TEST 48 PLURAL (make plural form)


There are eighty parks in London, large and small. Three of them are in the centre of the city: Hyde Park, Regent's Park and St. James's Park. The others are in different parts of London. London is a very green city.

In the south - west London, near the river Thames there is a fantastic park of Great Britain - the Kew Gardens. It is a botanical garden. All year round you see lots of flowers there because Kew gets its plants - 100,000 different plants -from almost all countries of the world. The plants, which like hot weather live in greenhouses, for example, palms grow in the palm house. The first palm was planted here 150 years ago. Now not only palm trees, but bananas and oranges grow here too. Another house, which people like to visit, is the cactus house. Cactuses came here from deserts where month after month it doesn't rain.

There are hundreds of different trees in 120 hectares of Kew. Some of the trees are 200 years old. The workers of the garden planted them when Kew was quite young. In some countries trees become scarce. The workers of Kew go to these countries and come back with the seeds of these trees and plant them at Kew. Thus the trees which are few in the world live in this garden.

Kew is important for men, who are fond of nature, trees and flowers, and for young men, who are going to study botany and gardening. Every- year sixty young men from all over the world come here for the three - year - course of gardening at Kew. After this course they work in big parks and gardens in many different countries.

In three museums of Kew visitors see timber from the trees of many countries, food plants, medicine plants and industrial plants. 300 people work at Kew now. In fine weather about 20,000 people a day come to visit Kew.


Задание 1. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

Botanists from Kew began to go all over the world for scarce plant in 1772.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 2. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

Kew Garden is a young garden.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 3. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

There are hundreds of different trees in 120 hectares of Kew.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 4. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

100,000 different plants from Europe live at Kew gardens.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 5. Укажите, какой из абзацев текста содержит следующую информацию:

Cactus and palm houses are especially popular with the visitors.

a) 3

b) 2

c) 4

d) 1

e) 5


Задание 6. В тексте слово greenhouse означает:

a) грот

b) зелёный уголок

c) дендрарий

d) теплица


Задание 7. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием


The Kew Gardens provide_____________.

a) a hiking tour about the parks of London

b) botanists with seeds of scarce plants

c) shops of London with flowers and fruit

d) a three- year- course of gardening


Задание 8. Ответьте на вопрос:

What do visitors like best about the Kew Gardens park?

a) Visitors like Kew most of all because there are many plants and animals are few in the world.

b) Visitors like Kew most of all because it is outside of the busy center.

c) Visitors like Kew most of all because there is an amusement park for children.

d) Kew Garden is of great scientific interest for visitors.

Задание 9. Ответьте на вопрос:

Where in Kew can people see medicine plants?

a) People can see medicine plants in the palm house.

b) People can see medicine plants in Hyde Park.

c) People can see medicine plants in the museum of Kew.

d) People can see medicine plants all year round.


Задание 10. Определите основную идею текста:

a) the problem of landscape designing in London

b) the most famous parks of London worth visiting

c) the Kew Gardens park as a unique botanical garden

d) protection of plants and trees that become scarce



A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms... But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting!

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want - brown, white, or a roll - and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

«Tea» means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cake) with cream and jam. The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6:00 and 8:00, and often the whole family eats together. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat - either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork - with potatoes and vegetables.

The British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French. Chinese and Indian. People often get take - away meals - you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international.


Задание 1. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

Many British people have a big breakfast.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 2. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

People often have cereal or toast for breakfast.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 3. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

After lunch most people take coffee.

a) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации


Задание 4. Определите, является ли данное утверждение:

When you get a take - away meal, you eat it at home.

а) истинным

b) ложным

c) в тексте нет информации

Задание 5. Укажите, какой из абзацев текста содержит следующую информацию:

Pubs are good places to go for lunch.

a) l

b) 3

c) 2


Задание 6. В тексте слово scone означает:

a) лепёшка

b) напиток

c) соус

d) мармелад


Задание 7. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста:

Many children just take a snack from home -_______________.

a) a sandwich, a drink, some fruit

b) tea, sandwiches, cakes, chicken

c) white bread, hot milk, marmalade, a roll

d) scones, jam, potatoes, vegetables, soup


Задание 8. Ответьте на вопрос:

What do people have for lunch?

a) People have soup for lunch.

b) People have roast meat with potatoes and vegetables.

c) People have sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea.

d) People have coffee, salad, white bread.


Задание 9. Ответьте на вопрос:

What does "tea" mean?

a) "Tea" means two things. It's a drink and a meal.

b) "Tea" means a cup of tea with scones.

c) "Tea" means a meal.

d) "Tea" means a drink with lemon.


