Alone, solitary, lonely, lone, lonesome, foreign, desolate

Fundamentals of English Lexicography

1. Historical background of the art of dictionary-compiling.

2. The main principles of dictionary-compiling.

3. General classification of the types of dictionaries.

4. Encyclopedic dictionaries.

5. Linguistic dictionaries.

a) Explanatory dictionaries;

b) Translation dictionaries;

c) Specialized dictionaries.

6. Some of the main problems of Lexicography.

a) Selection of entry words;

b) Arrangement of meanings;

c) Illustrative quotations;

d) Supplementary notes;

e) Structure of the dictionary.

Reference books

1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986.- P.9-25; 272-281.

2. Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modem English Lexicology. M., 1979.- P.7-11; 210-261.


1. What part does lexicology play in the general linguistic training of philologists?

2. In what way is lexicology connected with other branches of linguistics?

3. What are the main branches of lexicology as a science?

4. What main factors in the life of the country determined the development of English vocabulary?

5.What approaches to the study of words exist in modem lexicology?

6. What does lexical system of the language represent?

7. What methods of the lexicological analysis are applied to the study of the vocabu­lary?

8. What new trends in modem linguistics contributed to modem lexicological the­ory?


1. How can you characterize the first English dictionaries?

2. What is a glossary?

3. What dictionary is eighteenth century standard?

4. What encyclopedic dictionaries are known to you?

5.What is the number of entries in a good-size translating dictionary?

6. What kind of information can you derive from dictionary usage?

7. Do general dictionaries habitually exclude slang?

8. What is a capital investigation of phraseologisms in the form of a dictionary?

9. When did American lexicography begin to develop?

10. What dictionaries of new words do you know?

11. What is the role of supplementary notes?

12. What is the order of arrangement of different meanings of polysemantic words?


Assignment 1.

Characterize the Following dictionaries:

1. The English-Russian Dictionary ed. By V.K. Muller.

2. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by E. Partridge.

3. A Dictionary of Modem English Usage by N.W.Fowler.

4. English Pronouncing Dictionary by D Jones.

5.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases by R.M.Roget.

6. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by J.Bosworth.

7. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.

8. Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology by Ch.T.Onions.

9. The Second Bamhart Dictionary of New English.-N.Y. 1980.

10.The Oxford English Dictionary (OED). A corrected reissue of the New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED): In thirteen vols/ Ed. By Y.A.H. Murray, H. Brndley, W.A. Craigie, Ch.T. Onions.- Oxford, 1977.

Assignment 2.

Define the Dictionaries from which the Entries Are Given:

1. Bach- elor n 1. unmarried man, spinster; (attrib) of, suitable for, an unmarried person: a (independent unmarried) girl, flats.

2. (man or woman who has taken the first university degree:

Br Arts/Science.

Alone, solitary, lonely, lone, lonesome, foreign, desolate

1. находящийся или чувствующий себя вне общества других людей, одинокий, покинутый, оставленный...

3. cloister (s.v.) - ers, - erring, -ered.

4. electricity ilek'trisiti [,elek-, i:lek-, elek-]

5. Adam's ale (или wine) шутл. «вино Адама», вода. Some take a glass of porter to their dinner, but I slake my thirst with Adam's wine (Eliot G.) Многие выпивают за обедом стакан портера, я же утоляю жажду во­дой.

6. bishop OE. Biscop, corr. To OS. Biskop, OHG biscof (G. biscof), ON. Biscup pop L.* biscopus, for eccl. L. episcopus- Gr. Episcopus overseer (whence Goth. aipiskaupus) f. epi EPI+ -scopus looking (cf- scope)

7. Great Rebellion ['greitri'beljen] Великий мятеж (термин, принятый историо­графией для обозначения периода Английской буржуазной революции [Eng­lish Revolution]; тж. Civil Wars, Commonwealth 2 и Protectorate).

8. Hyperbole [hai'pe:beli] n. (f. Gk. Hyperbole, a throwing beyond, excess f. hyperballein, to throw beyond; f. Hyper – преувеличение, усиливающее выразительность слова. One of the types of semantic change. An exaggerated statement not meant to be understood literally but expressing an emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about, e.g. lovely! Awfully! Splendid!

9. Заклевать, заклеить (вн.) glue up (d.) stick* up an envelope, ~ окно seal up a window; ~ щели stop up the chinks; - конверты seal (up) an envelope, -иваться, заклеиться 1.stick*; конверт не -ивается the envelope will nit stick; 2. страдат. к заклеивать.

10. HUN l. One of Asiatic race of warlike nomads who invaded Europe c. AD 375, and in the middle of the 5 с. under their King Attila overran and ravaged greater part of the continent.

3. transf. A reckless or willful destroyer of beauties of nature or art; an uncultured devastator. C.f. "Goth", "Vandal".

Topics for discussion

Free Word-Groups

1.The problem of definition of free word-groups. Various approaches to the definition of the term "word-group". Difference between a word-group and a set phrase.

2.Structure of free word-groups: syntactic connection as the criterion of classification (subordinative, coordinative, predicative), classification of subordinative free word-groups according to their head-words (nominal, adjectival, verbal etc.).

3. Meaning of free word-groups: lexical meaning, structural meaning, Interrelation of structural and lexical meanings in word-groups. Motivation in word-groups.

3.Lexical and grammatical valency.




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