Shopping: Supermarkets, Markets

Clothes and Fashion. Money and Finance

Speech Patterns

I would like to buy... - Я хочу купить...

This size fits well. - Этот размер подходит.

I'll take it. - Я возьму его.

Where is the fitting room? - Где примерочная?

I don't like this colour. - Мне не нравится этот цвет.

Can I help you? - Я могу вам помочь?

What size do you take? - Какой размер вы носите?

Exercise. Complete these short dialogues:

1) A: …

B: Fifty two.

2) A: Why do you want to go shopping today?

B: … a new dress for tomorrow’s party.

3) A: …

B: Yes, I’d like to get a new watch.

4) A: How do you like the size of my new suit?

B: …

5) A: This shirt fits you perfectly!

B: Yes, but …

6) A: This T-shirt is not expensive. It costs only 800 rubles.

B: All right, …

7) A: …

B: It’s on your left.




1. barber’s shop – мужская парикмахерская

2. chinaware - фарфор

3. cleaning establishment - химчистка

4. clothing store – магазин одежды

5. crockery - посуда

6. cutlery – ножевые изделия

7. department store - универмаг

8. electric appliances - электротовары

9. fitting room – примерочная кабинка

10. florists’ shop – цветочный магазин

11. food supermarket – продуктовый магазин

12. foodstuffs - продукты

13. footwear - обувь

14. fowl – птица

15. poultry [‘pəultri] – домашняя птица

16. fur - мех

17. gift and souvenir shop – отдел (магазин) подарков и сувениров

18. grocery – гастрономия

19. greengrocery – овощная лавка

20. bakery – булочная

21. butchery – мясная лавка

22. grouts - крупы

23. haberdashery - галантерея

24. hair-dresser’s – женская парикмахерская

25. hosiery – чулочно-носочные изделия

26. house ware – товары домашнего обихода

27. household utensils – предметы домашнего обихода

28. jewelry – ювелирные изделия

29. knitwear – трикотажные изделия

30. laundry - прачечная

31. leather ware – кожаные изделия

32. linen – постельное белье

33. perfumery - парфюмерия

34. price - цена

35. pots and pans – горшки и кастрюли

36. purchase - покупка

37. receipt – чек

38. retailer – розничный торговец

39. repair shop – ремонтная мастерская

40. shop – магазин, отдел

41. shopping cart – «корзина» для виртуальных покупок (в интернет-магазине)

42. shop-window - витрина

43. stationary - канцтовары

44. tinned food - консервы

45. toy – игрушка

46. vendor - поставщик


1. to admire – восхищаться

2. to adjust – настраивать, регулировать

3. to be on sale – быть в продаже

4. to bundle – поставлять в комплекте

5. to buy (bought, bought) - покупать

6. to cost - стоить

7. to delight – доставлять наслаждение

8. to look for (a new dress) - искать

9. to obtain - получать

10. to pack - упаковывать

11. to produce – зд. предъявлять

12. to satisfy - удовлетворять

13. to sell (sold, sold) - продавать

14. to serve a customer – обслуживать покупателя

15. to wrap up – завернуть



1. coat (overcoat) – пальто (теплое пальто)

2. costume – костюм (женский)

3. fashion show – показ мод

4. frock – летнее платье

5. gloves - перчатки

6. hat - шляпа

7. ready-made clothes – готовая одежда

8. sandals – сандалии, босоножки

9. shoes – туфли, ботинки

10. socks - носки

11. stockings - чулки

12. suit – костюм (мужской)

13. underwear – нижнее белье

14. skirt – юбка

15. button – пуговица

16. scarf – шарф

17. jacket – куртка, пиджак

18. belt – пояс, ремень

19. blouse – блузка, кофточка

20. tights – колготки

21. jeans – джинсы

22. pocket – карман

23. boots – ботинки, башмаки

24. jumper – джемпер, толстовка

25. sleeve – рукав

26. collar – воротник

27. tie – галстук

28. shirt – рубашка, сорочка

29. T-shirt – тенниска, футболка

30. trousers – брюки, штаны


1. to suit, to become – идти, быть к лицу

2. to try on – примерять

3. to get dressed – одеваться

4. to put on – надевать (какой-либо предмет одежды)

5. to put one’s clothes on – одеться

6. to take off – снимать (какой-либо предмет одежды)

7. to take off one’s clothes – раздеться

8. to hang up – повесить (одежду на крючок, вешалку)

