I. Grammar . the degrees of comparison

I. Reading

Match the English text and Russian translation.


ROBOTS IN MANUFACTURING» 1) Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of robots can be divided into three categories:   1. material handling 2. processing operations 3. assembly and inspection.   2) Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another.     3) Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts in an arrangement that can be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and unloading operations utilize a robot to load and unload parts.   4) This requires the robot to be equipped with a grip-per that can grasp parts. In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part.     5) Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. РОБОТЫна ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ» A) Сегодня большинство роботов используются в производственных операциях. Применение роботов можно разделить на три категории: 1. транспортировка материалов 2. операции обработки 3. сборка и проверка.   B) Другие операции переноса являются более сложными, например размещение деталей в расположении, которое может быть рассчитано роботом. Машинная операция погрузки и разгрузки использует робота для того чтобы загрузить и разгрузить детали.   C) Это требует, что робот был оборудован с сжатием, которое может схватить части. В операциях обработки роботом, робот манипулирует инструментом для выполнения процесса работы.     D) Примеры таких применений включают заварку пятна, непрерывную дуговую сварку и картину брызг. Точечная сварка автомобильных кузовов- одно из самых распространенных применений промышленных роботов.   E) Передача материала и погрузочно-разгрузочная работа позволяет загружать и разгружать машины. Передвижение материала требует, что робот двигал материалы или рабочие части от одного к другим. Многие из этих задач относительно просты: роботы собирают детали с одного конвейера и размещают их на другой.  


II. Read the text

I. Translate the text orally.


An electroscope is a sensitive instrument for detecting small electric charges. It consists of a glass-jar closed with a stopper of insulting material in which is fitted a varnished glass-tube. A rod passes through the tube. At the top of the rod there is a metal ball or disc at the bottom of the rod two pieces of gold leaf are suspended. When is charge is brought near the electroscope, a charge of opposite sign is induced on the metal ball, and a charge of the same sign appears on the two of the gold leaves. Since, the two pieces of gold leaf now have charges of like sign they repel each other.
As an example a negatively charged glass rod is brought to the electroscope. A positive charge is induced on the ball and a negative charge appears on the two pieces of gold leaf.
The polarity of a charge may be determined by means of an electroscope. We charge the electroscope negatively by touching the ball with the rod of hard rubber which is rubbed with flannel or silk. If the unknown charge is brought to the electroscope it will induce on the ball a charge of opposite polarity and on the gold leaves a charge of the same polarity as that of the unknown charge. Therefore, if the unknown charge is negative, the gold leaves will repel each other; if it is positive, they will attract.


II. Translate the text writing.
ЭЛЕКТРОСКОП, прибор для обнаружения электрического заряда. Наиболее распространен электроскоп с золотыми листочками, в котором две золотые пластинки, прикрепленные к проводнику, помещены в изолированный корпус. Если к стержню проводника подвести электрический заряд, пластинки разойдутся, и степень расхождения указывает на величину заряда.


III. Speaking.

Imagine, you are the boss of the Robot company. You must design a new robot.




Robot’s name



Three major functions

I. Grammar. the degrees of comparison

This book is (the most interesting, interestingest) of all I have read this year.

2. My sister speaks English (badder, worse) than I do.

3. Which is (the hottest, hotter) month of the year?

4. Which is (the beautifulest, the most beautiful) place in this part of the country.

5. A train is (faster, the fastest) than a bus.

6. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nicer, nice). They are (nicer, nice) than the sweets in that box.

7. (Tall, the tallest) trees in the world grow in California.

8. This girl is (the goodest, the best) student in our group.

9. Spanish is (the easiest, easier) than German.

10. The Thames is (short, shorter) than the Volga.



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