Exercise 5. Arrange items for plan according to text.


к разговорной теме

«Наш регион»



Авторы: Сахарова Н.С.

Палагина С.С.


Оренбург 1996.



Exercise 1. Read the new words according to the transcription, mind their pronunciation and meaning.

1. to dispose of располагать чем либо
2. resource ресурсы, запасы, ископаемые
3. abundance изобилие, богатство
4. to distinguish различать, выделять
5. deposits залежи, месторождение
6. stocks запасы
7. saturation насыщенность
8. extraction добывание, разработка
9. purity чистота
10. industrial waste промышленные отходы
11. to contain содержать
12. mining industry горная промышленность
13. blacksmith’s and press equipment кузнечное и прессовое оборудование
14. boring devices буровое оборудование
15. cast iron чугун
16. rolled goods прокат
17. head of cattle поголовье скота
18. food stuffs продовольственные товары
19. wheat пшеница
20. sun-flower seeds подсолнечник
21. gourds бахчевые культуры


Exercise 2. Pay attention to the meaning of the words, belonging to the group of mineral resources. Mind their pronunciation.

1. oil нефть
2. brown coal бурый уголь
3. oil shale сланец
4. ferrous metals чёрные металлы
5. non-ferrous metals цветные металлы
6. limestone известняк
7. jasper яшма
8. marble мрамор
9. sand песок
10. clay глина
11. chalk мел
12. gypsum гипс
13. asbestos асбест
14. crushed stone щебень
15. precious metals драгоценные металлы
16. nickel никель
17. aluminum алюминий
18. copper медь


Exercise 3. Read the text. Translate it.


The Concise Reference of the Orenburg Region.

To the South-East of the European part of Russia on the River Ural lies the Orenburg region. It occupies a very favorable geographical position. The Orenburg region disposes of great amounts of mineral resources. Their variety and abundance distinguishes the Orenburg region not only in the country but also abroad. More than 2500 deposits of 75 economic minerals are explored in the Orenburg region. They are: gas, oil, brown coal, oil shale, ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, rare metals, stone salt, limestone, jasper, marble.

The unique gas condense deposit is characterized by gas saturation and high component variety.

There are a number of brown and stone coal deposits with balance stocks of nearly 800 million tons, greater part of them being suitable for open extraction.

The Orenburg region has white and grey marble deposits, the stocks being nearly 8 million cubic meters. There are also jasper deposits – 30 million cubic meters.

Building materials are also here: sands, clay, limestone, chalk, gypsum, asbestos, cursed stone.

The Sol-Iletsk stone salt deposit which is distinguished by the unique purity is of great importance, the stocks being 800 million tons.

The region disposes of great industrial waste stocks of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and mining industry. The waste contains number of precious, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Enterprises of 70 industrial brunches situated in the region, export industrial production to more than 80 countries abroad. The leading part in the industrial structure belongs to the fuel and energy complex, machine-building, metallurgical brunches and agricultural enterprises.

Twenty enterprises of machine-building complex produce blacksmith’s and press equipment, boring, electrotechnical devices, means of transport.

Metallurgical enterprises produce non-ferrous metals ores, cast iron, ferrous metals rolled goods, nickel and aluminum, copper rolled goods.

The head of cattle comes to 1400 thousand. The region disposes of favourable conditions for food-stuffs production: high-quality wheat, milk, meat, sun-flower seeds, vegetables and fruit, gourds.


Exercise 4. Answer the questions to the text.


1. Where is Orenburg region situated?

2. What distinguishes the Orenburg region in the country and abroad?

3. What mineral resources are extracted in the Orenburg region?

4. What is the unique gas condense deposits famous for?

5. What are the characteristics of the Orenburg gas deposits?

6. Are there any building materials in the Orenburg region?

7. What enterprises are the most important in our region?

8. What food-stuffs are produced in the Orenburg region?


Exercise 5. Arrange items for plan according to text.


1. Gas deposits in Orenburg.

2. Mineral resources in the Orenburg region.

3. The geographical position of the Orenburg region.

4. Orenburg region enterprises.

5. Agriculture in the Orenburg region.


Exercise 6. Speak about the Orenburg region according to the plan.



The history of Orenburg is very interesting. It got it’s name before it’s factual foundation which took place three times. For the first time Orenburg was founded in August 1735 by the state expedition headed by the statesman Ivan Kirillovich Kirilov. It happened on the site of the present Orsk. For the second time Orenburg was founded in August 1741 by the state expedition headed by prince V.A. Urusov. It happened on the site of present village Krasnaya Gora (not far from Saractash). It was done according to the advice of the prominent Russian scientist Vasily Nikischev. Finally Orenburg was founded on its present site by the prominent Russian statesman Ivan Ivanovich Neplyev.

Orenburg was planned not only as a fortress but also as an important center of commerce between Russian and Asia. The original fortress had 10 bastions and 4 gates. In the 18th century the development of the town was rather slow because of the severe climate and the lack of population. During the peasants uprising of the 1774 Orenburg was besieged by the Pugachev’s army. The Orenburg province was the site of exile for many prominent people – poets Alexey Plecheyev, Taras Shevchenko; a composer Alexander Alyabyev and many others. But step by step the population of Orenburg and its province grew. In general the population of the Orenburg province was multinational. At the beginning of the 19th century more and more buildings were constructed in Orenburg. They were private houses for nobleman, merchants, doctors, engineers, teachers, clerks and common people.

More and more military and public institutions appeared in the town. In 1833 Orenburg was visited by A.S. Pushkin who collected materials for his literary works – «The Captain’s Daughter» and «History of Pugachov». Vladimir Ivanovich Dal lived and worked in Orenburg for several years. Orenburg is the birthplace of the revolution poet M.Z. Mihailov.

