Promoting a World Wide Web Site


Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects the way people communicate with others. An individual’s pattern of thinking can affect their perception of others. Most people communicate best with people of similar cultures.

The articles that I read discussed Social Perception. Social Perception was described as interpreting information about other people. If you feel that you are familiar with a person, you perceive to have a better understanding of that person intention. The pattern of thinking can affect a person’s perception of others. The social contexts, in which you meet someone, can play a large part in whether the perception of someone will be positive or negative.

Five barriers to social perception are described:

(1) Selective perception lets individual select information that supports a viewpoint and downplays the threatening viewpoints.
For instance, I go to a Physic and I am told that I will be a rich and successful person, but I will have many barriers to achieve this goal. My perception is focused on the fact that I will be rich and successful and not think about what it will take to get there.

(2) Stereotyping generalizes and does not allow for an individual to show relevant strengths.
In old western movies, it is always portrayed that Indians are the bad guys and cowboys are the good guys. Indians are thought of as the enemy with face paint and wearing feathers, living in teepees and associated with Thanksgiving. This is a complete stereotype of Native Americans.

(3) First Impression error allows a lasting impression to be formed based on an initial meeting. This can be positive or negative. If you are going to a job interview and the interviewer sees your appearance is neat and you are prepared of the interview, this could determine whether or not you are chosen for the job. On the other hand if the interviewer sees that you are not dressed appropriately for the interview and are unprepared this could also be a determining factor in whether or not you get the job.

(4) Projection allows believe that other people have similar beliefs. If you are a person who believes that all people are honest and truthful, projection is the belief that others share the same truthfulness and honesty, and we know that is not true.

(5) Self- Fulfilling prophecy affects the outcome of expectations while interacting with others. An, example of this is President Bush convinced Congress that invading Iraq would liberate the country and make the world a safer place, without knowing that it would make the Iraqi rebels feel that we were occupying their country and trying to take control the oil.

Comparing ourselves to others to see how we measure up and using past experiences can effect perceptions that we have with others. There are many processes that influence perception. Consciously deciding what information to pay attention to can influence many decisions we make. Understanding different cultures and not allowing stereotyping to cloud or judgment can make the communication process with other better.


Задание № 2

1. Прочитайте текст.

2. Выпишите все неизвестные вам слова, найдите их значение по словарю.

3. Подготовьте чтение и устный перевод текста.

4. Составьте по 5 вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный).


Promoting a World Wide Web Site

As we enter the new millennium, more and more businesses are deciding to go along with building what is called sites on the world wide web, better known as a web site. It seems as though these days to many people is that all you have to do is build a web site and you are set to go. Being as upfront as possible there is an extreme downside to this method. Just building the web site will not bring anybody to the web site. To get people to visit a web site certain processes have to be taken to promote the web site. There are numerous ways out there to promote a web site.

One very common and successful way to bring visitors to a web site is to send out direct electronic mail or commonly known as email. This is a very simple process in general. It simply consists of sending out emails at random or premeditated if you have the time. The emails need to contain a short paragraph describing a little about your web site and what it has to offer to those who visit the web site. Remember that with this method it is wise to not be too wordy otherwise this process can develop to be very time consuming and irritating to the sender and the receiver of the email. However it is possible to email well over 10,000 emails in just under an hour. This process can only be done if everything has been thought out thoroughly and ready to go before the process has even begun. Another possible advantage to this method is that the recipient of the email may enjoy the site and forward the same email to people that they know. Emails also cost nothing if there is already access to the World Wide Web through an ISP (Internet Service Provider). This method is the most commonly used and it can and does work.

A very similar way but much less direct method is simply to attach a signature to the end of outgoing emails. Most email providers offer this option. It simply means that at the end of outgoing email that is sent out there will be a message of individual choice at the bottom of the email where a signature would normally be on a hand written letter, thus giving it the name signature. What the message says is entirely up to the sender of the email. It is recommended that more than one signature be provided to pertain to different types of people that are emailed. The message should include your web site name, address, and a short catchy little phrase to catch the eye.

Another method of promoting a web site is to enter the site in a search engine. A few examples of search engines are Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite, Lycos, Infoseek, and Webcrawler. The whole process in itself is very easy but it takes time and patience. An application is provided for individuals by the search engine. The application requests name, web site name, web site address, a description of the web site, what kind of site it is, a list of key words, and what category would be desired for placement of the web site. Always double check to see what the search engine did with what they were given. Check to see where the site was placed and to see if the site was placed at all. «Perhaps as many as 50 percent of all submissions are rejected». If for some reason or another the site wasn’t posted simply keep reapplying. Be persistent and keep registering but each time use different key words. Eventually the site will be posted.

An approach to promoting your site that does work quite well on a regular basis is to advertise by using banners and ads that link to the web site that is being promoted. The downside to this method is that it does get expensive. It is simple though. Simply come up with a banner design that is catchy and convince other web sites to carry the banner. Usually they will not do it for free so it is best to offer them a sum of money to carry the banner for a certain amount of time. Then negotiate down to what meets both web site’s needs. Many sites will offer a chance to place an ad on their web site if in return the person desiring the ad placement will apply the web sites ad on their web site. This works well if it has the opportunity to have this setup with multiple web sites.

There is another way and that is to apply to what is known as a link page. This is a web site that consists of only links to other web pages. Usually all the web pages have something in common with each other. Convincing the link page to accept the offer to contain the web site link to the site that is currently being promoted is easy although sometimes there is a small fee.

