Команда: «Алеша Попович и Тугарин Змей»

Игрок: Роман Мосензов (Барон)

Детачмент: Бронетанковый клин – 967 th.

HQ 1: Pedro Kantor -170 th.

· Pedro Kantor -170 th

[Dorn’s Arrow] - 0 th

[power fist] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Fast Attack 1: Assault Squad with Jump Packs -80th.

· 4 x Space Marine with Jump Packs – (16*4) th

[4 x chainsword] – 0 th

[4 x bolt pistol] - 0 th

[4 x frag grenades] - 0 th

[4 x krak grenades] - 0 th

· Space Marine Sergeant with Jump Packs – 16 th

[chainsword] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Heavy Support 1: Predator – 190 th

· Predator – 90 th

[Twin Lascannon] -50 th

[2 x Lascannon] – (25*2) th

Heavy Support 2: Devastator Squad – 165 th.

· 4 x Space Marine – (13*4) th

[4 x Lascannon] – (25*4) th

[4 x bolt pistol] - 0 th

[4 x frag grenades] - 0 th

[4 x krak grenades] - 0 th

· Space Marine Sergeant – 13 th

[BoltGun] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Heavy Support 3: Contemptor Mortis -206 th

· Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought -106 th

[2 x Twin Lascannon] – (50*2) th

Heavy Support 4: Contemptor Mortis -156 th

· Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought -106 th

[2 x Kheres assault cannon]– (25*2) th

Игрок: Руслан Савельев (Rah)

Детачмент: Авангард – 575th.

HQ 1: Celestine - 250th.

· Celestine - 200 th

[Ardent Blade] - 0 th

· 2 Geminae Superia – (25*2) th

[2 x bolt pistol] - 0 th

[2 x power sword] - 0 th

[2 x frag grenades] - 0 th

[2 x krak grenades] - 0 th

HQ 2: Canoness – 45 th

· Canoness – 45th

[ 2 x BoltGun] – (2x0) th.

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Elite 1: Imagifier – 40 th

· Imagifier – 40 th

[BoltGun] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Elite 2: Imagifier – 40 th

· Imagifier – 40 th

[BoltGun] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Elite 3: Hospitaller – 30 th

· Hospitaller – 30 th

[Chirurgeon’s tools] – 0 th

Heavy Support 1: Retributor Squad – 85 th

· 4 x Retributor – (9*4) th

[4 x Heavy Bolter] – (10*4) th

[4 x bolt pistol] - 0 th

[4 x frag grenades] - 0 th

[4 x krak grenades] - 0 th

· Retributor Superior – 9 th

[BoltGun] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Heavy Support 2: Retributor Squad – 85 th

· 4 x Retributor – (9*4) th

[4 x Heavy Bolter] – (10*4) th

[4 x bolt pistol] - 0 th

[4x frag grenades] - 0 th

[4 x krak grenades] - 0 th

· Retributor Superior – 9 th

[BoltGun] – 0 th

[bolt pistol] - 0 th

[frag grenades] - 0 th

[krak grenades] - 0 th

Детачмент: Свертяжолое Вспомогательное Подразделение – 458 th

Super Heavy 1: Knight Paladin -458 th

· Knight Paladin -320 th

[Reaper chainsword] – 30 th

[Rapid-fire battle cannon] – 100 th

[2 x Heavy stubber] – (4*2) th

[Titanic feet] – 0 th

«Внезапные щупальца»

Соколов Евгений

Army faction: Adeptus Mechanicus [Stygies VIII]

Total Army Points: 1024


"Внезапные щупальца"

Battalion detachment +3 СP

HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer (35), Servo-arm (12) - [47 pts]

HQ2: Tech-Priest Dominus (115), Volkite blaster (8), Macrosubber (2) - [125 pts] – Warlord (Monitor Malevolus), Artefact: Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land

Troops1: 3 Kataphron Destroyers (90), 3x Phosphor blaster (24), 3x Plasma Culverin (81) - [195 pts]

Troops2: 7 Skitarii vanguard (56), 2 Plasma caliver (28), - [84 pts]

Troops3: 5 Skitarii ranger (35), 1 arc rifle (4) - [39 pts]

FA1: 3 Sidonian Dragoons (177), 3 Taser Lance (27) - [204 pts]

HS1: 3 Kastelan Robots (195), 9 Havy phosphor blaster (135), - [330 pts]

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Шамшин Александр

Army faction: Death Guard

Total Army Points: 974


Шамшин Александр

Battalion detachment +3 СP

HQ1: Typhus, Psychic Powers: blades of putrefaction, putrescent vitality - [175 pts]

HQ2: Daemon Prince of Nurgle (146), 2 malefic talons (10), Wings (24), Psychic Powers: miasma of pestilence, Warlord (Revoltingly resilient) Artefact: The Suppurating Plate - [180 pts]

Troops1: 10 Poxwalkers - [60pts]

Troops2: 10 Poxwalkers - [60pts]

Troops3: 9 Plague Marines (153); 7 bolters (0), 9 plague knife (0) 2 Blight Grenade Launcher (20) - [173pts]

Elite1: Biologus Putrifier - [74pts]

