gifts and _________ (take) them to expensive restaurants. The doctors _________ (feel) under pressure to promote the product.

By the end of the year we __________ (receive) over 30 complaints about that particular salesman. In December articles __________ (start) to appear in the press about our unethical sales methods. In the end we __________ (fire) the salesman. As a result of this, we __________ (recently issue) guidelines to all sales staff about appropriate gifts.


5. What would you do in each of these situations?

1. The best-qualified person for the post of Sales Manager is female. However, your customers would prefer a man. If you appoint a woman you will probably lose some sales.

2. Your company has a new advertising campaign which stresses its honesty, fairness and ethical business behavior. It has factories in seve4ral countries where wages are very low. At present it is paying workers the local market rate.

3. A colleague working in a hospital has been making mistakes at work recently. This is because she has a serious illness. You are her friend and the only person at work who knows this. She has asked you to keep it a secret.


6. Andy Hammerton works for the Cooperative Bank in Manchester, England. The bank is known for its policy of ethical investment. Read how Andy answers the question “Can successful businesses always behave ethically?”

“We believe they can. In fact, we believe that, in the years to come, the only truly successful businesses will be those that achieve a lasting balance between their own interests and those of society and the natural world.

Therefore businesses cannot just have a self-interest; they must play a social role. Our position has enabled us to build trust, develop our brand and have a positive impact on the bank’s bottom line.

On the issue of trust, research shows that trust in business has been declining for a number of years and the general public feel that businesses don’t take them seriously. Higher trust creates higher loyalty. First, because customers trust you, they are less likely to look elsewhere in the first place. Second, if you do make a mistake, they are more likely to forgive you.”


Agree or disagree with Andy Hammerton. Give your own examples of businesses behaving ethically or unethically.


VI A-3. Выпишите из VI А-2 все сказуемые в Passive. Оределите, какое одно из нижепреведённых подлежащих подходит к этим сказуемым:

results/research/ researcher (пример: Researcher speaks - Исследовательговорит)

VI А-4. Переведите на английский язык всеми возможными способами:

Статья переводится

Статью переведут

Статья будет переводиться

Статья была переведена

Статья переводилась


VIII A-1. Определите, какие сказуемые имеют в составе эквиваленты модального глагола must

had worked out has to be worked out am reading
was to read will have to produce has to tell
are producing will have read had to come
am to be given    

VIII A-3. В данных предложениях выделите сказуемoe: поясните их значение:

1.We shall have to work out an experiment in which we shall be able to keep the particles in plasma.

2. You ought to know that the term equilibria applies equally well to many physical phenomena.

3. We are to consider all advantages аnd disadvantages of this proposal.

4. They had to resort to more rigid terms.

5. Engineers may take certain steps to reduce tension.

6. We can take into consideration the law of conservation of energy.

7. He is to graduate from the University with Honours.


VIII A-4. Определите залог сказуемого в данных предложениях, переведите их на русский язык.

1. This library is to serve some specific group of people.

2. Some specific groups of people are to be served by this library.

3. Special libraries must have limitation in subject scope.

4. Special libraries must be limited in subject scope.

5. Your report has to take into consideration the proposed option.

6. Your report has to be taken into consideration while proposing new option.

7. Professional libraries can present the exhaustive data on the inquired problem.

8. Professional librarians can be and must be present in a special library.

9. The typical special library may be visualized as a small one in staff size.

10. An organization may maintain a collection of materials needed by its employees.

VIII A-5. Определите значение модальных глаголов, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1.This researcher can borrow these books tomorrow. 2. He may be at the lab now. 3. I needn't check up the results. 4. I'm sure we can come to an agreement on this problem. 5. May I take these books with me? 6. Can you put it down for me? 7. You mustn't bring up any of your conclusions until you get these data checked twice. 8. Does he need to write a thesis? 9. There is no sense in this statement. It must have been made by some dilettante. 10. How dare you speak to me like that? 11. I’m sure you can complete this experiment on your own. 12. You may come in and wait here. 13. Must I reload this time? 14. Need you report it in detail? Skip a bit. 15. If we start earlier we can still find the mistake. 16. I daren't tell him the whole truth. 17. Do you know where the system operator is? - I'm not sure, she may be in the library. 18. You needn't give the answer now, take time to think it over. 19. He must feel on top of the world after that he has been awarded for that book. 20. Well, can we start our discussion now? 21. I must finish this work today. 22. Howdareyoushoutatme.



I A-6. Найдите в следующих преложениях Nouns, определите, какими членами предложения они являются и переведите все предложения на русский язык.

1. In this chapter we discuss the factors for the organizations of the book collections.

2. In scientific institutions most technicians have a broad knowledge of organizing principles and methods.

3. Users can find any item with minimum effort and time.

4. The association represents all types of libraries – public, school, academic, state, and special libraries.

5. The South American Industry Association is the oldest and the largest organization.

6. Space requirements are discussed in the 3-d section.

I A-7. Исправьте предложения так, чтобы они имели смысл:

1. The passport examined the customs officer

2. These catalogues don’t like researchers

3. Have the new sales department seen the visitors

4. The breakfast has enjoyed the guests.

5. Give these books engineers on topography.

6. My tutor sent American researchers to his latest achievements.

7. These “interdependence” gave the name this phenomenon of psychologists.

I A-8. Постройте предложения в нужном порядке

in October/my term/begins

from the bank/a loan/you’ll have to get

of the Scottish people /are able to speak /2 percent / Gaelic

from the four /is derived mainly /Germanic dialects /Modern English

rejected / of the pope / Henry VIII / the absolute supremacy

the introduction of/ also saw /the 19th century/ from /sects / the United States

I A-9. Выберитеправильныйвариант

1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _______.

1) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery

2) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully

3) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week

4) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers

2. The professor said that _______________.

1) the students their reports can be received on Monday

2) the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him

3) the students could hand in their reports on Monday

4) the students will on Monday the reports hand in

3. The teachers have had some problems deciding ___________.

1) when to the students they shall return the final papers

2) when are they going to return to the students the final papers

3) when they should return the final papers to the students

4) the time when the final papers they should return for the students

4. This year will be difficult for this organization because ____________.

1) they have less money and volunteers than they had last year

2) they have money less and volunteers fewer than last year they had

3) the last year they did not have as few and little volunteers money

4) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were


Практическое задание № 4. Small Talk

(Модуль 5. Темы 2, 3.)

Цель – освоить лексику по теме модуля, уметь вести Small Talk, знать этикет (речевой и др.) делового ланча, ужина. Изучить особенности делового письма «An Enquiry letter, a Reply letter», повторить грамматику модуля.


Методика проведения: освоить лексику по теме «Small Talk», «Еда дома и вне дома. Предпочтения в еде», участвовать в ролевой игре. Рассказать о национальных традициях в еде, этикете своей страны, проработать грамматику, написать письмо-запрос, ответ на запрос (An Enquiry letter, a Reply letter).

5.2 Профессиональное общение. Small Talk. Read and discuss.

Small Talk

WHO makes small talk?

People with many different relationships use small talk. The most common type of people to use small talk are those who do not know each other. It is also common for people who are only acquaintances "friend of a friend", to use small talk. Other people who have short casual conversations are office employees, customer service representatives, waitresses, hairdressers and receptionists often make small talk with customers.


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