Задание 10. Определите, основную идею текста:

a) The British traditional meals

b) Food products

c) The British menu

d) The rational diet of Englishmen



The fifty states of the United States, or the USA, join to make one nation. The United States did not always have fifty states. At first there were thirteen. As he United States grew, more states joined the union. The last two states to join were Alaska and Hawaii. They both joined in 1959. The area of the United States covers every type of land. There are forests, deserts, mountains, and flat land. The urea of the United States also covers every type of climate. The size of each state is different too. Alaska is the biggest state. Rhode Island is the smallest state. Alaska s 500 times bigger than Rhode Island.

About 250 million people live in the United States. The people of the US come from all over the world. People often name cities after where they come mom. For example, in the United States you find Paris, Rome, Delhi, and rankfurt. The state with the highest population is California. The state with the west population is Alaska.

Each state has its own name. The name gives the state its identity and personality. More titan half the states have names from American Indian origin, ach state also has a flag with colors that have a special meaning for the state. The bag is the emblem, or the symbol, of state. There is also a state flower, tree, and rd.


(The Article)

Артикль – это служебное слово, поясняющее существительное.

В английском языке два артикля: неопределенный a (an) и определенный the. Форма a употребляется перед существительными единственного числа, начинающимися с согласной буквы, форма an – с гласной, например: a season, a pencil; an apple, an hour. Артикль the употребляется с существительными как единст­венного, так и множественного числа.

Артикль относится непосредственно к сущест­вительному, но если у существительного есть опре­делители, то артикль ставится перед ними. Например: an old man, a five-strayed modern building.

Неопределенный артикль при существительном обычно обозначает, что имеется в виду какой-то не­определенный, любой предмет из класса однородных предметов. Например, в предложении "Give me a pen, please" речь идет о любой ручке, а не о какой-то кон­кретной. Неопределенный артикль обычно не пере­водится на русский язык. Иногда ему могут соот­ветствовать слова один, какой-то, любой. Например:

A small boy came up to Какой-то маленький мальчик

me and asked: "What's подошел ко мне и спросил:

the time?" «Который час?»

Определенный артикль при существительном обо­значает, что имеется в виду определенный конкретный предмет или явление, выделяемое из ряда подобных ему предметов или явлений. Определенный артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык; иногда ему соот­ветствует в русском предложении слово этот (эти), тот (те). Например:

Who can answer the question? Кто сможет ответить на вопрос?



1) с исчисляемыми существительными, I can see a book on the ta­ble.

когда они упоминаются впервые;

2) с существительным, яв­ляющимся My brother is a doctor.

частью сос­тавного именного He is a clever young man.


3)с существительным по­сле оборота There is a new music school in our

there is..., а так же после it is …, street. It is a pen.

this is... This is a pencil.

4) после слов such, quite, wтat; Tom is such a nice boy.

5) с существительными в роли My grandmother, a school teacher,

приложения; is on pension now.

6) перед числительными а dozen, I've read a lot about this

a hundred, а thousand, a million; author.

ввыражениях a lot (of), а great

many of;

7) в некоторых оборотах: it is a pleasure, as a result, as a matter of fact, as a rule, to be in a hurry, it's a pity;

8) в сочетаниях с глаголами to have, to take, to give: to have a cold, to have a good time, to have a toothache, to have a rest, to have a smoke, to take a shower, to give a hand.



1)с существительными вHere is the magazine you

единственном и множест­венном want to read.

числе, когда го­ворящему ясно, Open the window, please.

о каком предмете идет речь;

2) с существительным, которое I saw a new film on TV yesterday.

упоминается в контексте второй раз; The film was not very interesting.

3) когда перед существи­тельным стоит:

а) порядковое числительное Gagarin was the first cos­monaut

of the world.

б) прилагательное в превосходнойMinsk is the largest city in Belarus.


в) одно из прилагательных: following, Answer the following questions.

last, next, same, very, only This is the only way of doing it.

(единственный). Hо: next door, He finished school last year.

last week, last year;

4) когда существительное имеет The price of fruit is high this year.

при себе уто­чняющее или Somebody is knocking at

ограни­чивающее определение; the door of our flat.

5) с существительными, The sky is blue and the sun shines

обозначающими пред­меты, brightly in summer. The ground

единственные всвеем роде: is covered with leaves in autumn.

the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning

the world, а также в словосочетаниях: and go to bed at 11 in the evening.

in the morning, in the after­noon,

in the evening;

6) с исчисляемыми существительными, The snowdrop, is the first

обо­значая весь класс одно­родных spring flower. The cow

предметов, а не выделяя один is a domestic animal.

