You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jenny who writes:


I am getting ready for my A-levels at the moment. It’s rather difficult for me to remember all the necessary facts and figures. And when do you have exams in Russia? Do you find it easy to revise? Do you study at night? And another thing! My parents say I could come and visit you in summer.

Write a letter to Jenny.

In your letter:

· answer her questions;

· ask 3 questions about your trip to England.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


2. ВЫПОЛНИТЬ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ИЗ TOPIC BOOK. СТРАНИЦА 46, ЗАДАНИЯ 2, 3, 4, 6. (Дублирую их сюда с пронумерованными словами – так удобнее)

Задания выполняем на отдельном листе в клеточку. Ответы записываем в столбик заглавными буквами.


Задание 2. School now and then.




Технология выполнения задания: читаем и переводим предложение, думаем, какая часть речи (существительное, прилагательно, глагол или наречие) нам нужна? Нам могут помочь слова, которые стоят до пропущенного слова и после него. Если мы видим артикль, то нам может быть нужно существительное. Помним, что после предлогов часто нужно использовать герундий. Если мы не знаем, как образовать нужную часть речи – пользуемся онлайн-словарем Longman: https://www.ldoceonline.com/ Вбиваем слово compare например, и смотрим, как пишется существительное «сравнение».

School then and now

Parents and teachers are always making 1____________________ (compare)between the time when they were ____________________ (child) and the present 2____________________ (generate). They say everything was better than it is today, especially in 3____________________ (educate). For example, they say they used to work much 4____________________ (hard) in school, and that nowadays, we aren’t very interested. I_5___________________ (agree), because we spend hours every day doing homework after our lessons or 6____________________ (revise) for 7____________________ (examine). I wonder if our parents really had to study so much after school every day. In my opinion, it is no 8____________________ (exaggerate) to say we have forgotten how to play. I think one reason why kids 9____________________ (behave) in class is because they need to get rid of stress.

Teaching children at home

It is compulsoryfor children to have an education, but you may find it 1____________________ (surprise) that the teaching doesn’t always have to take place in the school building. As long as they have the 2____________________ (necessity) paper 3____________________ (qualify), parents themselves can teach their children at home. They may make the 4____________________ (decide) to do this because they are 5____________________ (happy) with a particular school, or because they feel that they have more 6____________________ (know) of their own child’s needs than teachers at school. However, there may be 7____________________ (criticise) of parents who make this 8____________________ (choose) because some people feel that children who are taught at home find it difficult to mix 9 ____________________ (social) with young people of their own age. However, 10____________________ (support)of the ideadisagree with this. They think it is a better way of teaching children what is really important.

Is it never too late to learn?

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been 1____________________ (successful) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply 2____________________ (able) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not 3____________________ (patient) and neither I am 4____________________ (intelligent), so why have I found it almost 5____________________ (possible) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is 6____________________ (adequate) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is 7____________________ (satisfy) to say the least. I suspect I sound very 8____________________ (polite), too. Recently I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and 9____________________ (fortune), I must have said something 10____________________ (appropriate) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

How to learn vocabulary

Students are under enormous 1____________________ (press) to learn huge amounts of vocabulary but they are rarely given 2____________________ (guide) as to how to go about it. They have 3 ____________________ (tend) to try and learn long lists by heart, but this is hardly the most 4____________________ (efficiency) approach to the problem. The golden rule is to do lots of 5____________________ (revise) at regular intervals. Secondly, students should concentrate on words with the highest 6____________________ (frequent), particularly everyday words which also improve the students’ spoken 7____________________ (fluent). They also should take every 8____________________ (opportune) to use the words in communication – there is considerable 9____________________ (psychology) evidence that learners who like using foreign languages improve their oral 10____________________ (perform).


Упражнения выполняем на отдельном листе! Все предложения должны быть записаны полностью! В каждом предложении нужно подчеркнуть глагол в пассивном залоге (passive voice). Прикрепляю на всякий случай правило (мы его повторяли в субботу, у вас оно есть в виде раздатки).

  Present Past Future
Simple   I am asked.   (Меня спрашивают обычно.)   I was asked. We were asked. (Меня спросили вчера)   I will be asked.   (Меня спросят завтра)
Continuous   I am being asked.   (Меня спрашивают сейчас.)   I was being asked by the police for the whole day. They were being asked. (Меня спрашивали вчера весь вечер)       -    
Perfect   I have been asked. He has been asked.   (Его спросили.)   I had been asked yesterday before he came.   (Меня спросили вчера, до того, как он пришел) Пройдем позже

1. С модальными глаголами (can, must, may, might) употребляется инфинитив в пассивном залоге.

The work must be done. – Работа должна быть сделана

This can’t be asked. – Об этом нельзя спрашивать.


2. Глаголы let и make:

They let me call my lawyer. – I was allowed to call my lawyer.

They made him to sign the document. – He was made to sign the document.


3. The zookeeper feeds animals every day.

Present Simple - Animals are fed by a zookeeper every day.

Present Continuous – Animals are being fed by a zookeeper now.

Present Perfect – Animals have been fed by a keeper today.

Past Simple – Animals were fed by a zookeeper yesterday.

Past Perfect – Animals had been fed by a zookeeper (before we came to visit the zoo)

Past Continuous – Animals were being fed by a zookeeper yesterday at 6 o’clock.

Future Simple – Animals will be fed by a zookeeper tomorrow.


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