S.T. Aksakov had a country-seat in the Orenburg province. He devoted many beautiful stories to the nature of the province. In the 1850ies the development of the greenery in the Zauralnaya Roscha began under the supervision of the engineer and general Bikbulatov. At the end of the 19th century Lukian Vasilyevich Popov, an artist belonging to the Peredvizhniks’ movement lived and worked in Orenburg. One can see his works not only in the local museum of Fine Arts but also in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Orenburg was traditionaly famous for the Orenburg shawls. They are real works of art. There are some examples of fine architecture in Orenburg. The famous Karavan Sarai was built according to the project of architect Brullov. Tere are many interesting buildings in the present Sovetskaya Street (the former Gubernskaya, then Nicolaevskaya street).

During the revolutionary years Orenburg was the place of severe battles between the Red and White Army. During the Great Patriotic War many factories were evacuated to Orenburg from the West of our country. Our people did their best for the victory of the Soviet Union, for their courage and combat action (service in battle) – among them were poet Musa Galil and general Alexander Rodimtsev.

Now Orenburg is not only an administrative and industrial center of the huge region but also its major cultural center. The population of Orenburg is more than half a million people. The population of region is about 2 mln people.

There are several institutions of higher learning in Orenburg, among them there are State Medical Academy, the State Pedagogical University, the State Agricultural University, the Orenburg State University and some institutes where students study by correspondence and in the evening.

There are some training colleges – medical, pedagogical, technical, musical ones, several vocational schools and a lot of secondary schools.

The first world cosmonaut Y.A. Gagarin studied at the flying school. Tere are three stationary theatres in Orenburg: Drama theatre, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Puppet Theatre and the State Folk Choir. There’s Large Exhibition Hall in Volodarskaya street and the Musical Hall in m. Zhukova street. There are some museums, the major of them are the Museum of Natural History, Sciences and Fine Arts Museum. There are many places of culture, cinemas, clubs, stadiums, parks.

I like my native town (Orenburg) and I want it become more beautiful and clean.


Exercise 1. Find the equivalents.


1. быть награждённым медалью, орденом (получить звание, титул) 1. to take place
2. делать возможное 2. to be site of exile
3. быть эвакуированным с запада на восток 3. to built according to the project
4. быть построенным по проекту 4. to devote stories to smth, smb
5. нажодится под руководством 5. to have a country-seat
6. посвящать рассказы чему-либо, кому либо 6. to be the birthplace of smb
7. иметь усадьбу 7. to be under the supervision of
8. быть местом рождения 8. to do one’s best
9. быть местом ссылки 9. to be evacuated from the West to the East
10. происходить, иметь место 10. to be awarded with the medal (order) title
11. быть осаждённым 11. to be besieged


Exercise 2. Find the equivalent

1. Factual foundation 1. техникум (училище)
2. according to smth 2. боевые действия
3. a prominent scientist 3. краеведческий музей
4. a center of commerce 4. проведение работ по озеленению
5. the development of the town 5. на месте теперешнего села
6. a severe climate 6. ПТУ
7. the lack of smth 7. музей изобразительных искусств
8. step by step 8. фактическое основание
9. a province 9. литературное произведение
10. private houses 10. согласно чего-либо
11. a military institution 11. местный музей
12. military barracks 12. видный учёный
13. peasants’ uprising 13. торговый центр
14. on the site of present village 14. застройка города
15. literary 15. суровый климат
16. the development of greenery 16. нехватка чего-либо
17. a local museum 17. крестьянское восстание
18. Fine Arts museum 18. военное учреждение
19. Natural History Science Museum 19. военные действия
20. combat actions (service in battle) 20. губерния
21. an institution of higher learning 21. частный дом
22. a training college 22. шаг за шагом
23. a vocational school 23. ВУЗ



1. Orenburg was founded in 1743.

2. It was planned as a fortress and as a center of commerce between Russia and Asia.

3. In the 18th century the development of Orenburg was slow.

4. The population of the Orenburg province was multinational.

5. In 1774 Orenburg was besieged by the Pugachov’s army.

6. The Orenburg province was the place or exile for many prominent people.

7. In 1833 Orenburg was visited by A.S. Pushkin.

8. V.I. Dal lived and worked in Orenburg in the 1830ies.

9. There are many interesting buildings in the old part of our town.

10. During the revolutionary years Orenburg was the place of severe battles between the Red Army and White Army.

11. When the Great Patriotic War broke out, our people did their best to the victory of our country.

12. Now Orenburg is not only a big administrative and industrial center or the Orenburg Region but also its cultural center.

13. There are several institutes of higher learning: the State University, the State Pedagogical University, the State Medical Academy and the State Agricultural University.

14. There are many Institutes where students study in the evening or by correspondence, many training colleges, secondary schools and vocational schools.

15. The first world cosmonaut, Y.A. Gagarin studied in the Orenburg Flying School.

16. There are many places of interested in Orenburg: the Natural History Science Museum, the Fine Arts Museum, the Exhibition Hall, the Musical Hall, some places of culture, clubs, cinemas, stadiums, monuments, parks.

17. There are three major theatres (Drama, Musical Comedy and Puppet) and the State Folk Choir.

18. I like my native town.



Exercise 1. Pronounce the following words.

advice merchant
among multinational
arts movement
Asia movement
award native
barracks nobleman
besiege peasant
birth puppet
choir science
church severe
clerk shawls
cosmonaut supervision
courage uprising
exhibition vocational



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