Тема урока: Exploring space.
Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений
Цель урока:
- Развивающая: развивать произвольное и непроизвольное внимание, память, мыслительные операции, языковую догадку, речевую деятельность учащихся;
- Воспитательная: формировать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, познавательный интерес через приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать инициативу и самостоятельность в учебной деятельности;
Целеполагающие задачи :
- предметные: развивать и совершенствовать умение читать с целью общего и детального понимания содержания текста, формировать лексические навыки чтения; обеспечить условия для закрепления знаний, умений навыков поискового чтения, развивать умения групповой и индивидуальной работы, совершенствовать грамматические навыки по теме «present perfect, present perfect continous »;
- личностные: Вызывать у учащихся заинтересованность в новой теме, пробудить любознательность, возбудить готовность выполнять задания правильно и быстро, закрепить уверенность учащихся в собственном успехе.
Оборудование: проектор, презентация,, учебник “Enjoy English 8 класс” Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., рабочая тетрадь “Enjoy English 8 класс” Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А, карточки с заданиями, приложения
Этапы урока | Действия учителя | Действия учеников | Время |
1.Организационный этап. Подготовка к активной деятельности учащихся. Цель этапа для учителя: мотивация учащихся на активную и плодотворную работу. Задачи: -создание доброжелательного психологического настроя на уроке; -стимуляция деятельности и организация внимания обучающихся. | Включение детей в деятельность. -Good-morning, boys and girls! - I am glad to see you! -Who’s on duty in your Class? - How are you? | Включение в работу, самоопределение. Отвечают на вопросы учителя. | 2 мин. |
2. Повторение изученных знаний. Цель этапа для учителя: организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся, поготовить к усвоению нового материала. | Задание №1. Фонетическая зарядка: -Today we shall start our lesson with the poem “Our Special Earth”. (см. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1) -Listen to me please. (Воспроизведение стихотворения учителем) -Translate the poem. -Repeat the words after me (Отрабатываемые слова выделены другим цветом): Earth, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn -Repeat after me. (Построчное чтение) -Let's read the poem all together! (Хоровое чтение) Задание №2. Речевая зарядка. -Answer my questions please (Вопросно-ответная работа по содержанию стихотворения “Our Special Earth”): 1) What is the closest planet to the Sun? (Mercury) 2) What is the hottest planet? (Venus) 3) What is the biggest planet? (Jupiter) 4) What is the smallest planet? (Pluto) 5) What colour is Mars? (Red) 6) Which planet has got rings? (Saturn) 7) Why is the Earth very special? | Слушают учителя. Производят перевод стихотворения. Повторяют за учителем слова. Все вместе зачитывают стихотворение Отвечают на вопросы учителя. | 9 мин. |
3. Усвоение новых знаний. | -As you understand, today we are going to talk about space and space exploration. We don’t know when people began to dream of travelling in space, but this dream became true only in the 20th century. -What do you know about exploring space? Задание №1. Make up sentences. (см. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2) 1) K. Tsiolkovsky invented the idea of space rockets. 2) S. Korolev constructed the first space ship. 3) Y. Gagarin was the first astronaut. 4) V. Tereshkova was the first woman in space. 5) A. Leonov was the first man to walk in space. 6) N. Armstrong was the first man on the moon. 7) Laikav was the first dog in space. 8) Dennis Tito was the first space tourist. Задание №2. - People of different nationalities have always dreamt about travelling in space. At the end of the 20th century the countries combined their efforts to build the ISS (the International Space Station). -We are going to read the text about the ISS (the International Space Station). What is it? -First of all let’s read some new words and expressions: • the International Space Station (the ISS) – Международная космическая станция (МКС) • the European Space Agency - Европейское управление космических исследований • a control module - блок управления • was launched – был запущен • scientific research – научное исследование • weightless – невесомый • to attach – привязывать • crew cab - кабина для экипажа -Read the text to yourself please and say true (T) or false (F). I give you 4 minutes for reading. (см. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3) 1. Six countries are working together to build the ISS.(False) 2. The countries are constructing the ISS piece by piece in space.(True) 3. The first part of the ISS was Zarya, the control module, which was built by the USA.(False) 4. A few years later the US module Unity was launched. (False) 5. The station will be an orbital laboratory for scientific research. (True) 6. Five astronauts can live and work on the station. (False) 7. In space astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any position. (True) 8. Usually, astronauts sleep for five hours at the end of each day. (False) | Отвечают на вопросы. Соединяют части предложения, чтобы получить одно единое предложение. Участвуют в диалоге с учителем. Зачитывают и записывают новые слова и выражения к себе в тетради. Читают текст. Устанавливают истинность или ложность фактов данных в предложениях. | 25 мин |
4. Физкультминутка. | I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Hands up, hands down, Hands on hips, sit down. Stand up, hands up, to the sides, Bend left, bend right, One, two, three – on the tiptoes, One, two, three – turn around, Clap, clap – step aside. | Выполняют зарядку. | 2 мин. |
