Контрольная работа 3
I. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should, would:
1. The notion that if people would just get to know one another they would be friends and everything would be all right is as dangerous as it is sentimental.
2. Daily responsibilities prevent many of us from doing the things we would like to do.
3. You should come to recognise the interrelationships among the various facts and to achieve a greater awareness of how all the different pieces of psychology fit together.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание, что инфинитивные, причастные и герундиальные обороты соответствуют чаще всего придаточным предложениям:
1. William McDougall, a British psychologist, defined psychology in 1908 as” the science of behaviour”, using this phrase apparently for the first time.
2. Thus, by the early part of the twentieth century American psychology had succeeded in gaining independence from philosophy, developing laboratories in which to apply the methods of science, forming its own scientific association, and giving itself a formal definition as a science, the science of behaviour.
3. Rather than having the world brought to them through books and television, tourists are free to explore the unexpected and have immediate experiences “unedited by other minds”.
III. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык.:
1. Both adult children and elderly parents must accept the role of changes concerning retirement and other aspects of aging to promote concensus in the family.
2. Transitions that influence the parent-adult child relationship include such events as the child moving out of the parent’s home, getting married and becoming a parent himself or herself, as well as the parent’s retiring, being widowed, or having health problems.
3. Because the elderly parent and adult child remain independent, they maintain contact out of affection for each other rather than out of obligation alone.
4. Some American researchers made a very convincing argument that, as people age, they become more involved with their families than with other types of activities.
5. Because of the complexity of human nature, many of the questions asked centuries ago are still relevant today.
6. Some psychologists argue that the past may be the only basis on which we may plan intelligently for the future.
IV. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1,3,5 абзацы текста.
- Of all scholarly disciplines in existence today, psychology is among the oldest. Interest in the topic can be traced to the earliest inquiring minds. We have long been fascinated by our own behavior, and speculations about human nature and conduct fill many philosophical and theological volumes. As early as the forth and fifth centuries B.C., Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek scholars grappled with many of the same problems that concern psychologists today: memory, learning, motivation, perception, dreaming and irrational behavior The same kinds of questions now being asked about human nature were asked centuries ago, which shows a vital continuity in subject matter between the present and the past.
- Although psychology is one of the older disciplines, it is also one of the newer. This paradox was described succinctly by the nineteenth-century psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, who wrote that “psychology has a long past but only a short history.” The intellectual precursors of psychology are ancient indeed, but the modern tradition and form of psychology are only a little more than a century old. The centennial of the birth of modern psychology was celebrated in 1979.
- The discussion between modern psychology and its antecedents has less to do with the kinds of questions asked about human nature than with the methods used to seek the answers. It is the approach taken and the techniques employed that distinguish the older philosophy from modern psychology and denote the emergence of psychology as a separate discipline.
- Until the last quarter of the nineteenth century, philosophers studied human nature through speculation, intuition, and generalization based on their own limited experience. A major transformation occurred when they began to apply the tools and methods of science to questions about human nature, methods that had already proved successful in the biological and physical sciences. Only when researchers came to rely on carefully controlled observation and experimentation as the means for studying the human mind did psychology begin to attain an identity separate from its philosophical antecedents. The new psychology needed to develop a more precise objective way of dealing with its subject matter. Thus, much of the history of psychology after its separation from philosophy is an account of the refinement of its tools, techniques, and methods of study to achieve increased precision and objectivity in both its questions and its answers.
- Only in the last 100 years or so have psychologists defined psychology’s subject matter and established its foundation, confirming its independence from philosophy. The early philosophers concerned themselves with problems that are still of general interest, but
they approached these problems in a manner vastly different from that of today’s psychologists. These scholars were not psychologists in the contemporary usage of the term.
V.Прочтите вопрос к тексту. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите предложение, содержащее правильный ответ.
How old is Modern Psychology?
1. Modern Psychology has a long past.
2. The roots of Modern Psychology go into the fourth and fifth centuries B.C.
3. Modern Psychology is only a quarter of a century more than 100 years old.