Изучить систему нулевой обработки почвы

Дата: 13.04.2020.

Группа № 1 специальность механизация сельского хозяйства 3 курс

Тема: Почвообрабатывающие агрегаты

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала

Цель урока: изучить различные способы обработки почвы

Ключевые слова:

Используемая литература: Английский язык/И.П. Агабекян. - Ростов н\д: Феникс, 2017

Презентация к уроку «Обработка почвы»

Интернет- ресурсы:

1. https://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2015/08/08/uchebnoe-posobie-po-angliyskomu-yazyku

2. https://agrostory.com/info-centre/knowledge-lab/sistema-nulevoy-obrabotki-pochvy-ili-no-till-tekhnologiya/

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Мотивационный модуль. Формулируется тема урока

Ребята, на этом уроке вы

Изучите различные способы обработки почвы, систему нулевой обработки почвы.

Основная часть

Объясняющий модуль.

Изучают различные способы обработки почвы, систему нулевой обработки почвы

План изучения:

1. Изучить лексический материал по данной теме

2. Изучить основные инструменты для обработки почвы.

3.Изучить систему нулевой обработки почвы 4.Обобщение изученного по теме

Изучить лексический материал по данной теме

Retard weeds growth – замедление роста сорняков

Two-way plows – двусторонние плуги

Tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn – навесная и тракторная тяга

An adjustable hitch – регулируемое устройство

To prevent – предотвращать

The hitch – устройство

Strikes an obstacle – удар о препятствие

A lifting mechanism – подъёмный механизм

To adjust – регулировать

A lever – рычаг

Secondary tillage – вторичная обработка почвы

Disc harrow – дисковая борона

Spike-tooth harrow – шипованая борона

Spring-tooth harrow – пружинная борона

Row-crop cultivators – пропашные культиваторы


Изучить основные инструменты для обработки почвы.

Plowing (primary tillage), harrowing (secondary tillage), deep tillage, cultivation, fertilizing,

Primary tillage, two-way plows, disk plows, rotary plows, tractor-mounted, tractor-drawn, plow points, incorporates;

Secondary tillage, harrowing, disc harrow, spike-tooth harrow, spring-tooth harrow.- ВЫПИСАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННО В ТЕТРАДЬ

Изучить систему нулевой обработки почвы

“No-Till” technology is a modern model of soil cultivation, in which the soil is not processed in the traditional, mechanical and usual way for us with the help of plowing, but is covered with mulch (shredded crop residues).
The “zero” method of farming should not be taken simplistically, only as a rejection of plowing, since this method is primarily a complex technological model that requires special knowledge and the availability of highly qualified specialists and special equipment, therefore, the positive effect of its application can be get only using an integrated and systematic approach.
However, in practice it has been proven that the use of No-Till technology can significantly reduce the cost of agricultural work, since this method of processing the fields reduces labor costs and saves a significant part of expensive resources.
History of the emergence of a new farming system
The founder of this technology was the Russian scientist and agronomist Ivan Evgenievich Ovsinsky, who back in 1871 began to conduct practical experiments in the fields using organic mulch without prior plowing. The author of the technology described the experience gained in his book “The New Agriculture System”, which was then reprinted three times, since it was in significant demand among farmers.

Later, experiments with a subsurface method of cultivating the land were carried out in Ukraine. After obtaining the first positive results, this method began to be massively put into practice in many regions of the Soviet Union, however, due to lack of specialized knowledge, lack of material and technical base and poor quality of equipment, the technology was used in a truncated form and its efficiency was low.

The implemented method was not completely “zero”, since the land was most often cultivated using a “plane cutter” (without turning over the land layer), because so far many farmers, talking about the “No-Till” technology, mistakenly mean the usual subsurface method of tillage that is fundamentally wrong. Therefore, before you start implementing this technology, first of all, you should carefully study its basics.
The main advantage of using the new method is that the soil (since the soil is not loosened) retains moisture better, therefore, the No-Till technology is most often used in arid regions and in fields with difficult terrain, where the traditional method of plowing is impossible in principle.

Currently, only 6.8 percent of all arable land in the world accounts for the zero tillage system. The No-Till technology has been recognized and widely distributed in the United States, where it is mainly used to combat wind erosion, in Canada, where it is used to preserve moisture in the steppe regions, as well as in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Australia. The above countries account for approximately ninety-five percent of all the areas used in this way. By the way, on the European continent, only three percent of arable land is cultivated by zero tillage.
What is the essence of the new technology

Literally, "No-Till" in translation from English means "do not plow."
Farmers have long known that mechanical plowing of the soil most often leads to soil erosion, and the No-Till method allows this problem to be eliminated, since it involves gentle cultivation of the soil (an integral, undisturbed soil structure is the cornerstone and the most important component of this technology).

