III. Memorize the following phrases

Материал для самоподготовки




Данное пособие предназначено для самоподготовки бортпроводников на 16-часовых курсах английского языка в рамках общей программы повышения квалификации.

Пособие состоит из четырех частей:

1. Вопросы.

2. Тексты.

3. Фразы, необходимые для работы с иностранными пассажирами.

4. Словосочетания из информаций для перевода на русский язык.


Вопросы разделены по трудности на две части: первая (50 вопросов), предназначена для тех, кто с трудом понимает и говорит на английском языке; вторая (50 вопросов)- для более подготовленных. Предполагается, что преподаватель на уроках повторяет грамматику для правильного понимания и умения отвечать на вопросы.

Тексты дают возможность говорить о себе и своей работе, экономят время слушателей при подготовке к урокам, учат правильно формулировать свои мысли.

Отобранные для зачета фразы содержат необходимый минимум свободного владения лексикой для работы с иностранными пассажирами на борту.

Перевод словосочетаний заставляет проводников не просто зазубривать информации, но читать их с полным пониманием смысла написанного.


I. Questions

1. Where are you from? – I’m from Tyumen

2. How old are you? – I’m 27 years (old)

3. What do you do? – I’m a flight attendant.

4. Where do you work? – I work for Utair airline in Tyumen.

5. Is UTair-(Express) a big company? - No, it is not

6. What types of aircraft has it got? – It has got ATR -72 and 42

7. Has your company got offices in different cities? – Yes, it has offices in Moskow, Ufa, Tyumen. Some ofices are merging, for example Tyumen and Surgut.

8. What is the type of your aircraft? – It’s Boeing 737, 757, 767 and helicopter Mi-8

9. Is ATR-72 (B-737) a modern and well – equipped airplane?

- Yes, ATR- 72 and Boeing 737 are well- equipped and reliable airplanes.

10. How many passenger seats are there in the plane? – ATR 72 has 70 passenger seats, Boeing 737 has 104 passenger seats

11. How many emergency exits has it got? – ATR -72 has got 4 emergency exits. Boeing 737 has got 6 emergency exits.

12. Are they equipped with escape slides and ropes? – All (Non of) exits on ATR 72 aren’t equipped with escape slides or ropes. Four exits on B- 737 are equipped with escape slides and two exits are equipped with ropes.

13. How many passenger cabins are there? - There is only one passenger cabin on ATR -72 and Boeing 737 has two passenger cabins- for economy and business class.

14. Have you got a business class cabin? - ATR -72 hasn’t got any business class, but Boeing 737 has got a business class cabin.

15. Which cabin do you work in? - I usually work in business class and sometimes (I’m economy) economy class sometimes.

16. Do you enjoy flying on ATR-72 (Boeing 737)? (более подробно) - Yes, I enjoy (it) of my job. ATR doesn’t fly at high altitude, mainly to the North. Boeing 737 has long- haul flights and international flights.

17. Where do you live? – I live In Chervishevski trakt street, in Tyumen.

18. How do you get to the airport? – I get to the airport by bus or my mother gives me a lift. (drives me to the airport).

19. How long does it take you to get to the airport? – It takes me about 20 minutes if there’s no traffic jam.

20. Do you have a briefing before every flight? – Yes, I do.

21. What do you discuss at the briefing? - We discuss our duties and possible problems at the briefing.

22. What do you do on board the plane before the boarding? - We check everything on board carefully: the emergency exits, the door locks, the fire extinguishers, the galley equipment, the seatbelts and seatbacks in the cabin, lAvatories, smoke detectors and medical kits.

23. What do you check on board the plane? - I check emergency equipment - oxygen bottle, oxygen masks, smoke hood, flashlight, fire extinguisher, crash axe, protective gloves, life jackets, radio beacon and emergency lighting.

24. What do you receive before the flight? – Sometimes I receive meals and drinks for business class or for economy. Seldom I am responsible for the loading of cargo, baggage and mail

25. What are you responsible for in flight? – I’m responsible for flight safety and passengers comfort. I offer soft drinks to our passengers before serving meals.

