Estimates of the electricity that could potentially be generated by wind power and of the land area available for wind energy have been calculated for the United States. The potential electric power from wind energy is surprisingly large. Good wind areas, which cover 6% of the U.S. land area, have the potential to supply more than one and a half times the current electricity consumption of the United States. Technology under development today will be capable of producing electricity economically from good wind sites in many regions of the country.
A wind energy resource atlas of the United States shows that areas potentially suitable for wind energy applications are dispersed throughout much of the United States [ las]. Estimates of the wind resource in this atlas are expressed in wind power classes ranging from class 1 to class 7, with each class representing a range of mean wind power density or equivalent mean speed at specified heights above the ground. Areas designated class 4 or greater are suitable with advanced wind turbine technology under development today. Power class 3 areas may be suitable for future generation technology. Class 2 areas are marginal and class 1 areas unsuitable for wind energy development. Maps of the area (percentage of land area) distribution of the wind resource digitized in grid cells of 1/4 latitude DV 1/3 longitude (Fig. 5 and 6, 7) show that exposed areas with mod-erate to high wind resource are dispersed throughout much of tfte United States.
Several factors determine the amount of land area suitable for wind energy development within a particular grid cell in a region of high
58___ ______________________________ Section I. Power Engineering
Unit 8. Wind Energy 59
f~| 1 <200 <5.6
2 200-300 5.6-6.4
Щ 3 300-400 6.4-7.0
— 4 400-500 7.0-7.5
5 500-600 7.5-8.0
Щ 6 600-800 8.0-8.8
L_J 7 >800 >8.8
Fig. 5.
U.S. Annual Wind Power Resource
wind energy potential. The important factors include the percentage! of land exposed to the wind resource and land-use and environmental restrictions. The land area exposed to the wind for each grid cell was estimated based on a landform classification and ranged from 90% for relatively flat terrain down to 5% for mountainous terrain. Estimates of land area excluded from wind energy development, in percent per; grid cell, were made for various types of land-use (e. g., forest, agricultural, range, and urban lands). Environmental exclusion areas were defined as federal and state lands (including parks, monuments, wilderness areas, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas) where wind j energy development would be prohibited or severely restricted.
The wind electric potential per grid cell was calculated from] the available windy land area and the wind power classification assigned to each cell. The amount of potential electricity that can be generated is dependent on several factors, including the spacing between wind j
Speed (m/s) |
Power Class |
Wind Power (W/m2)
<5.6 5.6-6.4 6.4-7.0 7.0-7.5 7.5-8.0 8.0-8.8 >8.8 |
![]() |
"?b |
<200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-800
Fig. 6.
Alaska and Hawaii Annual Wind Power Resource
turbines, the assumed efficiency of the machines, the turbine hub height, and the estimated energy losses (caused by wind turbine wakes, blade soiling, etc.). The assumptions used for calculating the wind energy potential per unit of windy land area is given in Fig. 7. Estimates of wind turbine efficiency and power losses are based on data from existing turbines. For advanced turbines, efficiency is projected to be 30%-35% and power losses 10%-15%.
The considerable wind electric potential has not been tapped before because wind turbine technology was not able to utilize this resource. However, during the past decade, increased knowledge of wind turbine behavior has led to more cost-effective wind turbines that are more efficient in producing electricity.
The price of the electricity produced from wind by these advanced turbines is estimated to be competitive with conventional sources of Power, including fossil fuels. Because of the increasing competitiveness of wind energy, wind resource assessment will become essential in lricorporating wind energy into the nation's energy mix. The impor-
Section I. Power Engineering
Unit 8. Wind Energy
Fig. 7.
Percent U. S. Land Area with Wind Resource
Class 3 or Above (Annual)
tance of accurate wind resource assessment is also recognized in other parts of the world.
Detailed wind resource assessments have been proposed or are being considered as part of a plan to increase the use of wind energy in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other regions. The decreasing cost of wind power and the growing interest in renewable energy sources should ensure that wind power will become a viable energy source in the United States and worldwide.
\. Give the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations from the text:
— wind areas - current electricity consumption - wind energy resource — wind energy applications - mean wind power density — advanced wind turbine technology 2. To the English words in a) find Russian a) 1) wind power 2) current electricity consumption 3) wind energy resource atlas 4) wind energy applications 5) mean wind power density 6) advanced wind turbine technology 7) wind power classification 8) turbine hub height 9) wind resource assessment |
— future generation technology
— wind energy development
— wind electric potential
— turbine hub height
— energy losses
— wind resource assessment
equivalents in b).
1) применение энергии ветра
2) сегодняшнее потребление электричества
3) энергия ветра
4) оценка ресурсов энергии ветра
5) атлас энергоресурсов ветра
6) высота корпуса турбины
7) средняя плотность энергии ветра
8) передовая технология разработки ветряков
9) применения энергии ветра
estimates калькуляция, сметные предположения
to disperse рассеивать, рассредоточивать
to range классифицировать
range диапазон, область, сфера
mean средний
suitable подходящий
to expose подвергать действию to prohibit запрещать to restrict ограничивать to assume предполагать to cause вызывать competitiveness конкуренция viable жизнеспособный
e) to suggest 0 fruitful |
3. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:
a) appropriate c) limitation
b) unprotected |
d) to appreciate
4- Translate the following sentences with Participle II. Pay attention to the different way of translation of Participle II depending on its different functions.
1. Areas designated class 4 or greater are suitable with advanced wind turbine technology under development today.
62____________________________ Section I. Power Engineering
2. The important factors include the percentage of land exposed toi the wind resource and land-use and environmental restrictions.
3. The land area exposed to the wind for each grid cell was estimated based on a landform classification and ranged from 90% for relatively flat terrain down to 5% for mountainous terrain.