9. to fit – подходить (по размеру)

10. to change (into smth.) – переодеваться (во что-либо)

11. to do up (buttons, zips) – застегивать (пуговицы, молнию)

12. to undo (buttons, zips) – расстегивать (пуговицы, молнию)


right (size) – правильный (размер)

small – маленький (о размере)

too small/big enough – слишком мал/достаточно большой

short – короткий (о размере)



1. value - ценность

2. transaction - дело, сделка, операция

3. a means of exchange - средство обмена

4. a store of value - средство сохранения стоимости, средство сбережения

5. a constant store of value - постоянное накопление стоимости

6. store - запас

7. the store of gold - золотой запас

8. currency - 1. деньги (обычно наличные деньги: монеты, банкноты) 2. ва­люта

9. national currency - национальная валюта

10. the gold standard - золотой стандарт

11. legal tender (banknotes) - законное платежное средство, официально принятое государством (банкноты)

12. cheque [tfek] - чек

13. a money order - платежное поручение

14. substitute money - представитель платежных средств

15. instruments of credit - кредитные обязательства (векселя, чеки, облига­ции)

16. assets - 1. активы 2. средства, капитал, фонды

17. the value of money - стоимость денег

18. a medium of exchange - 1. средство обмена, расчета 2. средство обраще­ния (как функция денег)

19. purchasing power - покупательная способность

20. circulation (of money, capital) - обращение (денег, капитала)

21. the demand for money - спрос на деньги

22. the supply of money (money supply) - 1. денежная масса, сумма денег в обращении), количество денег 2. предложение денег

23. the quantity of business - количество операций, объем бизнеса

24. the rapidity of business - скорость осуществления операций в бизнесе

25. the flow of money - движение, поток денег

26. safe-keeping - хранение ценностей в (банковском) сейфе

27. guardian - опекун

28. possessions pl. - имущество, собственность

29. account - счет

30. current account - текущий банковский счет (не сберегательный), до­пускающий выписку чеков

31. deposit account - депозитный счет; англ. срочный вклад

32. deposited money - деньги на счетах вкладчиков, депонированные деньги

33. depositor - вкладчик

34. intermediary [intg'miidjari] - посредник

to act as an intermediary for smb. - быть посредником для кого-то

35. savings pl. - сбережения, накопления

36. borrower - заемщик

37. reservoir f'rezavwa:] - резервуар, хранилище

38. loanable money - ссужаемые деньги

39. streams of money - денежные потоки

40. liquidity - ликвидность

41. trust - траст, доверительные имущественные отношения

42. credit and debit - расход и приход (доход)

43. inherent value of money - внутренняя стоимость денег

44. commodity money - товарные деньги

45. warehouse receipt - товарная квитанция на груз, принятый на хранение

46. token money - разменная монета

47. full-bodied money - полноценные деньги

48. face value - номинальная стоимость

49. exchange - биржа

50. stock market - фондовая бир­жа, рынок акций


1. to back (paper money, currency) - поддерживать, обеспечивать (бумаж­ные деньги, валюту)

2. to abandon the gold standard - отказаться от золотого стандарта

3. to issue - выпускать, пускать в обращение

4. to issue paper notes (securities) - выпускать бумажные деньги (цен­ные бумаги)

5. to reckon - подсчитывать, исчислять

6. to effect - осуществлять, совершать

7. to effect business transactions - осуществлять деловые сделки

8. to come into general circulation - поступать в совокупное обраще­ние

9. to put into circulation - пустить в обращение

10. to provide capital - обеспечить капитал

11. to allocate - 1. ассигновывать 2. распределять, размещать

12. to allocate funds on credit - распределять, размещать средства среди заемщиков

13. to issue a cheque - выписать чек

14. to pay interest - выплачивать процент

15. to spend money – тратить деньги

16. to waste money – тратить деньги впустую

17. to charge money – требовать деньги (в качестве платы за какие-л. услуги)

18. to borrow money – брать деньги взаймы

19. to lend money - давать деньги взаймы

to lend money at 12 percent interest - дать заем под 12 процентов

20. to earn interest - приносить доход

21. to make interest on one's savings - получать процент на свои сбереже­ния, получать доход на собственные сбережения

