УСР №1

Тема: «Краткие биографические сведения»

I. Краткая аннотация

Данные учебно-методические материалы предназначены для студентов 1 курса специальности 1-21 06 01Современные иностранные языки ФСиГЯ для организации УСР по теме «Краткие биографические сведения». Комплекс заданий, направленный на достижение поставленных целей и задач УСР, разработан в соответствии с учебной программой по дисциплине «Практика устной и письменной речи».

Цель темы — развитие умений написания деловых писем на английском языке.


§ расширить знания студентов о краткой биографии (CV), цели его написания;

§ овладеть лексическими навыками, достаточными для написания краткой биографии;

§ развивать память, логическое мышление и воображение студентов.


II. Тематический план

1 курс, 1 семестр

Тема: « Краткие биографические сведения ».


1.1. Формулировка задания

Read the following information about а CV, do the tasks that follow the information. Write your CV.

1.2. Пошаговая инструкция к выполнению задания

- Pre-Reading Activity: answer the questions about а CV.

- Reading Activity: read the text and do the given tasks.

- After- Reading Activity: write your CV.

III. Список литературы:

1. Фастовец, Р.В. Практика английской речи = English Speech Practice: 1 курс: учеб. пособие / Р.В. Фастовец [и др.]; под общ. ред. Р.В. Фастовец. – Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2006.

2. Хведченя, Л.В. Практический курс современного английского языка: в 2 ч. / Л.В. Хведченя. – Минск: Выш. школа, 2002. – Ч. 2.


IV. Учебно-методический блок


4.1 Материалы, необходимые для выполнения задания (при необходимости)

Pre-Reading Activity

Do you have any knowledge of the following? Answer the questions.

1. What is a CV? What is the etymology of the expression?

2. What is the purpose of writing a CV?

Reading Activity

Read the following information about CV writing:

Format for a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) can be seen as your business card. All your potential future employers will view this document. A CV contains all the information that an employer needs to know such as your name, address, education establishments, study subject area/s, work experience and your skills.

Your CV must give a clear first impression of your qualities and attributes.

An employer will scan your CV for about 30 seconds before deciding whether to read further. Therefore, when writing a CV make sure you use language that is clear, that you use a simple font that is easy to read and that you ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors. You may want to get a friend or family member to check it for you.

CV's should not be longer than two sides of A4.

If submitting a photograph with your CV, so be sure to attach a recent, presentable photograph.


Your CV (curriculum vitae) is the business card you give to the company where you are going to apply. Your CV is a sum of short sentences that explain who you are, what you are capable of and what working experience you have. So, what exactly do you include in your CV?

· Personal details

Your personal details are always on top of your CV. At least state your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, marital status, nationality, date of birth and place of birth. Nowadays it is usual, at least, if you are using it in a professional way, to add your LinkedIn and Twitter account.

· Education and qualification

State all your relevant studies and courses that you have taken. Start with the last study you were doing or all still doing and work in a chronological way back. State the name of the educational institution, diplomas/degrees you have obtained and the dates.

· Work experience

Under the heading Work experience will be the enumeration of jobs you have had. The same here, start with the most recent job you have had and work your way back into history. State the name of the companies for which you have worked, the location, the job title you filled and a short job description. Depending on the function you are applying for, leave irrelevant jobs behind.

· Skills

In your CV, state what languages you speak and for every language indicate a level (in writing and orally) the best lay out is as follows: fluent, good, moderate for oral skills and good, moderate for writing skills.

Indicate what computer programs you control and how well you do it. Think about software packages but specific systems as well.

· Interests and other activities

Lastly, state all issues you think are important but have not shown up in your CV yet. Think about hobbies, interests and other relevant topics that say something about you. Do not forget to state your other activities, if you have done any administrative functions or voluntary work, you state this as well of course. Use the last part of your CV to make it as personal as possible.



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