Total world energy consumption grew about 3 percent in 1999, suggesting upward pressures on world energy use. Three countries — the United States, Russia, and China - produced 40 percent and consumed 42 percent of the world's energy in 1999. Regionally, between 1987 and 1997, Latin America had the highest annual rate of growth of energy production at 5 percent and Asia had the highest annual rate of energy consumption growth at 5 percent. According to the "International Energy Annual 2000", world C02 emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels grew by 3 percent during 2000. C02 emission growth rates lag' overall energy consumption growth rates because of the increasing role of natural gas, growth in demand for oil and gas uses that sequester2part of their carbon, and the growth of renewable energy sources.
Other international energy highlights include:
• Five countries (United States, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Canada) produced half the world's energy in 2000.
1 — отставать; 2 - обособлять; З — часть
• Retell the following text.
Greenhouse Gas Control Research Projects Funded
The Department of energy has selected a group of research projects to pursue technology for the inexpensive capture' and disposal of greenhouse gases. Grants2go to 12 research teams that will begin exploring methods to prevent greenhouse gas buildup in the atmosphere. The selected projects include a diverse mix of concepts, including the use of C02 absorbing algae3 growing on artificial reefs or encased in bioscrub-bers; the disposal of greenhouse gases in deep aquifers4 or on the ocean floor; and chemical processes and membranes that separate C02 from the flue gases of fossil power plants and factories. Each project will receive approximately $ 50,000 for the initial phases. Projects selected for later development phases could receive up to $ 1.5 million each.
1 - захват; 2 — денежное вознаграждение; 3 — водоросли; 4 - водоносный слой
JUST FOR FUN • Read and smile.
From 11 plus Exams
1. H20 is hot water, and C02 is cold water.
2. To collect fumes of sulfur, hold down a deacon' over a flame in a test tube.
3. When you smell an odourless2gas, it is probably carbon monoxide.
1 - священник, дьякон; 2 - без запаха
• Read the text below to understand what programme it deals with.
EUP supports the progression of improved non-nuclear energy technologies through demonstration and market penetration. The focus of the programme component is on the demonstration and promotion of clean and efficient energy technologies in three broad areas:
— renewable energy sources;
— rational use of energy in buildings, industry and transport;
— cleaner and more efficient use of fossil fuels and more effective exploration, distribution and transportation of hydrocarbons.
At the core of the aims of the European Union as a whole, are three central objectives. First, to help promote economic growth and create employment. Second, to improve the competitiveness of our industries. Third, to protect our environment and contribute towards sus-| tainable development. New energy technologies can make an important contribution towards achievement of these objectives. A more efficient use of resources, such as fuels and electricity, helps to improve the relative cost-effectiveness of our industries and hence the goods and services they make and sell. As the recent economic cri-1 ses in the Far East has shown, the world is truly a global village. Likewise, our industries across the EU are intrinsically connected to the ebbs and flows of international markets. The technologies supported under programme like THERM IE have contributed to a more efficient use of resources, thus reducing costs and making the companies more com-1 petitive. The indicator commonly used to measure the "efficiency of energy use" in the industrial sector is that of energy consumption per unit of output, known as "energy intensity".
Unit 3. Union's European Programme 21
Investment in new technologies can also have an impact in another area, namely that of employment creation. Many of the technologies supported by initiatives such as THERMIE are more labour intensive than their conventional competitors, either in manufacturing and installation, or in operation and maintenance. Thus, investing in these applications, and the firms that produce them, allows for a contribution towards employment creation. Moreover, many of the jobs created are highly skilled, or are located in priority areas.
Investing in technology to stimulate economic growth is not sufficient, in itself, to meet our objectives. We must also work towards promoting sustainable development and protection of our environments. The emphasis on clean and efficient technologies can make a substantial contribution towards achievement of these aims. All of the technologies and applications supported under THERMIE offer access to zero or low emissions of gases such as C02, the main greenhouse gas. In the Solid Fuel sector, for example, the advanced coal technologies supported within THERMIE offer access to substantial reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases and those responsible for acid deposition. A recent analysis by the European Commission sought to quantify these savings.