26. Who is responsible for loading and stowage of the baggage? It’s the fourth flight attendant.

27. What do you check in the cabin before take off? – I check if the overhead compartment doors are locked securely, all the passengers are strapped in their seats, all the tables are folded up and all the seatbacks are in upright position.

28. What do you inform your passengers about? – During the flight we inform passengers about the rules on board.

29. What do you demonstrate to you passengers? - I demonstrate how to use seatbelts, oxygen masks and life vests (jackets).

30. Why do passengers have to fasten their seatbelts before take off? - It’s necessary for their safety.

31. What drinks do you offer to your passengers? - We offer soft drinks- tomato, apple or orange juices. We also serve tea and coffe.

32. Do you serve hot meals in flight? - Yes, we serve hot meals if the flight (is) lasts more than four hours (long).

33. Can you help a passenger if he feels sick? – Yes, I can. I’m specially trained to deal with sick passengers.

34. What is the most serious medical situation in flight? Why? - The most serious medical situation is a heart attack because it requires urgent professional medical assistance. So we always try to find a doctor or a nurse on board and we must report to the captain.

35. Where are you trained to deal with sick passengers? -

I’m trained to deal with sick passengers at our Training Centre.


36. What do you search the cabin for after the passengers have left the aircraft? – I search the cabin for forgotten passengers’ belongings. (items)

37. What do you do if you find some passengers’ belongings in the cabin? – I take it to our representatives.

38. Are you usually tired after the flight? – Yes, I’m usually tired after the flight.

39. Where do you go after the flight? - I go straight home, but if I’m not in Tyumen I go to a hotel.

40. Do you enjoy quiet time at home? – Yes, I like reading a book and watching tv.

41. What do you do staying at home? – Sometimes I do sports- I go to the gym or I read physiology books and also I have lessons to improve my english.

42. Are you fond of reading? – Yes, I like books on psychology, history and fantasy.

43. What books do you prefer? – My favorites authors are Litvak, Bikov, Radzinskiy, Efremov

44. What music do you like? – It depends on my mood. I like pop, rock and classical music.

45. Can you play any musical instruments? – No, I can’t. But I’d like to play the piano.

46. What sport games can you play? I can play volleyball, badminton, tennis.

47. Are you good at swimming? – Yes, I’m a good swimmer.

48. Do you enjoy roll-skating? – Yes, I enjoy it.

49. Do you often surf the Internet? – Yes, I often surf the Internet. (yes I do it quite often).

50. What information can you get surfing the Internet? – I can get information about my work and English lessons.

1. When did you finish school? - I finished school in 2005 (two thousand and five).

2. Did you study at university or college after finishing school? – Yes, I graduated from Tyumen Oil and Gas University.

3. Where did you start working after getting the diploma? – I worked as a sales manager. I sold satellite TV.

4. Was it difficult to find a job after the graduation? – No, it’s wasn’t difficult, I found my first job rather quickly.

5. When did you have the idea to change your job? – When a friend of mine got a job as a flight attendant, I thought that I could work in airline too.

6. Why did you decide to become a cabin attendant? – I have soled customer service experience that helps me in this job. I appreciate working with people I like help them.

I’m good at to interact with people on professional….

7. Did you need special training before you began working as a cabin attendant? – Yes, I got trough 3 month of special training. I lernt a lot and it gave me the confidence to deal with any difficult situation on boart.

8. How long did it take to get a CA certificate? - It did take 2 month and half.

9. What was the most interesting subject while you were being trained for this job? – I enjoyed the English lessons, customer service.

10. On which type of aircraft did you start your career in aviation? – It was ATR-72 and 42

11. How many type ratings do you have now? – I have Boeing- 737,NG, 757,767 and now I have studied mi- 8

12. Do you fly on a B-737 or a n ATR-42/72 at present? – No, our company has soled B-737, and all the airplanes ATR -72 now are part of another airline, named UTair Express. At present I fly on a B- 757 and a B- NG.

13. What can you tell me about this type? – It’s a passenger middle- range airplane. B 737 has two wings and two jet engines. ATR 72 has two turboprop engines.

