Примеры написания тематических эссе.


Школьники, начинающие подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому, нередко испытывают неподдельный страх перед эссе, которое им предстоит писать на экзамене. Ничего удивительного! Ведь письменные работы на родном языке зачастую вызывают большие сложности. Хочу успокоить ребят, готовящихся к ЕГЭ по английскому. Написать эссе просто! Главное – желание и немного практики!

Для успешного написания эссе необходимо внимательно прочитать задание и план. В задании предлагается проблема, не имеющая однозначного толкования и представленная двумя точками зрения, которые либо чётко озвучиваются, либо подразумеваются. Первое, что вы должны сделать, – правильно определить эти точки зрения. Приведу пример. В эссе на тему “Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.” (Некоторые люди считают, что реклама заставляет нас покупать вещи, в которых мы не нуждаемся. Другие считают, что рекламируемые товары способны изменить нашу жизнь к лучшему.) существуют два мнения по данной проблеме: кто-то считает рекламу полезной, т.к. она даёт информацию о том, что может улучшить нашу жизнь; для кого-то реклама – маркетинговый приём, заставляющий людей покупать то, что им вовсе не нужно.

Попробуем написать эссе на эту тему.

План письменного высказывания
- make an introduction (state the problem) (введение, сформулируйте проблему)
- express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion (выразите свою точку зрения и подтвердите её 2-3 аргументами)
- express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion (озвучьте другую точку зрения и подтвердите её 1-2 аргументами)
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion (объясните, почему вы не согласны с другой точкой зрения)
- make a conclusion restating your position (заключение, заново сформулируйте свою точку зрения)
даёт представление о том, какую структуру и какое содержание должно иметь наше эссе, а именно:

первый абзац – перефразирование проблемы (двух точек зрения, предложенных в задании);

второй абзац – мнение автора вне зависимости от того, отрицательное оно или положительное, два или три развёрнутых аргумента в пользу этой точки зрения;

третий абзац – другое мнение по предложенной проблеме, один или два развёрнутых аргумента в его пользу;

четвёртый абзац – один или два контраргумента (аргумента, обосновывающих несогласие автора с аргументами в пользу другой точки зрения) соответственно;

пятый абзац - заключение – чёткое подведение итога сказанному в форме перефраза своей точки зрения.

Подробный план написания эссе.

В первом абзаце перефразируем тему эссе так, чтобы был полностью сохранён смысл, а именно прослеживались предлагаемые для обсуждения точки зрения (make an introduction (state the problem)). Введение для рассматриваемого эссе может выглядеть следующим образом: Some people regard advertising as a good source of information about products that can improve our lives. Others are utterly opposed to advertising campaigns, which as they say make us buy what we do not need. (Кто-то считает рекламу надёжным источником информации о приобретаемых товарах, способных улучшить нашу жизнь. Кто-то имеет кардинально противоположную точку зрения, считая, что реклама программирует нас на покупку вещей, в которых мы вовсе не нуждаемся.)

Согласно второму пункту плана (express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion), в первом предложении второго абзаца следует озвучить свою точку зрения по проблеме эссе (одну из предложенных в задании), а в последующих – аргументировать это мнение, то есть доказать, почему оно является правильным. Часто школьники сталкиваются со сложностью подбора аргументов. Причина этого лежит в непонимании того, что такое аргумент. Аргумент – это ответ на вопрос: «ПОЧЕМУ какая-либо точка зрения является правильной?» Поэтому прежде, чем писать аргументы, убедитесь, отвечают ли они на вопрос «ПОЧЕМУ». Аргументов во вторм абзаце должно быть не менее двух, но не более трёх (give 2–3 reasons for your opinion).

Второй абзац нашего эссе может быть сформулирован так: In my opinion, advertising is necessary for a better quality of life. If there is a new product on the market we have dreamt about for a long time, how can we learn about it? There is only one way – through advertising. Moreover, advertisements let us know details about new products – thanks to this we can choose something that will certainly contribute to making our lives better.

In my opinion, advertising is necessary for a better quality of life. (Я считаю, что реклама необходима для лучшего качества жизни.) – точка зрения автора.