Elite2: 3 Deathshroud Terminators (105), 3 Manreaper (54), 3 Plaguesprut gauntlet (32) - [180pts]

DedicatedTransport1: Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter - [72pts]


Total Armies Points: 1998 pts

Total Command Points: 10


"Бущенные твари"

Пан Игорь (Whiterock) - Кровью Сангвиния (((БА)))

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [60 PL, 1004pts] ++

+ HQ +

Captain [6 PL, 117pts]: 5. Gift of Foresight, Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Relic blade, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout: Boltgun
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

+ Elites +

Death Company [9 PL, 121pts]: Jump Pack
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power axe
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword

Death Company [9 PL, 121pts]: Jump Pack
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power axe
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword
. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power sword

+ Heavy Support +

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 155pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine: Missile launcher
. Space Marine: Missile launcher
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine: Heavy bolter
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 155pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine: Missile launcher
. Space Marine: Missile launcher
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine: Heavy bolter
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 170pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine: Lascannon
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun

++ Total: [60 PL, 1004pts] ++

Руслан Русланович (Richard) - Священный молот Императора (((ГК)))

++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Grey Knights) [57 PL, 996pts] ++

+ HQ +

Grand Master Voldus [10 PL, 190pts]: 6: Lore Master, Astral Aim, Gate of Infinity, Hammerhand, Sanctuary, Warlord

+ Troops +

Terminator Squad [13 PL, 215pts]: Gate of Infinity
. Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Storm bolter, Two Nemesis Falchions
. 4x Terminator (Falchions): 4x Storm Bolter

+ Elites +

Paladin Squad [19 PL, 233pts]: Hammerhand
. 3x Paladin (Falchions): 3x Storm Bolter
. Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter

+ Flyer +

Stormraven Gunship [15 PL, 358pts]: 2x Stormstrike Missile Launcher, Twin Lascannon, Twin multi-melta, Two Hurricane Bolters

++ Total: [57 PL, 996pts] ++


Лис и пес


1237 очей шова анклавHQ [198pts]
Cadre Fireblade [42pts]
Markerlight [3pts]

Commander [156pts]
Selections: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts] на две из них ставятся сигнатуры фузионных клинков.


XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [264pts]
Crisis Shas'ui [86pts]
Burst cannon [8pts], 2x сyclik blaster [36pts]
Crisis Shas'ui, [86]
Burst cannon [8pts], 2x сyclik blaster [36pts]
Crisis Shas'ui [92pts]
Burst cannon [8pts], 2x Fusion blaster [42pts]

Heavy Support [ 158pts]
XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
2x High-yield missile pod [50pts], 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Advanced targeting system [18pts]

Heavy Support [ 158pts]
XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
2x High-yield missile pod [50pts], 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Advanced targeting system [18pts]

Heavy Support [ 158pts]
XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
2x High-yield missile pod [50pts], 2x Smart missile system [30pts], Advanced targeting system [18pts]

фаста Pathfinder Team [ 40pts]
5x Pathfinder [40pts]
5x Markerlight [15pts]
4 пачки шитовых дронов по 10[40]
Pathfinder Team [ 40pts]
5x Pathfinder [40pts]
5x Markerlight [15pts]

Troops [70pts]
Strike Team [ 70pts]



(Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [38 PL, 747pts]

Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Tyranids) [22 PL, 442pts]

No Force Org Slot

Hive Fleet

Selections: Jormungandr

Categories: No Force Org Slot

Lord of War [22 PL, 442pts]

Barbed Hierodule [22 PL, 442pts]

Selections: Massive Scything Talons [22pts]

Categories: Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Faction: Tyranids, Lord of War, Monster, Titanic

Patrol Detachment (Tyranids) [305pts, 16 PL]

No Force Org Slot

Discipline: Hive Mind

Categories: No Force Org Slot

Hive Fleet

Selections: Jormungandr

Categories: No Force Org Slot

HQ [210pts, 11 PL]

Hive Tyrant [210pts, 11 PL]

Selections: Heavy Venom Cannon [25pts], Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword [15pts], Power: Catalyst, Power: Paroxysm, The Reaper of Obilterax, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Insidious Threat, Wings [2 PL, 27pts]

Categories: Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Faction: Tyranids, HQ, Character, Monster, Psyker, Hive Tyrant, Synapse, Fly, Warlord

Troops [3 PL, 50pts]

Hormagaunts [3 PL, 50pts]

Selections: 10x Hormagaunt [50pts]

Categories: Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Faction: Tyranids, Troops, Infantry



