Задание 4. Прочтите, перепишите и переведите.

Контрольная работа № 1 (Магистры групп ТАМПТ)

Вариант № 1

Задание 1. В данных предложениях поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время, укажите время и залог этого глагола, переведите предложения.

1. The engineers (develop) the material with necessary properties last month

2. The development of the device (require) a lot of engineer's work.

3. He (speak)with the foreman of the workshop now.

Задание 2. Переведите данные предложения.

1. They introduced computer-guided robots because they wanted to increase efficiency.

2. Wind turbine and solar panels are fitted to the roof, so they produce power for the house.

3. The engineers in the production department regularly assess the accuracy of the finished goods.

4. There is an automatic temperature control that’s way the system will shut down automatically.

5. The company has opened a new workshop where engineering pats will be produced.

Задание 3. Переделайте данные предложения из действительного залога в страдательный и переведите их.

1. These manufacturers produce high-quality products.

2. They use new synthetic rubber materials for the production.

3. The engineer will replace the defective parts at some machine-tools

Задание 4. Прочтите, перепишите и переведите.

We predict that a few revolutions will roll over us in the course of the next 50 years — revolutions that will have great impact on our lifestyles and economy, and will involve nanotechnology, energy, and robotics.

Here are some of the early-desired things of our nearest nanofuture:

Low-power, high-density computer memory, long-lasting batteries, and some medical applications (including cancer therapy and diagnostics) will be some of the early products (pre-2010) and composites will come online toward 2020. The order of events will likely be computers and medical first, and then materials — all overlapping but peaking at their respective years.

Nanomaterials that emerge around 2020 will not only provide lighter/ stronger materials for vehicles but will also improve efficiency in the collection, storage, and transmission of energy, greatly aiding our transition from gas to solar, hydrogen, or maybe even renewable bio-fuels (for example, vegetable oils and bioalcohols such as ethanol and methanol).

As nanotechnology develops better sensors and processors, robots will be in demand as cheap manual labor, not only will we have robotic dogs and vacuum cleaners but also assembly-line industrial labor. All this will gradually grow over the next few decades — but once the hardware is in place (around 2030), the software and artificial intelligence will soon follow. Some of these years may seem a long way off, but these changes will arrive faster than you may think. If you’re currently in college, they’ll happen in your lifetime.

long-lasting- с длительным сроком службы overlapping - наложение; совмещение

Задание 5. Письменно ответьте на вопрос: What is the text about?


Вариант № 2

Задание 1. В данных предложениях поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время, укажите время и залог этого глагола, переведите предложения.

1. This engineer (inspect) our plant now.

2. They (introduce) that method of metalworking two years ago.

3. The computer design of the parts (to be) the next step of machine-tool development.

Задание 2. Переведите данные предложения.

1. Scientists are carrying out research because they want to find an alternative source of energy.

2. Last year that enterprise introduced new quality standards so that they detected defective products before completion.

3. Hydraulics is a branch of science that deals with practical applications in motion.

4. Quality control now runs more efficiently.

5. We have used the information that the manufacturers provided.

Задание 3. Переделайте данные предложения из действительного залога в страдательный и переведите их.

1. They will introduce new alloy next week.

2. At this plant the engineers examined that material.

3. Almost any modern factory uses robot modules.

Задание 4. Прочтите, перепишите и переведите.

Nowadays many companies are using nanotechnology to make better materials from the rubber used for tires to stain-repellent fabrics for clothing.

One of these companies has a line of nano-additives and enhanced carbon nanotubes that add strength to composite materials. Using these they can improve thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of various materials.

In clothing manufacture, one of the enterprises offers a jacket made of a waterproof polymer membrane with embedded nano-size carbon particles that resist taking on a static charge. Such anti-static protection could be used, for example, in firefighters’ suits to help them avoid static electricity that could spark fire in a hazardous situation.

Some companies are focused on material performance. They are working on nanotubes and nanorods, nano-ceramics, nanostructured metal alloys, and self-assembled block polymers.

Nanotechnology can be found even in the sports. In France the special tennis rackets have been already produced. They use carbon nanotubes for higher torsion in the racket and flexibility of the racket strings.

Plenty of companies are making equipment for testing and manipulation of nano-size materials. Environmentally-controlled equipment can test reactions of various sample materials in different environments. Some of the nano-scanners that are manufactured can be used for high-resolution imaging of nano-size materials.

stain-repellent – грязеотталкивающий

waterproof – влагонепроницаемый, водонепроницаемый, герметичный

embedded – вкрапленный, встроенный

suit – комплект, костюм

string – струна

high-resolution - с высоким разрешением, высокого разрешения

Задание 5. Письменно ответьте на вопрос: What is the text about?

Вариант № 3


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