I. The words in the box have their letters in the wrong order. Choose from them to complete the sentences below.


Word List

Nouns and noun phrases reluctant - неохотный

account-счет sound - здоровый, здравый,

current account - общий счет солидный, платежеспособный

deposit account - депозитный счет stagnant - застойный, инертный,

book- книга вялый, косный
cheque book - чековая книжка

saving book - сберегательная Verbs

книжка cater - удовлетворять, угождать

borrower - заемщик, получатель cause - вызывать

ссуды circulate - распространять,

depositor - депозитор, депонент, передавать, циркулировать

вкладчик combat - бороться

holder - владелец, предъявитель, invest - помещать, вкладывать,

обладатель, держатель инвестировать

insurance - страхование, страховка lend (lent, lent) - давать взаймы,

intermediary - посредник одалживать

loan - заем, ссуда occur - встречаться, случаться,

profit - польза, выгода происходить

pursuit - преследование, погоня, overdraw (overdrew, overdrawn)-

поиски, занятие превышать кредит

rate - ставка, норма, размер pay (paid, paid) - платить

interest rate - процентная ставка quote - назначить (цену)

robbery - грабеж seek (sought, sought) - искать

security - pl. ценные бумаги, shift - перемещаться

безопасность withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) -

снимать, убирать, брать


attractive - притягательный. Adverbs

привлекательный cheaply - дешево

cheap - дешевый dearly - дорого

expensive - дорогой, дорогостоящий

fraught - полный, преисполненный, чреватый


annual [‘ænjuəl] interest [‘intrest] rate [reit] (of) ежегодная процентная ставка
conceivable [kən΄si:vəbl] мыслимый, возможный
to shift перемещать
commodity [kə’moditi] товар, продукт для продажи
Federal Reserve Bank Федеральный резервный банк
demise (n) [di’maiz] сдача недвижимости в аренду
money in circulation [ֽsə:kju’lei∫(ə)n] деньги в обращении
landing rates плата за аренду земли
cut in interest rates снижение процентной ставки
fraught (with) [fro:t wiθ] преисполненный, чреватый
to cater (to) [‘keitə] угождать, доставлять удовольствие

No population centre, even the smallest one, is conceivable without a bank building. A small town may only have several banks, and in a big city there are tens of them.

Like any business, a bank is after a profit, above all. Money is the commodity it sells. To put it simply, a bank seeks to "buy" money cheaply (not necessarily from the Federal Reserve Bank), at an annual six-percent interest, for example, and to sell it dearly (as, say, credit to a building company) at an annual interest rate of 11 percent. This is what the banks are busy doing. There are many variations within this pattern of course.

Naturally, the banks put their money where it brings them the highest profit. That is why they always keep up to date with the market situation. By shifting money at various "costs" from sphere to sphere, from one geographical region to another, the banks activities stimulate progress in industry, construction and agriculture. Besides this, the banks promote the growth or cause the demise of individual population centers or even whole regions.

Banks are interested in keeping most of their money in circulation so that it should bring them profit. They seek to reduce their landing rates in order to attract buyers. The cuts in interest rates arc more then made up for by an increase in the amount of money in circulation.

In their pursuit of high profit, the banks sometimes get involved in risky operations fraught with bankruptcy. Therefore the Federal government takes measures to minimize the dangers of banks going broke. Every bank is obliged to take out insurance against robbery or bankruptcy lest the clients should lose their money in any case.

The banks cater to big and small companies and to individuals.


1. Why is a bank compared to any other business?

2. How does a bank buy and sell its commodity?

3. How can a bank promote the growth or cause the demise of whole regions?

4. Why do banks reduce their landing rates?

5. Why are banks obliged to take out insurance against robbery or bankruptcy?

I. The words in the box have their letters in the wrong order. Choose from them to complete the sentences below.

yearld, ryaknupcbt, nkba, uicocaltinr, naedgrs, heyapcl, yonme, gihhets firopt, enuirncas, ropitf, tlitmsuae, dcmimoyot, hisgtfin, satre

1. No population centre is conceivable without a b __________building.

2. Like any business, a bank is after a p________, above all.

3. Money is the c _____ it sells.

4. A bank seeks to "buy" money c__ and to sell it d_____.

5. Naturally, the banks put their money where it brings them the h


6. By s_________ money at various "costs" from sphere to sphere, from one geographical region to another, the banks activity s_______ progress in industry, construction and agriculture.

7. Banks are interested in keeping most of their m in c_________ so that it should bring them profit.

8. They seek to reduce their landing r___ in order to attract buyers.

9. Banks sometimes get involved in risky operations fraught with b______.

10. Therefore the Federal government takes measures to minimize the d of banks going broke.



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