Задание №3.-We go on talking about space. The astronauts live and work in space for several months. But what do they eat in space? -Look at the food trays (на доске), read the words: tortillas – Mexican pancakes brownies – chocolate cakes straw – соломинка candies AmE = BrE sweets -Listen to the interview (ex. 2b, p.117) and choose which tray is for an astronaut (см. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 5). – 1 прослушивание -Say if the following statements (см. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 5) are true or false – 2 прослушивание. 1) Astronauts eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. (True) 2) They eat brown bread. (False) 3) They eat tortillas instead of bread. (True) 4) Astronauts don’t drink coffee or tea. (False) 5) All the drinks are in bags with straws. (True) 6) Astronauts have sweets and brownies for their dessert. (True) Задание №4. Развитие видов речевой деятельности (письмо: обучение заполнению бланка заявления.) -I think everyone would like to travel in space and to study our Solar System better. Would you like to travel in space? (Ответы учащихся) -Read the words and expressions and choose the three most important things for being a crew member: • can speak and read English and Russian • can work in a team • experienced • friendly • healthy • clever • kind • helpful Слова и выражения записаны на доске. -Fill in the application form with short statements to give reasons why you should be chosen to be a crew member. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 6) -Say why you can be chosen to be a crew member. Use your application. (Учащиеся составляют монологическое высказывание о себе, используя образец заявления | Участвуют в диалоге с учителем. Прослушивают интервью. На основе аудиозаписи устанавливают истинность или ложность фактов данных в предложениях упражнения. Участвуют в диалоге с учителем. Выбирают по три прилагательных. Заполняют заявление по образцу из приложения №6. Учащиеся составляют монологическое высказывание о себе, используя образец заявления. | ||
5. Рефлексия деятельности. | - What we learned in our lesson today? – Do you like this lesson? – Do you like the theme in our lesson? | Отвечают на вопрос учителя, повторяя при этом пройденный материал. | 1 мин. |
6. Домашнее задание | Homework – to learn the poem “Our Special Earth” by heart. The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye. | 1 мин |
Our Special Earth
Our Earth is very special,
As special as can be,
Though it's not the closest planet
To the Sun--that's Mercury.
It's not the hottest planet,
That's Venus - "Evening Star,"
It's not the biggest planet,
That's Jupiter by far.
It's not the smallest planet,
That's Pluto - cold as ice,
'It's not famous for its reddish tint,
That's Mars - to be precise.
It's not a ball of gas like
Uranus and Neptune,
It has no rings like Saturn 's,
It only has one moon.
But Earth is alive with animals,
With flowers, grass, and trees.
And best of all our special Earth
Is home to you and me.
What do you know about exploring space?
Make up sentences.
1) K. Tsiolkovsky 2) S. Korolev 3) Y. Gagarin 4) V. Tereshkova 5) A. Leonov 6) N. Armstrong 7) Laika 8) Dennis Tito | a) was the first space tourist. b) was the first astronaut. c) invented the idea of space rockets. d) constructed the first space ship. e) was the first man to walk in space. f) was the first dog in space. g) was the first woman in space. h) was the first man on the moon. |
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
· the International Space Station (the ISS) – Международная космическая станция (МКС)
· the European Space Agency - Европейское управление космических исследований
· a control module - блок управления
· was launched – был запущен
· scientific research – научное исследование
· weightless – невесомый
· to attach – привязывать
· crew cabine - кабина для экипажа
Read the text and say true (T) or false (F):
The International Space Station (the ISS) is the international programme. Sixteen countries are working together to build the ISS: Russia, the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the nations of the European Space Agency (Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).
The countries are constructing the ISS piece by piece in space. It is very big and heavy. The first part of the ISS was Zarya, the control module, which was built by Russia. It was launched into orbit on the 20th of November 1998. A few weeks later the US module Unity was launched. The two modules were connected in space.
The station will be an orbital laboratory for scientific research in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, human physiology, space and Earth science. But while building is going on, only three astronauts will live and work on the station.
After a long working day, just like on Earth, a worker in space goes to bed at night. In space astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any position. However, they have to attach themselves to a wall, a seat or a bed inside the crew cabine. Usually, astronauts sleep for eight hours at the end of each day.
1. Six countries are working together to build the ISS.
2. The countries are constructing the ISS piece by piece in space.
3. The first part of the ISS was Zarya, the control module, which was built by the USA.
4. A few years later the US module Unity was launched.
5. The station will be an orbital laboratory for scientific research.
6. Five astronauts can live and work on the station.
7. In space astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any position.
8. Usually, astronauts sleep for five hours at the end of each day.
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands up, to the sides,
Bend left, bend right,
One, two, three – on the tiptoes,
One, two, three – turn around,
Clap, clap – step aside.
Listen to the interview and say if the statements are true or false:
1) Astronauts eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
2) They eat brown bread.
3) They eat tortillas instead of bread.
4) Astronauts don’t drink coffee or tea.
5) All the drinks are in bags with straws.
6) Astronauts have sweets and brownies for their dessert.
APPLICATION FORM Date ______________________ Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date of birth ________________________________________ Sex: male/female (underline) Health ____________________________________________________________________ Sports ____________________________________________________________________ What foreign languages do you speak/read? ______________________________________ Are you afraid of the dark? ___________________________________________________ Can you communicate well with other people? ____________________________________ How do you work best: on your own, in pairs, in a group (underline) Signature ____________________ |