4. The amount of potential electricity that can be generated is de-1 pendent on several factors, including the spacing between wind turbines, the assumed efficiency of the machines, the turbine hub height, and the estimated energy losses (caused by wind turbine wakes, blade soiling, etc.).
5. The assumptions used for calculating the wind energy potential per unit of windy land area is given in Fig. 7.
5. Read the text above and make up the list of key words.
6. Read the text and answer whether the statements are true or false.
a) The potential electric power from wind energy is surprisingly small.
b) Technology under development today will be capable of producing electricity economically from good wind sites in few regions of the country.
c) The important factors include the percentage of land exposed t(the wind resource and land-use and environmental restrictions.
d) The amount of potential electricity that can be generated is dependent on nothing.
e) Estimates of wind turbine efficiency and power losses are base< on data from existing turbines.
f) The increasing cost of wind power and the growing interest ii renewable energy sources should ensure that wind power will become a viable energy source in the United States and worldwide.
7. Speak on wind power development and generation in the USA.
• Read the texts below. Think of your own title for the first text. Give the main ideas of the texts.
Unit 8. Wind Energy
Potential of Europe
Wind turbines are now a relatively common sight across Europe, with countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Spain and latterly France, all investing in wind farms. Offshore wind development, although far less advanced, is the greatest prize in this field. However, relative costs of offshore compared to onshore' are higher.
This project is aimed to demonstrate the economic as well as technical viability of offshore wind energy. The former was achieved through the innovative use of a floating jack-up2 barge which reduced the time and costs of installation. The latter was achieved mainly through the incorporation of new electronic control systems which improved the compatibility3 with the grid network, and reduced the need for expensive grid strengthening measures.
Aha Mesa Wind Farm
Five turbines were installed, about 4 km off the coast of Gotland. Each turbine is rated at 500 kW. The average annual output is some 8 G Wh/y, from mean wind speeds of 8 m/s. Rock-socketed steel mono-Pile foundations, to water depths of 5 to 6.5 m were used to secure lhe turbines. Total construction time was only 35 days. Monitoring of
64 Section I. Power Engineering
Unit 8. Wind Energy
impacts on local flora and fauna, such as the seal population, is also being carried out.
1 — береговой; 2 - самоопрокидывающийся; З — совместимость
Two High-Performance 1 MW Wind l\irbines in Low Speed Areas
Wind energy developments have, in the past, been concentrated in areas of the world which offer higher than average wind speeds. Often, this means that developments take place in remote and/or sensitive areas. A technology which can increase the economic attractiveness of utilizing sites with lower wind speeds would be invaluable (бесценный). This project will design, manufacture, install, test and measure the impact of two 1 MW turbines which have been specially adapted for use in low wind speed areas. The aim is to increase power production by up to 22%, compared to a standard turbine, mainly through the technological adaptations which allow for an enhanced rotor di- j ameter, with a swept area of 2,830 m2, and an increase in tower height from 50 to 70 m. The new turbine is installed at a site in Central Swe-den.
• Answer the questions using the information from the texts above.
1. In what countries are wind turbines a relatively common sight?
2. What is the aim of the project?
3. How many turbines were installed?
4. What was total construction time?
5. What technology would be invaluable?
6. What use have two 1 MW turbines been adapted for?
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy. Use the following expres
sions and structures:
I don't think... I totally disagree...
I don't suppose... I have a firm belief...
I'm sure (certain) that... There is no reason to deny...
It's.../likely, not very like- I'm in complete agreement...
ly, unlikely, possible
JUST FOR FUN • Read and smile. Tell your friend.
Picking Huckleberries l
A friend of the family went camping not too long ago. The mountains of Idaho, Washington and Montana are filled with huckleberries this time of year, so she was told to bring something to collect the fruit in. She brought the vacuum sweeper. When asked what she was going to plug2it into, she answered, "A current bush."
Jan Kucera. G. Westinghouse History
1 - черника; 2 - включать
• Read the text below and define whether it is about nuclear or thermal power plants.
Solid Fuels
In this field, technical improvements in terms of thermal efficiency play a vital role in fostering market penetration of new systems. In the solid fuel sector much attention has been paid to the so-called "clean coal technologies". This is due to a recognition of the continuing importance of this fuel, especially in developing countries, but coupled with the need to improve the environmental and thermal performance of the combustion process.
Fig. 9.
Plainfield Coal-fired Power Plant
Most large scale conventional power plants have net thermal effi-j ciencies in the order of 38% for hard coal and 35% for brown coal. New systems are being developed which are aimed at increasing this,
Unit 9. Fossil Fuels
over the medium-term, to at least 50%. This will result in a reduction of 0.21 kg of C02per kWh generated per hard coal, and 0.34 kg/kWh generated for brown coal. In the EU countries alone, this equates to a C02 reduction of 180 million tons per year; in line with targets set in the context of the climate change debate. This increased efficiency leads to lower fuel costs per unit of output, thought to equate to a reduction of some 2.5 EU/MWh in generating costs. For a 1 Gwe plant operating for 7,000 hours a year, this means a theoretical annual cost cutting potential of about ECU 18 million for consumers.
Oil and Gas
The key priorities in this sector are to improve the efficiency of exploration and production of hydrocarbons and to reduce the environmental impact of the same. Some of the most important new technologies that have contributed to the objectives are related to: new drilling and completion techniques, new seismic methods such as multi-component and multi-dimension seismic, offshore production structures and facilities. New techniques for deep water storage; and new technologies for natural gas exploration and production. Demonstration and market deployment of such technology will allow not only a better exploitation of European indigenous resources but also an increased competitiveness of European service and supply companies.