Окно 1 «Курсовая работа»



На нем расположены несколько кнопок: редактирование базы данных, создание отчета, диаграмма успеваемости группы, диаграмма успеваемости студента, выход. А также сведения об авторах.

При нажатии кнопки «Редактирование базы данных» появляется диалоговое окно:

Окно 2 «Редактирование базы данных»



С помощью этого окна можно изменять список студентов, их успеваемость по конкретному предмету, добавлять новые записи, удалять, а также просматривать уже имеющуюся информацию.

При нажатии на кнопку «<<», мы переходим в начало списка.

При нажатии на кнопку «<», мы переходим к предыдущему элементу списка.

При нажатии на кнопку «>», мы переходим к следующему элементу списка.

При нажатии на кнопку «>>», мы очищаем поля для создания новой записи.

При нажатии на кнопку «Добавить», происходит добавление новой записи.

При нажатии на кнопку «Удалить», происходит удаление выделенной записи.

При нажатии на кнопку «Закрыть», происходит закрытие данного окна.

Из списка предметов с помощью мышки, мы выбираем предмет, с помощью линейки прокрутки можно изменять оценки студентов.

При нажатии кнопки «Создание отчета», появляется следующее диалоговое окно:

Окно 3 «Отчет»



Данное окно используется для создания отчета по успеваемости студента или группы студентов.

Кнопки «>>» и «<<» добавляют и удаляют студентов из списка для создания отчёта:




Кнопка «Очистить» - очищает поле списка студентов.

Кнопки «Вверх» и «Вниз» - позволяют перемещать студентов по списку.

При нажатии на кнопку «Создать» - появляется отчет по введенным параметрам:



При нажатии кнопки «Закрыть» - данное окно закрывается.

При нажатии на кнопку «Диаграмма успеваемости группы» появляется диалоговое окно:

Окно 4 «Диаграмма успеваемости группы»:



В поле «Группа» выбираем нужную из списка, в поле «Предмет» выбираем предмет и выбираем курсором 1-ый или 2-ой семестр. Нажимаем на кнопку «Создать». Появляется окно:




Кнопка «Закрыть» - для выхода.

При нажатии на кнопку «Диаграмма успеваемости студента» появляется окно:

Окно 5 «Диаграмма успеваемости студента»:



Выбираем группу, студента и семестр и создаем диаграмму по заданным параметрам:




Кнопка «Закрыть» - для выхода из окна.

При нажатии кнопки «Выход» в окне «Курсовая работа» осуществляется выход из программы.



Форма «MainForm»:

Private Sub DiaGroup_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub DiaStudent_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Edit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Quit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Click()


End Sub

Форма «ReportForm»:

Dim Cursor As Integer

Private Sub Add_Click()

For i = 0 To Queue.ListCount - 1

If Queue.List(i) = Group.Value + " - " + Student.Value Then

MsgBox "Такой элемент уже есть в очереди!"

Exit Sub

End If

Next i

Queue.AddItem Group.Value + " - " + Student.Value

End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Clear_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Create_Click()

Dim StudentVal As String

Dim GroupVal As String

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim Value As String

Dim Row As Integer

Row = 2

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

With ActiveSheet


.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 26

.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20

.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20

For i = 0 To Queue.ListCount - 1

GroupVal = Split(Queue.List(i), " - ")(0)

StudentVal = Split(Queue.List(i), " - ")(1)

j = 2


Value = Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

If Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 1) = GroupVal And Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 2) + " " + Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 3) + " " + Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 4) = StudentVal Then

.Cells(Row, 1).Value = "Группа"

.Cells(Row, 2).Value = GroupVal

Range(.Cells(Row, 2),.Cells(Row, 3)).MergeCells = True

.Cells(Row + 1, 1).Value = "Студент"

.Cells(Row + 1, 2).Value = StudentVal

Range(.Cells(Row + 1, 2),.Cells(Row + 1, 3)).MergeCells = True

Range(.Cells(Row, 2),.Cells(Row + 1, 2)).Select

With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 36

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With

.Cells(Row + 2, 1).Value = "Оценки по предметам"

.Cells(Row + 2, 2).Value = "1-ый семестр"

.Cells(Row + 2, 3).Value = "2-ой семестр"

