Theatre, after S.Maugham


Chronological order of words and expressions

Chapter 1 1. to keep smb. a minute 2. complacency (on smb.’s face) 3. a sufficient reason 4. to admire smb. 5. tremendous (-ly) 6. to look idly about smb./smth. 7. to listen half an ear 8. immensely solid 9. a massive silver frame 10. a magnificent silver ink-stand 11. a rack in red morocco 12. heavily gilt 13. private paper 14. a bunch of yellow tulips 15. a silver bowl 16. a reflective glance 17. cropped peroxide hair 18. heavily-painted lips 19. with an air of an (ambassador) 20. to go scarlet 21. scarlet 22. warm, ready smile 23. to grasp (a hand) cordially 24. to look straight into smb’s eyes 25. dark brown starry eyes 26. faintly amused, friendly tenderness 27. upholstered silver leather 28. trembling hand 29. a blasted little hero 30. scrubby little circle 31. to set one’s mind to smth. 32. curling chestnut hair 33. wonderful skin 34. large deep blue eyes 35. straight nose 36. small ears 37. thinness of mouth 38. gallant bearing 39. grey hair 40. skin having soft bloom of a peach 41. a very handsome man 42. to give liberties 43. to say smth. graciously 44. to be delighted 45. to answer eagerly 46. to drag smth out of smb all right 47. to be doubtful about smth 48. to have a certain charm 49. to be rather sweet 50. to be particularly good-looking 51. frank, open face 52. attractive shyness 53. curly light brown hair 54. plastered down hair 55. small well-shaped teeth 56. to notice with approval 57. to look nice and clean 58. “His admiration made them feel a little larger than life-size” 59. to say clever witty things 60. to turn people round one’s little finger 61. bricks without straw 62. to do without smb/smth 63. “I do contend if the play is right, it’s the actors the public go to see, not the play” 64. a delightful, but slightly deprecating smile 65. “I take care never to do anything but what I can do” 66. fair-sized room 67. noble mahagony desk 68. another sort of smile, just a trifle roguish 69. to gaze with soft expression 70. her velvet look 71. to have one’s money worth 72. to show one’s best 73. not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin 74. a melting look in her fine eyes 75. bold, flowing hand Chapter 2 1. there’s no denying that – невозможно это отрицать 2. incredibly handsome – невероятно красивый 3. herself all tenderness – сама нежность 4. maternal feeling – motherly feeling 5. curly head – курчавая голова 6. to be an enormous success – быть в высшей степени успешным 7. “It seemed so funny of him not to want to be in the papers” - Его нежелание появляться в прессе казалось смешным (читай - странным) 8. a first night – opening night, premiere 9. the society people – люди из общества 10. to be obstinate – быть упрямым 11. no one could wear modern clothes as well as she could 12. a lovely figure 13. fairly tall for a woman – rather tall, taller than usual 14. long legs 15. her brilliance, roguishness, her sense of comedy – - roguishness – игривость, живость, лукавство 16. “her rather low rich voice with that effective hoarseness, which wrung your heart in an emotional passage” 17. articulation 18. to gain experience – приобрести опыт 19. a fat, bald-headed rubicund man – толстый, лысый, румяный человек 20. prosperous burghers – процветающие бюргеры 21. to be eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, vain and charming – эксцентричный, бесцеремонный, энергичный, тщеславный и обаятельный 22. natural flamboyance – естественная экспансивность, чрезмерность 23. to broaden a gesture – раскрыть, сделать более выразительными движения 24. to exaggerate an intonation – утрировать, усиливать интонации 25. to suffer nothing artificial – ненавидеть все искусственное 26. to have perfect ear – иметь идеальный слух 27. “Don’t be natural… The stage isn’t the place for that. The stage is make-believe. But seem natural” 28. a moving scene – трогательная сцена 29. a protective instinct – инстинкт самозащиты 30. a sort of horrible satisfaction to comply with one’s outrageous demands – 31. be stupendous - amazing, wonderful; astonishing; marvellous 32. to observe shrewdly – to watch in a keen knowing manner 33. to grow popular with… 34. to be good-humoured and kindly 35. to take any amount of trouble to do anyone a service   36. a natural homage – естественное воздаяние 37. to allow to turn one’s head – позволить вскружить голову 38. to come to the conclusion that… - прийти к тому заключению, что… 39. to seem determined - кажется решенным, что 40. to let entanglement interfere with one’s career – позволит интриге (интрижке) вмешаться в карьеру 41. a competent actor – adequate, wise, knowledgeable actor 42. a trifle thin (about voice) – a bit, a little thin 43. moments of vehemence – moments of passion 44. to be apt to shrill – срываться до визга 45. the gravest fault – худший недостаток 46. a juvenile lead – герой-любовник (амплуа) 47. to be easy enough – достаточно легко 48. protestations of passion – заверение, уверение в страстных чувивах 49. something seemed to hold him back – казалось, его что-то сдерживает 50. to feel embarrassed and look it – чувствовать себя смущенно и так же выглядеть 51. to be no good - безнадежно 52. his beauty, his grace, his ease of manner 53. to prevent smb from doing something (falling in love with smb) – помешать кому-то что-то сделать 54. faithful concubinage – верное сожительство 55. languorous, passionate speeches 56. to emphasize the beat 57. to mouth words – произносить слова 58. artificial -искусственный 59. a stagy actress – dramatic, scenic, theatrical 60. to articulate with extreme distinctness – произносить слова с преувеличенной четкостью 61. how to hold oneself – как держать себя 62. not to be afraid of one’s own voice – не бояться собственного голоса 63. to make deliberate sense of timing – выработать чувство времени 64. one of her greatest gifts – один из величайших врожденных талантов 65. “Never pause unless you have a reason for it… but when you pause, pause as long as you can” 66. to acquire a more conversational style - 67. to try somewhat inadequately to represent … 68. a blond person of mature years– блондинка в годах 69. verisimilitude - чисто внешнее правдоподобие 70. to be flattered by the compliments – польститься на комплименты 71. to go straight to the point – прямо к делу 72. “I never slept a wink all night for thinking of…   73. honorable/dishonorable proposal – честное/нечестное прелдожение 74. flippant rejoinder – легкомысленный ответ 75. “…what I don’t know about acting isn’t worth knowing” 76. genius 77. “Leave me to do the talking” – Я буду говорить. 78. indiarubber (face) – caoutchouc 79. “Actors are rotten, not parts” 80. voice that can wring an audience’s heart   81. commonplace gestures – simple, usual, common gestures 82. to get an audience to look at smb before smb speaks –   83. to be word-perfect in (time period) – to learn words by heart for some time period 84. “If you haven’t got the gift, no one can give it to you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it”   85. to take smb for smb/smth – принять кого-то за кого/что-то