14. What additional duties do you have on a foreign type? – I am responsible for one of the doors and I have to arm and disarmed it.

15. In what situations do you have to read checklists? – I have to read checklists if one of the pilots is unconscious.

16. Is it difficult for you to do it? – No, it’s quite simple.

17. Did you study English at school? – Yes, I did.

18. Would you have paid more attention to this subject if you had known how important for you it would be in future? – I paid as much attention as I could.

19. Can you say that English is part of your profession now? – To be (h)onest, not yet. I don’t need English when I travel inside my own country. But I’d like to work in Africa, so English is really important to me and I continue improving it to become more fluent in this language.

20. Why should you know English well nowadays? – Nowadays English is the international language. People usually need it to do business, to travel. And in my job it provides new opportunities. I could work in Africa or become a senior flight attendant.

21. What level do you need if you want to work on international flights or abroad? – I need the fourth level or higher.

22. Would you like to go on a business trip to Africa? (как в наст времени) – Yes, it is my dream. I’d love to visit this wonderful country, to experience its culture and meet new people. This would be really exciting!

23. What do you do to improve your English? – I take classes, listen to English podcasts, watch videos and read books.

24. What are the advantages of your profession? – I enjoy spending time in a variety of places, meeting new people and learning about their culture. I also like to help people – it makes me feel more confident. Being a flight attendant isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle and an adventurous one.

25. Are you planning to make your career in aviation or to change your job in future?- I worked as a sales manager, a merchandise expert and a waitress. But only now that I work in aviation, my job bring me real satisfaction. So I would like to make my career here.

26. Do you think that being a CA is very responsible and sometimes difficult? – Yes, I do. I think it’s a very responsible job, because my first priority is the safety, security and comfort of passengers. Sometimes it can also be a bit difficult to fly nights, to work in a constantly changing crew. Still, I think, it is completely worth it and I love what I do.

27. What difficulties can you have in flight? – I suppose it may be an aggressive passenger or an emergency situation.

28. Have you had any serious situations in your flying experience? - Yes, I have. We were on a flight from Moscow to Sochi. One of the passengers slept the whole flight – he neither ate nor drank.

29. When did it happen? – It happened last summer.

30. How did you manage to fix it? –

I took the first aid kit and tried to gave the passenger a sniff of liquidammonia and rubbed his temples. He did not come to himself. He remained unconscious and his face lost color. I reported to the senior cabin attendant and she called for a doctor. The doctor gave the passenger an injection. After that the young man woke up and than was taken away by the ambulance.

31. Where are you trained to cope with difficulties? – I’m trained to cope with difficulties at our Training Centre, in Tyumen.

32. Do you often have medical situations on board? – Yes, passengers often passenger have a headaches or stomachaches.

33. Are you prepared to deal with sick passengers? - Yes, I’m specially trained to deal with sick passengers.

34. What medical situation is supposed to be the most dangerous? – The most serious medical situation is a heart attack because it requires urgent professional medical assistance. So we always try to find a doctor or a nurse on board and we must report to the captain.


35. What would you do if you had a passenger with a heart attack? – I would lie the passenger down, loosen his closing and take his pulse. I woul give him the nitroglycerin spray and an oxygen bottle.


36. What can make a passenger aggressive or violent on board the aircraft?

There are several reasons why passengers may become aggressive or violent. Usually it’s caused by personal stress. Some of the passengers are just afraid of flying, others come on board already tired. They might have had problems while waking up early in the morning, getting to the airport or buying the tickets. (In such cases I usually try ti do my best, calm and reassure them).


37. Do you often have unruly passengers? – I’ve never problem with air rage, but I have had some difficult passengers. When that happens I try to be very polite.

38. What is your way to deal with violent passengers? - I keep calm and politely remind him of flight conduct and safety rules, if there is still a problem I report about it at senior cabin attendant.