Range(.Cells(Row + 2, 2),.Cells(Row + 2, 3)).Select

With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.Interior.ColorIndex = 37

.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid

End With

For k = 0 To 8

.Cells(Row + 3 + k, 1).Value = Worksheets("Storage").Cells(1, k + 5).Value

.Cells(Row + 3 + k, 2).Value = Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, k + 5).Value, ":")(0)

.Cells(Row + 3 + k, 3).Value = Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, k + 5).Value, ":")(1)

Next k

Range(.Cells(Row + 3, 2),.Cells(Row + 2 + k, 3)).Select

With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.Interior.ColorIndex = 35

.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid

End With

Range(.Cells(Row, 1),.Cells(Row + 2 + k, 1)).Select

With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 40

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With

Range(.Cells(Row, 1),.Cells(Row + 2 + k, 3)).Select

Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone

Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

Row = Row + k + 5

End If

End If

j = j + 1

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

Next i

End With

End Sub

Private Sub Down_Click()

Dim Index As Integer

Dim Value As String

Index = Queue.ListIndex

If Index <> Queue.ListCount - 1 And Index <> - 1 Then

Value = Queue.Value

Queue.RemoveItem (Index)

Queue.AddItem Value, Index + 1

Queue.ListIndex = Index + 1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Group_Change()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

i = 2


With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)


Value =.Cells(i, 1).Value

If Value = Group.Value Then

Student.AddItem.Cells(i, 2).Value + " " +.Cells(i, 3).Value + " " +.Cells(i, 4).Value

End If

i = i + 1

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

Student.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Remove_Click()

If Not (Queue.ListCount = 0 Or Queue.ListIndex = - 1) Then

Queue.RemoveItem Queue.ListIndex

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Up_Click()

Dim Index As Integer

Dim Value As String

Index = Queue.ListIndex

If Index > 0 Then

Value = Queue.Value

Queue.RemoveItem Index

Queue.AddItem Value, Index - 1

Queue.ListIndex = Index - 1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

i = 2

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)


Value =.Cells(i, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

For j = 0 To Group.ListCount - 1

If Group.List(j) = Value Then Exit For

Next j

If j = Group.ListCount Then Group.AddItem Value

i = i + 1

End If

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

Group.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

Форма «DataForm»:

Dim Cursor As Integer

Dim Count As Integer

Dim ObjectList() As Integer

Private Sub AutumnCtrl_Change()

Autumn.Value = AutumnCtrl.Value

ObjectList(Objects.ListIndex, 0) = Autumn.Value

End Sub

Private Sub Backward_Click()

If Cursor - 1 >= 0 Then

Cursor = Cursor - 1

LoadObject (Cursor)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Begin_Click()

Cursor = 0

LoadObject (Cursor)

End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Delete_Click()

If Cursor <> Count Then

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage").Rows(Cursor + 2).Delete Shift:=xlUp

If Cursor = Count - 1 Then Cursor = Cursor - 1

Count = Count - 1

LoadObject (Cursor)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Forward_Click()

If Cursor + 1 <= Count Then

If Cursor + 1 = Count Then


Exit Sub

End If

Cursor = Cursor + 1

LoadObject (Cursor)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub NewItem_Click()

Cursor = Count


ItemCount.Caption = "Новый элемент"

End Sub

Private Sub Objects_Change()

Autumn.Value = ObjectList(Objects.ListIndex, 0)

Spring.Value = ObjectList(Objects.ListIndex, 1)

AutumnCtrl.Value = Autumn.Value

SpringCtrl.Value = Spring.Value

End Sub

Private Sub SpringCtrl_Change()

Spring.Value = SpringCtrl.Value

ObjectList(Objects.ListIndex, 1) = Spring.Value

End Sub

Private Sub Update_Click()

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage")

If (Len(Group.Value) = 0) Then

MsgBox "Необходимо ввести номер группы!"

Exit Sub

End If

If (Len(Last.Value) = 0) Then

MsgBox "Необходимо ввести фамилию студента!"

Exit Sub

End If

If (Len(First.Value) = 0) Then

MsgBox "Необходимо ввести имя студента!"

Exit Sub

End If

If (Len(Middle.Value) = 0) Then

MsgBox "Необходимо ввести отчество студента!"

