Requirements for the design of materials

- articles are accepted in Russian and English language;

- volume - up to 2 pages of A4 format, text editor Windows (Microsoft Office Word) 95/97/2000/2003 / XP;

- font - Times New Roman, size 14, low-fat, line spacing is single;

- Fields (right, left, bottom, top) - 2 cm, alignment in width, paragraph indent - 1,25;

- the article is made as a separate file;

- design of the article: title - centered on the page in bold capital (capital) letters, through the line (italicized with right alignment) - surname and initials of the author(s), scientific degree and title, e-mail (for communication with the author) organization, country, city; work abstract and key words (in Russian); title, author data, abstract and key words (in English).

- The following sections should be reflected in the article: the introduction, the purpose of the research, the methods of research, the methodology, the results of the research, conclusions, bibliography. Bibliographic references should be made in accordance with GOST R7.1-2003 in alphabetical order.

- The bibliographic list at the end of the article is called LITERATURE and is made in alphabetical order and in full accordance with the requirements of GOST.

- references to the literature in the text are given in figures corresponding to the author's number in the bibliographic list in square brackets.

- The materials provided by the authors for publication must meet the requirements for originality and are checked in the «Antiplagiat» system. The percentage of originality of the manuscript should be at least 70%.

- authors should indicate UDC in the upper left corner of the article.



Materials are published in the author's edition (authors/co-authors are fully responsible for the materials presented).

Materials issued with violations of these requirements may be rejected from subsequent publication in the electronic collection of scientific papers without additional warning.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in hard copy and in electronic format. The collection of scientific papers will be assigned to the ISBN and placed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU ( and included in the DB of the RINC (Russian Scientific Citation Index) and Science index. This will allow authors to increase their personal citation index.

Abstracts are accepted in electronic form (Word format). On a separate page author's certificate is issued, where the name of authors, place of work, position, academic title, telephone number, address is indicated.



58, Belinsky st., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the hall of the Academic Council Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosov"

The beginning of the conference at 10:00

Travel to Yakutsk and back, meals, accommodation of conference participants - at the expense of sending organizations.


On organizational issues, contact:

Address: 677016, 2, Pavlik Morozov st., cab. 220, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Department of Combat Sports of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov.

Contact tel/fax: +79841051887



Organizing Committee


to participate in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Olympic sport: the pedagogical heritage of D.P. Korkin and the prospects for the development of freestyle wrestling on the world stage"

1. Name of the author (co-authors)  
2. Academic degree, title, position  
4. Organization  
5. Address (country, postal code, city, street)  
6. Telephone / Fax (country code, area code)  
7. E-mail  
8. Title of article  
9. Name of the direction  
10. Form of the report (plenary, sectional report)  
11. Form of participation (full-time / part-time)  
12. Necessity of booking a place to stay during the conference (yes / no)  




Направление конференции: Актуальные вопросы медико-биологического и психологического обеспечения в спорте высших достижений

UDC 796.91






Иванов И.И.,

Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М.К.Аммосова, Якутск, Россия

Ivanov I.I.,

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K.Ammosov, Yakutsk, Russia


Аннотация. Рассмотрены теоретические основы целостного педагогического процесса в спортивной деятельности юных спортсменов. Определяются цели, задачи и методы, приемы эффективного построения педагогической системы и роли спортивного психолога в предложенной системе как равноправного субъекта в процессе подготовки юных спортсменов от отбора до спортивного мастерства.

Ключевые слова: педагогическая система, «тренер – психолог – юный спортсмен», психологическая подготовка, психолого-педагогическое сопровождение.

Annotation. Theoretical bases of complete pedagogical process in sports activity of young sportsmen are considered. The purposes, problems, methods, techniques, conditions of effective construction of pedagogical system and role of the sports psychologist in the offered system as an equal subject in young sportsmen training from selection up to sports skills are defined

Keywords: pedagogical system, «coach – psychologist – young sportsman», psychological training, psychological-pedagogical support.


Постановка проблемы. Идея педагогизации психологии впервые была предложена видным советским психологом К.К.Платоновым [1], далее конкретизирована П.А.Рудиком, рассматривавшем «содержание психологической подготовки в спорте, как систему психолого-педагогического воздействия с целью совершенствования психических качеств и черт личности для достижения высоких спортивных результатов в избранном виде спорта» [2].



1. Платонов, К.К. Краткий словарь системы психологических понятий / К.К.Платонов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1984. – С.89.

2. Рудик, П.А. Психология / П.А.Рудик. – М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1974. – 512 с.


1. Platonov, K.K., Short dictionary of psychological concepts system / K.K.Platonov. – M: The higher school, 1984. – Page 89.

2. Rudik, P.A., Psychology / P.A.Rudik. – M: Physical culture and sports, 1974. – 512 pages.

Материалы конференции будут опубликованы в печатном варианте и в сборнике в электронном формате. Сборнику научных трудов будет присвоен ISBN и размещен в Научной электронной библиотеке eLIBRARY.RU ( и включен в БД РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования) и Science index. Это позволит авторам повысить личный индекс цитируемости.



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