Trade fairs and exhibitions

Дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)

Группа 21 ТХ17.11.2021

Преподаватель: Сердюченко Виктория Сергеевна

Тема занятия: Торговые ярмарки и выставки.

Цель занятия:

Ознакомиться с лексикой и речевыми образцами по теме, научиться правильно использовать в устной и письменной речи лексико-грамматический материал занятия для выполнения поставленных коммуникативных задач; развивать в себе умение анализировать и обобщать материал, работать самостоятельно; повышать свой интеллектуальный уровень.

Литература: Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. – М.: Славянский дом книги, 2003, с. 147-152

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Задания для студентов:

Изучите новую лексику, прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы и переведите слова и словосочетания.

1. Read and translate the text.

Trade fairs and exhibitions

Trade fairs and exhibitions are held all over the world. Firms and companies are always eager to participate in them because they attract thousands of visitors, including many potential buyers. You will find no better chance for advertising your goods and making contracts and agreements with future customers. It is also a unique chance for establishing new markets because nothing else can cause your products or services to be known outside your region or country as well In this respect, international fairs and exhibitions are especially important, though domestic ones are also very advantageous.

There are many advantages of fairs and exhibitions - making transactions, getting new orders, making contracts and agreements, advertising your products, contacting potential customers, expanding your market and opening up new ones. These advantages are not limited to the time an exhibition or a fair is being held, but continue on as inquiries are received concerning your goods and offers are made for interested.

There is a difference between an exhibition and a fair. At a fair you do not only exhibit your goods but also may sell it on the spot. At an exhibition you usually only exhibit, without selling directly - though every exhibition has a commercial center where one can make contracts and agreements for future supplies.

It is usually quite expensive to participate in a fair or an exhibition. The participation fee is often quite high. Next, you pay for the exhibition space - the greater the space is the more you pay. Then, you should prepare that space to exhibit your goods or services. That means installing a stand or a booth, which may cost quite a lot. Another expense is the booklets or brochures placed in your booth and on bulletin boards, advertising or giving information about your company and its products. Firms and companies try to make their own presentations during fairs and exhibitions, and often organize receptions. These presentations and receptions provide opportunities of contacting potential customers, advertising the products, and greatly stimulating contract-signing. But they are expensive. Therefore, not every company or firm can afford to take part in the most expensive great international exhibitions or fairs. Smaller organ­izations tend to limit themselves to local events of this kind that are much cheaper. However, international or country - wide exhibitions and fairs provide much greater opportunities.

Some fairs and exhibitions are traditional and are held annually. These have special centers built for them, designed just for that exhibition or fair. A good example is HELEXPO, the international exhibition in theSaloniky, Greece. It was founded in 1926, and is now held during the first fortnight in September. The fair premises and buildings occupy a great area in the very center of the city.

There are also fairs and exhibitions organized periodically, which are devoted to achievements in a certain branch of economy. These are usually named accordingly, as are "International Tourism - 1998" and "Electronics - 90".

Translate into English:

Торговая ярмарка, выставка, участвовать, привлекать, реклама, товар, контракт, соглашение, клиент, открывать новые рынки сбыта, продукция, услуги, преимущество, заключать сделки, получить заказ, расширять, запрос, поставки, дорогой, плата за участие, кабинка(палатка), доска объявлений, прием, дешевый, ежегодно, помещение, посвящать, достижение, отрасль экономики.


Answer the questions:

1. Why are firms and companies always eager to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions?

2. Why is the participation in fairs and exhibitions a unique chance for establishing new markets?

3. What are the advantages of fairs and exhibitions?

4. What is the difference between an exhibition and a fair?

5. Is it cheap or expensive to participate in a fair or an exhibition?

6. What do you need to pay for?

7. What opportunities do presentations and receptions provide?

8. Give an example of annual exhibition or fair

9. What are periodical fairs and exhibitions devoted to?


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