39. Can you give me an example of disturbance caused by a violent passenger on board Russian flights? – One of the passengers stood up in the aisle and this blocked the way for our trolley. We reported it to our captain and the captain made an announcement, reminding the passenger that ignoring safety rules may be regarded as a menace to the flight safety. And that the passenger returned to his seat.

40. Do you read sometimes or try to get from the Internet information about abnormal situations in flight? – Sometimes I surf the internet and read the news, but every month I have a flight meeting, where I get the information about all abnormal flight cases in Russia.

41. Do you discuss or analyze such episodes at your meetings or lessons at the training centre? What for? – Yes, every month we have flight meeting where we discuss and analyze all abnormal flight cases in Russia.

It helps us to widen our professional horizon, to get prepared for any emergency situation.

42. How many countries have you been to as a crew member? – I have been to five countries.

43. Which country impressed you most? Why? – Turkey impressed me most with warm sea and sunny beaches. And the quality of customer service was also very high there.

44. What kind of hotel did you stay at? – There is a special hotel for our cabin in Turkey. It has about 60 rooms and a swimming pool. The food is really good. And the hotel is only about 15 minutes walk from the sea.

45. How did you spend your time? - Most of the time I try to relax and have a sleep. After a good rest I usually eat and went to the beach to swim and sunbathe. And I always have a book with me to read.

46. Did you take any interesting tours? - No, I haven’t yet. Sometimes I visit the center of the city and go shopping.

47. Did you try any national food? – Yes, I like Thai seafood, it is really delicious!

48. How long did it take you to fly there? – It took me nine hours from Tyumen to Thailand.

49. Did you traveled in economy or business class cabin? – I travelled in economy class, because B-757 doesn’t have any business class.

50. Are you happy being a cabin attendant of Utair airline? – Yes, m very exited about my job and happy about opportunity to work and travel.


II. Texts


My name is Sergei Kulikov. I am a cabin attendant. I am 26 and I am from Ufa. I work for UTair Express. It is а branch of UTair airline. UTair is a large company. It's got many types of aircraft and offices in different cities. There are only ATR-42\72 in UTair Express. I fly on ATR-72. It’s a new modern well-equipped aircraft. There are 70 passenger seats and one passenger cabin. It’s got 4 emergency exits and 2 baggage compartments. I enjoy flying on this plane.

I live (not) far from the airport. I usually go there by bus. It takes me half an hour. We have a briefing before every flight. We distribute out duties and discuss possible problems at the briefing. Before boarding passengers we check the cabin, emergency equipment and receive drinks, lunch-boxes and mail. One of the cabin attendants is responsible for cargo. He always supervises the loading and stowage of passenger baggage.

We are responsible for flight safety and passenger comfort. So we must check the overhead compartment doors, seatbelts, tables and seatbacks before take off. We inform our passengers about the rules on bo

ard and demonstrate safety features of our plane. In flight we offer soft drinks and serve meals to our passengers. If a passenger is not well we can help. We are trained to deal with sick passengers. After arrival we must check the passenger cabin. If we find some passenger belongings we must take them to our representatives. After the flight I’m usually tired so I go straight home. At home after a shower and good food I usually feel much better. I enjoy staying at home after a lot of flights.

I often read books or watch television. Staying quietly at home is a good way of relaxation.


My name is Annya Kotova. I'm 21 and I'm a cabin attendant. I work for UTair airline, one of the biggest airlines in Russia. I'm from Tyumen. I was born and went to school here. Tyumen has changed a lot and now is a modern beautiful city. I'm not married but I've got a boy friend. He is a cabin attendant too. We have a lot in common: both of us are fond of music and sport. I can play the piano and Alex plays the guitar. Sometimes we go to the concert hall. You know we have a very good concert hall in Tyumen. We prefer jazz and pop music.
Alex is good at driving. He's got a modern well-equipped car. It's a Toyota. He bought it last year. It's got a hydraulic booster, climate control and a very good multiple sound system. We enjoy listening to some music or news while driving.
As I mentioned we also like sport. I'm fond of skating and Alex is good at skiing. We both enjoy swimming and we can play tennis too. We are planning to get married soon I'm sure we'll be a happy family.

