III. Match the notions with their definitions.


Topical vocabulary:

agricultural land земли с/х назначения
recreational land земля рекреационного назначения
institutional land муниципальная земля
residential land территория жилой застройки
industrial land зона промышленной застройки
forestry лесное хозяйство
agronomic system система ведения сельского хозяйства
urban area городская местность (зона, территория, черта)
rural area сельская местность
grow crops (crop growing) выращивать сельхоз культуры (выращивание сельхоз культур)
breed livestock (livestock breeding) разводить скот (разведение скота, животноводство)
construction строительство
residential house жилой дом
single-family house индивидуальная застройка
block of flats многоэтажный дом
population density плотность населения
public building общественное учреждение
petroleum refinery завод по переработке нефти
water reservoir водохранилище
electricity generating station электростанция
hydroelectricity гидроэлектроэнергия
fossil fuel ископаемое топливо



People use land for different purposes. The science of land use studies how the land is managed, how the natural world is used for human needs.

There are many types of land use.1 They include recreational, transport, agricultural, residential, forestry, park, industrial, institutional, commercial and other land uses.2

Agricultural land is used for growing crops and breeding livestock. It is the oldest human use of land. All people need food, so it is vital. With increased efficiency, less land and fewer people are needed to produce food. The very first people who gave up hunter-gatherer lifestyles and started farming represent the first case of using land for this purpose.3 The nature of agricultural land depends on the types of crops and agronomic systems.

Residential land is used for construction of residential houses. It is also one of the oldest uses of land. Single-family houses on large or small parcels and blocks of flats built on land can illustrate this land use. The largest residential land uses are associated with cities with large density of human population.

Institutional land uses are mostly associated with land that is occupied by public buildings such as schools, universities, government office buildings, etc. These facilities are mostly located in urban areas.4

Industrial land uses are various; they depend on the nature of the industry. 5 There are lands where petroleum refineries and the electricity generating stations, etc. are located. These are the examples of urban-industrial land uses. Industrial land use in rural areas can include mines, mills for production of ores and metals, fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Large water reservoirs for production of hydroelectricity are also included in this type of land use.

Transport land is used for roads, railroads, subways, or airports. Means of transport are necessary for all other land uses to operate effectively.6

Practical Work

I. Translate into Russian.

1) the largest residential land;

2) construction of residential houses;

3) it is vital;

4) the nature of agricultural land;

5) for different purposes;

6) houses on large or small parcels;

7) mills for production of ores and metals;

8) hunter-gatherer lifestyles;

9) examples of urban-industrial land uses;

10) government office buildings.


II. Find English equivalents in the text, corresponding to the Russian words and word-combinations.

1) для нужд человека;

2) первый способ использования земли;

3) с высокой плотностью населения;

4) использование земли для строительства учреждений;

5) такие учреждения, как правило, расположены в городах;

6) зоны, где расположены заводы по переработке нефти;

7) это зависит от вида промышленности;

8) ископаемое топливо, как, например, уголь или природный газ;

9) для производства гидроэлектроэнергии;

10) для эффективного взаимодействия.


III. Match the notions with their definitions.


Notions Definition
  recreational land a is land used for the growing and harvesting of crops and livestock (farms, pastures, etc.)
  urban area b is a geographic area located outside towns and cities used for farming and agriculture purposes.
  commercial land c is land designed for structures that help people get from one destination to the other (roads, airports, train stations, subway stations)
  infrastructure d is land used for purposes of recreation, for example, sports fields, gymnasiums, playgrounds, public parks and green areas, public beaches and swimming pools, and camping sites.
  transport land e is land covered mainly with buildings and roads
  agricultural land f is land designated for businesses, warehouses, shops and any other infrastructures related to commerce.
  rural area g all of the things that a society builds for public uses




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