22. to loan - ссужать, давать взаймы

23. to render useful - делать полезным

24. to subscribe money - жертвовать деньги, субсидировать


liquid - ликвидный, быстрореализуемый


/ɑ:/rather, branched, department, barber’s, bargain

/˄/ customer, money, cutlery, gloves, wonderful, multiple

/ai/size, try on, price, delight, tie, chinaware

/ei/ major, stationary, sale, obtain, bakery

/æ/establishment, wrap up, fashion, haberdashery, cash-desk

/i:/ cleaning, receipt, jeans

/ǝ:/ serve, purchase, fur, skirt, shirt

/ou/ hosiery, grocery, grouts

/au/ announce, household, trousers

/Eǝ/ wear, repair, dairy


Exercise 1. Make up sentences and say where we can buy or where we can see the following goods.

shoes at a dairy

bread at a greengrocery

We buy meat and sausage at a ready-made clothing department

You can buy butter and milk at a stationary

We can see suits, dresses, coats at a hosiery

pens and pencils at a bakery

socks at a footwear department

vegetables at a butchery

Exercise 2. Fill the gaps with suitable words.

1) She decided to wear a … and a … instead of a dress.

2) I tried on a … and …; the jacket was fine but the … were too short.

3) It was hot, so I took off my jacket and …, and rolled up the sleeves of my ….

4) It was very embarrassing because I couldn’t … up the zip on my jeans.

5) I wanted to buy the jacket, but unfortunately the one I tried on wasn’t big … and they didn’t have it in a bigger ….

6) I tried on a jumper, but the medium size was … big and the small size wasn’t big ….

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1) Last week I (spend) £100 on food.

2) Today I (pay) £200 for my new desk.

3) If I go to that repair shop, they (charge) me £10 to repair my watch.

4) (Can) you lend me some money?

5) Children often (waste) their money on sweets and other things they don’t need.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with adjectives in the necessary degree of comparison.

1. This dress is too expensive. I want a (cheap) one.

2. This coat is too long. I prefer a (short) one.

3. This suit looks nice. I think it’s the (good) one I have seen lately.

4. I’ve got a large sum of money. I want to go and buy an (expensive) fur coat.

5. These shoes are (bad) than those ones. I can see they are the (bad) I’ve ever seen in my life.

6. Let’s go to that shop. The foodstuffs there are the (cheap) in the city.

Text 1

Exercise 1. Read the text and do the exercise after it.


Many families in big cities have flats in residential districts of the city. Sometimes these districts are located rather far from the centre but due to the branched system of public transport it is not a problem to get to major shopping centres. There are large nets of shops and stores in cities. The types of stores may vary but most districts have a food supermarket, a departments store, barber’s and hairdresser’s shops, a laundry, a cleaning establishment, and different repair shops.

A department store, true to its name, is composed of many departments. Indeed, it is in itself a miniature shopping centre selling everything: men’s and women’s clothes, shoes, hats, electric appliances, house ware, sporting goods, books, jewelry, stationary, cameras, records, cosmetics, toys, linens, curtains, chinaware, etc.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Is it a problem to get to some shopping centre in your city?

2. What shops are near your house?

3. Is there a cleaning establishment in your street?

4. Where do you usually buy shoes?

5. What is usually sold in a department store?

Text 2

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and butchery.

A lot of people like to do their shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, has such departments as ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there.

There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woolen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits. Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

Exercise 2. Agree or disagree to the following statements. Start your sentence with: It’s quite right…, I’m sure it’s right…, I’m afraid it’s wrong… Prove your opinion. You can consult the text.

1. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city.

2. People like to do their shopping at small shops.

3. Department stores sell various goods under one roof.

4. A department store has two departments.

5. There are no escalators in big stores.

6. In a food supermarket we can buy sausages, fish, flour, etc.

7. Cabbage and potatoes can be bought at the greengrocery.

8. The method of shopping is the same everywhere.

9. In a self-service shop the customer can’t put into a basket what he wishes to buy.

Exercise 3. Say:

· what one can buy in the men’s and women’s clothing;

· what one can find in the knitwear department;

· what they sell in the perfumery.

Text 3

Exercise 1. Read the text and compare its description with the department store you usually go to.

When I want to go shopping I usually visit the shopping centre not far from my house. It is a huge multiple store. One can get there anything in the way of food and manufacture goods. One can also have his photo taken right here. Fashion shows are often held there. In a word – it is a wonderful place.

In the grocery department one can see all kinds of foodstuffs: meat, fowl, tinned food, sausage, bread, fruit, wine, all kinds of grouts and a hundred and one other foodstuffs.