предмет из ряда ему подобных

(но: man, woman); Man is the highest creation of nature.

7) со следующими име­нами The Thames, the Volga,

собственными: the Black Sea, the English Channel,

а) названиями рек, озер, океанов, the Atlantic.Ocean, the Urals

горных цепей, островов, пустынь но: Lake Baikal, Lake Naroch

б) названиями некоторых стран, the United States (the USA),

местностей, сторон света the Crimea

в) названиями некоторых the Kremlin, the British

исторических зданий (учреждений), Museum, the National Gallery,

музеев, театров, библиотек, the United Nations Organization,

организаций, английских газет, the Times, the University

за исключением названий of London, но London University,

университе­тов и колледжей, Ox­ford University,

кото­рые имеют в своем Cambridge University

на­звании имя собственное

г) названиями сторон света: He works in the North.

the North, the South, the West, Have you ever been

the East, но без артикля: to the South?

from North to South,

from East to West;

д) с фамилиями для обозна­чения The Browns spend their

всей семьи в це­лом. holidays in Italy.



Артикль не употребляется:

1) если у исчисляемого Give me your plan, please.

существительного имеется There are some books on the,

определение, вы­раженное table. This man: is John's

местоимением (притяжательным, father. Where is room six?

указательным вопроси­тельным, I have five English books.

неопределенно-личным), Open your books at page

именем со­бственным в 5 and do exercise 10.

притяжа­тельном падеже или

количественным числи­тельным;

2) с существительным во We are friends. Nick and

множественном числе, которые Tom arй doctors.

являются ча­стью именного


3) с неисчисляемыми Do you like tea or coffee?

су­ществительными, если они Ho: The coffee is cold.

не имеют ограничи­тельных

или уточняю­щих определителей;

4) если существительное является Children, don't speak at the

обращением; lesson.

5) перед словами father, mother, Is Father at home?

uncle, aunt в высказываниях

членов семьи;

6) с названиями дней неде­ли, Winter begins in December.

месяцев и времен года; My day off is Sunday.

7) перед существительными What will you have for dinner?

breakfast, dinner, lunch, sъpper; I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

Примечание:В конкрет­ных ситуациях I cooked the dinner myself.

эти суще­ствительные, также как и Three years ago the summer

названия дней недели, мо­гут was rainy.

употребляться с опре­деленным


8) с именами собственными; Mary, London, Pushkin Street

9) с существительными, обозначающими My favourite subject is history.

названия наук и учебных предметов; My brother is good at physics.

10) в ряде устойчивых словосочетания:

in time, for example, to be at home, to go home, by bus (train), at work, at night, at dinner, by heart, for instance, on foot, by chance, out of doors;

to leave (finish) school, to go to bed, to be out of town, by name, by mistake, at present, from beginning to end, at first sight, etc.


1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артиклей перед существительными в следующих предложениях:

1. This is a pencil. It's a red pencil. The red pencil is on the table. 2. I'm a teacher. I’m at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. Open your books at page thirteen. 4. This is a black tie and that is a white tie. 5. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl is a first-year student of the University. She lives on the second floor in the house not far from us. 6. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. There are many-flowers in the fields and gardens everywhere. The flowers are very beautiful in your garden. 7. Victory Square is in the centre of Minsk. 8. I live in Kirov Street. 9. The Black Sea is in the South of our country. 10. I live in the Republic of Belarus but my friend lives in Moldova.


2. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необхо­димо:

а) 1..... Volga is... longest river in... European part of... Russia. 2. I'd like to go on an excursion to... Crimea. 3. There is... stadium not far from our....house.... stadium, is... largest in our town. 4. My brother is... pupil of... 8th form and he wants to become... engineer. 5.... chemistry is his favorite subject at... school. 6.... children like... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me... way to... theatre? 8. Here is... book you need. 9.... walls of our classroom are yellow. 10.... butter and... cheese are made of... milk. 11. Which... fruit do you like:... apples or... oranges? 12. I go to... bed at 12 o'clock at night. 13. When will you finish... school? 14. I get up at 7 o'clock in... morning.

