B) Guess the names of these people.

1 Jakes twin brother Dom

2 Jake's great-uncle

3 Jake's best friend

4 Jake's colleague

5 Jake's aunt

6 Eric's wife


A) (R 6.2) Listen to Dom and Charlie talking at the wedding. Check your answers to 1b).


B) Listen again and fill in the gaps


Diana's best friend is Naomi. She's also the happiest person Dom knows. Her _________, Eric, is the most boring man Dom's ever _________ and Charlie thinks he's got the worst ________ ever. Dom's richest relative is his ________, Harriet. She's also got the biggest __________. The owner of the most popular _________ in town is Rupert. Patrick is Dom`s least favourite ________. He's _________ next birthday and his __________ is only 76!



A) Divide into groups of three

B) Make a list of movies about wedding (My best friend’s wedding, Wedding crashers, 27 dresses, etc) and compare your answers.

C) Give a short movie plot and guess the movie title.



Tasks for self-study


1. The vows
Here are the marriage vows a man says in Britain. Complete them using these words:
health death worse poorer
I (John Smith) take thee (Jane Brown) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for (1)....., for richer, for (2)....., in sickness and in (3)....., to love and to cherish, till (4)..... us do part.


The wedding

The following events describe a traditional wedding. Put them in the correct order:
a. Their friends throw confetti at them.
b. They cut the cake and make speeches
c. Her father walks down the aisle with her.
d. They leave for their honeymoon
e. They spend ages taking photographs!
f. The bride arrives at the church late
g. The couple make their wedding vows
h. They go to a hotel for the wedding reception.
i. The happy couple walk back up the aisle, man and wife!
The correct order is:........................................
In Britain people either have a church wedding or they have a civil ceremony in a registry office. They don't have both as in some countries. If people get married in church they usually have white wedding - the bride wears a traditional white dress.

Exercise 3

Combine sentences using Complex Subject.

A: I heard him. He answered the door-bell.
B: I heard him answer the door-bell.

1. He saw her. She burst into tears.

2. I haven’t heard him. He called my name.

3. The nurse watched the boy. The boy cried.

4. I felt his hand. His hand shook.

5. We saw a man. The man pulled the door open.

Exercise 4

Make up as many sentences as you can using the words and word-groups from each column of the substitution table. Pay attention that after verbs ' to see, to hear, to feel, to let, to make, etc...' the infinitive has no particle 'to'.

1) with the verb 'to see'

We He Everybody see(s) saw them a bricklayer my friend a boy the landlady move to a summer cottage. lay a brick house. enter a two-storey house. draw a skyscraper. speak to her lodger. pull down a house.


2) with the verb 'to hear'

I We He They hear(s) heard my friend them a guest the hostess our teacher ring the bell. praise my two-room flat. speak to the hostess. welcome her guests. tell his friend of the rest-home. read a play.


3) with the verb 'to feel'

The patient I He feel(s) felt the nurse mother the older sister her his friend the feather-bed smooth his pillow. tuck the blanket. dry his back with a bath towel. smooth his bedsheet. put a cushion. sink under his weight.


4) with the verb 'to want'

I She Our teacher want(s) wanted you him our house us this work to draw the blinds. to pull up the blinds. to spread the carpet on the floor. to face the park. to master English. to be done.


5) with the verb 'to make'

I Mother make(s) made her son him us go to bed. turn off the light. water the flowers. mend the bookshelf.


5) with the verb 'to let'

I She They let(s) let her son screw in a new bulb. unscrew a fused bulb. light a candle. plug in the iron. leave for London.


6) with the verb 'to expect'

I We Mother expect(s) expected you to air the room. to receive the guests in the setting room. to wait in the adjoining room. to follow her advice;


6) with the verb 'should like' / 'would like'

I should like you him George to help me. to have a good time. to arrange everything by the time I come back.



Exercise 5

Change the complex sentences into simple ones using complex objects.

A: I think that the flat is very cosy.
B: I think the flat to be very cosy.

