Task for Individual work

Prepare report/ presentation on one of the state or national holidays in Kazakhstan


Module 2 Unit 9


Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech in statements

1 We use reported speech to report what someone has said without using their exact words.

When we change direct speech to reported speech, we often make the verb form go one tense back.

E.g. “Anar lives in Astana”, said Gulnar.

Gulnar said that Anar lived in Astana.

Tenses usually change like this: present >past;will>would;

past simple / present perfect> past perfect

Some modal verbs change, e.g. can>could, may>might,

must>had to. Other modal verbs stay the same,e.g. could, might, should,etc.


2. The pronouns often change.

“I am tired,” she said.

She said she was tired. (I----------He/She)

“We are upset,” they said.

They said they were upset. (We ------They)

“You are late,” he said.

He said he was late. (You------I)

3. Time expressions often change.

“I saw Tom yesterday. ”

He said he had seen Tom the day before.

here - there

this – that

these – those

now - then, at that moment

today – that day

yesterday - the day before/the previous day

a year ago – a year before

last night – the previous day

Indirect speech with and without tense changes.

There is no tense change if:

1. the reporting verb is in the present tense(e.g. says, asks).

“The train will be late.” He says the train will be late.

“I come from Spain.” She says she comes from Spain.

2. The reported speech is about something that is still true.

“Rain forests are being destroyed. ”

She told him that rain forests are being destroyed.

“ I hate football.”

I told him I hate football.


A) Somebody says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before. Write a suitable answer beginning I thought you said....

1. A: That restaurant is expensive.

B: is It? _I thought you said it was cheap._

2. A: Ann is coming to the party tonight.

B: Is she? I thought you said she ---

3. A: Ann likes Paul.

B: Does she? I thought ---

4. A: I know lots of people.

B: Do you? I thought you said you ---

5. A: I'll be here next week.


B: Will you? ---

6. A: I'm going out this evening.

B: Are you? ---

7. A: I can speak a little French.

B: Can you? ---

8. A: I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

B: Haven't you? ---

b) 1 Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Here are some of the things Charlie said to you:

1. I'm living in London now.

2. My father isn't very well.

3. Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.

4. Margaret has had a baby.

5. I don't know what Fred is doing.

6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.

7. I haven't seen Diane recently.

8. I'm not enjoying my job very much.

9. You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.

10. My car was stolen a few weeks ago.

11. I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it.

12. I'll tell Ann I saw you.

Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.

1. _Charlie said that he was living in London now._

2. He said that ---

3. He ---

4. ---

5. ---

6. ---

7. ---

8. ---

9. ---


10. ---

11. ---

12. ---



Pre reading task

Holiday Questionnaire


1. Which national holiday do you feel is unique to your own country?

2. What does the country celebrate on this holiday?

3. Name three traditions that are associated with this holiday.

4. Name three activities that people in your country do on this holiday.


Thanksgiving is a very American holiday. It is also called Thanksgiving Day. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year. It used to be a religious holiday to give thanks to God. There are two versions of the origins of this holiday. One is thanks for the early settlers arriving in America safely. On December the 4th, 1619, a group of English pioneers arrived at a place called Berkeley Hundred, in Virginia. The group made a promise that the day of their arrival should be a "day of thanksgiving" to God. The second version is the thanks given to Native Americans for teaching the pilgrims how to catch eels and grow corn in Plymouth, Massachusetts. In 1941, President Roosevelt made Thanksgiving a federal holiday.

The main event of any Thanksgiving is the Thanksgiving dinner. It is traditional to have baked or roasted turkey. This is usually accompanied with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, fall vegetables, cranberry sauce, and gravy. Pumpkin pie is the most commonly eaten dessert. The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is one of the busiest times of the year for traveling. It is a four-day or five-day weekend vacation for most schools and colleges, and many businesses and government workers get three or four days off. Thanksgiving is also the unofficial signal for Christmas preparations to begin. Once Thanksgiving finishes, stores fill their shelves with Christmas goods. It is also a bad time to be a turkey.

Post reading task



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