If there is a new product on the market we have dreamt about for a long time, how can we learn about it? There is only one way – through advertising. (Представим, что на рынке появился новый качественный продукт, о котором мы давно мечтали. Как мы сможем узнать о нём? Единственный способ – это реклама.) – первый аргумент, чётко отвечающий на вопрос «ПОЧЕМУ».

Moreover, advertisements let us know details about new products – thanks to this we can choose something that will certainly contribute to making our lives better. (Более того, реклама даёт информацию об особенностях новинок на рынке. Благодаря этому, мы можем выбирать то, что определённо улучшит нашу жизнь.) – второй аргумент, также отвечающий на вопрос «ПОЧЕМУ».

Исходя из третьего пункта плана (express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion), мы должны начать третий абзац с предложения, в котором даётся другая точка зрения, то есть вторая точка зрения, предложенная в задании и отличающаяся от точки зрения автора, и продолжить его одним-двумя (но не более) аргументами в её пользу (give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion). ПОМНИМ: аргумент – это ответ на вопрос: «ПОЧЕМУ какая-либо точка зрения является правильной?»

Напишем третий абзац. However, some people think that advertising negatively affects the choice of the goods we buy. They believe that advertisements are made with the use of such psychological techniques that we subconsciously buy what we do not want to buy. Besides, they say that what we see in an advertisement is not worth buying, as it may be a bad quality and will not introduce any improvements to our lives.

However, some people think that advertising negatively affects the choice of the goods we buy. (Однако некоторые люди полагают, что реклама негативно влияет на выбор вещей, которые мы покупаем.) – другая точка зрения.

They believe that advertisements are made with the use of such psychological techniques that we subconsciously buy what we do not want to buy. (Они считают, что реклама делается с использованием таких психологических приёмов, что мы неосознанно покупаем то, что не хотим покупать.) – первый аргумент в пользу другой точки зрения. (отвечает на вопрос «ПОЧЕМУ»)

Besides, they say that what we see in an advertisement is not worth buying, as it may be a bad quality and will not introduce any improvements to our lives. (Кроме того, они считают, что предлагаемые товары не стоит покупать, так как эти вещи могут быть плохого качества и следовательно вряд ли улучшат нашу жизнь.) – второй аргумент в пользу другой точки зрения (отвечает на вопрос «ПОЧЕМУ»).

Согласно четвёртому пункту плана (explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion) выдвигаем контраргументы, то есть аргументы, обосновывающие несогласие автора с аргументами в пользу другой точки зрения. Здесь мы должны оспорить каждый из аргументов в пользу другой точки зрения: I think a self-sufficient person will never get affected by any ‘psychological techniques’. Secondly, advertising is not a cheap thing, so a company that can afford presence in the mass media can afford to produce high quality items, which may well make us happy.

I think a self-sufficient person will never get affected by any ‘psychological techniques’. (Я думаю, что самодостаточный человек никогда не поддастся влиянию никаких ‘психологических приёмов’.) – первый контраргумент.

Secondly, advertising is not a cheap thing, so a company that can afford presence in the mass media can afford to produce high quality items, which may well make us happy. (Во-вторых, реклама вещь не дешёвая, поэтому компании, имеющие возможность представлять себя в средствах массовой информации, могут позволить производить высококачественные товары, которые обязательно сделают нашу жизнь лучше.) – второй контраргумент.

Как мы видим, контраргументы чётко «идут вразрез» с аргументами в пользу другой точки зрения.

В заключении заново перефразируем свою точку зрения (make a conclusion restating your position): The issue of whether the described tool encourages us to do things we do not want to do or tells us about what will change our lives to the better is far from being simple. Still, I believe advertising is really important for a better standard of living. (Вопрос о том, заставляет ли реклама нас делать вещи, которые мы не хотим делать или позволяет изменить в лучшую сторону нашу жизнь, далеко не простой. Но всё же я считаю, что реклама играет важную роль в формировании уровня жизни человека.)

