1. The cheese _____ by us.
2. The fruit ____ as a dessert.
3. Cheese _____ of a milk product.
4. The cheese _____ alone by people.
5. All these products ____ by cheesemakers in factories.
6. During the process the cheese _____ by them several times.
7. Salt ____ into the cheese.
8. The cheese ____ into moulds.
9. Cheese _____ to stores in large round pieces.
10. Some new kinds of cheese _____ by people.
Exercise VI. Выбери единственно правильный вариант.
1. Usually the supper _____ by his mother.
a) is repaired b) cooked c) is prepared d) prepared
2. The waiter _____ the main dishes now.
a) served b) is serving c) are served d) serve
3. The ice cream ________ by them.
a) is tasted b) are tasted c) taste d) is tasting
4. The fruit _______ by children of our house.
a) eats b) eaten c) is eaten d) are eaten
5. Many different kinds of restaurants _________ in our town.
a) opening b) is opened c) is opening d) are opened
Exercise VII. Раскройте скобки.
The machines (1) ______ (to switch on) at 7.30 a.m. every day and (2) _____ (to switch off) at 5.30 p.m. The factory (3) ______ (to lock) at 6.30 p.m. by our security guards and all the staff (4) ___ (to check) before they go home. We don’t want our jam to disappear! Now as you can see, strawberry jam (5) ___(to make) here today. And over there the jars of jam (6) ____ (to put) into boxes by our team. Hartson's jam (7) _____ (not / to export) because this country buys everyting we produce. It's very important to keep our factory clean so everything (8) _____ (to wash) very carefully every night. Of course nobody (9) _____ (to allow) to smoke anywhere in the factory. Now I think lunch _____ (10) (to serve) in the canteen. Let's go there.
Exercise VIII. Прочитайте предложения, затем переделайте предложение, изменяя действительный залог на страдательный (пассивный) залог по образцу.
For example: They produce excellent wines. – Excellent wines are produced by them.
Они производят отличное вино. – Отличное вино производится ими.
Wine growers all over the world produce wine but I prefer Chilean wine. The wine-making process can take years. Manufactures grow their grapes in vineyards. When they are ripe, workers pick the grapes and take them to the winery. Machines press the grapes and pour the grape juice into barrels. The wine experts add sugar to help the fermentation, and them leave the wine, sometimes for several years. When it is ready, machines bottle the wine and the company sells it to wine dealers. The dealers distribute the cases of the wine to shops and businesses. And wine lovers all over the world drink the final product.
Exercise IX. Translate.
1. Мы всегда делаем покупки в этом супермаркете. Здесь большой выбор продуктов. 2.В прошлый понедельник она купила овощи, рыбу и мясо на рынке. 3. Где они? - Они сейчас выбирают конфеты в кондитерском отделе. 4. Неделю назад я купила очень вкусный сыр в этом магазине. 5. Какой хлеб ты предпочитаешь? 6. В прошлый раз дети съели все купленные мамой персики. 7. Будь осторожен с кипящей водой! 8. На столе лежит копченная и полукопченная колбаса. 9. Эти булочки сделаны из муки, дрожжей (yeast), творога и изюма. 10. Есть много сладкого вредно для здоровья. 11. Где я могу купить лавровый лист? – Он продается в овощном магазине. 12. Вчера мы не купили хлеба. 13.Аня работает в этом магазине? – Да, она работает продавцом. 14. Его сестра работала кассиром в обувном магазине. 15. Позовите, пожалуйста, Павла. – Он сейчас работает с документами, он перезвонит вам позже.
Урок 4 ТП/б 1 курс 1 семестр
“Food Traditions of Different Countries”
Task I. Разделите слова на две группы: 1)Food и 2)Drinks:
water, meat, potato, cabbage, ham, juice, grape, beer, duck, carp, bacon, cocktail, porridge, veal, coffee, bean, cherry, candy, tea, cake, wine, rice, biscuit, cocoa, bread, prawn.
Task II. Translate into Russian the names of different dishes and products.
Breakfast: rice cereal, fried eggs, orange juice, boiled eggs, semolina, coffee, tea, porridge, bread and butter, apple juice, cornflakes, ham sandwich, cheese sandwich.
Lunch: vegetable cream soup, apple pie, boiled fish, sausages and stewed cabbage, boiled new potatoes, fried mushrooms, mashed potatoes, cheese, cold boiled meat, roast chicken.
Dinner: beef tea, chicken noodle soup, beef steak, crab salad, mixed green salad, fried potatoes, mineral water, juices, fruit salad, veal chop, cucumber salad, boiled salmon.
Supper: scallop, cabbage salad, boiled meat, assorted fish, melon, ice cream, mutton chop, coffee, watermelon, grapes, pears, roast chicken, tea, roast goose, assorted meat, fish salad.
Task III. Прочитайте и переведите текст, новые незнакомые слова выпишите с переводом.
Fresh fruit and vegetable juice drinking has become * much more widespread in recent years. Many people start each day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Some of us follow special diet regimes. They are based on juices.
Most fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of the antioxidant vitamins, beta carotene and vitamins C and E. They are very useful for our bodies and health.
Freshly squeezed juices are better than the shop-bought ones. Citrus fruits can be squeezed by hand. With a juicing machine you can make a variety of cocktails.
Many manufacturers add preservatives or additives to packaged or bottled juices. So when you buy ready-made juices, read the label. Added sugar or colourings can be harmful for your health.
* стали
Task IV. Назовите предметы, продукты или блюда.
1. It is something you can drink from. It is made of glass and does not have a handle.
2. It is the liquid that comes from fruit when you squeeze it.
3. It is a very cold sweet-tasting creamy food.
4. It is used to flavour Food. It is found in the earth and in the sea water.
5. It is something you can drink from. It is made of china or clay and has a handle.
6. It is food that people eat, usually at fixed times during the day.
7. It is food that is just enough for one person.
Task V**. Найдите в каждой группе слов название блюда или напитка, не относящееся к ней, поясните свой выбор:
· baked fish, beef steak, boiled pike-perch, fish steak, fried cod, steamed salmon;
· clear soup, beef lea, broth, cheese sandwich, milk soup;
· pork chop, pot roast, fried salmon, hotpot, rump steak, entrecote;
· stewed cabbage, roast beef, carrot cutlets, Russian salad, baked mushrooms, vegetable soup;
· rum, vermouth, sherry, Muscat, gin, champagne.
Task I. Напишите три формы следующих глаголов:
tell, show, ask, open, answer, send, buy, give, help, forget, invite, call, serve.
Task II. Переведите на английский язык:
он рассказал я показал мы спросили она послала они ответили я принес вы помогли ты забыл | мы пригласили они позвали мы обслужили ему рассказали мне показали нас спросили им ответили вам помогли | нас пригласили их позвали нас обслужили машину купили магазин открыли пирог испекли фрукты вымыли чай выпили |
Task III. Translate into Russian:
1.The dishes are washed by his mother. 2. Cheese is cut with a special knife. 3. This soup is prepared of kidneys and salted cucumbers. 4. He prefers roast goose stuffed with apples. 5. Breadis made from flour and yeasts.
Task IV. Translate into English:
1. Это блюдо готовят из мяса и овощей. 2. Попроси свою маму испечь яблочный пирог. 3. Лимон режется тонкими ломтиками (in thin slices). 4. К этому блюду подают жареный картофель. 5. Стол накрыт. 6. Мы заказали столик в ресторане. Пойдем с нами. 7. Чай подан в красивых чашках.