World Electronics Industry

Lecture 9

World Machine Building


Machine Building General Characteristics

Machine building is the main branch of the processing industry. It determines the industry structure and the peculiarities of its allocation. Actually, the development of machinery reflects the economic development of a country and its level of scientific and technological progress. Machine production provides 35% of the world industrial goods value. Machine building includes approximately 70 branches.

Machine building can be divided into:

- general engineering – общее машиностроение (including machine-tool construction),

- transport engineering – транспортное машиностроение(vehicle manufacturing),

- electrical engineering – электротехническое машиностроение(electronics industry).

Machine building (engineering) can be:

-labour-intensive (трудоемкое) and science intensive (наукоемкое) demanding highly skilled staff (electronics),

- metal consuming (металлоемкое) (general engineering).

So there’re four factors of engineering branches allocation:

- the factor of labour-intensiveness – machine-tool construction,

- the factor of science-intensiveness – electronics,

- raw material factor (general engineering is drawn towards ferrous metallurgy centres),

- consumer’s factor – electronics.



Main Branches Characteristics

World machine-tool construction

Since the beginning of the new century world machine-tool construction has been characterized by stagnation. In 2002 the demand for machine-tools decreased by 14% (in the USA by 20%).

Global leaders of machine-tool sales are:

Comau – Italy

Thyssen Krupp – Gemrany

Yamazaki Mazak – Japan

Geldemeister – Germany

Trumpf – Germany

Amada – Japan

Transport Engineering

Shipbuilding. More than 90% of the global shipbuilding industry is located in four areas: Japan, South Korea, China and the EU. Recent years have been characterised by significant shifts in the market shares between those four. In 2004 South Korea had a 36 percent stake on the global shipbuilding market. By 2010 China is expected to occupy a 25 percent share on the market (it’s 20 percent today).

Automobile Industry. Within the EU (European Union) vehicle production is rather concentrated in a few countries. The largest producers are Germany (accounts for 45% of the total EU value added in vehicle production), France (17%), United Kingdom (11%), Italy (7%), Spain (7%) and Sweden (6%).

In July 2007 foreign automakers outperformed US companies in the US market for the first time ever. GM lost its dominance on the worldwide market to Toyota. US auto companies have recently faced severe problems. GM, Ford and Chrysler lay off their employees and close their production subsidiaries. GM and Chrysler are going to merge.

China is expected to rank 2nd on the world vehicle market in the near future.

Aerospace industry. Industry Leaders

The Boeing Company and Lockheed Martin (USA) are the leading North American aircraft building companies.

Northrop Grumman Corp., based in Los Angeles, California, is the company responsible for the design, development, and manufacture of aircraft (including the Stealth Bomber), aircraft sub-assemblies, and electronic systems for the military.

EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space (Европейский аэрокосмический концерн) - is the European aerospace industry leader.

Подразделения EADS:

· Airbus – гражданские авиалайнеры. Airbus began as a five-nation (France, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy) European consortium named Airbus Industrie. It was conceived as a European answer to America's domination of the large commercial transport market. The company's main aircraft assembly plant is located in France.

· Eurocopter – вертолеты. Helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter S.A. has four plants, two in France and two in Germany, and many offices worldwide.

· Космический дивизион (EADS Astrium, EADS Space Transportation, EADS Space Services – подрядчик по проекту навигационной системы Galileo и запуску ракет Arian ).

· Дивизион оборонных систем

· Корпорация MBDA (производство бронетехники, средств ПВО, управляемых ракет, систем управления огнем);

· Консорциум Eurofighter (разработка и производство истребителей);

· Дивизион военно-транспортной авиации.

Montreal-based Bombardier ranks third among the world's leading aircraft manufacturers, behind Boeing and Airbus. The company also manufactures railroad cars and recreational vehicles.

Russian aircraft manufacturers

· tend to integrate within the internal market. In November 2006 it was decided to establish the United Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация - ОАК)

· tend to co-operate with foreign partners. 10% stake in Russian «Иркут» belongs to EADS. Внешторгбанк has 5.02% stake of EADS.

China, Malaysia, Singapore and Brazil (Embraer) are also among the major representatives of the industry.

World Electronics Industry

By the end of 2005, China accounts for 16% of global electronics output. Other Asian countries have an established electronics industry that plays a key role in the global electronics industry. South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan are all ranked in the top 10 countries in terms of production.

Despite the migration of production to low-cost locations, the United States remains the world's leading producer of electronics, accounting for 21% of global production in 2004.


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