Text 9 «Different microprocessors»


1. Answer the question before reading the text. ( Ответьте на вопрос, не читая текст) - What is multitasking?

2. Read the text attentively and find the answer to the question above. ( Внимательно прочтите текст и найдите ответ на этот вопрос).

3. Read the text paying attention to the way the highlighted fragments are pronounced. (Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на то, как вслух произнести фрагменты, выделенные жирным шрифтом).


Brief history of the Intel architecture

The 8088 is the 16-bit microprocessor that controls the standard IBM personal computers, including the original PC, the PC/XT, the Portable PC, and the PCs. Almost every bit of data that enters or leaves the computer passes through the CPU to be processed.

Inside the 8088, 14 registers provide a working area for data transfer and processing. These internal registers, forming an area 28 bytes in size, are able to temporarily store data, memory addresses, instruction pointers, and status and control flags. Through these registers, the 8088 can access 1 MB (megabyte), or more than one million bytes, of memory.

The 8086 is used in the PS/2 models 25 and 30 (and also in many IBM PC clones). The 8086 differs from the 8088 in only one minor respect: it uses a full 16-bit data bus instead of the 8-bit bus that the 8088 uses. (The difference between 8-bit and 16-bit buses is discussed below.) Virtually anything that you read about the 8086 also applies to the 8088; for programming purposes, consider them identical.

The 80286 is used in the PC/AT and in the PS/2 models 50 and 60. Although fully compatible with the 8086, the 80286 supports extra programming features that let it execute programs much more quickly than the 8086. Perhaps the most important enhancement to the 80286 is its support for multitasking.

Multitasking is the ability of a CPU to perform several tasks at a time — such as printing a document and calculating a spreadsheet — by quickly switching its attention among the controlling programs. The 8088 used in a PC or PC/XT can support multitasking with the help of sophisticated control software.

The 80286 can run in either of two operating modes: real mode or protected mode. In real mode, the 80286 is programmed exactly like an 8086. It can access the same 1 MB range of memory addresses as the 8086. In protected mode, however, the 80286 reserves a predetermined amount of memory for an executing program, preventing that memory from being used by any other program. This means that several programs can execute concurrently without the risk of one program accidentally changing the contents of another program's memory area. An operating system using 80286 protected mode can allocate memory among several different tasks much more effectively than can an 8086-based operating system.

The PS/2 Model 80 uses the 80386, a faster, more powerful microprocessor than the 80286. The 80386 supports the same basic functions as the 8086 and offers the same protected-mode memory management as the 80286.

However, the 80386 offers two important advantages over its predecessors. The 80386 is a 32-bit microprocessor with 32-bit registers. It can perform computations and address memory 32 bits at a time instead of 16 bits at a time. The 80386 offers more flexible memory management than the 80286 and 8086.

3. Translate into English the word combinations used in the IT field. (Просмотрите текст и переведите на английский словосочетания, используемые в профессиональной IT сфере):

1) первоначальные (исходные) ПК - ____________________________________

2) проходить через PC для обработки - ___________________________________

3) способны временно хранить данные - __________________________________

4) флажки состояния и контроля - _______________________________________

5) могут иметь доступ - ______________________________________

6) 16-разрядная шина данных -____________________________

7) считайте их идентичными - ______________________________

8) дополнительные возможности по программированию - ___________________

9) позволяют ему выполнять программу - ________________________________

10) поддержка многозадачности - _________________________________

11) выполнять несколько задач одновременно - ___________________________

12) расчет крупноформатной таблицы - _________________________________

13) сложное управляющее программное обеспечение - _____________________

14) память - ___________________

15) распределять память между несколькими разными задачами - ____________

16) управление памятью в защищенном режиме - _________________________

17) адресовать память 32-мя разрядами - ________________________________

18) гибкое управление памятью- _____________________________________


Grammar Focus

4. Fill in the gaps using the words in italics. (Заполните таблицу, используя слова, выделенные курсивом).

Окончание «- s/es»является показателем 3-го лица ед. ч. глагола в Present Indefinite Окончание «- s/es»является признаком множественного числа имени существительного ’s -Окончание «- s»является показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

5. Read the text again and highlight the key sentences. Put such questions to the text the answers to which would be the key sentences. (Прочтите текст ещё раз и выделите ключевые предложения. Поставьте вопросы, ответами на которые были бы эти предложения

6. Translate the text into Russian. (Переведите текст на русский язык).

Before doing the following exercises on numbers and symbols study the Grammar Reference part about NUMERALS (Изучите раздел Грамматического Справочника о ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ и выполните следующие упражнения на числа и символы)

A. There is a mistake in each of the following expressions involving numbers. Find it, and correct it. (Каждое выражение содержит ошибку. Найдите и исправьте ошибку).

1. three past half

2. one thousand and two hundred and twenty-two

3. a quarter to seven o’clock

4. flight number - BA eight hundred fifty eight

5. five o'clock pm

6. the room is three metres at four metres

7. three hundreds of people

8. four point five hundred and sixty-nine

9. two and a half pounds (£2.50)

B. Express the following numbers in words. (Выразите цифры, используя слова).

1. 1 1/2h ______________________

2. 2.075 ______________

3. 00 - 44 - 1424 – 223344_____________________

4. 11.50am (two ways) __________________

5. 33.63%___________________

6. 125 ________________

7. BA356 _______________

8. 12.11.1995 (two ways - GB and US) _______________

9. 2016 (two ways)______________

10. 100 km _______________


С. Write these in full in words, including all the numbers and symbols. (Запишите выражения полностью словами, включая цифры и символы)

Model: learning.English@bbc.co.uk - learning dot English at bbc dot co dot uk

1. http/www.commcol.co.uk

2. malpress@aol.com

3. https://amecenter.ucsf.edu/

4. Credit note No. 75/12C

5. The rate is £62/person/day, including VAT.

6. Items marked * carry a 20% discount.

7. £1 = $1.65 approx.

8. The password is a;4_g60\r8.

9. The room is about 3m x 4m.

10. My account number is 32-26-42.

11. You can use symbols like %: * @ () in your password.

D. Rewrite the sentences using numbers and symbols instead of the words. ( Перепишите предложения, используя цифры и символы вместо слов)

1.How to find Microsoft Word in Windows:

- In Windows Click Start

- In the search type word and if Word is installed should show in the results. For example, you may see Microsoft Word two thousand and ten, Microsoft Word two thousand and thirteen, or Microsoft Word three hundred sixty-five.

2. Visit WinRAR home page http colon double slash www dot rarsoft dot com.

3. To use Google visit http colon double slash docs dot google dot com slash.

4. pz slash one uses sixty symbols.

5. As far as I know they created this password using six digits and three special characters

6. Zero point twenty-five divided by twenty-five equals zero point zero one.

7. Credit note number eight four two slash three nine B.

8. The computer laboratory is large enough: six metres by four metres.

9. You can reach my com­pany's Web site by typing into a browser either microsoft dot com or www dot Microsoft dot com – but www in quotation marks is not part of the domain name.



Write an essay on the topic “The Role of Computers in the Modern World”


Speak on the topic “How the Invention of Computer has Changed the World”


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