Also there are departments of manufacture goods. Here one can find haberdashery, stationary, hosiery and leather ware. There is a department of household utensils: pots and pans, cutlery, crockery, electric appliances, refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, cameras, television-sets and many other things one may want in the house.

We can visit the perfumery and florist shops or a gift and souvenir department.

On the second floor you also can do some shopping. There one can get everything in the way of clothes wanted by a man, a women or a child: footwear, knitwear, ready-made clothes, furs and what not.

Coloured posters announce the sale of different things.

Text 4

Online Shopping

Exercise 1. Read the text and do the exercise.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. It was invented by English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich (in the photo) in 1979. Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to complete a transaction. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine. Once a particular product has been found on the website of the seller, most online retailers use shopping cart software to allow the consumer to accumulate multiple items and to adjust quantities, like filling a physical shopping cart or basket in a conventional store. Online shoppers commonly use a credit card or a PayPal account in order to make payments. Once a payment has been accepted, the goods or services can be delivered in different ways: by shipping and by in-store pick-up for physical items or by downloading and by printing out for digital items or tickets.

Exercise 2. Have you ever bought things over the Internet? If you have, what did you buy and why did you use such way of buying that thing(s)? If you haven’t, what do you think of buying goods over the Internet? Is it really so convenient?

Text 5

Exercise 1. Read the text and do the exercises below.

I got up at 7.30, had a shower, got dressed, and had breakfast. It was a cold morning so I put on my coat and left home about 8.20. When I got to work I took my coat off and hung it up behind the door. It was hot in the office, so I took my jacket off as well. During my lunch break I had a look round the shops. I saw a nice jacket in one place and tried it on, but it didn’t fit me – it was too small and they didn’t have the right size. When I got home I took off my suit and changed into jeans and a T-shirt.

Exercise 2. Finish this sentence with five more different items of clothing.

I need a pair of __ trousers __






Exercise 3. Put these sentences in a logical order. The first one has been done for you.

a He took off his jeans.

b He put his shoes back on.

c He tried on the trousers.

d He went into the changing room. 1

e He took them off.

f He paid for the trousers.

g He took off his shoes.

h He went back to the sales assistant.

i He put his jeans on again.

Text 6

Exercise 1. Look through the text and say if there is any difference in youth fashion in Great Britain, USA and Russia.


By the early 2010s, indie clothing had moved away from the bright colors and overt 1960s styling of the mid-2000s in favor of a more "grown up" intellectual look, with 1990s style earth-tones like grey, burgundy, brown, teal, and beige. Tweed jackets, skinny chino trousers, dress boots, bilayered shirts and tees, cardigan sweaters, nerdy horn-rimmed glasses, and beanies replaced the winkle pickers, velvet jackets, Aviator sunglasses, and skinny ties typically worn by indie rock bands, although Western shirts, leather jackets and military dress uniforms remained popular. In the United Kingdom, vintage clothing, especially checked shirts sourced from thrift stores, and homemade jewelry, are popular among girls and boys alike. Drop crotch pants, designed by the Danish brand Hümor, became more and more popular in Europe amongst hipsters and hip hop fans, who replaced their skinny jeans and carpenter jeans with "old school but modern" style. In urban areas of the USA, like Manhattan, many male hipsters began wearing women's leggings paired with sweaters, thick wool socks, and boots.

In some parts of the United States, in particular California, a mix of hip-hop, emo, scene, and indie fashion became common, especially skinny jeans, trucker hats, Nike shoes, mismatched neon green, fluorescent yellow, bright blue or hot pink socks worn with sneakers. By 2012, many scene kids had abandoned the cartoon print hoodies, skinny jeans and studded belts in favor of a more hardcore/skate punk look with A-shirts, plain hoodies, combat boots, Vans, skinny jeans, and stretched earlobe piercings.

Text 7

Listen to a fashion show commentary. Complete the phrases (1-6) from the commentary. Then listen again and check.

1) an attractive _____, brown _____ jacket

2) a _____, _____ T-shirt

3) casual, _____, black jeans

4) a _____, grey, _____ jacket

5) a large, _____ scarf

6) a _____, dark, _____ coat

Texts 8 and 9

Exercise 1. Read and translate these texts.