Exit Sub

End If

.Cells(Cursor + 2, 1) = Group.Value

.Cells(Cursor + 2, 2) = Last.Value

.Cells(Cursor + 2, 3) = First.Value

.Cells(Cursor + 2, 4) = Middle.Value

For i = 0 To Objects.ListCount - 1

.Cells(Cursor + 2, i + 5) = Trim(Str(ObjectList(i, 0))) + ":" + Trim(Str(ObjectList(i, 1)))

Next i

End With

If Cursor = Count Then

Count = Count + 1

ItemCount.Caption = "Элемент " + Str(Cursor + 1) + " из " + Str(Count)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

Cursor = 0

i = 5

Count = GetListCount()

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage")


Value =.Cells(1, i).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

For j = 0 To Objects.ListCount - 1

If Objects.List(j) = Value Then Exit For

Next j

If j = Objects.ListCount Then Objects.AddItem Value

i = i + 1

End If

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

ReDim ObjectList(Objects.ListCount - 1, 1)

LoadObject (Cursor)

End Sub

Private Sub LoadObject(Index As Integer)

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage")

Group.Value =.Cells(Cursor + 2, 1)

Last.Value =.Cells(Cursor + 2, 2)

First.Value =.Cells(Cursor + 2, 3)

Middle.Value =.Cells(Cursor + 2, 4)

For i = 0 To Objects.ListCount - 1

ObjectList(i, 0) = Split(.Cells(Cursor + 2, i + 5), ":")(0)

ObjectList(i, 1) = Split(.Cells(Cursor + 2, i + 5), ":")(1)

Next i

If Objects.ListIndex = 0 Then Call Objects_Change

Objects.ListIndex = 0

ItemCount.Caption = "Элемент " + Str(Cursor + 1) + " из " + Str(Count)

End With

End Sub

Private Function GetListCount() As Integer

Dim i As Integer

GetListCount = 0

While Len(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Storage").Cells(GetListCount + 2, 1).Value) <> 0

GetListCount = GetListCount + 1


End Function

Private Sub ClearObject()

Group.Value = ""

First.Value = ""

Last.Value = ""

Middle.Value = ""

For i = 0 To Objects.ListCount - 1

ObjectList(i, 0) = 2

ObjectList(i, 1) = 2

Next i

Autumn.Value = ""

Spring.Value = ""

Call Objects_Change

End Sub

Форма «DiaGroupForm»:

Private Sub Autumn_Click()

Autumn.Value = True

Spring.Value = False

End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Create_Click()

Dim j As Integer

Dim Stat(3) As Integer

Dim Index As Integer

Dim Count As Integer

Dim ChartObj As ChartObject

j = 2

Index = 0

For i = 0 To 3

Stat(i) = 0

Next i

If Autumn.Value = True Then Index = 0 Else Index = 1

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

With ActiveSheet



Value = Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

If Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 1).Value = Group.Value Then

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, Object.ListIndex + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "5" Then Stat(0) = Stat(0) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, Object.ListIndex + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "4" Then Stat(1) = Stat(1) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, Object.ListIndex + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "3" Then Stat(2) = Stat(2) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, Object.ListIndex + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "2" Then Stat(3) = Stat(3) + 1

End If

End If

j = j + 1

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Диаграмма успеваемости группы " + Group.Value

.Cells(2, 1).Value = "по предмету " + Object.Value

.Cells(3, 1).Value = "за " + Str(Index + 1) + "-й семестр"

For i = 0 To 3

.Cells(i + 4, 1).Value = "Оценка " + Str(5 - i)

.Cells(i + 4, 2).Value = Str(Stat(i))

Next i

Set ChartObj =.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, 400, 400)

ChartObj.Chart.ChartType = xlPie

ChartObj.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add Source:=Range(.Cells(4, 2),.Cells(7, 2))

ChartObj.Chart.SeriesCollection.Item(1).XValues = Range(.Cells(4, 1),.Cells(7, 1))

ChartObj.Chart.HasLegend = True

ChartObj.Chart.Legend.Position = xlBottom

ChartObj.Chart.HasTitle = True

ChartObj.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Диаграмма успеваемости группы " + Group.Value + Chr(10) + "по предмету " + Object.Value + Chr(10) + "за " + Str(Index + 1) + "-й семестр"