The internet provides many news services that contain what is known as a message board. This is where there are always discussions on certain topics. This is a good place to sneak in an ad from time to time as long as it is respectfully done and doesn’t disrupt the conversation. The best way to do this is by disguising the ad as a perfectly acceptable response to a conversation. «Go to where the people you want hang out». Do not get carried away because the promoter of the site can end up with a bad reputation that gives the site a bad reputation for what is called «spamming». Knowing how to post good messages is a way to promote the we site in itself. Show ads that interest people and do not use short flashy ads. Short flashy ads irritate people. It is bast to use long indirect informal ads that make it seem like a sensible conversation and not an ad. It is best to only post messages from time to time.

There are many software programs out there that will do most of this stuff extremely fast and efficient. The price of the software varies. The software will do in minutes what the average person could do in hours saving valuable time and effort. And all the information is saved making it even faster to redo the process again and again.

anything you choose, but that person can still have his or her own personality. With all of the worlds technology personalities are the only thing that can ruin an entire civilization in a matter of weeks. If a personality is set toward the negative, the same persons environment will be set in the exact same direction. The human personality is the key to that persons life.

The current 20th Century living environments are decent, but descending in popularity. There are literally areas in the world that people are afraid to leave their homes for fear of being attacked. This again refers back the to police and their so called system. If the personalities can not be changed by the police and their system, how can the living environments of humans change as well? They can not.

In common with these unchangeable personalities comes religion. True that this subject does not seem that it relates to personalities, but it does. Religion is dropping drastically. Reason being that priests are becoming more and more scarce. There are no longer young priests, all are aged. The stereotype of a priest has been settled and young people try to stay as far as possible from being that. Stereotypes and peer pressure are the basis for illusions.

Today’s young want to be married at some point in their life and have children. There are many restrictions that the priesthood holds and the younger society has not been trained for this and most do not have the patience for it. This is our religious problem, that can be fixed easily. With a simple meeting allowing more freedom of the priesthood, it would show the current society that the Vatican has faith in their family and trust that others can have a family and love God at the same time.

The 21st Century will not be so dissimilar than today’s society unless we change it. Change is probable, not impossible, as hard that may seem. The three main concepts for changing crime rates, personalities, religion and living environments are faith, hope, and determination. The 21st Century relies solely on what the next decade will bring about. Only we as a group will change the future for the betterment of man kind, and that alone stands a challenge far greater than the world has ever seen.


Задание № 3

1. Прочитайте текст.

2. Выпишите все неизвестные вам слова, найдите их значение по словарю.

3. Подготовьте чтение и устный перевод текста.

4. Составьте по 5 вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный).


A video empire escapade, this is what is becoming. It is a collection of short clips of video. The range of videos is as big as your mind can expand, where any topic of video is most likely on serves as a learning device, so where if you would like to learn something, you more than likely can find video to teach you.

Learning with videos is a big deal to many people out there in today’s world. On TV especially there are many info commercials that want you to buy their videos on how to make money, how to run computers, and how to sell real estate. These videos also cost money and the price is not cheap. Many of these videos are scams just to get your money and the video doesn’t even do its job. With YouTube you don’t have to pay any kind of money to look at videos, just the topic you would like to learn.

A good learning video that would might helpful through YouTube is golf. The game of golf in my opinion might be one of the toughest games to play, if not learn. It takes years and years to accomplish minimal changes in your game. It is a game of repution and has to be exact and precise every time. YouTube brings you videos that will help you in any part of your game. Putting is a tough part about golf and there hundreds of different putting lessons on YouTube. If you do not like one style of putting you can switch to a different style and learn it through videos. Golf etiquette is a HUGE part of the game and must be dealt with in a calm fashion. YouTube will show you what you should do in certain situations on the course. It will show the proper way to mark a ball on the green and where you should be stepping when someone else’s line is in your way. These are just a variety of golf tips that you might encounter in the golf world.

Another idea YouTube brings to the table is the fact that you can learn any useless trick you want. If you want to learn a back flip, YouTube has a video that will teach you how to a do backflip by yourself. There are many useless tricks that one might learn in his or her life time and these tricks could be learned to impress a friend. People want to learn unique stuff and YouTube has what they are looking for. Many college kids these days are looking for new and fun drinking games they can play with their friends. Quarters is a game is widely known by the drinking community and can be taught at YouTube. There a bunch of different techniques, but one really solid game fact and that is to get your quarter into the glass as quick as you can. There are many people that might get bored with this game, so they turn there heads to YouTube and find Flippy Cup which is a game that you drink the beer from your cup and then try to flip the cup so that it lands the way it should be on the table. There are teams and only one person from the team can go at a time. When one team finishes all the cups they win.

The last topic I am going to talk about is music and beat making. This topic relates to me in big way that it has taught me something that I might never have gotten into if it was not for YouTube. A couple of months ago I was on the internet looking through beats in that back of hip hop and rap songs wonder how hard it would be to make those and if it would sound any good if I did try to make the beats. Well I had no clue what I would need to start my expirement. I went to YouTube and searched everything for the project that I was about to start. When I finally got my programs and keyboards set up I started making beats, but it did not go well at all. So I went back to YouTube and learned how to start off with some piano and drum backgrounds to start it. From there my project has successful and I am now in the process of making my own video for YouTube.

YouTube brings a whole other ballgame to the picture when you talk about learning. It is revolutionizing the world of what you can accomplish on the internet. If consists of learning a new sport such as golf, or learning that new back flip to make a friend be impressed, or that business that you never knew you had before going to YouTube. All these things are just different ways to learn the thing every human wants to learn without the help of someone else.



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