J name
J surname
J maiden name
J to introduce
J age
J at the age of (10)
J was / were born
J to be (10) years old
J to like (to verb)
J to graduate
J to be fond of (music)
J to go in for (sports)
J live
J married / unmarried
1. Say in English!
Мое имя, твоя фамилия, ее девичья фамилия, представить себя, представить друга, прекрасный возраст, красивая фамилия, полное имя, в возрасте 18 лет, родиться в деревне, жить в городе, жить в столице, заканчивать школу, заканчивать в этом году, заканчивать университет, заниматься спортом, любить чтение, любить смотреть ТВ, любить рисовать, увлекаться музыкой, увлекаться историей, древняя фамилия.
Grammatik. Present Simple
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I work You work He works She works It works We work You work They work | Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? | I do not work You do not work He does not work She does not work It does not work We do not work You do not work They do not work |
3. Write the correct form of the verb!
Robert is a very ordinary boy. He (live) with his mother and father in a perfectly ordinary house in an ordinary street which (be) opposite the park. Every morning his father (put) on his hat, (pick) up his umbrella from the hall, and (go) off to work. His mother (put) on an apron, (get) out the vacuum cleaner and (do) the housework. And Robert (put) on his suit, (pick) up his lunchbox and (go) off to school.
In the afternoon when he (get) home, his mother (open) the door and (say): “Hullo, dear. Did you have a nice day?” Then they (have) tea and sometimes (go) shopping together and later, when his father (come) back from work, they all (have) supper and (talk) a bit, and then Robert (go) to bed. Robert (like) his life exactly the way it (be).
But one day when he (return) home from school, his father (open) the door and (say): “You (be) home early today, Robert.” “I (be) always on time, Dad,” (say) Robert. “You (be) the one that (be) early.”
Today (be) a very important day,” (explain) his father. “It`s day one. Our life (be) very boring. From today things (be) going to be different. I have an idea. It (be) an absolutely original idea. We (be) going to move out of our house and (live) in a tree house in the park close to nature.” “But there (be) not a tree house in the park,” (cry) Robert, “So we shall build one,” (answer) George. Robert (feel) very, very unhappy, as he (not want) to leave his comfortable house, his Lego, his model planes, some books and his Action Man. But his parents (be) happy with the new prospect and (not want) to listen to their son who (think) that his Dad and Mon (be) just two crazy people.
Grammatik. Question words.
What? | что? | What will it be? |
кто? | What are you? | |
какой? | What films does Molly like? | |
When? | когда? | When are you going to start? |
Why? | почему? | Why you are so pale? |
Where? | где? | Where are the pistols? |
куда? | Where shall we go? | |
откуда? | Where is Greg from? | |
Who? | кто? | Who is the third one? |
Whom? | кого? кем? кому? (часто с предл.) | Whom was Greg reassuring? By whom was this done? |
Whose? | чей? | Whose bag is this? |
How? | как? | How could you do that? |
Which? | который? | Which do you like – green or black? |
What kind? | какого рода? | |
What type? | какого типа? | |
What sort? | какого сорта? | |
What time? | когда? | |
What … for? | для чего? | |
What … like? | какой? | |
What color? | какого цвета? | |
How much? | сколько?(неисчисляемые) | |
How many? | сколько?(исчисляемые) | |
How old? | сколько лет? | |
How far? | как далеко? | |
How long? | как долго? | |
How long time? | сколько времени? | |
How often? | как часто? |
5. Translate into English!
1. Мой друг родился и живет сейчас в столице Великобритании. 2. Наши дети увлекаются компьютерными играми. 3. Ее сын занимается спортом, любит читать приключенческие рассказы. 4. Позвольте представиться, меня зовут Екатерина Кузнецова (девичья фамилия Иванова), мне 25 лет. 5. Где ты проживаешь со своей семьей? 6. Почему родители не любят читать детям книги? 7. Кто родился в Северодвинске? 8. Чем ты занимаешься в свободное время? 9. В России дети идут в школу в возрасте 7 лет. 10. Когда родился ее отец? 11. Ты любишь больше читать или рисовать? 12. Наша дочь увлекается танцами, не так ли?
6. Please, introduce yourself. The questions below will certainly help you:
1) What is your name?
2) Where and when were you born?
3) How old are you?
4) Have you got a family?
5) How many people are there in your family?
6) Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?
7) Where do you live?
8) Did you study well at school?
9) What school did you finish?
10) What was your favorite subject?
11) What do you like to read?
12) What sport do you go in for?
13) What are you going to be?
14) Do you still live with your parents?
15) Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend / wife / husband?
7. Introduce your desk mate to the group!
8. Read and translate this text!
Let me introduce myself
Hello, friends. Let me introduce myself. You know how difficult it is to tell much in a very short time. But I`ll try hard so you`ll have some idea who I am.
My name is Katya. My surname or last name is Ivashenko. I was born on the 13th of October in Sochi. This is the nicest city in Russian Federation situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-year student at the Faculty of Psychology of the Rostov State University.
Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I love reading, theatre and classical music. My favorite composer is Tchaikovsky. I don`t like ballet too much. But I like theatre and I am a theatre-goer. I spend much if not all of my money an theatres and books.
I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father`s name is Leonid Borisovich. He is a professor of biology. My mother`s name is Natalya Yakovlevna. She works in a research institute and she is historian. My parents are very educated people but simple and easy to be with. We are great friends with my parents and I can discuss everything with them.
My younger sister is still a pupil. Her name is Tanya and she is in the 7th form. But she is so tall that you can think that she is a school graduate. She is very strong too. That is because she plays basketball. She doesn`t like to study much and we argue sometimes about it. But we are good friends with my sister.
My grandmother, my mother`s mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.
We also have a dog – poodle Van`ka and a cat Musya. They fight sometimes, but usually they are friends and miss each other.
Our family is very friendly, we have many friends and relatives.
In May I have finished school № 5. I did well in all the subjects but my favorite subjects at school were Biology and English. I also enjoyed lessons of Mathematics. Quite unusual for a girl, don’t` you think? My father always wanted me to be a biologist, like him. But I wanted to work with people, not with animals. I want to understand myself better too. Also, I think that psychology is a fast developing science and I will always have an interesting job.
As you see, my biography isn`t very long yet. But we`ll meet again and I`ll tell you more about myself. See you later…
9. Write the questions to the text “Let me introduce myself” (5-7)!
10. Tell about the persons on the pictures!
A | B | C | D |
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