A) What programmes do you know?

УМК «Английский язык. 9 класс» О. В. Афанасьевой и др.

Цели урока:

1.Развивать способности к сравнению, сопоставлению, анализу и обобщению; формулированию выводов; развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков.

2.Формирование навыков чтения аутентичных текстов, умений извлекать необходимую информацию из услышанного и прочитанного; формирование умений выражать различные точки зрения по проблеме; совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме; умений работать над проектом.

3.Воспитание активной жизненной позиции; формирование уважительного отношения к точке зрения собеседника; умений работать в коллективе.

Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с литературным наследием Англии, с британским телевизионным вещанием (британские каналы, информация на них).


Средства обучения:

Cтихи английских поэтов по теме урока, раздаточные карточки со словами и таблицей выражения мнений, таблица для заполнения задания по аудированию, текст британской телепрограммы.



Ход урока:

I. I'm very glad to meet you. I hope you are fine aren't you? Let's make our lesson useful and interesting. Today we'll discuss some problems of the topic «TV or not TV», try to express different opinions and prove them.


a) I think you know much about TV. Prove it answering my questions:

1. How many television channels do you receive in your town? What is your favourite TV channel?

2. What type of programmes seem to dominate prime-time viewing?

3. Are you a great TV- viewer? Why?

4. How often do you usually watch TV?

5. When do you usually watch TV?

6. What are your favourite programmes?

7. Is TV a good invention or a bad one?

b) You can see that your opinions are different. So, that's why the theme of our lesson: pros and cons of watching TV.

- What is the aim of our lesson?

-.....is to discuss(to understand, to explain) the advantages and disadvantages of TV.


II It would be better to start with the poems and discuss it.

a) Look at the blackboard and read a short extract from a poem by Roald Dahl. What is the topic of the poem? What is "it"? What is the main idea of the poem?

b) Let's read the poem "Tee Vee" by Eve Merriam and say if the topic matches the title.

Both poems have the same topic but the main ideas are different. What is the main idea of "Tee Vee"? (см. приложение №1)

-TV destroys the family.

- TV kills conversation.

- TV kills off the reading habit/

Which arguments against watching TV do you think are the most convincing? Explain your choice.

III. Now let's speak about TV programmes. We need a lot of adjectives to describe different TV programmes: см распечатку прилагательных.


pleasant fascinating different marvelous instructive
necessary practical political popular commercial
clever impractical important new modern
terrible useful informative old primitive
terrific useless wonderful unbearable religious
excellent humorous monotonous scientific stimulating
splendid good/bad enjoyable educational interesting

a) What programmes do you know?

b) What adjectives would you use to describe TV programmes:

- news programmes;

- films and plays;

- all kinds of educational programmes;

- programmes purely for entertaiment;

- sport programmes?

c) Let's speak about British TV. см распечатку программ британского телевидения (чтение с извлечением специальной информации).Приложение №2


When British TV viewers want to know what's on TV they read either TV/Radio Guides, or such magazines as the "TV Times"* or the "Radio Times"*

Read quickly the BBC 1,* BBC 2 programmes from the "Radio Times"*. (reading for specific information) Say which pro­gramme you would choose if you want to see

a) a soap

b) a music programme

c) a comedy

d) a news programme

e) a sports programme

f) a documentary

g) a film

h) an educational programme

1) politics

j) a religious programme

k) a cartoon


Answer the following questions:

a) Which programmes are for children?

b) What kind of programme is "Question Time"?

c) What information can TV viewers get from "Animal Hospital Week"?

d) Which programme interests you?

e) In which programmes are you likely to find information
about technology?

(чтение программ британского телевидения- BBC 1, BBC 2)


d) You'll hear three opinions about the British television. Which of these belongs to a teacher, a pupil, and a politician? (у доски читают учащиеся).

- What's their opinion on the following? Fill in the chart.

1) Television is a great way to learn. It's easier than reading a book. I wish we could watch more television at school. But on the whole, most tally programmes are rubbish, too serious. Television should be entertaining, you know, fun. I wish there were more police shows and sports. And more adverts, too.

2) British television is the best in the world. We have a lot of variety and good quality. We try to entertain and educate. That's why so many British television programmes are exported. We need more channels and more broadcasting. Up to 20 hours a day, for example.

3) The kids come home and turn on the box. Parents have no control. And some of the programmes are really violent. There are terrible problems with reading and writing. Kids don't read books any more. They spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly.

  First speaker Second speaker Third speaker
Television (in general) Channels Broadcasting Variety Quality Different programmes Adverts      



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