End With

End Sub


Private Sub Spring_Click()

Spring.Value = True

Autumn.Value = False

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

i = 2

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)


Value =.Cells(i, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

For j = 0 To Group.ListCount - 1

If Group.List(j) = Value Then Exit For

Next j

If j = Group.ListCount Then Group.AddItem Value

i = i + 1

End If

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

Group.ListIndex = 0

For j = 0 To 8

Object.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage").Cells(1, j + 5).Value

Next j

Object.ListIndex = 0

Autumn.Value = True

End Sub

Форма «DiaStudentForm»:

Private Sub Autumn_Click()

Autumn.Value = True

Spring.Value = False

End Sub


Private Sub Cancel_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Create_Click()

Dim j As Integer

Dim Stat(3) As Integer

Dim Index As Integer

Dim Count As Integer

Dim ChartObj As ChartObject

j = 2

Index = 0

For i = 0 To 3

Stat(i) = 0

Next i

If Autumn.Value = True Then Index = 0 Else Index = 1

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

With ActiveSheet



Value = Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

If Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 2).Value + " " + Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 3).Value + " " + Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, 4).Value = Student.Value Then Exit Do

End If

j = j + 1

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

For i = 0 To 8

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, i + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "5" Then Stat(0) = Stat(0) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, i + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "4" Then Stat(1) = Stat(1) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, i + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "3" Then Stat(2) = Stat(2) + 1

If Split(Worksheets("Storage").Cells(j, i + 5).Value, ":")(Index) = "2" Then Stat(3) = Stat(3) + 1

Next i

.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Диаграмма успеваемости студента: "

.Cells(2, 1).Value = Student.Value

.Cells(3, 1).Value = Str(Index + 1) + "-й семестр"

For i = 0 To 3

.Cells(i + 4, 1).Value = "Оценка " + Str(5 - i)

.Cells(i + 4, 2).Value = Str(Stat(i))

Next i

Set ChartObj =.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, 400, 400)

ChartObj.Chart.ChartType = xlPie

ChartObj.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add Source:=Range(.Cells(4, 2),.Cells(7, 2))

ChartObj.Chart.SeriesCollection.Item(1).XValues = Range(.Cells(4, 1),.Cells(7, 1))

ChartObj.Chart.HasLegend = True

ChartObj.Chart.Legend.Position = xlBottom

ChartObj.Chart.HasTitle = True

ChartObj.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Диаграмма успеваемости студента" + Chr(10) + Student.Value + Chr(10) + Str(Index + 1) + "-й семестр"

End With

End Sub

Private Sub Group_Change()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

i = 2


With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage")


Value =.Cells(i, 1).Value

If Value = Group.Value Then

Student.AddItem.Cells(i, 2).Value + " " +.Cells(i, 3).Value + " " +.Cells(i, 4).Value

End If

i = i + 1

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

Student.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Spring_Click()

Spring.Value = True

Autumn.Value = False

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim i As Integer

Dim Value As String

i = 2

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Storage")


Value =.Cells(i, 1).Value

If Len(Value) > 0 Then

For j = 0 To Group.ListCount - 1

If Group.List(j) = Value Then Exit For

Next j

If j = Group.ListCount Then Group.AddItem Value

i = i + 1

End If

Loop Until Len(Value) = 0

End With

Group.ListIndex = 0

Autumn.Value = True

End Sub


Модуль Main:

Public Sub QDialog1()


End Sub

Модуль Module 1:

Sub Macro1()

'' Macro1 Macro

' Macro recorded 25.12.2006 by Zeon

'Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 33.29

Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 17.14

Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 16.57

End Sub

Модуль Module 2:

Sub Macro2()

'' Macro2 Macro

' Macro recorded 25.12.2006 by Zeon


With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom

.WrapText = False

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

.MergeCells = False

End With



With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom

.WrapText = False

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

.MergeCells = False

End With



With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom

.WrapText = False

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

.MergeCells = False

End With


Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone

Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With


With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom

.WrapText = False

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

End With


With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 36

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With


With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 35

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With


With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 37

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With


With Selection.Interior

.ColorIndex = 40

.Pattern = xlSolid

End With

End Sub


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