1. I think that a shower is a most important convenience.

2. I think that our water supply is not good.

3. I saw that he pressed the bell.

4. I did not expect that they would come in time.

5. I watched how he spoke on the phone.

6. He heard that the telephone rang.

7. I saw that he took out his latch-key.

8. She believed that he had stolen her money to pay his debts.

9. He wants that this work will be done.

10. He wants that this work will have been done by Friday.

The end of the marriage and romance story above:

And Tess gets angry with Jane for giving Kevin information on her, as he is describing her as a bridezilla. Despite the fight, Tess asks Jane to make a slideshow for her engagement party. Jane finds George should be told the truth about Tess and runs pictures of Tess doing all the things she had denied doing before to George and he breaks off the engagement.

Later at work, Jane realizes she only worked at George's office because she was in love with him. And after a kiss, she finds out she no longer loves him, quits her job, and goes over to meet Kevin. One year later they are getting married and all 27 brides Jane helped, are her bridesmaids. They wear the dresses she wore as their bridesmaid.


Unit III


Complex Subject

Noun/Pronoun + Predicate + Infinitive

The combination of a noun in the common case (or a pronoun in the nominative case) and an infinitive forms a complex subject. The predicate which is usually expressed by a verb in the passive voice is placed between the noun and the infinitive.

Key examples:

• He is said to be a good teacher.

• The boy is known to have passed his exams well.

The predicate in sentences with a complex subject can be expressed by:
1. The same verbs that can be followed by a complex object (that is verbs of sense perception: to see, to hear…, verbs of mental activity: to know, to suppose…; verbs of inducement: to order, to cause, to allow…,). The verbs are used in the passive voice.

Patterns. Read and memorize!

1. He was supposed to bring this book from London. (Predicate is underlined.)

2. They are heard to have come from the South.

3. They were seen to go home together.

4. This article is expected to be published next month.

2. verbs of saying: to say, to report, to announce... in the passive voice.

Patterns. Read and memorize!

1. The building of the new hostel is reported to be over.

2. He was said to be writing a new play.

3. the verbs to seem, to appear, to prove, to happen, to turn out, to chance are followed by verbs in the active voice.

1. The telephone happened to be out of order.

2. The young man proved to know everybody.

3. The house seems to have been damaged by the earthquake.

4. compound predicate: to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain, to be bound.

1. They are likely to return on Sunday.

2. Their team is certain to win. / Their team is bound to win.

3. He is sure to miss this train.

4. This house is likely to have been built many centuries ago.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Не is said to know all about it. 2. He was said to have known the whole truth about it. 3. Juri Gagarin is known to be the first man in the world to travel into space on the 12th of April, 1961. 4. He is supposed to be a very good film actor. 5. He is believed to be innocent of the crime. 6. Innocent people were announced to have been murdered by terrorists. 7. The terrorist was announced to have been killed by his own bomb. 8. The exhibition of 19th century French painting is expected to open by the end of next week. 9. Monet’s painting is reported to be on exhibition until the end of the month. 10. The President of Russia was reported to speak to the nation on television tonight. 11. The American astronaut Neil Armstrong is known to be the first man to walk on the moon. 12. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 13. He is said to be a good translator. 14. Roberta was known to be an honest and hard-working girl. 15. Clyde was expected to arrive at the weekend.

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex object.

Example: People consider the climate there to be very healthy. = The climate there is considered to be very healthy.

1. People consider the climate there to be very healthy. 2. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 3. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier. 6. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 7. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 8. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 9. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 10. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 11. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 12. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.

Exercise3. Translate the sentences into English using Complex Subject.

1. Говорят, что это здание было построено в 15 веке.

2. Предполагают, что собрание закончится в 10 часов.

3. Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано.

4. Из трех сестер Бронте Шарлотта считается наиболее талантливой.

5. Как известно, английская писательница Войнич жила в течение нескольких лет в Петербурге и изучала русскую литературу.

6. Считают, что русская литература оказала влияние на ее творчество.

7. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги.

8. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в 15 веке.

9. Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа.

10. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.

11. Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать.

12. Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет.

13. Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языка мира.

14. Ожидают, что они выиграют этот матч.


Roles people play


1. a ) Make a list of all the roles you play in life.

I'm a mother, a boss, a sister...


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