Remember the following words and expressions:
To make up [meɪk ʌp ] составлять System [ˈsɪstɪm] система Excretory [ɛksˈkriːtəri ] выделительный To perform [pəˈfɔːm] выполнять Action [ˈækʃ(ə)n] действия To purify [ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ ] очищать To pump [pʌmp] качать (как насос) To facilitate [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] способствовать To secrete [sɪˈkriːt] выделять To digest [ˈdaɪʤɛst] переваривать To absorb [əbˈsɔːb] всасывать To process [prəˈsɛs] перерабатывать Nutrients [ˈnjuːtrɪənts] питательные вещества Cavity [ˈkævɪti] полость To filter [ˈfɪltə ] фильтровать To connect [kəˈnɛkt] соединять To excrete [ɛksˈkriːt ] выводить | ORGANS: Brain [breɪn] мозг Heart [hɑːt] сердце Breastbone [ˈbrɛstbəʊn] грудина Lungs [lʌŋz] легкие Oesophagus [i(ː)ˈsɒfəgəs ] пищевод Stomach [ˈstʌmək] желудок Pancreas [ˈpæŋkrɪəs] поджелудочная Liver [ˈlɪvə ] печень Gallbladder [ˈgɔːlˌblædə] желчный пузырь Spleen [spliːn] селезенка Small /large intestine [smɔːl /lɑːʤ ɪnˈtɛstɪn] тонкий/толстый кишечник caecum ['siːkəm] слепая кишка Colon [ˈkəʊlən] ободочная кишка rectum [ˈrɛktəm] прямая кишка anus [ˈeɪnəs] анус | SUBSTANCES: Blood [blʌd] кровь Enzyme [ˈɛnzaɪm] фермент Bile [baɪl] желчь Electrolytes [ɪˈlɛktrəʊlaɪts] электролит Residues [ˈrɛzɪdjuːz] остатки Feces [ˈfiːsiːz] фекалии |
Упр. 1 Подпишите названия частей тела. | Упр. 2Переведите на английский |
1. Составлять систему органов 2. Выделительная система 3. Выполнять действия 4. Очищать организм 5. Качать кровь | 6. Переваривать пищу 7. Всасывать питательные вещества 8. Выделять ферменты 9. Соединять желудок и кишечник 10. Выводить фекалии |
An organ is a collection of tissues that has a specific role in the human body. An organ is made up of a group of cells. Together various organs make up an organ system, for example – the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and excretory system.
The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body and is responsible for major actions performed by the body. The heart is located toward the left of the breastbone. The function of the heart is to purify and pump blood to all the parts of the body. The lungs facilitate the function of respiration.
The stomach plays an important role in the process of digestion. Its function is to secrete enzymes that help digest food. The pancreas is located behind the stomach across the abdomen. Its function is to absorb and process essential nutrients. The liver is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity. Some of the important functions of the liver include filtering harmful substances from the blood. The main function of the gallbladder is to store bile, which is secreted by the liver until it is needed for digestion.
The spleen is located to the left of the stomach. One of the main functions of the spleen is to filter blood. The small intestine connects the stomach and the large intestine. It is primarily responsible for digestion. The large intestine is divided into four sections: the caecum, colon, rectum and anus. The primary function of the large intestine is to absorb water and electrolytes from the digestive residues and store feces till it is excreted.
Упр. 3 Дополните предложения.
1. An organ is made up of …. 2. The brain is responsible for …. 3. The function of the heart is …. 4. The lungs facilitate the function of …. 5. The function of the stomach is …. 6. The function of the pancreas is …. | 7. The function of the liver is 8. The main function of the gallbladder is … 9. The main function of the spleen is 10. The small intestine is responsible…. 11. The large intestine is divided into four sections: …. 12. The function of the large intestine is … |
Упр. 4 Посмотрите видео “Internal Organs – Human Body – Science Video Lecture” и укажите расположение органов и их функции.
a. on the right side of the abdominal cavity | 1. the brain | a. muscle control | |
b. at the back of the abdominal cavity | 2. the lungs | b. digestion of food | |
c. in the chest cavity | 3. the liver | c. to process the contents of the blood | |
d. crosswise in the abdominal cavity | 4. the kidneys | d. coordination | |
e. between the stomach and the anus | 5. the heart | e. to provide oxygen | |
f. within the skull | 6. the stomach | f. to break down food | |
7. the intestines | g. production of gastric juices | ||
h. to pump blood through the blood vessels | |||
i. integration | |||
j. sensory reception | |||
k. to break down fats | |||
l. to exhale carbon dioxide | |||
m. to mix food | |||
n. to churn food into a thin fluid | |||
o. speech production | |||
p. to produce urea | |||
q. memory storage | |||
r. elaboration of thought and emotion | |||
s. to excrete waste products | |||
t. to filter harmful substances | |||
u. to maintain a proper level of the Glucose | |||
v. to maintain body’s chemical balance | |||
w. to excess fluid in the form of urine | |||
x. to absorb indigested food | |||
y. absorption of water | |||
z. excretion of solid waste |
Порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals) обозначают порядковый номер того или иного предмета при счете и отвечают на вопрос which? (который?)