Latin alphabet as the instrument of the graphic language

Another way of looking at the issue of English in Russian graphic design is to analyze what designers think about the forms and the graphic language of the English text. Many designers think that English words look better and are more ergonomic than words in the other languages. There are two reasons. Firstly, a lot of typefaces are based on the English language and they look really attractive. Some of them are very popular and can be seen in different famous magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Esquire, National Geographic, Maria Clair or Vogue. Many of typefaces have no analogs in the Russian language. Another reason is the structure and the texture of the alphabet. English letters are constructed from more rounded elements, for example «d», «g», «q», and there are more tall letters, like «l», «j», «f», «d» – this makes words and phrases look more holostical, more balanced and more attractive to our eye. In contrast, the Russian alphabet is constructed from stricter graphic language and its letters, as a rule, do not contain closed lines («н», «ц», «ш», «щ»), and almost all of them are the same length. That is why an English text is easier for perception. Those Russian designers who are aware of this fact try to use English in their work whenever it is possible. They draw up a printed matter with English words as decor, use English phrases in modeling t-shirts, jackets, jeans, socks and other clothes, make exciting advertising on the Internet, develop web-sites with elements of the English alphabet, and create motion English texts for video clips. As a result, English plays the role of a special art instrument which helps graphic designers to create a distinctive and attractive outlook of the product.

3. “What kind of language in graphic design is more attractive for Russian people?”

In order to verify these arguments, a sociological survey was conducted among three groups of people: adults (age from 30 to 50), design students (Udmurt state university) and young general population (age from 10 to 21). The test contained the pictures with English and Russian phrases introduced in the same prints; the pictures with the same clothes but with prints in Russian or English; Russian and English magazines. The respondents were offered to choose the picture they liked more than the other one. The test results have shown that design students and young people prefer pictures with English prints; often they chose only English texts, while choosing pictures with Russian prints more rarely. The third group, adults, who didn't learn English in childhood or for their work, have chosen more pictures with Russian words or both variants equally.

The research has shown that the English language is attractive for Russian designers as an instrument of making art products. It is also popular among Russian youth who study English. However, adults without knowledge of English prefer Russian words and phrases.


It is evident that the English language plays an important role in the work of graphic desingers. It is not just the way to communicate with global design community or get clients abroad. English became to be an element of fashion and media industry, which caused its growing popularity as a visual instrument. English is used widely by graphic designers in typography, prints modeling, video making and in other graphic projects because it creates special aesthetic and harmonious perception. Designers use Latin letters to construct compositional graphic models and to work with the form style of Russian companies. Moreover, this instrument is preferred by young generation whose life is full of information broadcast in English from the West. For this reason, English is not just a language, but a modern tool mastering of which is essential for graphic designers.



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