Таким образом, мы получаем эссе, отвечающее всем требованиям по структуре и содержанию.

Примеры написания тематических эссе.

1. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

Some people regard advertising as a good source of information about products that can improve our lives. Others are utterly opposed to advertising campaigns, which as they say make us buy what we do not need.

In my opinion, advertising is necessary for a better quality of life. If there is a new product on the market we have dreamt about for a long time, how can we learn about it? There is only one way – through advertising. Moreover, advertisements let us know details about new products – thanks to this we can choose something that will certainly contribute to making our lives better.

However, some people think that advertising negatively affects the choice of the goods we buy. They believe that advertisements are made with the use of such psychological techniques that we subconsciously buy what we do not want to buy. Besides, they say that what we see in an advertisement is not worth buying, as it may be a bad quality and will not introduce any improvements to our lives.

I think a self-sufficient person will never get affected by any ‘psychological techniques’. Secondly, advertising is not a cheap thing, so a company that can afford presence in the mass media can afford to produce high quality items, which may well make us happy.

The issue of whether the described tool encourages us to do things we do not want to do or tells us about what will change our lives to the better is far from being simple. Still, I believe advertising is really important for a better standard of living.

2. Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building?

Today there does not exist one opinion about whether it is better to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building. As the proverb says ‘Tastes differ’, so different people choose different places to live in.

I think living in a traditional house is a better idea than living in a modern block of flats. Firstly, you cannot make a lot of noise, invite your friends or relatives anytime you want, watch television or listen to music very loud, if you live in an apartment. Secondly, houses are usually larger and more comfortable than apartments.

Still, some people prefer to live in a modern apartment building. They think it is cheaper than living in a traditional house. These people also say that there are usually more places to have a nice time near apartment buildings, such as shopping malls, parks, cinemas, theatres etc., than near traditional houses.

I don’t agree with the above stated. As I know, living in a Russian traditional house, you only have to pay the household running costs. If you live in an apartment, it is necessary to pay some more fees. Besides, living in a house, you can spend your time near it, as opposed to a park or another public place where there are a lot of careless drivers and criminals.

To sum up, despite the existence of different opinions about where to live, a traditional house is the only right alternative.


3. Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.

Which is better – go to a live performance or watch the same event on television? Some people prefer to watch a play, concert, or sporting event live, others would rather stay home and watch it on TV.

I believe watching a live performance provides more pleasure than watching the same on TV. When you attend an event, you are part of the whole action, not only a spectator. Attending a play, you have a chance to catch every subtle detail of the stage and the performers. Being there, you can turn your attention to any aspect of the performance you wish to. Besides, live performance is a good opportunity for admirers to be in touch with their idol – getting an autograph or taking a picture of a celebrity gives a person an impulse which puts him or her in a good mood for weeks, even for months.

However, some people choose to watch an event on TV. They say you can see close-ups of shots, which is not possible when you watch a live performance. They also say that, watching TV, one can relax and settle in his favourite chair, eating a cake or having a drink.

I cannot agree with this. In my opinion, in a live performance, you can choose where to look, while watching an event on television you see what the director wants to show. Also, the feelings you get watching TV can’t be compared to the ones you get seeing your favourite football team playing in a stadium, listening to your favourite band performing in a concert hall.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that if you decide to see a play, concert or sporting event, go and see it live.


4. Going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture.

A prospect of going abroad to get a higher education is what many school leavers dream about. However, there is an opinion that there may be some difficulties living and studying abroad. Those who have this view prefer to stay home.

I consider it to be a great idea to study abroad. Firstly, you have a chance to acquire a good command of the language which is spoken in the country you study in. Secondly, you can learn something new in terms of culture, traditions and customs. What is more, they say that education in European countries, the main option for university study, is much better than in most other countries.

Some people, however, prefer to stay home due to the difficulties a student is likely to encounter in a foreign country. Their main concern is about the language problems he or she may face. These people also regard the laws of a foreign country as an obstacle to living and studying there.

I think it is groundless to worry about all this. A person can learn any language – just make an effort. In my opinion, a law-abiding person will not find it difficult to keep to the official rules and regulations of a foreign country.