Киселев Илья (XoKaGe)
Renegate Chapters

Battalion Detachment +3CP:
HQ1:Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (93 + Lightning Claw (Pair) 12) [105pts], Slaanesh, Intoxicating Elixir, WARLORD {Flames of Spite}
HQ2:Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (120 + Combi-melta 19 + Force Stave 8) [147pts], Tzeentch {Warptime, Prescience}
Troops1:Chaos Cultists (4*10 + Autogun 0*10) [40pts], no Chaos Mark
Troops1:Chaos Cultists (4*10 + Autopistol and Brutal assault weapon 0*10) [40pts], no Chaos Mark
Troops3:Chaos Space Marines (13*5 + Boltgun 0*5 + Bolt pistol 0*1) [65pts], Nurgle
Elite1:Chaos Terminators (31*5 + Combi-plasma 15*1 + Combi-melta 19*3 + Reaper Autocannon 15*1 + Lightning Claw 8*1 + Power Sword 4*1 + Power Fist 12*3) [290pts], Slaanesh
Elite2:Hellforged Conteptor Dreadnought (103 + Hellforged Chainclaw (Pair) 55 + Soulburner 30 + Combi-bolter 2) [190pts], Tzeentch
Flyer1:Helldrake (138 + Baleflamer 30) [168pts], Slaanesh

TOTAL: 1045pts

Смирнов Ярослав (FineZza)
Space Wolves

Vanguard Detachment +1CP:
HQ1: Arjac Rockfist [145pts] WARLORD
Elite1: Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (26*5 + Thunder hammer 16 + Storm shield 5*2 + Wolf Claw (Pair) 14*3 + Frost sword 7) [205pts]
Elite2: Wolf Scout (11*5 + Bolter 0*5 + Bolt pistol 0*5) [55pts]
Elite3: Wolf Guard on Bikes (34*5 + Storm shield 5*5 + Storm bolter 2*4 + Frost axe 10) [213pts]

Outraider detachment +1CP:
HQ1: Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Bike (85 + Storm shield 15 + Frost sword 7 {Krakenborn Sword}) [107pts]
Fast Attack1: Cyberwolves [15pts]
Fast Attack2: Cyberwolves [15pts]
Fast Attack3: Thunderwolf Cavalry (40*3 + Storm shield 10*3 + Frost sword 7 + Frost axe 10 + Thunder Hammer 16) [183pts]

Fast Attack4: Cyberwolves [15pts]

TOTAL: 953pts


"Без названия"

Токарев Егор - (Toad King) - Grey Knights

Patrol detachment +0CP:
HQ1: Grand Master (162*1 + Desroyer of Crys'yllx-0(relic) + Nemesis Warding Stave-0 +Storm bolter-2) [162pts]
Psychic Power - Smite (Rites of Banishment), Sanctuary, Gate of Infinity.
Warlord Trait - FIRST TO THE FRAY.
HQ2: Lord Kaldor Draigo (240*1 +дефолтный драйго) [240pts]
Psychic Power - Smite (Rites of Banishment), Sanctuary, Gate of Infinity.

Elit:1 Apothecary (90*1+ Nemesis Warding Stave-0)[90pts]
Psychic Power - Smite (Rites of Banishment), Gate of Infinity.
Troop1 Terminator Squad: (43*6 + 0*4 Falchions + 2*13Nemesis Daemon Hammer + 0*6 Storm bolter +) [284pts]
Psychic Power - Smite (Rites of Banishment), Vortex of Doom.
Troop2: Terminator Squad (43*5 + 0*4 Falchions + 1*13Nemesis Daemon Hammer + 0*6 Storm bolter +) [228pts]
Psychic Power - Smite (Rites of Banishment), Hammerhand.

Смирнов Артем(melkiy)- Death watch

++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Deathwatch) [984pts, 58 PL] ++

+ HQ [244pts, 13 PL] +

Watch Captain [114pts, 6 PL]: Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack [19pts, 1 PL], Thunder hammer [21pts]

Watch Master [7 PL, 130pts]: 3. Tenacious Survivor, The Beacon Angelis, Warlord

+ Troops [496pts, 31 PL] +

Deathwatch Kill Team [240pts, 11 PL]
. Deathwatch Veteran [2 PL, 28pts]: Power maul [4pts], Storm shield [5pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran [2 PL, 23pts]: Boltgun, Power sword [4pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [49pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Frag Cannon [30pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [49pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Frag Cannon [30pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [49pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Frag Cannon [30pts]
. Watch Sergeant [2 PL, 42pts]: Combi-melta [19pts], Power sword [4pts]

Deathwatch Kill Team [161pts, 11 PL]
. Deathwatch Veteran [24pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Shotgun [5pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran [24pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Shotgun [5pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran [24pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Shotgun [5pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran [24pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Shotgun [5pts]
. Deathwatch Veteran [24pts, 2 PL]: Deathwatch Shotgun [5pts]
. Watch Sergeant [2 PL, 41pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Xenophase Blade [7pts]

Deathwatch Kill Team [95pts, 9 PL]
. Deathwatch Veteran [19pts, 2 PL]: Boltgun
. Deathwatch Veteran [19pts, 2 PL]: Boltgun
. Deathwatch Veteran [19pts, 2 PL]: Boltgun
. Deathwatch Veteran [19pts, 2 PL]: Boltgun
. Watch Sergeant [19pts, 2 PL]: Boltgun

+ Dedicated Transport [14 PL, 244pts] +

Drop Pod [5 PL, 85pts]: Storm bolter [2pts]

Razorback [5 PL, 87pts]: Twin heavy bolter [17pts]

Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Storm bolter [2pts]

++ Total: [984pts, 58 PL] ++


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