Museums and Art Galleries in London

London Museums and Art Galleries


- toseethesights осматривать достопримечательности

tobeworld-famous быть известным во всем мире

- one of the best-known art galleries однаизизвестнейшиххудожественныхгалерей

to be founded бытьоснованным

to house smth. Владеть, вмещать, содержать что-либо

- Britain’sleadingartgallery известнейшая галерея Великобритании

tobenotedforsmth. быть известным чем-либо

torepresentsmth. представлять что-либо

various kinds of portraits различныетипыпортретов

- with the financial support of smbприфинансовойподдержкекого-либо

to contain a unique collection содержатьуникальнуюколлекцию

to be particularly well represented бытьособеннополнопредставленным

- fineandappliedarts изобразительное и прикладное искусство

tobenamedaftersmb. быть названным в честь кого-либо

- the world’s richest collection богатейшаяколлекциявмире

an antiquity древность

to cover the history of smth. иллюстрироватьисториючего-либо

- to attract tourists привлекатьтуристов

from its foundation to its present day отоснованиядонашихдней

- to one’s taste повкусу


London is visited by millions of tourists every year. They come there to see the sights of London and to visit London’s museums. There is quite a number of museums and art galleries in London which are world-famous.

The National Gallery is situated in Trafalgar Square and is one of the best-known art galleries in the world. It was founded in 1824 and houses one of the most important collections of Italian paintings outside Italy. It is also famous for its Dutch collection, particularly for paintings by Rembrandt. The National Portrait Gallery is situated near the National Gallery. It is Britain’s leading art gallery of portraits of famous people in British history. The National Portrait Gallery is noted for representing various kinds of portraits - from traditional oil paintings to photographs. Founded in 1856, in 1984 it contained over 800 original portraits and more than 500 000 photographs.

The famous Tate Gallery was opened in 1897 with the financial support of Sir Henry Tate. He also gave a collection of 65 paintings. The Gallery contains a unique collection of British painting from the 16th century to the present day. Turner and Blake are particularly well represented in the collections. The Gallery also has many drawings and modern sculpture.

Victoria and Albert Museum is a collection of fine and applied arts. It contains a great collection of miniature, too. It was opened in 1857 and was named after Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert.

The British Museum was founded in 1753. It contains one of the world’s richest collections of antiquities. It also houses the main collection covering the history of plants, minerals and the animal world. There is also the Reading room of the British Library in the museum.

There is a number of museums in London which are neither art museums or galleries. Nevertheless, they attract tourists from different parts of Great Britain and of the world. You are sure to know about Madame Tusseau’s Museum. It contains hundreds of wax figures which are sculpture portraits of famous personalities - political figures, painters, musicians, sportsmen and even criminals. The Museum of London represents the history of the city from its foundation to its present day. The Museum of Moving Image illustrates the history of cinema.

In other words, any visitor can find a museum to his taste in London.

Answer the questions:

1. What collections does the National Gallery house?

2. What is the National Portrait Gallery noted for?

3. What painters are particularly well represented in the Tate Gallery?

4. What kind of museum is Victoria and Albert Museum? Why is it named so?

5. What are the two departments of the British Museum?

6. What museums besides art museums and galleries can you find in London?


1. Национальная галерея - одна из известнейших художественных галерей в мире.

2. Национальная галерея известна своим собранием картин итальянских и голландских мастеров.

3. Национальная портретная галерея представляет различные виды портретов, в том числе традиционные портреты маслом.

4. Галерея Тейта была открыта при финансовой поддержке сэра Генри Тейта.

5. Галерея Тейта особенно полно представляет творчество Тернера и Блейка.

6. Галерея Тейта содержит также уникальную коллекцию зарубежной живописи и современной скульптуры.

7. Музей Виктории и Альберта содержит коллекции произведений изобразительного и прикладного искусства.

8. Британский музей состоит из двух отделов (parts, departments).

9. Первый отдел содержит коллекцию древностей.

10. Второй отдел - это коллекция, отражающая историю растительного и животного мира и минералов.

11. Музей Мадам Тюссо - это музей восковых фигур, представляющих известных деятелей политики, науки и искусства.

Museums and Art Galleries in London


- a tourist attractionпредметинтересатуристов

- a treasure-storeсокровищница

on the collectionsнаосновеколлекций

to raise money by public lotteryсобратьденьгипоподписке

the Museum of MankindМузейчеловечества

the Natural History MuseumМузейестественнойистории

a vast collection of antiquitiesогромнаяколлекциядревностей

amarbleпроизведение искусства из мрамора

toprovidethekeytoEgyptianhieroglyphicsпослужить ключом к расшифровке египетских иероглифов

anancientworkofartпроизведения античного искусства

toillustratesmth.иллюстрировать что-либо

Western Asiatic civilizationsцивилизацииМалойАзии

a permanent exhibitionпостояннаявыставка

- the balance of collectionsсбалансированностьколлекций

to be representedбытьпредставленным

- themostrewardingсамый значительный, стоящий

tocoverthewholerangeofartохватывать всего спектра произведений искусства


asuperbConstableвеликолепная картина Констебля

topossessauniquecollectionofsmth.располагать уникальной коллекцией чего-либо

anoilpaintingкартина, написанная маслом

a sculpture collectionколлекцияскульптуры

to containсодержать

- MuseumofOrnamentalArtмузей декоративного искусства

art of the Near and Far EastискусствоБлижнего и ДальнегоВостока


London is the main Britain’s tourist attraction. The city is known for its ancient cathedrals, churches and particularly for its art museums and galleries.