Chapter 1


Actual quotes:

“His admiration made them feel a little larger than life-size”

“I do contend if the play is right, it’s the actors the public go to see, not the play”

“I take care never to do anything but what I can do”

bricks without straw

not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin

to turn people round one’s little finger

to have one’s money worth

to do without smb/smth

to drag smth out of smb all right


С целью изучения лексики и анализа авторского словаря (метафоры и способы их применения, сочетаемость слов и выражений, описательные характеристики, стилистическая окраска словаря), рекомендуется делать выписки на отдельных листах по каждому пункту, поскольку лексика будет накапливаться.

Обратите внимание на слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом: это имена прилагательные. Словарь Сомерсета Моэма изобилует именами прилагательными и описательными характеристиками именно при их помощи.


Furniture, interior a bunch of yellow tulips a magnificent silver ink-stand a massive silverframe a rack in red morocco a silver bowl fair-sized room heavily gilt immensely solid noble mahagony desk upholstered silver leather   a blasted little hero a sufficient reason a very handsome man attractive shyness faintly amused, friendly tenderness private paper scarlet scrubby little circle trembling hand tremendous (-ly) with an air of an (ambassador)   to admire smb. to answer eagerly to be delighted / -ful to be doubtful about smth to be particularly good-looking to be rather sweet to give liberties to go scarlet to grasp (a hand) cordially to have a certaincharm to keep smb. a minute to listen half an ear to look nice and clean to say clever witty things to say smth. graciously to set one’s mind to smth. to show one’s best eyes, ways of looking a reflective glance a melting look in her fine eyes dark brown starry eyes her velvet look large deep blueeyes to gaze with soft expression to look idly about smb./smth. to look straight into smb’s eyes to notice with approval hair grey hair cropped peroxide hair curling chestnut hair curly light brown hair plastered downhair lips, mouth, etc. thin mouth heavily-painted lips trifle roguish smile warm, ready smile a delightful, but slightly deprecating smile face, skin, complexion frank, open face complacency (on smb.’s face) wonderful skin skin having soft bloom of a peach to go scarlet other bold, flowing hand trembling hand wet with sweatpalm small ears small well-shaped teeth straight nose gallant bearing  


Другой способ чтения книги с целью изучения лексики и анализа - составление так называемых Character lists. Для каждого героя книги по мере чтения составлятся список прямых и опосредованных характеристик (т.е. как его описывают поступки, его поведение в разных ситуациях ит.д.) на отдельных листах для дальнейшего анализа.


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