So... I have a problem. I was thinking today and I realized that I am in front of my computer WAY more than I should be. This occured to me when I woke up from one of my naps and made a beeline for the computer. I then realized that I repeat this behaviour every single time I wake up!

Further, there's no reason for me to be in front of this giant box 'o fun. Well, right now there is because I'm writing a post, but for most of the day I DEFAULT to sitting in front of the computer. I scan through the 30 or so sites I have on my toolbar, even though most of them only update once or twice a day at most.

This is sick! Think about it - none of my interesting stories start off with "So, I sat in front of the computer all day...". Every hour I spend in front of this thing is an hour that my life is NOT getting more interesting. I spend a lot of time online chatting with my friends, which I enjoy, but is that really the best use of my time? Probably not.

What's worse is that it FEELS like an addiction. I'll think "I should clean my kitchen." and then I'll play freecell. Freecell! As if playing freecell could possibly contribute anything valuable to my life. I routinely shirk other duties to waste time at the computer.

The weak justification I rattle around in my brain is that I use the computer to make my income. Fine. If I was using it to make money even 75% of the time I was in front of it, I would be eating gold covered diamonds onboard a submarine in the pacific.

I've often told people that I was going to take up smoking for a month just to quit it and prove that it was easy. But if I kick the computer addiction, that's MUCH more meaningful, because it's actually something I'm addicted to, rather than a contrived publicity stunt.

So what's the plan? I don't really have one yet. Let's work this out.

If I was at the computer for 2 hours a day, that would be more than enough for me to do everything I need to do. Realistically, it would be ideal for me to be monitoring it more frequently, but I'd rather start out at an extreme, and then add some time back in. So that's easy - I'll keep a stopwatch near the computer, reset it every day at midnight, and allow myself no more time than 2 hours per day.

The only exception I'm going to allow is for projects which require the computer. I have a system of 5 computers that are responsible for things in my house (lights, media, internet routing, etc), so obviously those will stay on. One project I’m going to work on is reprogramming some of my lights, which will require I use my laptop to look up stuff. As long as IM and the web browser remain closed, I'll allow it. Oh... and Freecell will stay closed too.

Now - all that remains to do is to shut this bad boy off. I will report back on how it feels to be free of my computer addiction.

Seriously. I'm gonna do it.

2. Write out from the text examples of slang and colloquial language (Выпишите из текста примеры сленговых и разговорных выражений)


3. Read the comments to the blog above and write yours. (Прочитайте комментарии к блогу и напишите свой комментарий)


Will Smal


I think it's a very good plan man, I am having the exact problem but I don't play card games I play counter-strike and stuff. Anyways I want to do something other than play computer all day with my life. I want to learn new stuff, explore the world. Do interesting stuff. GET A GIRLFRIEND. So all I can say to this piece of robotic piece of …. Adios Amigo!!


Dang! This sounds rreally familiar:)

I've been hooked to computers since I got my first own computer when I was 16 (24 now). When I started college I bought a spanking new PC and that was it, my surfin' habit kicked in, HARD. For you people wondering whether you're addicted too, there's this list you can check off.

Anyways, I've tried spending less time staring at the box by making commitments like yours Ty. I've even unplugged my computer for a month and I could only use the computers at the library. That did work but I just made an excuse to plug it back in and there I was again.

The best question to ask in this situation is "Is this the best use of my time right now?" And also not to give using your computer any priority.

Good luck Ty and everybody else trying to kick it.




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