When using the No-Till technology, the stubble remaining on the field is not burned or buried in the ground, and all organic residues are crushed to a certain size and distributed as mulch evenly across the field, so the main requirement when processing the land with this method is its flat surface.
Scattered by a rather thick layer, the mulch creates a powerful protective coating in the fields, preserving and restoring the upper layer of fertile soil, which allows you to save moisture. Mulch also perfectly protects the soil from wind erosion, prevents weeds from growing and promotes the formation of active microflora with an abundance of micro and macro elements that provide high crop yields.

In addition, since all crop waste remains on the surface, the amount of humus in the soil increases, phosphorus levels increase, soil fertility is restored, and due to the fact that fuel costs are significantly reduced when using the zero treatment system, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. At the same time, there is a clear saving of resources, since depreciation costs are reduced, which certainly has a positive effect on profitability.

Scientists calculated that the “No-Till” technology allows reducing labor costs by 1.6 times, on fuels and lubricants by more than 2.2 times, and on equipment by almost one and a half times. At the same time, the total yield is increased at least three times, and production costs are reduced by a total of twelve percent.
We should not forget about such an urgent issue today as ecology, because the rejection of direct plowing significantly reduces the emissions of harmful gases produced by agricultural machinery.
In addition, thanks to the application of the No-Till technology, water in natural sources, due to a decrease in the general pollution of the fields, becomes much cleaner. At the same time, due to a decrease in the level of carbon emissions from the soil, the balance of atmospheric carbon is normalized, and opportunities are being expanded to prevent desertification and soil degradation.
Alas, the No-Till system also has its drawbacks. It is quite complicated, because it requires highly skilled agronomists and strict adherence to technology, which should take into account climatic and weather conditions, soil features, the presence of pests, and other factors. In addition, for agricultural work on this method, it is necessary to have special equipment and machines.
Alas, this technology cannot be applied in wet areas and wetlands (without first creating an effective drainage system). In addition, this technology requires a flat field surface so that the seeds are distributed evenly and lie at the same depth.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the fact that the use of the No-Till system requires additional biochemical plant protection, since a large number of pests and pathogens (fungi, viruses, bacteria) accumulate under the mulch and in the upper soil layer.

Zero-tillage can also lead to a decrease in the process of nitrification of ammonia nitrogen, which, as a result, affects the accumulation of toxic ammonia in the soil (in alkaline soil it is ammonia), which can be detrimental to the root system of cultivated plants (especially at the beginning of the growing season).
In Ukraine, No-till technology has been successfully applied by agricultural firms of the Kirovograd, Ternopol and Zhytomyr regions. The process is led by Honored Agricultural Worker Mikhail Filippovich Dyachenko, who has been working as an agronomist for over forty years.
Since 2006, his agricultural company began to use the method of zero field processing system, which is now used on a total area of ​​about eight thousand hectares. The farm has high profitability, is developing rapidly, and has the best indicators in the regions for growing winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, soybeans and perennial herbs.
So the process is on. Slowly, hardly, but there are already quite a few examples where, using the No-till technology, Ukrainian farmers get much better results than with the traditional method of cultivating the land.
Work the old way or choose a new technology?
It just so happened that so many modern farmers perceive the No-Till farming system as a technology for lazy people.

- Like, what to do there? Well, sowed. Well, cleaned. That's all the work.
In fact, in order to get a good crop using the No-Till technology, farmers should initially work hard and master the technique, study the experience of those who have been working on the technology for more than a year, and then try to adapt it to their conditions, and this, agree, not so simple.


Answer the questions:

1. Give a definition of this technology.
2. What are the pros and cons of this technology.
3. In what year did the first experiments begin and where


4.Обобщение изученного по теме

Тренировочный модуль.

Выполнение упражнений по теме


Задание 1.

Тест по теме «Причастие. Герундий»

Hearing a loud noise, we were shocked to move.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 2.

The driver was seriously injured during the accident and is now fighting for his life.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 3.

She ruined her sight by playing computer games.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 4.

They saw a boy in the park standing on his head.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 5.

Speaking is a whole lot easier than doing.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 6.

Screaming the names of participants, the audience cheered the runners.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 7.

Smoking in public places is forbidden.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 8.

Jumping over the fence, the burglars managed to escape from the prison.

  • gerund
  • participle

Задание 9.

Nobody was surprised at John being absent.

  • participle
  • gerund

Задание 10.

They wasted their money on buying useless things.

  • gerund
  • participle



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