Text 3. MY WORK


I work for UTair airline. It's one of the largest companies in our country. It's got offices in different cities and abroad. There are many types of aircraft in our company: planes and helicopters. I fly on a B-737. I think it's the most popular type in the world. It's a middle-range comfortable jet, very good for domestic and international flights. We have 2 modifications: classic and NG. I prefer flying on NG. It's more modern and comfortable than classic. There are 3 passenger cabins: one -business and two - economy class cabins. I usually work in business but sometimes in economy class cabin too. I prefer business, we have famous people there sometimes. It's very interesting to watch them and talk to them while serving. I'm not a senior CA yet but I hope I'll become soon because I began working for the company 2 years ago and proved to be good at my profession.




Our work is interesting and very important. We are responsible for flight safety and passenger comfort. We always come to the airport an hour and a half before the flight. We have a lot to do. First of all we have a briefing where we discuss our duties and possible problems. Then we get to the aircraft. We check everything on board carefully: the emergency exits, the door locks, the fire extinguishers, the galley equipment, the seatbelts and seatbacks in the cabin, lavatories, smoke detectors and medical kits. We receive all the necessary items for service, mail and catering. One of CAs is responsible for cargo and baggage. If we have some dangerous goods or an invalid passenger on board, we must report our captain about it. You know invalid passengers require special care and dangerous goods need special handling. We must know and understand the importance of our job. In flight we inform passengers about the rules on board and demonstrate how to use seatbelts, oxygen masks and life vests. While preparing for take off we check if the overhead compartment doors are locked securely, all the passengers are strapped in their seats, all the tables are folded up and seatbacks are in upright position. We must keep all this under control. In flight we offer soft drinks to our passengers before serving meals. We do our best to be pleasant and polite to passengers even if they are sometimes capricious or rude.



I enjoy flying and I like to deal with people. It's interesting. The passengers are different and I try to be nice to all of them and find the way to make them feel comfortable and safe. Some people are afraid of flying, so they feel nervous. I usually talk to them engaging in casual conversations, try to distract them from fears telling them some curious stories. As a rule they become less frightened and smile back to me. So you see we should have some qualities of psychologists. We are taught this knowledge at our Training Centre and it helps at work.

The more serious situations can happen when we have unruly passengers on board. Unfortunately it occurs more and more often nowadays. Usually they are the results of too much alcohol consumption.
Drunken passengers may cause serious disturbance and endanger flight safety becoming agitated and aggressive. I'm sure you remember the episode on board Kolavia flight when a violent passenger attacked the cabin crew and injured one of them trying to get into the cockpit.
We can also have medical problems. The most serious is a heart attack because it requires urgent professional medical assistance. So we always try to find a doctor or a nurse on board and we must report to the captain.
We can easily handle miner health problems when passengers complain of head or toothaches, airsickness or some other discomforts giving them painkillers and airsickness bags.
We have a medical kit and know how to use it. We are trained to deal with injuries we can apply splints and bandage wounds and cuts. You see we can have all kinds of situations on board as in a real life on the ground and we must be ready for them.


III. Memorize the following phrases

1. May I have your boarding pass, please.

Предъявите посадочный талон, пожалуйста.

2. I'll show you to your seat.

Я провожу Вас до вашего места.

3. Your seat is 9B, on the left

Ваше место 9Б, с левой стороны.

4. Your seat numbers are indicated on the overhead baggage compartments.

Места указаны на верхних багажных полках.

5. Take your seat according to your boarding pass!

Занимайте места согласно посадочным талонам!

6. This seat is vacant (taken).

Это место свободно (занято).

7. Would you mind changing your seat?

Вы не против поменять Ваше место?

8. Please, pay attention, your seat is near the emergency exit.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что Ваше место рядом с аварийным выходом.

9. This way, please!

Сюда, пожалуйста!

10. Please, watch your head!

Осторожно, не ударьте голову!

11. May I pass? /Let me pass!

Позвольте пройти!

12. Be careful!

Будьте осторожны!

13. Will you pass, please!

Проходите, пожалуйста!