As a consequence of the investments made in new technologies, and changing patterns of energy supply, the Member States of the EU, and the EU itself, are contributing to lowering the emissions of greenhouse gases. The investments made from EU funds can help a project partner in many different ways. Firstly, the mechanism allows for the creation of a vehicle to support the exchange of information and experience between companies and organizations across the EU and beyond. Second, the impact of the European funding is to stimulate projects, which would not otherwise have gone ahead, or to the same extent.
Technical performance is another key area where the Programme's initiatives have been focused. In this case, the impact of THERMIE has been to improve the reliability and efficiency of the technologies and applications, so as to encourage their market deployment.
to support поддерживать employment занятость, рабочие мес-
Penetration проникновение та
at the core в центре ebbs and flows приливы и отливы
objective цель creation создание
Section I. Power Engineeri
Unit 3. Union's European Programme
vehicle средство impact влияние exchange обмен experience опыт |
to promote способствовать, содействовать substantial важный, значительный to sight (sought) увидеть, рассмотреть
1. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:
c) aims d) essential |
e) influence f) as a result |
a) application
b) in the centre
2. To the nouns in a) find suitable attributes in b).
b) 1) economic 2) efficient 3) fossil 4) low 5) energy 6) greenhouse 7) market 8) project 9) central 10) programme |
1) penetration
2) component
3) source
4) fuels
5) objective
6) crises
7) use
8) emissions
9) gas
10) partner
3. Translate the following word combinations:
- energy intensity — employment creation — acid deposition — market deployment |
— improved non-nuclear energy technologies
— clean and efficient energy technologies
— renewable energy sources
Translate the sentences with the Infinitive. Pay attention to its different translation depending on its different functions.
a) A more efficient use of resources, such as fuels and electricity, helps to improve the relative cost-effectiveness of our industries and hence the goods and services they make and sell.
b) The indicator commonly used to measure the "efficiency of energy use" in the industrial sector is that of energy consumption per unit of output, known as "energy intensity".
c) Investing in technology to stimulate economic growth is not sufficient, in itself, to meet our objectives.
d) A recent analysis by the European Commission sought to quantify these savings.
e) The mechanism allows for the creation of a vehicle to support the exchange of information and experience between companies and organizations across the EU and beyond.
5. Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the information
from the text.
a) EUP supports the progression of improved nuclear energy technologies through demonstration and market penetration.
b) As the recent economic crises in the Middle East has shown, the world is truly a global village.
c) Likewise, our industries across the EU are intrinsically connected to the ebbs and flows of international markets.
d) Investment in new technologies can also have an impact in another area, namely that of employment creation.
e) Research and development is another key area where the Programme's initiatives have been focused.
6. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the focus of the programme?
2. What are three central objectives at the core of the aims of the European Union as a whole?
3. Why is the world truly a global village?
4. What impact can investment in new technologies also have?
5. What can the emphasis on clean and efficient technologies make?
6. How can the investments made from EU funds help a project partner?
'■ Discuss in pairs the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power. Use the following expressions and structures:
I don't think... It's.../likely, not very likely,
I don't suppose... unlikely, possible
I'm sure (certain) that... I totally disagree...
Section I. Power Engineering
Unit 3. Union's European Programme
I have a firm belief... There is no reason to deny...
a) A more efficient use of resources, such as fuels and electricityj helps to improve the relative cost-effectiveness of our industries and hence the goods and services they make and sell.
b) Investment in new technologies can also have an impact on em-] ployment creation.
c) The emphasis on clean and efficient technologies can make a sub-l stantial contribution towards achievement and protection of our' environment.
8. Make up the plan of the text and retell it.
Look through the text to answer the questions. What can new employment opportunities create? What can result in enhanced environmental protection?
Where has a small-scale gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant been installed?
How is lighting obtained?
What is the role of an integrated building management system?
6. What are the impacts of the innovative technologies used in this project?