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What are competencies and why are they important?


1. Some years ago when executives and managers talked about the type of employees they wanted to contract they spoke of skills and qualifications. These words are still used but have been overshadowed by the term competencies.

Competencies are a concept taken on board by Human Resource departments to measure a person’s appropriateness for a particular job. In simple terms a competency is a tool that a person can use in order to demonstrate a high standard of work.

Competencies are characteristics that we use to achieve success. These characteristics or traits can include things like knowledge, aspects of leadership, self-esteem, skills of relationship building.

2. There are a lot of competencies. They can be divided into two distinct groups: technical competencies (sometimes referred to as functional) and personal competencies, and then into numerous sub groups.

As the name suggests, technical competencies are related to the skills and knowledge that are essential for a person in order to do a particular job. An example of a technical competency for a secretary might be: “Word processing: able to word process a text at the rate of 80 words per minute with no mistakes.”

Personal competencies are not linked to any particular function. They include characteristics that we use together with our technical competencies. An example of a personal competency is: “Interpersonal Relationships: demonstrates respect for the opinions of others, even when not in agreement.”

3. As you can see from the examples above there is a particular way of expressing a competency. First the competency is given a title, for example “word processing”. Then a brief indicator or explanation is given, for example “able to word process a text at the rate of 80 words per minute with no mistakes.”

Competencies are probably to stay long enough so it is worth thinking about your own competencies and trying to categorize them; first into the two sub-categories mentioned above and then to make a more detailed list.

4. Competency-based education has become a hot topic in higher education circles these days — it is becoming increasingly popular as the country searches for ways to improve student learning. There are many institutions claiming to have competency-based education.

What is competency-based education and what makes it different? The most important characteristic of competency-based education is that it measures learning rather than time. Students progress by demonstrating their competence, which means they prove that they have mastered the knowledge and skills (called competencies) required for a particular course, regardless of how long it takes.

5. Competency-based education is better for all students because it allows them to study and learn at their own pace, it is particularly ideal for adults with some college but no degree. It makes it possible for them to come back and complete a degree, which can mean a better job, higher earning potential, and a better life. They can move quickly through material they already know and focus on what they still need to learn. For many, this means that they can accelerate their progress toward a degree, saving both time and money.




1. What is the English for: менеджеры и руководители, навыки и квалификации, самооценка и саморазвитие, пользоваться, добиться успеха, делить на группы, включать в себя, быть способным, понятие, инструмент, ошибки, отдел кадров, уважение к чужому мнению, краткое объяснение, межличностные отношения, лидерские качества, проще говоря, например, как следует из названия.


2. Complete the sentences. 1. Competencies measure …. 2. They include things like …. 3. They are usually divided into such groups as …. 4. Technical competencies are related to the … 5. Personal competencies include … 6. To express the competency it is given … and … 7. ….. has become a hot topic in higher education circles these days. 8. The most important characteristic of competency-based education is …


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1. There … a book on the table.

2. There … books on the window-sill.

3. There … many books in the library.

4. There … much snow in the street.

5. I … a student.

6. They … workers.

7. How old … you?

8. What … the day today?

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими личными местоимениями. 1. … am a student. … am 17 years old. 2. I have many friends but … are my best friends. 3. Ann is at the University. … is not at home. 4. Pete is a student. … is not a teacher. 5. The pencil is not in the box. … is on the desk. 6. The windows are not open. … are shut. 7. You and I have an English lesson now. … are making exercises.


5. Переведите. Их город, наша улица, его чашка, ее уроки, ваш хлеб, моя сумка, наши яблоки, их книги, ее квартира, его кровать, их план, мои друзья, ее брат.



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