Make up the plan of the text using the topic sentences.

Retell the text.


• Look through the following texts below to answer the given questions.




What is the tidal range of the 20 MW Annapolis Tidal Power Project?

When did the plant come into operation?

The 20 MW Annapolis Tidal Power Project is located at Annapolis Royal (on the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia), where the tidal range' is between 4.4 and 8.7 metres. The plant came into operation in 1984 and was intended primarily to demonstrate a large-diameter Straflo turbine design. Its satisfactory operation has improved the economics of harnessing low-head hydro resources and has en­hanced2 the prospects for the development of tidal-power sites in Can­ada and elsewhere. The Annapolis plant generated about 40 GWh in 1996.

Three large sites in the Bay of Fundy, with an aggregate potential of some 7500 MW, have been assessed3 for economic feasibility and environmental impact. At present no facilities are planned for con­struction.


Australia i

Where are Australia's best tidal energy resources located? _

What does a tidal energy project under active consideration involve?

Australia's best tidal energy resources are located in the north-westJ where tidal ranges of up to 10 metres are experienced. The very best of these sites' potentially could meet some 8% of Australia's electricity re­quirements. However, these sites are remote from major markets.

Remote2and regional coastal areas could represent a promising early market for tidal energy systems, as a number of communities in such lo­calities are presently reliant upon high-cost energy supply, by the standards of metropolitan Australia. There have been several investigations into prospective3tidal power sites in the Kimberley district in the far north of Astern Australia, notably at Secure Bay and Walcott Inlet. A tidal energy I project under active consideration involves4 the establishment of a 48 MW tidal power plant near Derby in Wfestern Australia.


Площадка станции; 2 - отдаленный; 3 - предполагаемый; 4 -

Амплитуда приливов; 2 - улучшила; 3 - оценены


What tidal plants were installed prior to 1980?

What is the aggregate capacity of the small plants in China?

The potential electricity generating capacity derivable from oceanic and tidal energy has been estimated at 21580 MW.

Three small tidal plants (40 kW, 150 kW and 320 kW) were in­stalled prior to 1980. In May 1980, China's first two-way tidal plant (500 kW) began operating on the Jiangxia Creek, near Zhoushan U50 km south of Shanghai); its capacity was increased to 3.2 MW ln 1986. By end 1986, China had a total of 8 small/medium-sized udal power plants; further small units have been installed subse­quently, bringing the aggregate capacity of the small plants to 1.8 MW.




54 Section I. Power Engineering


1. What is the largest tidal station in the world? I

The Ranee tidal power plant, constructed on the estuary1 of the river Ranee, near St. Malo and Dinard, came into operation in 1966: it re­mains by far the largest tidal station in the world, with a capacity of 240 MWand annual output of about 550 GWh. The plant has operat­ed with 90% reliability for more than 30 years, generating more than 16 billion kWh of electricity; a 10-year program for refurbishing2its 24 turbines was begun in 1995.


1 - устье реки; 2 - обновление

Russian Federation 1. What station led to a number of design studies?

The Kislogubsk pilot tidal plant (400 kW) was commissioned inj 1968 near Murmansk on the Barents Sea. The mean tidal range at this site is 2.4 metres and annual generation from the station is about 1 GWh. The success of this installation led to a number of design stud­ies for much larger tidal plants at sites in the north and east of the Russian Federation: Lumbov Bay (67 MW) and Mezen Bayj (15000 MW) in the White Sea, Penzhinsk Bay (87000 MW) and Tugur! Bay (6800 MW) in the Sea of Okhotsk. The Tugur station emerged as the only feasible major scheme; a 32 MW pilot plant was planned to be built on the Kola peninsula' as a test-bed for the Tugur turbine design. However, no tidal plants are at present under construction.

1 — полуостров

United Kingdom

1. What provides some of the most favourable conditions in the world for the utilization of tidal power?

2. Why is future exploitation of the UK's tidal energy potential unlikely?

The unusually high tidal range along the west coasts of England and Wales provides some of the most favourable conditions in the world

Unit 7. Tidal Energy

for the utilization of tidal power. If all reasonably exploitable estuaries were utilized, annual generation of electricity from tidal power plants would be some 50 TWh, equivalent to about 15% of current UK elec­tricity consumption.

Feasibility studies have been completed for two large schemes: Sev­ern estuary (8600 MW) and Mersey estuary (700 MW), and for small­er schemes on the estuaries of the Duddon (100 MW), Wyre (64 MW), Conwy (33 MW) and Loughor (5 MW). Given the combination of high capital costs, lengthy construction period and relatively low load fac­tor, none of these schemes is regarded' as financially attractive2 in present circumstances. Future exploitation of the UK's tidal energy potential is unlikely unless there is a substantial increase in the cost of electricity generation from fossil fuels.

1 - рассматривается; 2 - привлекательный

• Complete the following sentences using the information from the texts.

a) Australia's best tidal energy resources are located (in the north­east, in the north-west, in the south-east).

b) The 20 MW Annapolis Tidal Power Project is located at Annap­olis Royal (on the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia), where the tidal range is (between 4.4 and 8.7metres, between 4.8 and 7.8metres, between 3.4 and 7.4 metres).

c) The Kislogubsk pilot tidal plant (400 kW) was commissioned in 1968 near Murmansk (on the Black Sea, on the Barents Sea, on the Laptev Sea).

d) The unusually high tidal range along the west coasts of England and Wales provides some of the most favourable conditions in the world for the utilization of (thermal power, nuclear power, tid­al power).

* Open a round table discussion on tidal power in our country and abroad using
the following questions:

What do you think of...? Do you agree that...?

What is your opinion of...? Is it really so? Do you think that...?

_______________________________ Section I. Power En gineering


• Read and smile. Tell your friend.


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