б) 1.... England has to import... raw materials, such as... timber,... petroleum,... wool and others. 2. Many ships, with... grain,... oil,... cotton and other goods come to... London along... river Thames. 3. I usually drink... tea with... sugar. 4. Will you have... cup of tea? 5. Pass me... sugar, please. 6.... tea is very hot, I'll put... milk in it. Don't pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like... tea with... milk. 7.... Peace is... life,... war is... suffering and... death. 8. What... beautiful rose! What... beautiful flowers! 9. Good... luck! 10. We shall go to... theatre... next week. 11. We shall see... new play at... Belarusian Drama Theatre. 12. Let's go to... cinema. 13. They say... new detective film is on.

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на употребление артиклей.

1. Осень — дождливый сезон в Беларуси. 2. Вода и воздух необходимы для жизни. 3. Вечером я пью чай или молоко, но не кофе. 4. Молоко слишком холодное, не пей его. 5. Он попросил стакан воды. 6. Это очень простой вопрос. Школьник может на него ответить. 7. По­кажи мне статью, которую ты написал. 8. Ивановы уе­хали на юг сегодня утром. 9. Жаль, я не могу по­обедать с вами.


TEST 48 PLURAL (make plural form)

1 a baby 2 a pencil

A babys A penciles

B babies B pencils

3 a man 4 an umbrella

A man A umbrellas

B men B umbrellaes

C mans C umbrells

5 a boy 6 a city

A boys A citys

B boies B cities

C boyes C cityes

7 a mouse 8 a postman

A mouses A postmans

B mice B postsman

C mouss C postmen

9 a fox 10 an ox

A fox A ox

B foxes B oxes

C foxs C oxen

11 money 12 a fish

A moneys A fish

B - B fishes

C moneies C fishs

13 a knife 14 a watch

A knifes A watches

B knifs B watchs

C knives C watch

15 an address 16 a child

A - A childs

B addresses B childes

C address C children

17 a foot 18 jeans

A foots A jeans

B footes B jeanses

C feet C jeanss

19 a potato 20 a photo

A potatoes A photoes

B potatos B photos

C potates C photes

21 a roof 22 a toothbrush

A roofs A teethbrush

B rooves B toothbrushes

C roofes C teethbrushes

23 a boy-friend 24 a passer-by

A boys-friends A passer-by

B boy-friends B passer-bys

C boys friend C passer-bies


25 a sheep 26 advice

A sheep A advices

B sheeps B advises

C sheepes C -

27 a mother-in-law 28 news

A mother-in-laws A newses

B mothers-in-laws B news

C mothers-in-law C pieces of news


Тест Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Личные местоимения

Именительный падеж Объектный падеж
I— я he - он she - она it - он (- а, - о, это) we - мы you - ты, вы they - они mе - мне him - ему her - ей it - ему, ей us - нам, нас, нами you - тебе, вам them - им


А. Выберите личное местоимение в именительном падеже.

1 .... is a father.

1) Не 2) She They 4) It

2.... is a king.

1) He 2) She 3) You 4) I

3.... is a woman.

l) He 2) She 3) We 4) They

4. … is a picture.

l) He 2) She 3) It 4) They

5.... are in the classroom.

1) He 2) We 3) It 4) I


6.... are on the table.

1) I 2) She 3) It 4) They

7. … is on the table.

1) It 2) I 3) She 4) We 5) They

8.... is a waiter.

1) We 2) You 3) They 4) I 5) He

9. … are queens.

1) They 2) She 3) He 4) It 5) I

10. … is a son

1) I 2) She 3) He 4) They 5) We

11.... are sons

l) They 2) It 3) He 4) She

12.... is a daughter.

1) I 2) He 3) She 4) You 5) They

13.... are people.

l) They 2) It 3) She 4) He 5) I

14.... is a thing.

1) I 2) It 3) She 4) He 5) You

15.... is a football.

1) It 2) She 3) I 4) He 5) They

16. Is this a tree? - Yes,... is.

l) he 2) she 3) it 4) they

17. Are these trees? - No,... are not.

1) we 2) you 3) they 4) it 5) he

18. Are the girls in the classroom - Yes,... are.

l) they 2) you 3) she 4) I 5) it

19. Is the train in the station? - No,... is not

l) they 2) he 3) it 4) she

20. Are the men in the car? - Yes, … are.

l) he 2) she 3) you 4) they

21. Isthe window open? - No,... is not.

1) they 2) it 3) he 4) we

22. Are the flowers on the table? - Yes,... are.

1) it 2) you 3) we 4) they

23. Is the boy near the door? - Yes,... is.

l) it 2) he 3) she 4) they

24. Is John in the place? - No,... is.

1) she 2) he 3) it 4) I

25. Is Alice his wife? - Yes.... is.

1) I 2) he 3) she 4) you


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