14. Put it under the seat! / into the overhead compartment!

Поставьте это под кресло / на верхнюю багажную полку!

15. Remove your bag from the emergency exit, please!

Уберите Вашу сумку от аварийного выхода.

16. Don't put the bag up there! It's heavy.

Не кладите Вашу сумку наверх. Она тяжелая.

17. Let me take your coat to the wardrobe compartment!

Позвольте повесить Ваше пальто в гардеробную.

18. Make yourself comfortable!

Устраивайтесь удобно.

19. Are you all right?

С Вами все в порядке?

20. We apologize for the late arrival (the flight delay).

Мы приносим свои извинения за позднее прибытие /задержку рейса.

21. We'll do our best!

Мы постараемся сделать все возможное.

22. Have a nice flight!

Приятного Вам полета!

23. Let me help you!

Позвольте помочь!

24. What can I do for you?

Что я могу для Вас сделать?

25. Here you are! / Here it is! /Here is your tea!

Вот, пожалуйста.

26. Just a moment!


27. You are welcome!

Пожалуйста (в ответ на «спасибо»)

28. Speak slowly, please!

Говорите медленно, пожалуйста!

29. Can you say it again, please!

Повторите, пожалуйста!

30. Excuse me.

Простите… (перед тем, как хотите обратиться к незнакомому человеку)

31. I'm sorry I can't / I'm afraid I can't.

К сожалению, не могу.

32. We are preparing for take off.

Мы готовимся к взлету.

33. Return your seatback to the upright position!

Приведите спинку кресла в вертикальное положение!

34. It's for your safety.

Это для Вашей безопасности.

35. Switch your mobile phone, please!

Выключите мобильный телефон, пожалуйста.

36. Help yourself to some sweets!

Берите сами, пожалуйста / угощайтесь.

37. Here is an airsickness bag!

Вот возьмите гигиенический пакет.

38. Prepare your table, please!

Приготовьте столик, пожалуйста.

39. I can offer you meat, fish or chicken for a hot meal.

Я могу предложить мясо, рыбу или курицу на горячее.

40. Sorry, but we have no meat left, I can offer you chicken instead.

К сожалению, мяса не осталось, могу предложить курицу.

41. Would you like juice or mineral water?

Вам сок или минеральную воду?

42. What would you like for a hot meal?

Что вы хотите на горячее?

43. Another cup of tea? (coffee)

Еще чашечку чая?

44. Are you a vegetarian?

Вы вегетарианец?

45. Enjoy your meal!

Приятного аппетита!

46. May I / Can I take away your lunchbox?

Могу я убрать Ваш контейнер?

47. Anything else you'd like?

Что-нибудь еще для Вас?

48. Should I disturb you in case you are asleep?

Мне разбудить Вас, если Вы уснете?

49. Would you like a slice of lemon in your tea?

Не хотите ли кусочек лимона в чай?

50. Would you like it now or a bit later?

Сейчас или попозже?

51. I can help you to fill in your immigration card.

Я могу помочь Вам заполнить миграционный бланк.

52. Keep it with your documents.

Держите его с Вашими документами.

53. Please, remain seated. There are no passenger steps yet.

Пожалуйста, оставайтесь на своих местах. Еще нет трапа.

54. What's the matter? What's wrong? What's happened?

В чем дело? Что случилось?

55. Are you all right? / Are you OK?

С Вами все в порядке?

56. How are you? / How are you feeling?

Как Вы себя чувствуете?

57. Where does it hurt?

Где болит?

58. Are you airsick?

Вас укачало? Вам нехорошо?

59. Do you need an airsickness bag?

Вам нужен гигиенический пакет?

60. Have you got any chronic illness?

Есть ли у Вас хронические заболевания?

61. Do you have a heart trouble?

У Вас есть проблемы с сердцем?

62. Have you got your own medicine?

У Вас есть свое лекарство?

63. What medicine do you usually take?

Какое лекарство Вы обычно принимаете?

64. May I feel your pulse?

Разрешите проверить пульс?

65. Are you better? / Do you feel better?

Вам лучше?