To sum up, I would like to say that school leavers should not be afraid of any difficulties. If life gives an opportunity to study abroad, they should without fail take it.


5. Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers.

To smoke or not to smoke… The choice is made freely and those who smoke are aware of all the negative consequences caused by this harmful habit. There is a question whether smokers should pay more for medical services than non-smokers or not.

I think that people who choose to smoke should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need. Firstly, it may be a good motivation for them to stop smoking. Besides, here works the principle that people should take personal responsibility for their own actions – why should the community or an insurance company have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided?

However, some people have a different point of view. In their opinion, a lot of medical problems have nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. They also say that if smokers pay more for medical services it will discriminate these people.
I don’t agree with all this. I am sure that smoking causes most existing illnesses – directly or indirectly. Moreover, is smokers appear to be discriminated, passive smokers are discriminated much more having to breathe the disastrous fumes.

To sum up, I would like to say that non-smokers should do all they can to promote a healthy way of life and that it is necessary to take any measures, even unpopular ones such as increasing the price of medical treatment for smokers, to make them give up the bad habit.


6. It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.

Many people believe that children should grow up in the country. Others do not agree with this saying that growing up in a big city gives more advantages.

To my mind, a big city gives more opportunities, so it is better for children to live and grow there. The infrastructure in a big city is much better than in the countryside, so life for parents and children is more convenient there. A city offers better education and career opportunities, because there are more schools, colleges and universities. Big cities offer a variety of extracurricular activities like sport clubs, art and dance schools and others; these activities are very important for children’s development.

However, some people do not take this view, saying that growing up in the countryside is better for children. They substantiate this opinion with the following. In a city, pollution surrounds you wherever you step, whether on the streets of a busy financial district or on the lawn of a large park. That is bad for growing children’s health. Besides, there are fewer pupils in village schools, so school education is better there.

I do not agree with this at all. Nowadays, governments are paying more and more attention to environmental protection, so the problem of pollution in big cities is going down. Not all good teachers are ready to work in a village school, so it is disputable whether education in village schools is better.

To summarize, I’d like to say that, in the course of time, the number of people taking my view will increase substantially, as the benefits of children growing up in a big city are beyond question.


7. People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.

There are two opinions about preferences concerning types of books to read. Some people say that we should read fiction, as one cannot but admit the benefits of such literature. Others are sure that books about real events, people and facts do more good than the ones about imaginary life and characters.

I believe fiction is more important for people to read. First of all, reading stories helps develop children’s creativity teaching them how to use words to create mental images. Secondly, fiction like novels or science fiction can deepen our insight into people. Stories show what people are like, their nature, and help us experience a wide range of feelings. What is more, fictional texts can heighten the level of culture.

However, others are in favour of books about real things. They say that practical books have a better educational value as they are expected to contain scientifically substantiated data. They also consider books about real events, real people, and established facts more interesting than fiction.

It appears that these people are not right. Books describing imaginary events and people have a greater emotional power. From earliest times, humans have taught their children about life not by telling them facts and figures, but by telling them stories which have proved to be more effective educationally. Besides, every author tries to write something that will draw the reader’s interest, and as facts of life show, belletristic literature turns out to be much more exciting than non-fiction.

In conclusion, I must admit again that the statement about the necessity to read about real events, real people, and established facts cannot be valid.

8. Do extreme sports help build man's character?

There is an opinion that extreme sports help people become morally stronger. However, some people do not take this view.

In my opinion, extreme sports have nothing to do with breeding strong moral principles. On the contrary, they do the opposite. Participation in extreme sports results in the display of less sportsmanship and more aggressive behaviour. Even if “extreme” sportsmen learn some prosocial skills, they rarely transfer them to other areas of their lives. Besides, desire for achievement by any means that is characteristic of extreme sports makes those who do them less generous and less empathetic.

Still, many people think extreme sports do help build a person’s system of values. They believe extreme sports, being “extreme”, make you brave and fearless. These people also consider competitiveness to be one of the positive traits of character cultivated if you go in for extreme sports.

