Ex.3.Guess the meaning of the words and word combinations in italics and translate the whole sentence.

1.They travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. 2.It is always interesting to discover new things, to see different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. 3. City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or on the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun. 4.People who wish to travel either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal various means of transport. 5. It is better to book tickets in advance. 6.On the appointed day you go to airport by car. 7.Soon you’ll be boarding the big airliner and it will carry you to new lands. 8.Some of the passengers are already reclining in comfortable armchairs. 9. Presently we take off and in a few minutes the pilot informs us of the altitude. 10. Our plane is due to arrive in eight hours. 11.When the day of your departure comes, you go to the railway station, which is usually closer to your home than the airport. 12. The porter helps you with your luggage. 13. On board of a large cruise ship people traverse oceans and visit other countries. 14.The ship stops for a day or two in different ports and people go ashore on excursions.15. Crossing the ocean is a magnificent and very long voyage, with enormous waves before you and a 4-deck liner under you.


Topical Vocabulary.


1.to overcome преодолеть

2.twinkling мгновение

3.travelling путешествие

4.trip путешествие, поездка (короткая)

5.voyage путешествие (по морю,воздуху)

6.journey путешествие, поездка (длительная)

7.cruise морской круиз

8.hiking пешеходный поход

9.to go on business отправиться по делу (в командировку)

10.at one’s disposal в чьем-либо распоряжении

11.in advance заранее

12.to board (a plane, a ship, a train) сесть на (самолет, корабль,поезд)

13.crew команда

14.departure отправление

15.cockpit кабина в самолете

16.to traverse пересекать

17.stewardess cтюардесса

18..arrival прибытие

19.altitude высота над уровнем моря

20.advantage преимущество

21.porter носильщик

22.luggage багаж

23.carriage вагон

24.berth полка

25.compartment купе

26.cheap дешевый

24.expensive дорогой



Role-play #1

Student A: You want to take your wife/husband on a trip this weekend. First, decide where you want to go. Then, phone your travel agent to reserve a plane ticket and hotel. Also, ask for recommendations of things to do there.
Student B: You are a travel agent. Student A will soon phone you. Try to sell him/her one of the below travel packages. (He/she will tell you the destination.)   Option 1: round-trip, first class, $950. Hotel: Hilton, $250/night, ***** Option 2: round-trip, economy class, $310. Hotel: Doug’s Inn, $99/night, ***

Role-play #2

Student A: You have just arrived at your hotel. Go to reception. Tell them you: 1) you have a reservation, 2) you want breakfast in the morning, and 3) you need to be woken up at 7am.
Student B: You are a hotel receptionist. Welcome the guest to your hotel. Kindly tell him/her that there is a problem: you cannot find his/her reservation because of a computer system problem.

Discussion Questions

1) Problems: What problems do tourists commonly have? What problems have you had when traveling?

2) Airlines: Which do you prefer and which do you avoid?

3) Nationalities: who are the best and worst tourists?

4) What is the stereotype of people from your country?

5) Cuisine: What unusual things have you eaten abroad?





Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday using vocabulary.Include this information.

Where you are staying

What the weather is like

What you have done

Your general opinion


Tasks for self-study

Read the text and answer the questions below the text.


The Holiday.


One evening, Jillian came home with the information that their friends, Liz and Peter Smith, had brought a holiday cottage in the country. And that, somehow, made them start thinking s seriously about their own summer holidays.

So they sat down to discuss it. Jillian thought she would like to go Italy and Martin suggested that Spain might be a good idea. Then Jillian remembered seeing some advertisements for Sweden and Martin wondered whether Yugoslavia was a possibility. Finally, without deciding where to go, they realized that it would be wise to think about the cost of going abroad.

“Well, the first thing is to make a decision about the car.” – Jill said. “ If we don’t take it we shall have to stay in one place.”

“And if we decided to take it,” Marten answered,” we shall have to use a car ferry, either ship or plane. “A long discussion followed after which Martin had written down:

Sea ferry - cheapest - slowest - least comfortable

Air ferry - more expensive – faster - more comfortable

Fly all the way - most expensive - fastest - most comfortable

“We had better take the car ”,he said, “because we simply can’t afford to fly all the way. But if we fly across the Channel with the car, we shan’t be able to afford to stay in a hotel.” Was it his imagination, he wondered,or was Jill looking disappointed?

But then she suddenly put forward a new suggestion: “If we flew all the way,” she said thoughtfully,” we couldn’t pay the hotel bills. If we flew with the car across the Channel, we still shouldn’t be able to stay in a hotel. But if we bought a tent, we should be able to use air ferry- and we have a camping holiday. Perhaps we should be able to go to several countries, instead of one. ” It seemed the perfect answer to the problem and neither of them could find any objections to the idea. So having both arranged to have three weeks’ holiday from 1st of August, they went along to a sports shop, and after carefully examining five different tents, decided which one would be most suitable and brought it home.

Then everything began to happen at once. Martin found that he couldn’t get tickets for the air ferry during the first week in August. But, worse still, the car started making peculiar noises, and the mechanic at Martin’s usual garage said that if he took it abroad, he would be asking for trouble. That evening Peter and Liz Smith came round full excitement because they were going to Italy with some money Peter’s aunt sent him, and they had been lucky enough to get the last two air ferry tickets for the first week in August.

“We’re very pleased for you,” Martin said weakly, then Jillian began a long explanation of their own problems. ”But that’s easy,” Peter exclaimed. ”Have our cottage. Your car’s good enough to take you there and we shan’t be needing the place because we shall be away. Now, don’t think any more about it, the cottage is yours for the first three weeks in August.”

Topical vocabulary

1. advertisement реклама

2.imagination воображение

3.to disappoint разочароваться

4.suggestion предложение

5.to wonder интересоваться

6.tent палатка

7.to happen случаться

8.excitement волнение

9.to exclaim восклицать

10.enough достаточно

11.wise мудрый


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