All values in the economic system are measured in terms of money. Our goods and services are sold for money, and that money is in turn exchanged for other goods and services. Coins are adequate for small transactions, while paper notes are used for general business. There is additionally a wider sense of the word «money», covering anything which is used as a means of ex­change, whatever form it may take. Originally, a valuable metal (gold, silver or copper) served as a constant store of value, and even today the American dollar is technically «backed» by the store of gold which the US government maintains. Because gold has been universally regarded as a very valuable metal, national currencies were for many years judged in terms of the so-called «gold standard».

Nowadays however valuable metal has generally been replaced by paper notes. National currencies are considered to be as strong as the national economies which support them. Paper notes are issued by governments and authorized banks, and are known as «legal tender». Other arrangements such as cheques and money orders are not legal tender. They perform the function of substi­tute money and are known as «instruments of credit». Credit is offered only when creditors believe that they have a good chance of obtaining legal tender when they present such instruments at a bank or other authorized institution. If a man's assets are known to be considerable, then his credit will be good. If his assets are in doubt, then it may be difficult for him to obtain large sums of credit or even to pay for goods with a cheque. The value of money is basically its value as a medium of ex­change, or, as economists put it, its «purchasing power». This pur­chasing power is dependent on supply and demand. The demand for money is reckonable as the quantity needed to effect business trans­actions. An increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation. But the demand for money is related not only to the quantity of business but also to the rapidity with which the business is done. The supply of money, on the other hand, is the actual amount in notes and coins available for business purposes. If too much money is available, its value decreases, and it does not buy as much as it did, say, five years earlier. This condition is known as «inflation».


Banks are closely concerned with the flow of money into and out of the economy. They often co-operate with governments in efforts to stabilize economies and to prevent inflation. They are specialists in the business of providing capital, and in allocating funds on credit. Banks originated as places to which people took their valuables for safe-keeping, but today the great banks of the world have many functions in addition to acting as guardians of valuable private posses­sions.

Banks normally receive money from their customers in two dis­tinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account. With a current account, a customer can issue personal cheques. No in­terest is paid by the bank on this type of account. With a deposit account, however, the customer undertakes to leave his money in the bank for a minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money.

The bank in turn lends the deposited money to customers who need capital. This activity earns interest for the bank, and this in­terest is almost always at a higher rate than any interest which the bank pays to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits.

We can say that the primary function of a bank today is to act as an intermediary between depositors who wish to make interest on their savings, and borrowers who wish to obtain capital. The bank is a reservoir of loanable money, with streams of money flow­ing in and out. For this reason, economists and financiers often talk of money being «liquid», or of the «liquidity» of money. Many small sums which might not otherwise be used as capital are rendered useful simply because the bank acts as a reservoir.

The system of banking rests upon a basis of trust. Innumerable acts of trust build up the system of which bankers, depositors and borrowers are part. They all agree to behave in certain predictable ways in relation to each other, in relation to the rapid fluctuations of credit and debit. Consequently, business can be done and cheques can be written without any legal tender visibly changing hands.

Exercise 2. Do the tasks.

a) Give the wider sense of the word «money».

b) Pick out derivatives and word combinations with the word «value». Translate them into Russian and use them in sentences of your own.

c) Find in the text all the terms which you would use speaking about money.

d) Find in the text the terms which are used to describe the operations of the bank.

e) Pick out from the text set expressions with the word «interest». Translate them into Russian and use them in sentences of your own.

f) Give the word combinations with the word «account» used in the text and explain their meanings. What other meanings of this word do you know?

Exercise 3. a) Make up English-Russian pairs choosing the suitable equiva­lents.

1. legal tender; 2. bearer; 3. draft; 4. pledge; 5. reservoir; 6. debit and credit; 7. reckon; 8. gold standard; 9. store of value; 10. money order.

1. переводной вексель; 2. резервуар; 3. расход и приход; 4. подсчитывать, исчислять; 5.золотой стандарт; 6. предъявитель; 7. средство сбережения; 8. законное платежное средство; 9. платежное поручение; 10. закладывать, сдавать в залог.

b) Make up Russian-English pairs.

1. активы; 2. распределять, размещать (средства); 3. хране­ние ценностей; 4. опекун; 5. посредник; 6. движение денег; 7. выпускать деньги; 8. обусловленная сумма; 9. ценность;

10. ликвидность.

1. safe-keeping; 2. intermediary; 3. the flow of money; 4. to issue money; 5. a stipulated amount; 6. to allocate; 7. value; 8. liquidity; 9. assets; 10. guardian.