66. Has the pain gone?

Боль прошла?

67. Are you allergic to something?

У Вас есть аллергия на что-нибудь?

68. Take this medicine for your headache, please. It will help you!

Примите это лекарство от головной боли. Оно поможет.

69. Please, come down. Everything will be all right.

Успокойтесь, пожалуйста. Все будет хорошо!

70. Can I check your blood pressure?

Позвольте измерить давление.

71. Put the tablet under your tongue.

Положите таблетку под язык.

72. This is a good painkiller. It's very effective.

Это хорошее болеутоляющее средство. Очень эффективное.

73. Don't worry, madam (sir). We well call an ambulance on our arrival.

Не волнуйтесь. Мы вызовем машину скорой помощи по прибытии.

74. Don't hesitate to call me if you don't feel better.

Не стесняйтесь вызвать меня снова, если не будет лучше.

75. The passenger steps will arrive in 5 minutes. Now please remain seated.

Трап будет через 5 минут. Пожалуйста, оставайтесь на местах.




1. in the interest of safety

2. must be stowed

3. under the seat in front of you

4. overhead compartments free of emergency equipment

5. follow the code of conduct

6. and flight safety rules on board

7. on behalf of UT-air airline

8. we welcome you on board

9. flying from...to...

10. we apologize for the delay due to customs formalities

11. may I have your attention, please

12. in accordance with regulations

13. pay attention to the safety features demonstration

14. located in the front / at the aft of the aircraft

15. equipped with inflatable slides

16. overwing emergency hatches

17. the illuminated track will direct you to the exit

18. are clear of any objects during take off

19. can be used as rafts

20. should be fastened

21. after "Fasten seatbelts" sign is illuminated

22. Insert the metal tip

23. lift the buckle cover

24. equipped with oxygen equipment

25. in case of decompression

26. will drop automatically

27. don your own mask first

28. then assist the child

29. next to a child

30. one of our cabin attendants

31. part of our flight route

32. through the straps of your vest

33. pull it over your head

34. adjust the yellow stripe

35. tighten the straps on your waist

36. pull down the red tags

37. to inflate the vest

38. your life vest can be inflated

39. by blowing into the tubes

40. to draw attention

41. will automatically turn on

42. for the fastest evacuation

43. only if instructed by the cabin crew

44. only when leaving the airplane

45. for details

46. please, refer to the instruction card

47. posters on the doors and hatches

48. return your seatback to the upright position

49. has reached a safe altitude

50. lavatory compartments for business class passengers

51. we remind you

52. during the flight

53. strictly prohibited

54. a first-aid kit and plaids

55. we recommend you to keep your seatbelt fastened

56. while seated

57. submit remarks on our service

58. in the complaints book on board

59. on the website of UT-air airline

60. in a few minutes

61. for the convenience of the passengers

62. sitting behind you

63. has informed us

64. has entered a turbulence zone

65. we will resume our service as soon as possible

66. to speed up the passport control

67. you can complete immigration cards

68. including children

69. if you need help with completing the form

70. make sure your seatback is upright

71. until the "Fasten seatbelts" sign is turned off

72. check the pocket for your belongings

73. in the seatback in front of you

74. we will have a crew change and an aircraft change

75. we hope you have enjoyed the flight

76. we have not reached the parking stand yet

77. until we request you to disembark

78. you are strongly requested

79. not to forget anything on the airplane

80. be careful while coming down the boarding ramp

81. we are looking forward for seeing you again

82. a violation of the federal law

83. the restriction of tobacco smoking

84. according to the Administrative Code

85. it entails a penalty

86. charged at the landing airport

87. violation of order and rules on board

88. endangers the flight safety

89. reduces the level of comfort

90. results in additional stress

91. for that matter

92. has the right to render any possible assistance

93. to the law-enforcement authorities

94. in bringing the violators to responsibility

95. applying appropriate sanctions on them

96. to join our Frequent Flyer Program STATUS

97. you can earn award miles

98. paying with co-brand card

99. insurance companies

100. fill in an application form on the website of UT-air airline



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