Выдающиеся люди страны изучаемого языка

Роль иностранного языка в жизни людей


1. Why is English the global language nowadays?

2. Which vocabulary is the largest in the world?

3. What percentage of words in English comes from other countries?

4. What borrowed words in English do you know?

5. Why is English a language of communication nowadays?

6. Why do people in Russia learn English?

7. Why do you learn English?

8. What is the best suitable age to begin to learn English?

9. At what age did you begin to learn English?

10. Do you learn any other languages? Why?

  1. Does every profession require the knowledge of foreign languages?
  2. Are you keen on reading literature in English?
  3. Is it difficult to read special literature in English?
  4. Can the knowledge of foreign languages help you in your career?

15. Why do you think the English language is taught in many countries of the world?



Cтраны изучаемого языка


1. What can you say about the geographical position of the country?

2. What countries does it border on?

3. What is the country washed by?

4. What is the total area and the population of the country?

5. How many parts does the country consist of?

6. How can the relief of the country be characterized?

7. What are the rivers and lakes of the country?

8. What is the climate like?

9. What can you say about the natural and mineral resources of the country?

10. What is the capital of the country?

11. What are the major cities?

12. What is the political system in the country?

13. What is the official language of the country?

14. What are the chief industries? What branches of industry are highly developed?

15. What are the main tourist attractions in the country?

Традиции стран изучаемого языка

1. Why is it very important to know holidays, customs and traditions of other peoples?

2. Why does the number of holidays differ from country to country?

3. What are the bank (federal) holidays?

4. What is the origin of some of these holidays?

5. How are bank (federal) holidays celebrated?

6. What other holidays do you know except bank (federal) holidays?

7. What is Christmas?

8. What are the most pleasant traditions of Christmas?

9. How do they celebrate a New Year’s Day?

10. When is St. Valentine’s Day celebrated?

11. What are the symbols of Halloween?

12. What is Thanksgiving Day?

13. What is Easter?

14. What’s your opinion on the English and American traditions and holidays?

15. What similar holidays do Russia and English speaking countries have?

Города. Путешествие

  1. What main historical events took place in London?
  2. When did the Great Fire of London happen? What were its causes and consequences?
  3. What places of interest are there in London?
  4. When did the first line of London underground appear? What other facts do you know about the Tube in London?
  5. What is the capital of Scotland? What places of interest do you know?
  6. What is the capital of Wales? What is it famous for?
  7. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What places of interest can you name?
  8. What are the main places of interest in New York?
  9. When was Canberra founded? Why doesn’t this city look like other capitals?
  10. What do you know about Sydney, Australia?
  11. From which two states was the original District of Columbia carved? What facts do you know about Washington D.C.?
  12. What are the biggest cities of Canada? Speak about them.
  13. What is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for? What are the main places of interest there?
  14. What is Ottawa famous for?
  15. What are the main educational centers of Great Britain do you know? Speak about them.



  1. What does the word “ecology” mean?
  2. What does this study explain?
  3. What does “global warming” mean?
  4. Is over-population dangerous for our planet?
  5. What are the main ecological problems?
  6. Could you state the consequences of pollution?
  7. What impact does climate change have on forests?
  8. What is ozone depletion? What causes it?
  9. What are the solutions to the problem of hazardous waste?
  10. What are the effects of acid rains?
  11. What can be solutions to environmental problems?
  12. What are the consequences of ocean acidification?
  13. Which animals are most vulnerable to climate change?
  14. How can people save animals from going extinct?
  15. What do you do to save our planet?

Выдающиеся люди страны изучаемого языка

  1. What is the contribution of Francis Drake to the exploration of the world?
  2. What new lands did James Cook discover? Why did he decide to name the south-eastern part of Australia New South Wales?
  3. What are the principal discoveries of Edward Jenner?
  4. Could you speak about Alexander Mackenzie’s expeditions and discoveries?
  5. What is the contribution of John Franklin to the exploration of the world?
  6. Could you speak about Robert Scott’s journeys?
  7. What is Isaac Newton famous for? What are his main achievements?
  8. What inventions did James Watt make?
  9. Who is often called “The father of railways”? Speak about other inventions of George Stephenson.
  10. What is William Shakespeare famous for? What well-known works written by him can you name?
  11. Who is considered to be “the father of the electric motor”? What other outstanding discoveries of this person do you know?
  12. Who is the author of the books “The Descent of Man” and “On the origin of species by means of natural selection”? What did he explain in his works?
  13. Who discovered penicillin? What did his research work consist of?
  14. Who is the inventor of telephone? What is this person famous for?
  15. Who and when set up printing press at Westminster? What is his contribution to English?



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