Nevertheless, I cannot take this view. Being in favour of extreme sports, you may forget that the bravery you develop doing them is likely to outrank your real abilities, which may lead to serious injuries or even death. I am also sure that the focus of any sports, as well as extreme ones, should be cooperation, physical fitness, and most importantly – having fun.

To sum up, I would like to say that a personal integrity will hardly ever be achieved by means of extreme sports. Kind books and films, the positive examples of the people around, hard work and many other things should be the main sources of building man’s character.

9. It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship.

Some people admit that it is not a good idea to borrow money from a friend, because it can harm or damage your relationship. Others are sure that borrowing money from a friend cannot ruin real friendship.

In my opinion, money cannot separate real friends.. If a friend lends you money, it proves him or her to be the ‘real McCoy’ friend of yours, because he or she is not afraid you won’t pay it back. This will make your friendship even stronger. Besides, lending money to a friend shows that you are concerned about his or her well-being, which will make you closer to each other.

However, there exists an opinion that there is nothing good in borrowing money from a friend. Your friend who has borrowed some money from you may feel embarrassed in the situation where he or she cannot pay it back at all or, at least, in time. This will create some tension, which may result in deterioration of the relations. Also, your friend who does not have money to lend is likely to feel awkward, because he or she cannot help the friend in need. This will lead to a kind of insecurity, which may harm your friendship.

I believe that a real friend who knows that he or she cannot pay back the money will never borrow it. Secondly, a real friend will always understand his or her friend who does not have money to lend, and won’t let him or her feel awkward.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if there is a money problem, you should always be ready to help your friend.

10. Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

The issue to be considered in this essay is whether or not children should start learning a foreign language at the age they begin school.

I believe that first formers should necessarily be taught a foreign language. It has been scientifically proved that the younger the learner is, the easier the process of learning a foreign language is. Also, children do not have any psychological barriers to learning a language, which are so typical of adults and prevent them from proper language acquisition. Finally, the earlier children start learning a foreign language, the easier this process is at a later stage, due to the basic foreign language knowledge they get.

However, according to another opinion, getting used to a foreign language at an early school age is not effective. This view is proved with the following arguments. Firstly, primary school children will not learn a language well because it is a very difficult subject. Secondly, children at such a young age should not be bothered with the extra burden of learning a foreign language, because there are too many other subjects to learn, e.g. arithmetic, reading, native language and others.

But I don’t agree with the above stated. If teachers apply proper methods of teaching the process will be really interesting and exciting. Besides, the busier the children are, the better it is for their future. They get used to hard work, something that helps a person achieve in life.

To sum up, I would like to say that when they start school children should learn a foreign language and it will do them a lot of good in adult life.

11. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful."

There are two opposite opinions about computers. Some people believe that the computer makes life simpler and more convenient. Others are sure that computers make life more complicated and full of stress.

I am certainly in favour of computers, i.e. the first of the opinions. Firstly, computers have provided faster methods of communication. Thanks to the Internet, we can exchange information as fast as possible. Secondly, the computer can help us book a plane or train ticket, arrange accommodation and do other useful things. Moreover, the computer has a great educational power. There are a lot of teaching computer programmes and websites which help pupils and students study much better and faster.

Still, some people talk about how difficult and stressful life has become because of computers. Before the computer was invented people only studied mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on. However, today people have to learn how to operate a computer, use a variety of software, and learn how to repair it. Also, computer technologies have made the pace of life much faster. This really makes life more stressful.

Nevertheless, I don’t agree with the above stated. It is great that we have an opportunity to become many-sided people. Of course, you have to be in a ‘rat-race’ all the time. But doesn’t this make life more interesting and exciting?

To sum up, I would like to say again that thanks to the computer our life is much easier and convenient now than it used to be.

12. With the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.

Technology is rapidly changing. It is impossible not to take into account its constant changes in modern life. Technology influences all spheres of life. Education is not an exception. There are people who consider they can make the most out of technology in teaching and studying. Students can use it to study more information with a less loss of time. However, there is an opinion that technology doesn’t help to study more and quicker.

