I. First answer these questions individually and then discuss your answers in pairs.
1. How much do you like music? very much; quite a lot; a little; not much at all.
2. What is your favourite kind of music? hard rock; jazz; pop; classical; rock; other.
3. What is the name of a musician you are now listening to the most?
II. Listen to the teenagers talking about their music preferences and match the names of the pop stars with the speakers.
name of pop star | speaker’s opinion | your opinion | |
speaker 1 | |||
speaker 2 | |||
speaker 3 | |||
speaker 4 | |||
speaker 5 |
III. Listen again and match the speakers with the following opinions. Which of them do you personally share?
a) Music should be fast so you can dance to it. _________
b) It is important for music to have a clear and strong beat. __________
c) You should be able to relax when you listen to music. _____________
d) Music should be fun and upbeat so that you can sing along with it. ___________
e) The lyrics (words in music) can sometimes be difficult to understand. _____________
IV. Create a word web using the words from the box. Some expressions may be used in several categories.
Verbs: Compose, … | Kinds of music: Classical, … | Adjectives to characterize a piece of music: Tuneful, … |
Adjectives to characterize a musician/singer: Talented, … | How music affects you: Makes you feel happy/sad, … | The words you can add: |
Melodious; want to listen over and over again; makes you feel happy (sad); play; compose; perform; romantic; classical; modern; slow; favourite; talented; tuneful; lovely; cool; energetic; cheers you up; makes you smile (sad); fast; joyful; pleasant; popular; sweet-sounding; lyrical; rhythmic; country; dance; serious; makes you feel bored; want to dance / sing;
gets you relaxed;
V. Think of ways different kinds of music affect you. Use the expressions from your word web.
Example: Classical music always makes me feel happy and makes me want to...
VI. Compile your group's profile. Follow these steps.
A) Answer these questions about yourself and make notes.
1 Who is your favourite singer / musician / musical group? __________________________________________
2 How often do you listen to them? For how long? ________________________________________________
3 Why do you like them? _____________________________________________________________________
4 What does your favourite music make you feel? _________________________________________________
5 What would your life be like without music? ___________________________________________________
b) Report your group's musical preferences to the class.
VII. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
1. Are you a fan of any musical group or singer / musician? What is it that makes them special to you?
2. What activities in your life do you consider meaningful? Why?
3. What do you think is more important in a song: the lyrics or the tune?
4. What makes your life complete? Describe it.
5. Do you have a focus in your life? What is it?
VIII. Read the essay an American teenager Darren, 16, wrote to an online teen magazine and answer the questions.
1. What does Darren enjoy about music? 2. How long has Darren been playing the drums? 3. Who taught Darren to play? 4. How has Darren changed since he started playing? 5. What is the name of Darren's band? 6. What kind of music do they play?
7. What else does Darren do for his band, besides playing the drums? 8. What is Darren's dream?
The most meaningful activities in my life revolve around music. When I listen to my favourite music, I leave this world and enter one of my own where time stands still. I have been a fan of music since I was nine and listened to bands like U2 and singer Bryan Adams.
Besides just listening to music, I have been playing the drums almost every day for five years. My older brothers taught me almost everything I know about music and life in general. They're the real reason I'm interested in becoming a musician.My tastes in music have totally changed since I began listening and playing years ago, but the fact remains that without music, my life would not be complete.
When I am not listening to music or playing the drums, I play with my punk band called Never Again. I write lyrics.
I can't imagine my world without music. Creating, practicing and writing lyrics for my band has become the focus of my life. I dream of playing in front of thousands of fans where my music and words could be heard by everyone.
Darren, 16
Glossary: revolve around – крутятся вокруг
IX. Read the text again and say what kind of a person Darren is. Give reasons for your answer.
Use: devoted, persistent, talented, hard-working, creative, grateful
X. In the text find words or expressions that mean:
1. someone who likes watching or listening to something, or who strongly admires a famous or an important person;
2. something that a person is concentrating on or paying particular attention to;
3 serious, useful or important
4 to start behaving like an adult; to become more sensible with age;
5 the words of a song;
6 including all parts, details; full;
XI. Read the text and take notes. Give the text a title.
Music is a common feature of every culture, and is one of the most popular human interests in the world. People listen to music to suit their mood, or to evoke emotions that they enjoy experiencing at the moment. Music has been composed to accommodate any kind of mood, from the depths of despair to complete happiness.
Music suggests much about the society in which it is created. Music reflects the culture it comes from. It expresses experience as well as affecting it, creating feelings and responses in the listener.
Like many art forms, music mirrors society.
Songs and music sometimes become symbols for a particular group of people, a place or a historical event. Some music is even considered a symbol for a whole generation.
Music exists in many forms and means different things to different people. But is music one of mankind's most exquisite forms of art?
exquisite - extremely beautiful and delicate