II. Read the text.


The Russian Federation stretches across two continents, from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. The tremendous area and population of the country determine the necessity for a widely developed transport system including all modes of transportation.

At the beginning of the 19th century the first minister of Railway Transport of Russia P.P.Melnikov said: "The railroads are necessary for Russia. They were created for Russia more than for any other European country. The climate and its expanse make them especially precious for our Fatherland".

The railway was created due to the demand of the developing industry, trade, technological, technical and scientific advances. The principle advantages of railways in comparison with other types of transport are obvious: the possibility to carry various cargoes and passengers over any distance, speed and guaranteed time of its delivery to the destination, independence of weather conditions and seasons, low transport costs and possibility to use this type of transport by the majority of the population.

At present time structurally the network of Russian railways incorporates 17 railways. Railways of Russia carry more than 80 per cent of the total freight traffic and more than 40 per cent of the passenger traffic. The operating length of Russian railways is about 90 thousand kilometers, of which more than 37 thousand kilometers are double or multi track, about 63 thousand kilometers are CTC and signaling equipped. The length of electrified routes is more than 46 thousand kilometers.

In terms of length of electrified railways Russian railway
transport occupies the leading position in the world, in terms of total length of tracks - the second place (after the USA), in terms of freight
transportation - the third (after China and the USA).

The Russian railway locomotive fleet (in service) consists of about 20 thousand units, car fleet (in service): freight – near 625 thousand units, long distance and short range passenger – about 40 thousand units. Russian railways presently employ more than 1.2 million workers. The Company’s rolling stock consists of: 19,900 freight and passenger locomotives, 623,000 freight wagons, 24,100 long-distance passenger carriages, 15,600 short-range passenger carriages.


The Russian railway system is being modernized, especially communication facilities and information. The total length of fiber-optic communication lines amounted to 20 thousand kilometers.

Some programs are of high priority for the railway industry:

1. Creation and modernization of passenger and freight rolling stock;

2. Development and renovation of railway signaling and traction power supply facilities;

3. Construction of digital operational communication networks and microwave communication links;

4. Replacement of permanent way constructions and renovation of track structures;

5. Mechanization and automation of track maintenance procedures.

III. Translate the international words:

Transportation; total; passenger; role; functioning; industrial; complex; chemical; mineral; operating; track; signaling; electrified; million; social; economic; situation; production; operational; service; productivity; locomotive.


IV. Translate the following word combinations:

Mode of transportation; tremendous area; widely developed transport system; total freight traffic; operating length; electrified routes; locomotive fleet; communication facilities; passenger rolling stock; traction power supply facilities; digital operational communication network; microwave communication links; permanent way construction; track maintenance procedure.

V. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

Very large (a); need (n); means of transportation; main transportation mode; transport (v); supply (v); road (n); in operation; connection (n); goods (n); number (v).

VI. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. Railways of Russia are...

2. The transport system includes...

3. The operating length of railways is...

4. Most railways are...equipped.

5. Railways employ…

6. Presently... are especially modernized.

VII. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Большая территория нашей страны обуславливает необходимость развития транспортной системы.

2. Железные дороги осуществляют как пассажирские, так и грузовые перевозки.

3. Большая часть железных дорог оборудована современными средствами связи.

4. Общая длина электрифицированных линий составляет около 45 000 км.

5. В настоящее время ведётся создание цифровых и микроволновых линий связи.

6. Текущее содержание пути является одной из главных задач железнодорожной отрасли.



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