The British Museum is one of the world’s greatest treasure-stores. It was founded in 1753 on the collections of Sir Hans Sloane. The money to house them was raised by public lottery. Today the museum has two departments - the Museum of Mankind and the Natural History Museum. The Museum of Mankind includes a vast collection of antiquities, including marbles from the Parthenon, the Rosetta Stone that provided the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient works of art in stone, bronze and gold, and collections illustrating Western Asiatic civilizations. The Natural History Museum contains 5 principal collections on the history of plants, minerals and the animal kingdom. A series of new permanent exhibitions has been opened in the museum, among them «Dinosaurs and their living relatives».

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 and is one of the greatest museums of art in the world. It is noted for the balance of its collections, all of the important art schools and almost all old masters are represented there. The rich collection of Dutch masters includes 19 Rembrandts.

Of all London’s great art collections, the Tate Gallery is the most rewarding. It doesn’t cover the whole range of art, but has two distinct collections - British painting and a modern foreign collection. The Gallery was opened in 1897 and built by the sugar refiner Sir Henry Tate. He also gave to it works from his own collections of British paintings. The Tate covers all that is significant in British painting from the 16th century to the present day. It houses superb Constables, some of the most important works of William Blake and important 20-century works. It also possesses a unique collection of Turners. The Tate owns more than 280 of his oil paintings. The sculpture collection contains works by Rodin, Epstein, Henry Moore.

Victoria and Albert Museum was opened in 1857 by Prince Albert and included the collections of Museum of Ornamental Art. The art collections grew rapidly. Now they include fine and applied arts of all kinds. They chiefly represent European art and art of the Near and Far East.

Answer the questions:

1. What departments are there in the British Museum?

2. What does its collection of antiquities include?

3. What art schools are represented in the National Gallery?

4. Why is the Tate Gallery the most rewarding London’s art collection?

5. What are the two distinct collections in the Tate Gallery?

6. What unique collection is owned by the Tate?


1. Деньги на создание Британского музея, одной из крупнейших сокровищниц мира, были собраны по подписке.

2. Древности Британского музея включают произведения искусства из мрамора, камня, бронзы и золота.

3. Коллекции Музея естественной истории отражает историю животного и растительного мира, а также минералов.

4. Особенность Национальной галереи состоит в сбалансированности ее коллекций.

5. Особенно полно представлены итальянские и голландские мастера.

6. Коллекции Галереи Тейта не охватывают весь спектр произведений искусства, но включают все значительные произведения Британской живописи и современного западного искусства.

7. Коллекция Галереи Тейта включает работы Констебля, Блейка, Тернера и других британских мастеров.

8. Уникальное собрание картин Тернера содержит 280 картин, написанных маслом.

9. Коллекция скульптуры содержит работы Родена.


1 Ответы

1. The National Gallery is one of the best-known art galleries in the world.

2. The National Gallery is famous for its collections of paintings by Italian and Dutch masters.

3. The National Portrait Gallery represents various kinds of portraits, including traditional oil paintings.

4. The Tate Gallery was opened with the financial support of Sir Henry Tate.

5. Turner and Blake are particularly well represented in the Tate Gallery.

6. The Tate Gallery contains also a unique collection of foreign painters and modern sculpture.

7. Victoria and Albert museum contains collections of fine and applied arts.

8. The British Museum consists of two departments.

9. The first department contains a collection of antiquities.

10. The second department is a collection covering the history of plants, minerals and animal kingdom.

11. Madame Tusseau’s museum is a museum of wax figures, representing famous personalities of politics, science and arts.


2 ответы

1. The money for the British Museum, one of the world’s greatest treasure-stores, was raised by public lottery.

2. Antiquities of the British Museum include marbles, works of art in stone, bronze and gold.

3. Collections of the Natural History Museum cover the history of plants and animal kingdom, as well as minerals.

4. The National Gallery is noted for the balance of its collections.

5. Italian and Dutch masters are particularly well represented.

6. The collections of the Tate Gallery don’t cover the whole range of art; but they cover all that is significant in British painting and the modern Western art.

7. The collections of the Tate Gallery include works by Constable, Blake, Turner and other British painters.

8. The unique collection of Turners contains 280 oil paintings.

9. The sculpture collection contains works by Rodin.


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