Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо

Типовые контрольные задания или иные материалы, необходимые для оценки результатов освоения образовательной программы в рамках учебной дисциплины

Тест для контроля знаний грамматического материала

Проверяемые компетенции:

Формулировка ОК-5 способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на иностранном языке для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия.

1. Your hobby seems … both practical and useful.

a) to be

b) is

c) being

2. Would you mind … a photo of you? – Oh no! You’re welcome!

a) my take

b) me taking

c) my taking

3. … the process of driving that matters.

a) Its

b) It’s

c) Here is

4. There is a type of person who thinks that … television on Sunday afternoon is the most exciting activity he can manage.

a) watched

b) watches

c) watching

5. Organization structure … an efficient work system.

a) provides

b) providing

c) provide

6. He … to become a skillful manager.

a) goes

b) go

c) is going

7.”I’m astonished how popular opera is now. I think it’s due to singers … Pavarotti and Domingo.”

а) like

b) liked

c) alike

8. …, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision.

a) Fortunately

b) Unfortunately

c) Successfully

9. After your address, a statement of intent or … should be written in your resume.

a) job object

b) job objective

c) job adjective

10. It is critically important that your resume is well - …

a) written

b) wrote

c) writes

11. What’s your hobby, Jane? – I’m crazy about …

a) danced

b) to dance

c) dancing

12. Are you fond of fishing? – Yes, I …

a) is

b) be

c) am

13. His wife is always busy … ecological problems with her friends.

a) discussing

b) discussion

c) discusses

14. Tastes …

a) differs

b) difficult

c) differ

15. But is their leisure time men do what they really want to do and their real … are reflected in their actions.

a) self

b) selves

c) selfs

16. There exist also some private employment agencies which … a fee.

a) receive

b) receives

c) are received

17. To make efficient use of time, American business people schedule their days …

a) hour after hour

b) hour by hour

c) hour under hour

18. The logical and most desirable aim of all managers should be a …

a) surplus

b) responsibility

c) contribution

19. Managers must establish an environment in which individuals can … selected goals.

a) choose

b) forget

c) accomplish

20. … is choosing future courses of action from among alternatives.

a) organizing

b) organization

c) decision making

21. They say you are a famous …

a) collectioner

b) collector

c) collecting

22. Why did you choose hiking as a hobby? – It’s difficult to answer. It seems …

a) health

b) healthy

c) healthing

23. I like blues. In my opinion, it’s incredibly …

a) relaxing

b) relax

c) relaxation

24. … is someone who takes little or no exercise, and who spends their free time doing very little.

a) couch potato

b) couch tomato

c) sofa apple

25. I didn’t watch the TV set because there … no electricity.

a) are

b) were

c) was



Ключ к тесту


1 a 14 c

2 c 15 b

3 b 16 a

4 c 17 b

5 a 18 a

6 c 19 c

7 a 20 c

8 a 21 a

9 b 22 b

10 a 23 a

11 c 24 a

12 c 25 c

13 a

Критерии оценки ответов на тестовые задания:

- оценка «зачтено» выставляется студенту, если он владеет терминологией по курсу, показывает высокий уровень знаний; отвечает верно на 70% поставленных вопросов;

- оценка «не зачтено» выставляется студенту, если он плохо владеет или не владеет терминологией по курсу, показывает низкий уровень; отвечает верно менее, чем на 70% поставленных вопросов.

Контрольные работы

Проверяемые компетенции:

Формулировка ОК-5 способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на иностранном языке для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия.

Контрольная работа 1

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentSimple (Indefinite):

I. 1. My sister (to get) up at 8 o’clock. 2. She (to be) a school-girl. 3. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. 5. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 6. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 7. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 8. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 9. We (to speak) French well. 10. My working day (to begin) at 7 o’clock. 11. I (to get) up, I (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. 13. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. 14. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. 15. My father and I (to leave) home at 9 o’clock. 16. He (to take) a bus to his factory. 17. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. 18. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room. 19. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

II. 1. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. 2. We (not to watch) TV in the morning. 3. They (not to eat) at the lesson. 4. My mother (not to work) at the office.

III. 1. You (to work) every day? 2. He (to play) in the afternoon? 3. They (to eat) at school? 4. Your sister (to rest) after school? 5. What you (to do) every morning? 6. What you (to read) after dinner? 7. What they (to eat) at breakfast? 8. What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

Контрольная работа 2

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentSimple (Indefinite):

To have

1. I ….. a lot of books at home. 2 …… you got any brothers? 3. Pete … a new bag. 4. … Ann a red pencil? 5. They … a lot of friends at school. 6. Kate … no brothers. 7. We … different subjects at school. 8. Our family … a good flat.

To be

1. Sergei Petrov …. a farmer. 2. Slava’s brothers … workers. 3. …. you a driver? No, I … not. 4. What … you? I …. a mechanic. 5. Who … this man? He … Oleg Tenin. 6. What …. these women? They …. nurses. 7. Who … in the kitchen? MotherandAnn ….

2.Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределенный артикль нужно опустить):

A pen, the class, a story, the road, a day, the cat, a bush, the desk, a table, the plate, a fox, the room, a lady, the knife, a chair, the bus, a hero, the match, a way, the house, a family, the town, a foot, the child, a play, a key, the woman, the wolf, a swine, the mouse.


Контрольная работа 3

Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо

1. What colour is... floor in your room? 2. Write... questions on... blackboard, please. 3. Please, open... window. 4. Are you writing... new words? 5. Where's... Room 6? 7.... exercise-book is on... table. 8. I don't like... milk. I prefer... water. 9.... tea is hot, I can't drink it. 10. What... wonderful day! 11.... boy in... corner is my friend. 12. I like... summer best. 13. Tom threw... stone at Sid. 14. I don't like to drink... coffee in... evening. I always drink strong tea. 15. At... sunset Mary sat at... window looking at... sky and at... sea in... distance.... picture she saw was really beautiful,... light white clouds were getting darker,... sun was growing smaller,... white sail was coming nearer and nearer shining in... darkening air. 16. There is... film on TV tonight. Are you going to watch it? 17.... Panama Canal connects... Atlantic and... PacificOceans. 18. What is... BritishMuseum famous for?


Контрольная работа 4

Переведите текст


1. Job satisfaction is an important consideration in job design and job analysis, refers to an employee’s own evaluation of his or her job in terms of supervision, coworkers, pay, promotions, and the work itself. This evaluation is actually a comparison between the employee’s expectations about these job-related factors and his or her actual experiences on the job.

2. Research studies have generally concluded that job satisfaction does not cause employees to work harder and have found only a slight positive relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Job satisfaction is generally considered more the results of job performance and resulting rewards than its cause. The reasoning is that high performance usually leads to rewards, such as recognition, higher pay, and promotion. It is these subsequent rewards that are considered causes of job satisfaction. On the other hand, if employees perceive the consequences of their performance to be inequitably rewarded, the dissatisfaction caused by this inequity will result in a reduction of effort and lower performance.

3. Recent research has revealed that the relationship between individual, overall job satisfaction and subsequent job performance may be stronger and more consistent than previously believed. In fact, the relationship may be stronger at higher-level jobs such as managers, due primarily to the fact these jobs provide opportunities for strong extrinsic rewards as well as intrinsic job satisfaction.


а) What does job satisfaction refer to?

b) Is job satisfaction considered the result or the cause of job performance? Why?

c) What may be the cause of dissatisfaction, and what is the result of it?

d) Why is the relationship between individual, job satisfaction and job performance stronger at higher-level jobs?

Контрольная работа 5


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