Exercise 4. Give English equivalents of the following:

1. средство обмена; 2. сделка, операция; 3. отказаться от золотого стандарта; 4. средство расчета; 5. обращение денег; 6. денежная масса; 7. выпускать деньги; 8. текущий счет; 9. срочный счет; 10. дать заем под 12 процентов; 11. вкладчик; 12. сбережения; 13. залог; 14. ссужаемые деньги; 15. получать доход.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English in written form.


1. Все ценности в экономической системе измеряются день­гами. Товары и услуги продаются за деньги, а эти деньги об­мениваются на другие товары и услуги. Термин «деньги» в широком смысле этого слова означает все, что используется как средство обмена. 2. Первоначально ценный металл служил как постоянное накопление стоимости. Даже сегодня амери­канский доллар «поддерживается» запасом золота. Многие годы национальные валюты оценивались с точки зрения «золо­того стандарта». 3. В настоящее время бумажные деньги за­менили металл, и сила национальных валют оценивается силой национальной экономики, которая поддерживает их. Бумажные деньги, выпущенные эмиссионными (issuing) банками, являются законным платежным средством. 4. Чеки и платежные по­ручения не являются государственным платежным средством. Они выполняют функцию представителя платёжных средств и известны как кредитные обязательства. 5. Стоимость денег определяется их стоимостью как средства обмена или их по­купательной способностью. Эта покупательная способность зависит от соотношения спроса и предложения. 6. Если в обра­щении слишком много денег, их стоимость снижается и падает их покупательная способность. Эта ситуация известна как ин­фляция.


1. Банки связаны с потоком денег, поступающих в экономику и изымаемых из нее. Банки получают деньги от своих вклад­чиков в двух формах: на текущие счета и на депозитные. 2. Банк выплачивает проценты по депозитным счетам, когда клиент оставляет свои деньги в банке на определенный период времени. 3. Если банк ссужает деньги, то эта операция прино­сит банку доход в виде процента. Норма этого процента всегда выше, чем те проценты, которые банк платит своим вкладчи­кам. 4. Сегодня главной функцией банка является посредниче­ство между вкладчиками и заемщиками. Банк служит резерву­аром ссудных денег с входящими и выходящими из него де­нежными потоками. 5. Банковская система основывается на до­верительных имущественных отношениях. Многочисленные трастовые акты создают систему, частью которой являются банкиры, вкладчики и заемщики.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

1. What is the role of money and what are its functions?

2. What is the gold standard and why was it abandoned? What backs national currencies now?

3. Why do you think valuable metal has been replaced by paper money? Who can issue paper notes?

4. What are money orders and what function do they perform?

5. In what case can one obtain large sums of credit and even pay for goods with a cheque?

6. What is purchasing power and what does it depend on?

7. How do we reckon the demand for money? What is the demand for money related to?

8. What is inflation?

9. What are banks closely concerned with and what was their original function?

10. In what way do banks cooperate with governments?

11. How do banks function now and what is their primary function?

12. How does the bank make its main profit?

13. What is the liquidity of money?

14. What is trust for the banking system?

Text 10


Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogue.

A: Can you tell me what size this suit is?

B: It’s forty eight. What size do you take?

A: Forty nine.

B: I think, it should fit you.

A: What material is it made of?

B: Silk, I believe.

A: Oh, no! I would like to have a suit made of cotton velvet. Do you have any?

B: You are lucky, you know! Yesterday we got several cotton velvet suits just your size.

A: Will you bring me one of them?

B: Here you are. This one is the best of the suits!

A: Oh, no! I don’t like this colour. Black things don’t become me. Do you have a brown one?

B: Yes, we have four brown suits made of cotton velvet. Here you are.

A: May I try it on?

B: Yes, of course.

A: Where is the fitting-room?

B: The fitting-room is on your right.

A: Well, it fits me perfectly. But I would also like to buy a shirt.

B: You know, all these suits are bundled with a white shirt each. It is included in the price.

A: And what’s the price of this suit?

B: It’s five thousand rubles. It’s a very nice suit.

A: All right. I’ll take it.

B: How are you to pay? You know, we have an opportunity to withdraw money from your bank account.

A: No, I don’t have my credit card with me right now, but I have cash.

B: That’s very good. Proceed to the cashier, please.

