What is the aim of the project?

There is a growing interest in green electricity (generated from re­newable sources) among consumers. In the Netherlands, increasing

Section I. Power Engineering

Unit 11. Solar Power


demand from consumers for PV systems to supply electricity at their own premises offers an opportunity to market centralised PV systems, which have, until recently, gained little support. More development work needs to be done to improve the appropriate technology for grid-connected PV systems and this project will bring together Italian elec­tricity company ENEL, with their expertise in the operation of cen­tralised PV systems and the marketing expertise of Dutch energy company EDON. The technology will be demonstrated to the general public and commercial end-users.

The new system, the first ground-based central PV system in the Netherlands, will be installed on top of a concrete storage tank for drinking water, and will consist of three units, each with a capacity of 60 kWp, giving a total capacity of 180 kWp. This project aims to dem­onstrate the role that sales of green electricity can play in driving the development of PV, and other renewable projects.

• Questions for discussion.

a) Is the solar energy dangerous?

b) What solar power plants in our country do you know?

c) Could solar energy provide all the energy needed by a modern industrial society worldwide for the indefinite future?

Use the following phrases and word combinations:

in my opinion to start with I believe

to my mind I think the thing is

the fact is as far as I know


• Read and smile.

From 11 plus Exams

Dew' is formed on leaves when the sun shines down on them and makes them perspire2.


G. Westinghouse History

You say Edison was the greatest one of all, but don't forget George Westinghouse. Edison was famous for D.C. (direct current) which, in­cidentally, we named our nation's capital after. But Westinghouse was famous for A.C. and the Westinghouse Electric Co. So anyway, the descendants' of these two got together and created a band, hence AC/DC2. Thusly, if you create AC with DC, all you get is noise3. So George Westinghouse is famous for noise. If you hear any noise, in your car or house or anywhere else, thank him.

1 — потомки; 2 — название группы; 3 — шум

1 — роса; 2 — потеть

= Unit 12 ^



• Read the text given below. Try to imagine what is described here.

Approximately 6 kWt/person or, eventually, 2 kWe/person can en­able energy prosperity. Note that "t" refers to thermal energy and "e" to electric energy. For a population of 10 billion people, anticipated by 2050, this implies 60,000 GWt or 20,000 GWe. For purposes of dis­cussion, assume that power usage continues to be high to 2070. From 2000 to 2070 the world would consume approximately 3,000,000 GWt-Y or 1,000,000 GWe-Y of energy. It is highly unlikely that conventional fossil, nuclear, and terrestrial renewable power systems can provide the power needed by 2050 and the total energy consumed by 2070. They are restricted by limited supplies of fuels, pollution and wastes, irregu­lar supplies of renewable energy, costs of creating and operating the global systems, and other factors.

It is technically and economically feasible to provide at least 100,000 GWe of solar electric energy from facilities on the Moon. The Lunar Solar Power (LSP) System can supply to Earth power that is independent of the biosphere and does not introduce C02, ash, or other material wastes into the biosphere. Inexhaustible new net elec­trical energy provided by the LSP System enables the creation of new net material wealth on Earth that is decoupled from the biosphere. Given adequate clean electric power, humanity's material needs can be acquired from common resources and recycled without the use of depletable fuels. LSP power increases the ability of tomorrow's gener­ations to meet tomorrow's needs, and enables humanity to move be­yond simply attempting to sustain itself within the biosphere to nur­turing the biosphere.

The LSP System uses bases on opposing limbs of the Moon. Each base transmits multiple microwave power beams directly to Earth rec-

Unit 12. Lunar Solar Power System 91

tennas when the rectennas can view the Moon. Each base is augment­ed by fields of photoconvertersjust across the limb of the Moon. Thus, one of the two bases in the pair can beam power toward Earth over the entire cycle of the lunar day and night. This version of LSP sup­plies extra energy to a rectenna on Earth while the rectenna can view the Moon. The extra energy is stored and then released when the Moon is not in view.

The LSP System is an unconventional approach to supplying com­mercial power to Earth. Power beams are considered esoteric and a technology of the distant future. However, Earth-to-Moon power beams of near-commercial intensity are an operational reality.

Load-following electrical power, without expensive storage, is highly desirable. Earth orbiting satellites can redirect beams to rectennas that cannot view the Moon and thus enable load-following power to rec­tennas located anywhere on Earth. Rectennas on Earth and the lunar transmitters can be sized to permit the use of Earth orbiting redirec-tors that are 200 m to 1,000 m in diameter. Redirected satellites can be reflectors or retransmitters. The technology is much more mature than realized by the technical community at large.


prosperity процветание to nurture питать

to refer to ссылаться на esoteric эзотерический (доступный
to imply подразумевать посвященным)

irregular неправильный to permit позволять

creation создание orbiting satellite орбитальный искус-
material wealth материальное богат- ственный спутник

ство, благосостояние mature зрелый

to decouple разделять to augment усиливать, увеличивать,
to acquire приобретать, получать расширять

to meet needs удовлетворять потреб­ности


L Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations:

— предположим, что — обычное ископаемое то-

— использование энергии пливо



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