I believe using modern technology for studying is an important part of education that helps to study more and quicker. Firstly, technology helps students to learn with the help of various means: video material, specific educational software or even virtual practice. These means help to learn the subject thoroughly. Secondly, the Internet is of great importance for students. With its help one can search for any extra information. It’s a very quick way of getting information. Moreover, students of any age are interested in modern technology. That can be an extra way of students’ learning stimulation to study more information.

Still, some people prefer not to use the help of technology for studying. They consider the Internet to be an over-simplified way of getting information. They also say that one shouldn’t forget the old ways of studying because these ways are time-proved.

I think, with the help of the Internet, one can save time. Besides, the “old” ways of studying doesn’t provide students with all the information they need as the Internet resources do.

To summarize, I’d like to say that, the number of people using technology for studying will be considerably increasing, as the benefits of using it are beyond question.


13. The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Is the glass half empty or half full? Any particular situation could be a cause for optimism or pessimism. The situation may be seen in different ways depending on one's point of view and there may be an opportunity as well as trouble. Should one lose hope in a complicated situation or should he or she continue to struggle with it?


I’m sure the only way out of difficulties is to keep trying and never give up. First of all, this approach helps to cultivate positive traits of character such as purposefulness and diligence. Secondly, the optimistic attitude to life causes you to do anything. Optimists are more able to cope with any kind of problems and stand to win. What is more, people who stand for optimism lead the life cheerfully and are ready for any emergency.


Some people, however, prefer to give up when they face some difficulties. They say that people of the “never give up” position are often unduly ambitious. They believe that such people can do badly to others while they are working for their goals. They also believe that there is no time to live while one is constantly working for his or her goals.


To my mind, ambitiousness is a good character trait. Being an ambitious person doesn’t mean not caring about other people. I’m sure there is no better life without working for goals. When you develop yourself, you live the best life ever.

“Give up or not” can be referred to as a philosophical question. I’d like to say that if you face any difficulties, go on and get over them.


14. Games are as important for adults as they are for children.

Any person’s life is connected with games. During childhood games serve a very important role in the proper development of the character. A lot of grown-ups continue to play various games. Are games of great worth for adults as they are for children? There is a question whether adults can go on without games.

I think that grown-ups who continue to play all their lives are the happiest people of all. Firstly, games provide entertainment for people of all ages. There is no happier family than the family that plays with children in the evening. Secondly, there are a lot of games which can serve a useful purpose for team-building of any companies’ staff. These games help to unite the colleagues whilst playing. Besides, such cooperative games play a great role – they display people’s inner motives and character traits.

However, some people do not take this view, saying that games are only for children, not for grown-ups. They prove this opinion with the following. An adult shouldn’t play. One should work for his or her goals and be ambitious, and it is no use playing games. They also say that adults tend to get lost in a game more easily than children do. Game addiction is а terrible disease.

To my mind, the statement “Games are only for children” is a social stereotype, which is not of great importance. I think that there can’t be any game-addicted grown-ups. Adults are able to control and manage their time.


To summarize, I’d like to say that every person of any age should play and lead the life playfully.


15. Awards and prizes are given for excellence in various fields. Do these awards and prizes serve a useful purpose?

One is generally glad to get an award or prize for his or her achievement. Some people consider them to be of great use, others would say that prizes are not worth using.

I believe getting awards is of great importance for achievers. Getting a prize, you receive encouragement and stimulation for your further success. Having, for example, a cup at home, you get the opportunity of savouring the memorable events. Besides, one who has a lot of prizes has a good reputation among his or her colleagues.


Still, some people prefer not to get awards and prizes. They think they can cause arrogance. They also say that those who haven’t been able to win the prize will probably envy the champion. These negative feelings spoil the character and can be the reason for other negative traits to acquire.


I don’t agree with this view. A good person never feels arrogance. Concerning envy, I’d like to say that it is by far the worst feeling among all the existing ones. One should feel happy and proud of the winner and hold him or her up as a role model.


In conclusion, I’d like to say that if you get a prize or an award, let your heart be filled with joy and remember that others are proud of you.



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