Exercise 2. Make up dialogues:

· about a department store;

· about one of your shoppings


-Tell about one of the department stores (some stores) and one of your purchases.

-Tell about the clothes you prefer to wear or usually wear.



Write a letter to your pen friend describing one of your shoppings: the things, the pieces of clothing you bought, their colour and design, why you chose this or that piece of clothing. Ask your friend what department stores there are in his/her town. Observe the rules of letter writing.


1. Some people prefer going to a big department store to buy different things either food or manufacture goods. Others like visiting small specialized stores. What is your choice?

2. Some people prefer to keep their money on deposit accounts. In this case the money must be kept in a bank for a certain period of time for interest to be paid on this money. And the owners of the money can’t use it otherwise interest won’t be paid. Other people prefer to keep their money at home. In this case they can use it any time. What is your opinion?


1. State the problem

2. Make your choice and give arguments (2-3 ones)

3. Give other people’s opinion with arguments (2 ones)

4. Prove that they are not right (1-2 arguments)

5. Make the conclusion


Test “Shopping. Clothes. Money”

1. Match a verb in A with a word in B (example: A1 B1):

A: 1) to serve; 2) to do; 3) to get; 4) to issue

B: 1) dressed; 2) a cheque; 3) up; 4) a customer

2. Fill in the blank with a necessary word:

The bank pays … on a deposit account.

a) per cent; b) capital; c) interest; d) a cheque

3. Choose the correct grammar form:

Fashion shows … there.

a) hold; b) are held; c) are holding; d) held

4. What sentence contains a grammar mistake:

a) The word “money” means anything which is used as means of exchange.

b) The statement that girls don’t trouble to dress up is not correct.

c) There are large nets of shops and stores in cities.

d) When they arrived they first admired the window dressing.

Put in the right prepositions for the sentences:

5. They went … the first line … the right and looked … the goods … the hosiery department.

a) on, in, at, to; b) in, from, on, at; c) at, to, out, of; d) along, to, at, of

6. … the cash-desk there was a rapping counter where there was a tray … purchases.

a) near, for; b) at, to; c) from, for; d) near, by

7. … the grocery department one can see all kinds … foodstuffs.

a) at, for; b) on, to; c) in, of; d) on, of

8. Choose the correct lexical unit:

Most girls today enjoy looking ….

a) attraction; b) attractive; c) attractively; d) attractable

9. Choose the necessary word:

When I got to work I … my coat.

a) took off; b) put on; c) put; d) got

10. Choose the necessary modal verb for this sentence:

Your question … arise from the fact that the young people are both dressed in jeans and sweaters.

a) can; b) may; c) must; d) should

11. Insert the article where it is necessary:

Because … gold has been universally regarded as … very valuable metal, national currencies were for many years judged in terms of … so-called «gold standard».

a) the, a, a; b) –, a, the; c) –, a, –; d) the, a, the

12. Choose the necessary word:

How … money have you got?

a) much; b) many; c) little; d) few

13. Put in the right prepositions for this sentence:

The bank … turn lends the deposited money … customers who need capital.

a) on, to; b) in, for; c) in, to; d) at, from

14. Choose the necessary form:

I want to go ….

a) shop; b) to shop; c) to a shop; d) shopping

15. Match the products with the places where they can be bought:

1) carrot cake; 2) dress; 3) shampoo; 4) socks

a) at a chemist’s; b) at a café; c) at a hosiery; d) at a clothes shop



Answers to the test

1. A1-B4; A2-B3; A3-B1; A4-B2

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. d

6. a

7. c

8. b

9. a

10. b

11. b

12. a

13. c

14. d

15. 1.b); 2.d); 3.a); 4.c)

Tape script

Speaker: Our first model has an informal but stylish outfit. He's wearing an attractive plain, brown leather jacket and a tight, cotton T-shirt. It's long-sleeved, I think, I particularly like those casual, baggy, black jeans.

The next model is wearing a shiny, grey, nylon jacket with matching trousers. She's also got a large, spotty scarf around her neck – a touch of humour from the designer, I feel – and a spotty, long-sleeved, blouse. And on her feet, are simple but stylish black leather shoes. A very elegant outfit, in my opinion.

Now we have a more unusual outfit. She's wearing a red, stripy top and a long, dark, wool coat. Below that, a short, stripy skirt and black, leather high-heeled shoes. It’s a very strange look – I'm not sure I like it, and I doubt it will catch on!


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